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Names Brent Gackstetter, Margaret Kim, Shenny Nguyen Subject Chemistry
Unit Name and Unit Name: Combustion (Leave this
Week (Leave this blank for
Driving Unit Driving Question: How can we effectively blank for EDSC to
of EDSC 442C)
Question prepare our forests for and respond to wildfires? 442C)
Anchoring Phenomenon: California Wildfires

Anchoring Activity: You are a fire marshal for a small town that has a small forest nearby. Due to the
spate of recent wildfires the city council has asked you to propose measures that they could implement
to prevent a wildfire in the nearby forest. What measures should you, as the fire marshal, recommend to
Phenomenon or
the city council to help reduce the chances that the nearby forest will burn and if it does burn what
Design Problem
measures will the fire department take to put out the fire?
(with Anchoring
Activity for the

Please provide a link to the media being used to show this event or describe how students will experience this
phenomenon first hand)
Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical
NGSS Performance

Provide the Standard and Element(s) that Students Will

Where in the lesson can this be found?
be Engaging In

PS1.B: Chemical Reactions

The fact that atoms are
conserved, together with
knowledge of the chemical
Disciplinary Core
properties of the elements CER
Ideas (DCIs)
involved, can be used to
describe and predict chemical

Science and Use mathematical representations of phenomena to

Engineering support claims. CER - Quantitative data
Practices (SEPs)
Argumentation (Constructing an Argument from
(Bundled SEPs) Evidence)
Energy and Matter
● The total amount of energy and matter in The students will be writing their CERs and having group
Cross Cutting
closed systems is conserved. discussions on the question of whether or not matter is
Concepts (CCCs)
● Science assumes the universe is a vast single conserved.
system in which basic laws are consistent.


Learning Students will create a CER, analysing at least three pieces of evidence from their experiment to either support or
Objective (Lesson- oppose conservation of matter.
Level Learning
(Please provide a link to the media being used to show this event or describe how students will experience this phenomenon first hand)
Lesson-Level Combustion of material that students performed in the previous lesson. They will be using their observations, both
qualitative and quantitative, to make a CER about their experiment.
HSN-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and
Connections to
interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays.
other standards
HSN-Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling.
Math) HSN-Q.A.3 Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.
MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Target Vocab to be
matter, mass, reactant, product, energy, system, closed, open

Students will not be directly interacting with any dangerous substances in this lesson. However, they will be watching a
video about a possibly dangerous experiment which we will make sure to emphasize not try at home.

The 5E Model
Lesson Intro Greets students, ask students to recall their combustion
(Engage) experiments from the previous lesson.
TIME: 15 minutes System Identification Mini-lesson
○ 2 household examples Students engage in teacher-class dialogue about open and
■ open/closed fridge closed systems.
Students watch video clip and think privately about the
questions that the teacher has posed, writing down answers.

○ 1 chemistry example

Video Clip: Recording of steel wool combustion
● Some questions for students to think about
while watching:
○ What do you think are the reactants?
○ How is this different or similar to my
own experiment?
○ What do you think are the products?
Lesson Body Explore Explore:
(Explore, Explain,
Elaborate) Students then engage in the pairing and sharing parts of the
Direct students to share their questions and think-pair-share and use the answers that they have written
TIME: 2 periods
answers for the video clip in TPS. down as jumping off points in their discussions.

Explain: CER Activity in student’s own language Explain:

● Claim: Is matter conserved?

● Evidence: Teacher asks students to bring out
their data from the previous lesson (both from
the teacher demo as well as own experiment)
● Identifying relevant / irrelevant data Students analyze their data/observations and identify data
○ Directions: highlight in different colors with highlighters.
relevant and irrelevant data
● Whole-Class share of relevant data Students share relevant data whole-class
● Directions: Choose three pieces of evidence to
support the claim. Students record the three pieces of evidence in their CER
● Reasoning: In their same groups, the teacher
asks the students to create an explanation for
their data. Does this support the idea of
conservation of mass?
Teachers will ask students to post their initial CER on the Students record their reasoning in the CER template.
Padlet for the whole class discussion.
While students are discussing, teachers make
themselves available to answer questions and redirect
student thinking.

● Teacher will gather students back into a whole

class discussion. As a class, teacher will analyze
commonly used phrases to discuss and
formalize with scientific vocabulary -- such as
open and closed system,

Elaborate: Elaborate:

● Teacher directs students to take their lay Students identify parts of their cer’s that match with the
language cer’s and re-write them using the formal vocabulary and rewrite their cer replacing their
formal language that the teacher identified formulation with the formal vocab, and looking for other
phrases that might match up with formal vocab terms
Lesson Closure
(Evaluate) Evaluate: Collect rewritten CERs and organize an Evaluate: Students peer review classmates’ CERs and provide
anonymous peer review. Provide feedback template. feedback using template.
TIME: ½ period



Entry Level Gather information on Students make predictions Teacher and students This will allow for an
students’ funds of before the teacher participate in whole-class assessment of student
knowledge and help hint demonstration about what discussion about systems. understanding regarding
to students what may be they expect to see.
Allows for students to systems and how they might
necessary for upcoming
discuss different examples of use it to explain/prove ideas
what different types of about conservation of matter
systems are and how they in their final CER. Teacher
relate to their own may need to discuss for
experiment from the longer and give more
previous lesson. examples and/or teaching for
students to gather enough

This will allow for an

assessment of how students
construct a claim from
evidence. Students should be
able to provide evidence and
Teacher receives feedback reasoning from their
from listening in on student observations and knowledge
discussions and from seeing of chemistry to make a
Assess how students are student progress on the coherent claim about
using instruction to Discussion (TPS) graphic organizer. Students conservation of matter.
PM (Formative)
construct their Graphic Organizer receive feedback from
knowledge. teacher comments and from Evidence of student
discussion with other reasoning in their CERs will
students give teachers a gauge on
how well students are able
to connect evidence and
reasoning to claims and
whether students require
more practice writing CERs.

Summative To evaluate whether Students will complete and Looking at the CER, the This will allow for an
students have met turn in their revised CER. teacher will compare assessment of whether or
learning objectives for student CER to the CER not students have met the
the lesson.
rubric and assess whether or lesson objective. By the end
not the assignment contains of this lesson, students
the necessary aspects to should have developed a CER
demonstrate understanding that demonstrates
of the lesson’s material. knowledge of the law of
conservation of matter.

Knowing how students

argue, support, and explain
conservation of mass in a
combustion reaction will
allow the teacher to assess
student understanding and
use that to shape remedial
instruction. This will help
students prepare for the final
summative model (final
model of wildfire

English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
● use of graphic ● teacher models ● use of graphic ● exploration
organizer completion of organizer questions included
● visual graphic organizer ● collaboration with in the graphic
representation ● provided with a expert students organizer
of vocab list with ● IEP appropriate ● assist other
demonstration/ definitions accommodations students/groups
labelling ● sentence frames ● challenge to utilize
● Word wall for for discussion more scientific
DIFFERENTIATION vocabulary with vocabulary in
definitions in the presenting
appropriate explanations
languages ● Attempt to
● sentence frames determine what
for peer the white powder
discussion that is added in the
● sentence frames third burning is.
for peer review

Materials Needed
CER template, Peer Review Template, Sentence Frames, Vocab List
and Links to
Sample Data Courtesy of Adam Equipment
Resources CER Resource

This lesson is designed to provide students with the tools to construct a CER argument. Students will participate in an
opening activity that will remind students of open and closed systems. Students will watch a video and make qualitative
observations about the given scenario and will use that data and the previous lesson’s data to think-pair-share. Through
the creation of the initial CER, whole-class discussion, and the creation of a final CER, students will refine their arguments
with learned scientific vocabulary and critique their peers’ arguments against a rubric. Students will be asked to focus on
Implementation their argumentation skills as well as their observations skills. These epistemic practices will be scaffolded by the teacher
through teaching and modeling different parts of the process throughout the lesson. Assessment will be performed
throughout the lesson via observation of student discussions and their progress on the graphic organizer as well as
assessing their CERs both before and after revision.
15 Minute Lesson Plan:

- Welcome students.
- (1-2 min.)Context: Students have already completed their own experiment and recorded their own data. They have not analyzed it yet. Give
students data to teacher data in the beginning of the lesson, given in the graphic organizer.
- (4-6 min) Start with opening activity and video demonstration.
- (3-5min) Allow students to TPS.
- (3-5 min) Introduce CER activity and discuss how to find relevant data.

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