Lesson Reflection - Nouf Rashed

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AAWC Lesson Reflection

Select (S):
Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing
- Write the code and the description of the learning outcome (LO)
- Take turns speaking. ​
- Ask simple questions​
- Ask and write numbers​.
- Answer simple questions to demonstrate understanding. ​
- Use a variety of strategies to communicate meaning.

- Listen attentively to others during whole class, small group and in 1:1 conversations
and discussions. ​

Describe (D):
What were you trying to achieve in your lesson?
I teach this lesson and student be able to know that we have different type of plans, seed, part of
I start my lesson remind student rules of classroom by use (give me five) strategy that means eyes one
me, ears listening, eyes watching, legs crossed, hands still and mouth quiet. I ask student to dance with
sing “sound of song”.
I told student what they will learn today “Planting”. I ask student what most plans in Emirates, student
is raise their hand and I choose one student to give the answer. Then I showed student coves page of
story and I ask them what she hold in her hand? What do you think she will do? , I give student time to
think and then answer then I put “ I am a seed “ story. After story I ask then what you learn from the
story that? I told students by show them pictures that there are different kinds of seeds, seeds can grow
to plants and plant has different parts (roots – stem – leaf – flower). After that I ask student to stand up
and do some movement with song “ In my garden “.
In the end I use formative assessment by ask student to use their whiteboard and use timer two
minutes to draw parts of plan , some student show me during class what they draw and some then take
a photo of their drawing and put it in LMS.
In HCT we learn different theories , I link lesson to theory that believe children learn throw playing , I
use some song such as “ sound song “ it is teach them to learn phonics, In my opinion it is help student
to be ready for grade one because it is help them to read. Also I read some words roots, seed, stem,
leaves , flower and fruit. Student will use chat to write a beginning sound of each words that they hear
from me. and this is some student during lesson:-
Finally, I remind student to complete their homework and submit in LMS for checking if they are ready
to go or need some help.

Analyze (A):
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?
Student know plant need water and sunlight to grow because in each house we have different plant. At
Today’s class I try to be increased children’s knowledge by show children different images that we have
different types of seed that have different size and shapes. Also, plant have different ways to grow some
stems grow up and some go sideways. During lesson I try to engage student by give them positive words
if they complete what I ask them to do. I try to see the chat and culled them their name. I note jealousy
that student feel galls and try to answer my questions.

Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?
I try to open my camera because student will focus if they see teacher. My MCT feedback she told me
that she like when I follow student in chat box , and she ask me don’t ask student to mite their
microphone because they will take time to open I when I ask them questions.

Appraise (A):
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals?
During lesson l ask student to draw part of plan use their whiteboard, and they show me their drawing in
the class , to be honest I was busy to take screen shout for students.

Transform (T):
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?
I can improve teaching this lesson by stick classroom rules in the wall so I can remind student to be quite
and listen to teacher and no need to ask them to close their microphones. Also, I can link this lesson to
theory that student learn from environment , I can ask student to plant a seed and give water then I will
give them observe sheet to see what is different after on week. Student can take photo of their plant or
they can make a video to describe what is the different between first day?

What are the implications for your professional practice?

From me experience I got lot of mistakes but our MST and MCT support as to change ways that we
teach. In first semester I do not link theories but after I try to change my lesson, I choose one theory that
was perfect lesson I teach. I note that all children are enjoy the lesson and activities. This semester I will
try to deal with online learning by find different ways to engage students. Also, I can’t think of some
homework that help student to be more creative such as make booklet sound of litters and draw some

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