Fdar 2

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Fdar #2

F-Risk for self-directed violence related to Social isolation

D- Received patient awake at bed side, “I have been feeling depressed, anxious, and under stress”as
verbalized by the patient, with vital signs of: BP: 120/80 mm/hg PR: 60bpm RR: 19cpm T:36.5 SPO2: 97%
Noted denial auditory or visual hallucinations and suicidal/homicidal ideation, no overt sign of psychosis,
goal-directed, Dressed appropriately for the season, Grooming is good, patient appears older than
stated age, remains good eye contact, noted reduced socialization

A-Monitored vital signs and recorded, Assessed escalating anxiety and observe client contact
inadequacy with reality, Advised the client to have plenty of time to think and frame responses, Assist in
learning to identify early warning signs that anxiety is escalating, Assess escalating anxiety and observed
client contacts adequacy, Encourage client to express feelings,

R-Verbalize awareness of feelings of anxiety and healthy ways to deal them

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