Soul Purpose Blueprint

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Soul Purpose
The Art & Science of Living Your Soul’s Purpose
Hey my friend, it's Kevin here and I'm SO thrilled that you're taking the time to
dive into this guide to help you live your Soul’s Purpose!

You're a unique soul and a “tip-of-the-arrow” person for being attracted to this
resource... seriously! After speaking with thousands of people over the last several
years through Instagram, my online workshops, my private and group coaching,
live events and trainings... I've learned that the truth is it’s rare to find someone
like you.

In fact, I believe you’re here on earth at this time in human history for a reason.
You chose to be here (even if you don’t consciously remember that decision) and
you have a mission...

To create something new,

To share a message of transformation,
To uplift others so that they may live more freely.

Ultimately… You’re here to change the world.

For that reason, it’s an honor and a privilege to be a part of your journey. Thank
YOU for trusting me to be your guide even if only for a short time through these

What you’re about to dive into is a proven, reliable, repeatable system of

transformation that has worked for thousands of people all around the world,
including dozens of my clients, so I know it can work for you as well! When you
apply what you learn and allow the information to sink into your heart, you’ll
feel more aligned and ignited than ever before.

At the end of this guidebook, I know that you’ll want to integrate what you learn
into you daily life to create new, more sustainable results. I’ve anticipated that, so
I have a surprise gift for you that I know you’ll love!

Let’s get started!

K E V I N C A R T O N . C O M 02
Ask The Right Question
The first step is to focus on the #1 most
important thing to create the real, lasting
change you desire. That “thing” is a specific
question you must ask yourself.

Since you know what your purpose is, in a

general sense at the very least, you’ve
probably asked yourself, “ What do I need to
DO differently to live my purpose? ” This is
logical because in order to have what you’ve
never had before, you need to do things
you’ve never done before!

Some action steps you’ve probably thought

of are who you need to talk to, connections
you need to make, money you have to earn,
and skills you need to learn. You’ve invested
hours in trying this and that, but...

...after weeks or even months, have you

found yourself in relatively the same place?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all of the

changes you know you need to make and
frustrated when things aren’t working out.
Why this is happening is because...

Doing new things is only

half the battle.

K E V I N C A R T O N . C O M 03
If you focus only on what you need to DO, you end up trying to do these new
things while being the same person you were before! If you don’t change who you
are, you’ll always snap back to old habits, old beliefs, and old ways of being.
Therefore, your primary focus needs to be on this question...

“Who do I need to BE in
order to fulfill my purpose?”
This is a subtle part of the process, but it’s essential and most people miss it. It’s
easy to focus on changing your actions. It’s hard to change who you are at your core.

K E V I N C A R T O N . C O M 04
Changing From Within
Anyone who has ever fulfilled their purpose had to radically transform who they
were. The one who first discovers the reason why they're born is not the same
person who ultimately completes their mission.

When Mahatma Gandhi first discovered his purpose, he became a lawyer to

practice and live what he believed in. That’s what he was doing.

Once he shifted to focusing on being a whole new version of himself, he then

fulfilled what he was born to do. From that inner change was birthed a
tremendously successful movement for India's independence.

We must focus on changing from within first.

In order to become the new version of yourself that’s aligned

with your Soul’s Purpose, you must use both art & science.
Simply put, the art is in the vision and the science is in the vibration.

In order to manifest your dreams into time and space, you must have a clear
vision that aligns with your unique purpose and you have to learn how to train
your nervous system to match the vibration of the reality you want on a
consistent basis.

In this guide we’ll focus on the art of designing your vision. When you’re ready to
activate the science, my gift to you at the end of this guide will take you there.

K E V I N C A R T O N . C O M 05
Your Vision Statement
We’ve now established that in order to fulfill your purpose, you need to become
the version of you who is capable of doing so and the most effective way to get to
know that version of you is through a vision statement.

If you were to build a house from scratch, you’d need a set of blueprints created
by a skilled architect. Those blueprints are specific and reflect exactly the kind of
house you want created. A team of people can then use those blueprints to
construct your house to perfection.

In the same way, your vision statement is an “energetic blueprint” that you can
use to guide you on your path to building your dreams. It will inform you on who
you need to BE, so you can begin to embody those qualities now.

The best place to begin is to imagine that it’s 3 years from now and it has all
worked out. Consider what you would love your life to look like, what you’re
doing with your time and talent, and how it feels to be living this life.

Your mind might wander off and wonder, “HOW is this going to happen?” For now,
simply focus on what you’d love to experience and tell your mind that you’ll
discover “the how” later (that’s a part of the science of living your Soul’s Purpose).

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Allow yourself to dream BIG as if you were a kid again, where nothing seemed
impossible. I give you full permission to let your “crazy” dreams bubble to the
surface because often those types of dreams are the most needed in the world.

For example, the Wright Brothers had an insane dream of building the first
flying machine! People criticized them because they believed if God wanted us to
fly, He would have given us wings…

The Wright Brothers didn’t listen to the doubters and they weren’t stopped by
their own worries either. If you feel like your “crazy” dream is in alignment with
your authentic purpose, then be bold and write it down.

One final note before you start creating your vision statement:

Getting crystal clear on your dream by writing it down causes internal resistance
to arise. Remember, it’s normal! You’re challenging your comfort zone when you
dare to dream, so you may be experiencing this right now.

K E V I N C A R T O N . C O M 07
Notice any thoughts like...

My dream is too big.

I’m not smart enough to succeed.
Who do I think I am to have this dream?
I’ve never done this before, so is it even possible for me?
There are other people way more talented than me, so why bother?

There’s a whole process I coach my clients in to face these fears/doubts/worries,

but for the sake of time just put these limiting beliefs on hold. When you notice
any of these thoughts, tell them that you’ll talk to them in an hour. This way
you’re not suppressing them, but you acknowledge them and move forward

Plus, the gift at the end will help eliminate these beliefs completely :)

Here are the main components of a powerful and effective vision statement:

It’s written in the present tense (“ I am so happy and grateful now that …”)
It’s specific with clear images (“I love sitting at my desk to read the letters of
praise I receive from all the people I’ve helped!)
It’s definite and measurable (“I’m thrilled now that I own my own business and I
serve 25 clients every week!!)
It has emotional words that are palpable (“I love what I do and I feel so grateful
now that I’m living my purpose full time!”)

At the end, write this phrase, “God, this or something even greater still.”

You can use whatever word you relate to most in regards to this Higher Power in
that phrase. Call it God, Spirit, Source, Infinite Intelligence, Universe, etc. As long
as you’re acknowledging that you’re not alone and you ask to be guided along
your journey.

Adding this phrase to your vision statement allows you to hold your dream with
an open hand. You’re not attached to this version of your dream because several
months down the road, you might be redirected to a higher order dream that
aligns with your purpose even more!

K E V I N C A R T O N . C O M 08
Now, I invite you to take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, settle in and
enjoy! Take your time with this exercise and above all, have fun. :)

Its / / (date 3 years from now)...

I am so happy and grateful now that…

... this or something even greater still!

K E V I N C A R T O N . C O M 09
You’ve now completed your “energetic blueprint” and clarified exactly what your life
will look like when you’re living your Soul’s Purpose! The simple act of writing down
your vision activates both hemispheres of your brain, which generates more power for
its fulfillment.

Remember, it’s hard to hit a target you don’t have and no wind is favorable to the
sailor with no destination in mind. I believe most people have a target or a destination
in mind, but what’s often missing is having this end result written down on paper.

You’ll now be more aware of opportunities, you'll have greater ideas that will move
you forward, and you'll feel more connected to your purpose because you’ve
transferring your vision from your mind into tangible words.

The next step is the science of living your Soul’s Purpose!

Now that you’re clear on your vision, you must match your vibration with your vision
in order to bring it into time and space. This is the process of training your nervous
system to be in alignment with the reality you want and it can be hard. It requires a
commitment on a daily basis to BE the version of you already living your dream now.

That’s where my gift for you comes in!

The Magic Power of Quantum Visualization

This 60 minute LIVE deep-dive training will give you the exact tools you need to stay
consistent in matching the vibration of your dream on a daily basis, so that you can
take quantum leaps in manifesting the life you desire.

If you’re ready to take the next step in aligning your life with your vision and your
Soul’s Purpose, click the button below.

I'd LOVE The Quantum Visualization Training!

K E V I N C A R T O N . C O M 10
About The Author
Kevin Carton specializes in empowering
people to discover and live their soul’s

His journey began when he took a leap of

faith to leave pharmacy school to pursue
his purpose. Within a year, he firmly
established himself as a budding expert in
the personal development industry. 

Now, Kevin is a Life Mastery Consultant

certified through the Life Mastery Institute
and has studied directly under its founder,
Mary Morrissey, for over 6 years.

He has spoken on stage in front of

thousands of people, which led to him
being described as a young Bob Proctor and
the next Tony Robbins.

As a sought-after speaker, trainer, and

coach, Kevin's workshops and coaching
programs have helped hundreds of people
breakthrough limitations and achieve
greater results than they've known before.

If you're looking to increase your clarity,

amplify your confidence, and achieve your
next level of success, Kevin's proven
coaching programs can help you get there.

To learn more about how Kevin can help you

create a life you truly love living...

Visit His Website Here

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