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Santa Ignacia, Tarlac

Name: __________________________________ Score: ____________
Grade & Section_____________ Date: _____________

TEST I:. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) is a sophisticated performance rating method. Which of the
following is NOT true about BARS?
a. Minimizes subjective interpretation inherent in graphing scales.
b. Can be applied in organizations where a large number of people perform similar jobs
c. Concentrates on job-specific behaviors and hence is highly meaningful
d. A simple and cost-effective rating method

2. Every organization structure, even a poor one, can be charted. Which of the following is NOT TRUE with
respect to Organization Chart?
a. It is a vital tool for providing information about organizational relationships.
b. It provides a visual map of the chain of command.
c. It shows authority relationships as well as informal and informational relationships.
d. It helps managers and new personnel to know how and where they fit into the organization structure.

3. As John Ford is reviewing the progress of his organization in meeting its organizational goals, he is struck
by the fact that his organization has an organizational structure that might be causing problems. The current
structure diffuses accountability, makes it difficult to respond to changing conditions quickly, and results in
situations where someone might have two bosses. Which of the following organization forms best fits these
disadvantages being experienced by Mr. Ford?
a. Matrix Structure b. Vertical Structure c. Horizontal Structure d. Network

4. The recruitment procedure is initiated when a vacancy occurs and is reported to the HR department. Which
of the following is usually the first step followed in the recruitment procedure?
a. Designing a job description c. Performing a job analysis
b. Developing a job specification d. Attracting a pool of applicants

5. Which function of management involves filling, and keeping filled, the position in the organization
a. Organizing b. Planning c. Staffing d. Controlling

6. Which of the following is NOT a part of the human resource management in most organizations?
a. Sanctioning b. Training c. Performance appraisal d.

7. Which of the following is an on-the-job training technique?

a. Organizational socialization c. Performance appraisal
b. Creations of “assistance-to” position d. Job enlargement

8. A company has Php. 35,000 in current assets, Php. 15,000 in long term assets, Php. 25,000 in current
liabilities and Php. 45,000 in long term liabilities. What is current ratio?
a. 1.4 b. 0.7 c. 0.3 d. 0.5

9. Which of the following is NOT one of the leadership styles suggested by path-goal theory?
a. Instrumental leadership c. Supportive leadership
b. Benevolent- authoritative leadership d. Participative leadership

10. Communication can well be treated as the force that brings the organizational participants together. We
cannot expect effective management without communication. Which of the following factors does NOT
help in effective communication?
a. Consider the total physical and human setting whenever you communicate
b. Consult with others, when appropriate in planning communications
c. Look for the central idea in the communication process
d. Focus the communication primarily at meeting the demands of an immediate situation

11. Which of the following are elements that aid in strategy implementation include bonuses, awards and
a. Rewards system b. Human Resources c. Technology d. Structure

12. Delegate means to grant or confer on subordinates certain tasks and duties along with sufficient authority,
to accomplish these. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of delegation?
a. It prevents work overload among organization managers.
b. It provides opportunities for employee or subordinates assigned to do the task to fully utilize their
talents on the job.
c. It increases job satisfaction among the assigned employees or subordinates, that may lead to better job
d. It may encourage too much dependence on others.

13. The selection process involves choosing the candidates who best meet the qualifications and have the
greatest aptitude for the job. Different types of employment test are used for the purpose. Which of the
following employment test involves showing the occupation best suited  to applicant?
a. Intelligence test c. Proficiency and aptitude test
b. Personality test d. Vocational tests

14. Different behavioral scientist have developed different theories on motivation. One such behavioral
scientist by the name of Herzberg gave the two-factor theory of motivation. According to Herzberg’s
motivation-hygiene theory, which of the following are hygiene factors?
a. Personal life, security, salary and recognition c. Relationship with peers, status, supervision and
b. Advancement, salary, status, company policy d. Responsibility, salary, status, company policy.

15. Organizational culture is the collection of shared values, beliefs, rituals, stories, myths and specialized
language that foster a feeling of community among organization members. Which of the following is NOT
a characteristic of organizational culture?
a. It differentiates one organization from another
b. It defines the internal environment of an organization
c. It ensures consistency in the behavior of organization members
d. It remains absolutely stable throughout the life of an organization

16. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an informal organization?

a. A fluid organizations c. A hierarchical organizations
b. A flat organizations d. A dynamic organizations

17. All of the following are advantages of partnership EXCEPT one.

a. Availability of bigger capital due to pooling of resources of partners
b. Availability of a pool of skills, knowledge, and talents
c. Equal division of profits based on their agreement as partners
d. Division of profits is fair, depending on number of stock unit owned

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