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MEETING 01: AGENDA (5PM U B2058 MONDAY, SEPT 6 T H , 2010)

1. Introductions (5min) Execs

2. Meetings and Robert’s Rules (2min) Mats
3. Orientation Week
a. University 101 Presentation (1min) Mats
b. Hard Hats (1min) Mats
4. Handbook (5min) Janelle
5. Class Reps (2min) Mats, Janelle
6. Online Communication
• Gmail + Calendar, Doodle, Dropbox, WebCT (5min) Mats
7. Year Plan
a. Reports (2min) Mats
b. Budget (15min) Arif
c. Events (15min) Mats
8. AGM 2011 – UOIT (5min) Janelle, Ryan
9. To Do + Next Meeting (2min) Mats

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