Jours de Gloire - : Series Rulebook

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by Frédéric BEY

jours de Gloire • Series Rulebook Translated by

Stephen Neuville
« Posse quod velit. Velle quod oportet. » All combat units have two sides: the front AM belonging to the formation which will start the
To be able to do what you desire, desire what represents the unit in good order (with full capa- turn.
is fitting. bilities), while the back represents it in disorder C. Assembly Phase
Saint-Augustine (with reduced capabilities, see 10.1). The players place in the cup the Activation
Markers of the formations present on the map,
Jours de Gloire series rules can be used for 0.4 - The die and the principal tests as well as those due to enter play as reinforce-
all existing games of the series. The game requires the use of a 10-sided die ments this turn (except for the one chosen in
Battles available are listed here: (referred to as 1d10). A «0» is a zero, not a ten. B.2). D. Activation Phase
0.4.1 Cohesion Test 1. One of the players randomly draws an AM
0 – General Rules The player rolls 1d10 and applies modifiers if from the cup, except for the first AM, which has
0.1 - Scales any; if the result is less than or equal to the unit’s already been selected by the player with initiative
The games of the series are at the scale of cohesion rating, the unit passes the test. If the in Phase B.2. The formation which corresponds
the battalion, the regiment (demi-brigade for the result is higher, the unit fails the test. to the AM is then activated.
period of the Republic) or the brigade. A strength 2. The activated formation’s status is checked
point represents about 200 infantry or 150 cava- 0.4.2 Engagement Test by turning over its order marker: Ordres Reçus
lry if each unit represents a regiment and 400 The same, but using the unit’s engagement (Received Orders) or Sans Ordres (No Orders –
infantry or 300 cavalry if each represents a bri- rating. see 2.3). The leader’s initiative may have to be
gade. A strength point of artillery represents from tested (see 2.4.3).
two to four cannons depending on their calibers. 0.5 - Abbreviations 3. For the activated formation, the player may,
Hex : Hexagon while strictly respecting the following order:
0.2 - The map AM : Activation Marker • perform artillery fire (see 7.);
The map reproduces the historical site of the CAM : Combined Activation Marker • move those of his units which are allowed to
battle. The various types of terrain and their ef- MP : Movement Point do so – including charging cavalry (see 4. and
fects on the course of the game are detailed in CT : Cohesion Test 9.1);
the Terrain Effects Chart. ET : Engagement Test • perform shock combat for infantry and non-
ZOC : Zone of Control charging cavalry (see 8.) and charges for cavalry
0.3 - Combat units LOS : Line of Sight (see 9.);
Combat units possess several characteristics: DRM : Die Roll Modifier • rally units which have not performed any of
• a name and sometimes an indication of its VP : Victory Point the preceding actions during the current Activa-
place in the chain of command (the corps it be- tion Phase (see 11.).
longs to); 1 – The Game Turn The Activation Phase is repeated until only one
• a type (infantry, cavalry or artillery); There is only one game turn for the 2 players, AM remains in the cup. This last AM is put aside
• a specific indicator (L) for heavy cavalry; who act alternately depending on the drawing of and its corresponding formation is not activated.
• a nationality; Activation Markers. Each turn comprises several E. Rout and Demoralization Phase
• the formation to which it belongs (for activation); phases: The players move routed units their full move-
• a number of strength points (fire strength for A. Orders Phase ment allowance in the required direction (see
artillery), based on the number of men or guns Players place the CAMs in a cup, remove Ren- 10.4). Each formation is checked for demoraliza-
in the unit; forts (reinforcement) markers from their units tion (see Rout movement, 10.4).
• a cohesion rating, based on the unit’s ability as necessary, and choose the formations which F. Final Phase
to sustain combat; will receive orders for the turn (see 2.3). The players check the victory conditions,
• an engagement rating, based on its ability to B. Strategic Initiative Phase advance the turn marker one box, and remove
engage in shock combat on its own; 1. Each player rolls a die to determine who has Ordres reçus (Received Orders) and Sans ordres
• a movement rating, expressed in movement the strategic initiative (see 3.). (No Orders) markers from the map.
points. 2. The player with the initiative chooses an Then return to Phase A.

Infantry Units (see 0.3) Nationality Commanders-in-chief (see 2.5)

Formation color French The white stripe
and unit name Prussians indicates that the
has finished moving
Strengh Points The white stripe Die roll Order Rating Command Range
indicates that the unit is Modifier
disordered (see 0.3) (DRM)
Cavalry Units (see 0.3) Artillery Units (see 0.3) Activation Markers (see 2.1)
Fire ranges
Engagement rating effective/maximum

L: Heavy (Lourde) Stength Points Initiative

O: Ordinary AM
Cohesion rating Movement rating
Name of the CAM

counters explanation C: Combined AM


2 - Orders and Activation 2.3.2 Allocation of orders • Make a forced march if allowed;
2.1 – Activation Markers At the beginning of each turn (Phase A.), the • Engage in shock combat or charge without
Each AM possesses a code (O or C) and an two players select, among their respective tac- an Engagement Test;
initiative value (expressed as a number). tical groups, those which will receive orders and • Attempt to rally.
will be considered With orders from HQ (abbre-
2.1.1 Ordinary Activation Markers (AM) viated: Received Orders) for the rest of the turn. 2.4.2 No Orders
Ordinary AMs are identified by an The number of orders is limited by the order Units may, in the following order,
O on the counter. AMs are used rating of each commander-in-chief (see 2.5). either:
to determine which side is active All tactical groups which do not receive orders • Attempt to benefit, with one tac-
and which units can be used during are Without orders from HQ (abbreviated: No tical group at a time, from the ini-
Phase D. Each AM designates a particular for- Orders). tiative of a leader, with the consequences given
mation. A formation is a group of units (a brigade, To mark their choices secretly, the players in 2.4.3;
a division, or an ad hoc formation), identified by place an Ordres Reçus (Received Orders) mar- or:
a color stripe on the units. All formations have ker or a Sans Ordres (No Orders) marker, face • perform artillery fire (without an Engagement
two AMs, with exceptions in certain scenarios or down, on any unit of each tactical group in play. Test);
because of demoralization (see 11.2). The AMs In order to be placed in Received Orders sta- • move, including charge movement after an
in play are placed in the cup each turn (Phase C), tus, a tactical group must have at least one of its Engagement Test (see 9.1), with a reduced mo-
to be drawn randomly (2.2). units within command range of a commander-in- vement capacity (see 4.1.2); except for artillery
chief (see 2.5). which has fired and cavalry units which have fai-
2.1.2 Combined Activation Markers Example 1: at the start of a turn, the 6 French led their charge ET—these may not move;
(CAM, or MAC in French) units of Milhaud’s formation are located such that • engage in shock combat after an Engage-
CAMs are identified by a C on their they constitute a single tactical group. One order ment Test, or charge (Engagement Test already
counter. CAMs are placed in the will suffice to place them all in Received Orders performed by charging cavalry before moving);
cup (whether by choice or as requi- status. If, during the turn (after their first activa- • attempt to rally
red) at the beginning of Phase A. tion), the units of Milhaud’s formation become
Their effects are described in the specific rules separated from the initial tactical group (by beco- 2.4.3 Leader initiative
for each battle. ming separated by more than two hexes), their The initiative rating is indicated on the AM of
Note: They can be utilized to allow units to enter status still remains Received Orders for the rest each formation. It corresponds to the degree of
as reinforcements if their characteristics allow it. of the turn, including a possible second activation. initiative of the formation’s leader.
Example 2: at the start of a turn, the 6 units of (Note: The two AMs of a formation can have
2.2 - Utilization of AMs Milhaud’s formation are deployed in two groups two different initiative ratings.)
At the beginning of the Activation Phase of adjacent units (one of 4 units, the other of 2),
(Phase D), either player randomly draws an AM and the two groups are separated from each After the formation’s AM is randomly drawn from
from the cup. The units of the formation desi- other by more than two hexes. They therefore the cup, its initiative rating can be utilized by every tac-
gnated by this AM are then activated and may constitute two distinct tactical groups. If the tical group (from that formation) that has No Orders.
perform an action. When the player has finished French player wishes to place them in Received To do this, the player tests the leader’s initiative. He
all the actions which he wishes to take with the Orders status, he will have to expend two orders. rolls 1d10 for each tactical group with No Orders,
units of this formation, the AM is placed to one If he places only one of the two tactical groups in subtracting the die roll modifier of the commander-
side and either player randomly draws a new AM Received Orders status, the other tactical group in-chief if at least one of the units in the tactical group
from the cup, repeating the above process. will be considered to have No Orders. If, during is within his command range (see 2.5):
When there is only one AM left in the cup, the course of the turn (after the first activation), • if the modified die roll is equal to or lower
the Activation Phase is terminated. The last AM the units of Milhaud’s formation belonging to than the leader’s initiative rating, all units of the
(even if it is a CAM) is placed to one side and the the tactical group that have No Orders rejoin tactical group receive, solely for the current acti-
corresponding formation is not activated. those of the tactical group which have Received vation, the capabilities of units in a tactical group
Orders, their status still remains No Orders for which has Received Orders (when the second
2.3 - Orders the rest of the turn, including a possible second AM of the formation is drawn later, it will be ne-
2.3.1 Formations and tactical groups activation. cessary to repeat the initiative test);
If the units of a single formation are too wi- • if the modified die roll is higher than the initia-
dely dispersed, they must form several tactical 2.4 - Effect of orders and activations tive rating of the leader, the units cannot take any
groups and will have to have more than one or- The orders marker of a tactical group is not action except rally attempts.
der to activate them all: turned face up until that group’s first AM is drawn 2.5 - Commanders-in-chief
Tactical groups are determined during the and its formation activated thereby (Phase D.2). 2.5.1 Characteristics of a commander-in-chief
Orders Phase (Phase A) of each turn, for the Once revealed, it remains in force for the entire The players each have one or more
entire turn. A tactical group consists of all turn. The actions listed in 2.4.1, 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 commanders-in-chief.
units of a single formation which are within two are performed step-by-step for all tactical groups Each commander-in-chief pos-
hexes of another unit of that formation; thus of a single formation (Clarification: thus it is not sesses three characteristics:
one unit must be within two hexes of a second necessary to perform actions with all units of one • a die roll modifier for initiative tests by com-
unit (inclusive of the hex the other unit is in), tactical group before performing actions with manders and for strategic initiative;
the second unit must then be within two hexes those of a different tactical group). • an orders rating (see 2.3.2);
of a third unit, etc. The units of a formation may perform actions • a command range expressed in hexes. This
This chain of units may extend as far as to at full capacity (Received Orders), or at reduced range is unaffected by any restriction (including
include all the units of the formation. On the capacity (No Orders), depending on the orders impassable terrain, enemy units, and enemy
other hand, a unit located farther than two marker that has been assigned to the tactical ZOCs).
hexes from all other units of the formation is group to which they belong Commanders-in-chief may move once per turn,
considered as an autonomous tactical group expending up to a maximum of 7 Movement Points,
by itself for receiving orders. 2.4.1 Received Orders during the activation of any one of the formations
Clarification: when a formation’s AM is drawn Units may, in the following order: of their army. They are then flipped to their reverse
from the cup, all units of the tactical groups • Carry out artillery fire; side to indicate that they have finished moving for
belonging to that formation are activated simul- • Move normally, including charge the turn.
taneously in whatever order the owning player movement (see 9.), and reduced They may not enter an enemy ZOC alone.
wishes movement for artillery which has fired; They may not use forced march.
2.5.2 Elimination of a commander-in-chief mode (or the reverse). A unit moving by forced to cross slopes and steep slopes.
If an enemy unit becomes adjacent to the march may neither enter nor pass through a hex The NA on the Terrain Effects Table is ignored
counter of a commander-in-chief, the latter may containing a friendly unit. and an extra 2 points are added to the movement
(if stacked with a friendly unit), or must (if alone Units in a stack may leave the stack but may not cost.
in the hex) immediately move one or two hexes. join it during the forced march. This also applies to 4.3.2 Impassable terrain
This movement may be made into or through an stacks of reinforcements (see 5.2.2). Certain hexes and hexsides are impassable.
enemy ZOC. Units may not enter these hexes or traverse
If a commander-in-chief is stacked with a unit 4.2 -Forming square these hexsides unless they are crossed by a road,
which recoils or retreats after combat, he must Forming square is only allowed in a trail, or a bridge.
accompany it. He may freely leave that unit when clear terrain and is only for infantry
he next moves. and artillery units which are neither 4.4 - Movement restrictions
If a commander-in-chief is still stacked with a disordered nor routed (see 10.1 and 4.4.1 General restrictions
routed unit during Phase E, he must accompany 10.2). A moving unit must trace on the map a conti-
it in its rout movement and is eliminated if that Forming square or leaving square is allowed nuous path of adjacent hexes from one to the
movement takes him off the map. A commander- while in an enemy ZOC. next, while paying the cost in Movement Points
in-chief may also be eliminated if he is obliged to A unit may form square during its activation for each hex it enters. Units move independently
retreat through enemy units. (place a Square marker on it) only if it does not of each other, and one unit’s movement must be
If he is eliminated, all the formations of his move: forming square costs a unit’s entire move- completed before the movement of another unit
army have No Orders until the end of the game ment allowance, whether it has Received Orders begins.
(unless the army has more than one commander- or has No Orders. Exception: If all units in a stack are of the same
in-chief).. Two units may form square in the same hex type and perform the same move, the player may
only if they are already present in that hex at the move the entire stack together.
3 - Strategic Initiative moment of their activation. The facing of a unit has no effect on the cost
During the Strategic Initiative Phase (Phase B), An artillery unit may not form square unless of its movement. A unit must always have enough
each player rolls 1d10 and adds the DRM of his it is stacked, at the time of its activation, with an Movement Points left to pay the cost of the hex it
commander-in-chief (the one designated for this in infantry unit which is also forming square. wishes to enter. If it does not have enough Move-
the scenario instructions, if he has more than one Note: It is thus impossible for any unit (infantry ment Points left, it cannot enter the hex. Move-
commander-in-chief). The player with the higher or artillery) to join a square that is already in place. ment Points may not be accumulated from one
total gains the initiative for that turn. If the totals Activation Phase to another.
are equal, neither player has the strategic initia- As long as it is in square, a unit may not move. Combat units (see 0.3) and commanders-in-
tive, and all the AMs are placed in the cup. A unit is allowed to leave square during its acti- chief (see 2.5) may not leave the map voluntarily
The player with the strategic initiative may vation at a cost of 2 MP. The unit may then be except as a result of rout movement (see 10.4) or
choose one AM belonging to one of his formations faced freely and may move using its remaining due to specific scenario instructions.
with which to begin the turn by activating it before Movement Points.
all the others. (Do not place this AM in the cup.) A unit in square may not engage in shock or 4.4.2 Movement of artillery
This formation’s status may be either Received counter-shock (see 8.), but it may defend normally Artillery units that have Received
Orders or No Orders. when it is the target of shock or charge (see the Orders may move if they have fired
The player may also decide not to choose a for- chart Die Roll Modifiers for Shock or Charge for at the beginning of the Activation
mation and thus to forego using his advantage. In the bonus or penalty to apply when resolving the Phase (artillery fire is performed
this case the Activation Phase begins with the ran- combat). before any other action, see 2.4), but their move-
dom drawing of an AM, just as it does in the case If a unit in square becomes disordered or has to ment allowance is halved (see 4.1.2).
of ties on the modified die roll. recoil as a result of combat, it immediately leaves Place a Tir/Mouvement réduit (Fired/Movement
square (remove the Square marker). reduced) marker on the unit as a reminder. This
4 - Movement If an infantry unit which is part of a stack of units marker applies only to the current activation and
4.1 - Movement allowance in square becomes disordered, the entire stack not to the entire turn (remove the marker at the
4.1.1 Normal movement leaves square. end of the activation).
Each unit has a movement allowance ex- A hex may never contain one infantry unit which On the other hand, an artillery unit having No Or-
pressed in Movement Points indicated on the is in square and another which is not. ders cannot move after firing.
counter. This number represents the maximum Forming square affects the unit’s facing and
number of Movement Points which the unit may ZOC (see 6.1). 4.4.3 Movement through friendly units
expend during one Activation Phase, when it has Entering a hex occupied by one or more friendly
Received Orders. 4.3 - Movement and terrain units with the intention of passing through it costs
A unit expends Movement Points each time it one extra Movement Point. Entering such a hex
4.1.2 Reduced movement moves. The cost in MP for each hex depends on with the intention of stopping in the hex requires
A unit having No Orders has its movement allo- the type of unit and the type of terrain (see the no extra cost.
wance divided by two, fractions rounded up. Terrain Table). Exceptions: A unit using forced march may not
Thus, a unit with 7 MP has a reduced allowance Changing facing is not movement, and units do enter a hex containing a friendly unit, nor may it
of 4 MP when it has No Orders. not expend Movement Points for it (see 6.). pass through such a hex. No unit may enter or
pass through a hex containing a friendly unit
4.1.3 Forced march 4.3.1 Roads and trails already in square.
A forced march permits doubling of a unit’s A unit using a road or a trail benefits from a
movement allowance. reduced movement cost indicated on the Terrain 5 - Stacking and Reinforcements
Only a unit which has Received Orders, and is Table, if the unit enters a road or trail hex by way 5.1 - Stacking
neither disordered nor routed, may make a forced of another hex containing the same road or trail. 5.1.1 Stacking limits
march, and then only on condition that it does not Otherwise, it expends the normal cost of terrain in Markers and the counters of commanders-in-
start or move within 5 hexes of an enemy unit. If that hex. A unit may not use road movement or trail chief do not count for stacking limits.
the unit wishes to approach within 5 hexes or less movement to place itself adjacent to an enemy unit; The following may be stacked in the same hex:
of the enemy, it must do so during normal move- it must pay the normal cost for the last hex, including • two units of the same type (infantry, cavalry,
ment. A unit may use only one type of movement the cost of the hexside. or artillery) and of the same formation;
during an activation. It is not possible to begin Exception: Roads and trails allow cavalry units • one artillery unit (foot or horse artillery), of
movement by a forced march and finish in normal to cross steep slopes, and they allow artillery units any formation, may combine with one or two
infantry units; • reaction fire and counter-battery fire affect mation paying double the cost of the entry hex, and
• one artillery unit (foot or horse artillery), of only the top unit in a stack. If a Cohesion Test is so on (3 times the cost, 4 times the cost, etc.).
any formation, may combine with one cavalry required, only the top unit in the stack makes the If one or more units of a formation of reinfor-
unit; test cements are unable to enter the map during
• two artillery units of different formations. Exception: A player employing reaction fire the assigned turn, either because of insufficient
Exceptions : against a mixed stack of units (infantry or cavalry Movement Points or because of stacking limits,
• routed units need not be of the same plus artillery) may decide, before firing, to apply their entry is delayed until the first AM of their
formation; the results to the infantry or cavalry unit located formation is drawn on the following turn.
• the limit of two infantry or cavalry units is immediately below the artillery. Counter-battery Note: See 4.1.3 for the restrictions on stac-
raised to three if the total number of strength fire, on the other hand, only affects the artillery king during forced march.
points of the three units is 6 or less. unit which provoked it.
Note: If rallying a disordered unit causes the 5.2.3 Reinforcement hexes
total number of strength points to exceed 6, ral- 5.2 - Reinforcements No unit may occupy an entry hex of enemy
lying is not allowed (it would be necessary for the Reinforcements enter play when their AM reinforcements, or a hex adjacent to it, before
unit to leave the stack first). has been put into the cup and is then drawn ran- all scheduled reinforcements have entered the
The following may not stack together: domly. map.
• a routed unit and a unit in good order or
disorder; 5.2.1 Procedure 6 - Facing and Zones of Control
• a unit in square and a unit not in square; For the turn during which a forma- 6.1 - Facing
• an infantry unit and a cavalry unit. tion’s arrival as a reinforcement is 6.1.1 Front and rear
scheduled by the scenario, only one Units must be faced such that the front or
5.1.2 Effects of stacking on movement of its two AMs is placed in the cup “top” of the counter (the edge with the color
A unit may not enter or pass through a hex (if the two AMs have different values, place the stripe) faces a hex vertex.
occupied by an enemy unit. one with the higher initiative value in the cup). If All infantry or cavalry units stacked in the
A unit entering a hex occupied by another unit the AM which would allow the entry of the reinfor- same hex must have the same facing.
is placed at the bottom of the stack. cements is not drawn randomly during the turn All artillery units in the same hex must have
Exception: in a stack of units, the artillery unit in which it was put in play (by being the last AM the same facing, but their facing can differ from
is always placed on top. left in the cup: see 2.2), the reinforcements are that of infantry or cavalry units in the same hex.
The stacking order may be modified freely at delayed and the procedure is repeated on the fol- The two hexes which are adjacent to the front
the beginning of the Activation Phase of the units lowing turn, but this time with both of the forma- of the counter are called front hexes. The other
involved, before movement. The stacking limits ap- tion’s AMs placed in the cup, thus making their four hexes adjacent to the unit are called rear
ply at the end of movement of each unit, including arrival during that turn certain. hexes.
refusal of shock combat (see 8.8). Exception: if the units arriving as reinforce- Exception: units in a town, village, or castle
However, stacking limits are checked conti- ments belong to a non-demoralized formation, hex, as well as units in square, are considered as
nuously during forced marches (see 4.1.3) and some of whose units are already on the map, the having six front hexes.
during recoil and retreat after combat (see 2 AMs are both used because they are already
10.5 and 10.3.3); at these times, exceeding in play. 6.1.2 Effects of facing
the stacking limits is either prohibited or may Reinforcements enter the map having Received Facing has no effect on movement. A unit is
require a Cohesion Test as a penalty. At the end Orders and using forced march (see 4.1.3), without free to change facing without cost during or
of movement, a routed unit must be alone in the commander-in-chief having to expend an order. at the end of its movement. Units which leave
its hex, or if there is no other solution, stacked Place Renfort (Reinforcement) markers on them as square, and disordered or routed units which
with one other routed unit (see 10.2 and 10.4). a reminder. As soon as a unit of the formation is rally, may choose their facing freely.
A routed unit may not be stacked with a unit within 5 hexes of an enemy unit (this is an excep- Facing does have an effect on combat. A unit
that is in good order or disorder at the end of tion to 4.1.3), or simply at the owner’s choice du- may not fire, charge, or engage in shock com-
movement. During the course of the movement ring Phase A, it loses its reinforcement status and bat unless doing so into or through its two front
phase, however, another unit may pass through the marker is removed. The unit then assumes hexes. A unit being attacked through one of its
a hex occupied by a routed unit with no other the status of No Orders. The commander-in-chief rear hexes is penalized (see Shock and Charge
penalty than the +1 MP cost (see 4.4.3). will have to expend an order later to place the unit, Table).
along with its formation, with Received Orders. Units which are considered to have six front
5.1.3 Effects of stacking on combat The status of reinforcement applies indivi- hexes, except for squares (see 4.2), may attack
The stacking limits apply for the duration of dually to each unit and may be extended to the through any of their six hexsides, but with a DRM
combat (shock or fire). The effects are as follows: following turn. The player may also freely choose of -1 (see 8.2). Simply face the counter toward
• an artillery unit stacked with infantry or cavalry to have his reinforcement units enter in normal the hexes it intends to attack before resolving
may fire; march. In this case the units lose their ability to the combat. The units in question are only requi-
• units in a stack must attack together. To at- perform a forced march and are considered as red to attack the adverse units situated in their
tack with one while not engaging the other is pro- having No Orders. However, during the Activation usual two front hexes, as if they had only two
hibited, unless one of the two is disordered; Phase in which they enter the map they still bene- front hexes.
• if stacked units engage in shock combat, their fit from the normal movement rate instead of the
strength points are totaled, with the exception of reduced movement rate which is characteristic 6.2 - Zones of Control
artillery units and, for the attacker, disordered of units which have No Orders. 6.2.1 Definition
units; and only the top attacking unit must pass an Exception: If an enemy unit happens to be wit- The zone of control represents the influence
Engagement Test, if one is required (see 8.3.2). If hin 5 hexes or less of the entry hex, the reinfor- exercised by a unit beyond the hex it occupies. All
this unit fails the Engagement Test, no unit in the cements enter the map with Received Orders, units exercise a ZOC into the six adjacent hexes.
stack may engage in shock. If an artillery unit is but only for the turn in question, without forced Exceptions:
the top unit in a stack, the infantry or cavalry unit march and without a Renfort marker. • artillery units, units in square, and routed
directly below it undergoes the Engagement Test; units do not exercise a ZOC;
• artillery fire and the results of shock affect all 5.2.2 Entering the map • ZOCs do not extend across hexsides that are
the units in a stack. If a stack has to make a Cohe- Units of reinforcements enter the map by the hex impassable to the unit;
sion Test as a result of shock or fire, a Cohesion designated in the scenario, as if they were in column • ZOCs do not extend across bridges and fords
Test die roll is made separately for each unit in one behind the other. They may enter by stacks (see over impassable rivers;
the stack; the restrictions in 4.4.1), the second stack of the for- • ZOCs do not extend from the exterior into the
interior of a fortification, a castle, or a redoubt/wall, situated in one of its front hexes (see 8.3.3). 7.4.1 Blocking obstructions  
even if that hexside is crossed by a trail or a road. Reaction fire affects only the top unit in an attac- Hexes at a level that is higher than the firer
king stack, but if the latter is an artillery unit, the and the target.
6.2.2 Effects of ZOCs unit immediately below it may be chosen as the tar- Hexes containing a village, woods, an orchard,
A unit must cease its movement as soon as get instead (see 5.1.3). Moreover, when the fire is a palm grove, or a unit (friendly or enemy).
it enters an enemy ZOC, although it can still resolved all applicable modifiers are used, except Crest hexsides, steep slope hexsides, redoubt
change facing as it enters the hex. the one for massed targets. hexsides, and fortification hexsides.
Exception 1: Recoil, retreat, or rout move- During an enemy Activation Phase, an artillery Exception: if the LOS crosses a redoubt hexside
ment, see 10.3 and 10.4. unit is not allowed to employ both counter-battery or a fortification hexside, the LOS is not blocked if
Exception 2: Cavalry pursuit, see 9.5.2 fire and reaction fire. It can employ only one of the the firer and/or the target are adjacent to that
To enter an enemy ZOC does not cost additio- two (at the owning player’s option), and only one hexside.
nal Movement Points. time during that Activation Phase.
Exception: a unit in disorder must expend +1 7.4.2 Effects of hexsides
MP to enter an enemy ZOC (see 10.1). 7.2 - Restrictions on fire When the LOS passes exactly along a side
An artillery unit cannot enter a hex in an ene- An artillery unit in disorder may not fire. of one blocking hex such as a village or woods
my ZOC unless that hex is occupied by at least Fire occurs before movement (see 4.4.2). hex, the LOS is not blocked. However, if it passes
one friendly infantry or cavalry unit. An artillery unit may fire only within the cone of along the sides of two blocking hexes, one to the
A unit that is in an enemy ZOC at the beginning fire defined by extending its two front hexes. left and the other to the right, the LOS is blocked.
of the Activation Phase may: An artillery unit may, however, change facing, When the LOS passes exactly along a blocking
• leave the ZOC (see below); while remaining in the same hex, and fire during hexside such as a crest or a steep slope, it is
• remain in place and, if desired, change facing the same Activation Phase. This change of fa- blocked.
by one vertex (60°) maximum. cing, limited to one vertex, is not considered to
A unit may leave an enemy ZOC: be movement. On the other hand, an artillery unit 7.4.3 Obstructions and levels of elevation 
• by expending 1MP in addition to the cost of may not change facing before counter-battery An obstruction is ignored for determination of
the first hex entered; fire or reaction fire. LOS, if:
• but it may not move directly into a front hex An artillery unit that has an enemy unit in one of • the firer and the target are both at a higher
ZOC of an enemy unit; its front hexes must fire at it (if there are enemy level of elevation than the obstruction;
• and it may not move directly or indirectly units in both of its front hexes, it may choose • the firer is at a higher level of elevation than
from one hex to another in the ZOC of the same either target). the target and the obstruction, and the obstruc-
enemy unit. This restriction also applies to two artillery tion is halfway between the firer and the target
Exception: charge by a cavalry unit already in units stacked together, and is in force both or closer to the firer;
an enemy ZOC (see 9.1); before and after any change in facing. • the target is at a higher level of elevation than
ZOCs affect recoil and retreat after combat Exception: if an artillery unit has the opportuni- the firer and the obstruction, and the obstruction
as described in 10.3.5 ZOC Restrictions, but ty to perform counter-battery fire against a non- is halfway between the firer and the target or clo-
they also affect refusal of shock (see 8.8) and adjacent enemy artillery unit, it is not required to ser to the target.
rout movement by the adversary (see 10.4). fire at an adjacent target.
7.4.4 Line of sight at close range
7 - Artillery Fire 7.3 - Fire strength and range Fire is always allowed at point-blank range
7.1 - Definitions of fire An artillery unit which is not in disorder fires (with firer and target adjacent), except through a
There are three kinds of artillery fire: by employing its fire strength, modified as neces- crest hexside or a steep slope hexside.
• normal fire: an artillery unit may sary by various factors.
fire when the formation it belongs Two artillery units in different hexes may fire 7.5 - Resolution of fire
to is activated. Normal fire affects all independently at the same target, but they can- To resolve fire by an artillery unit, the player
units in the target hex; not combine their fire in a single attack. rolls 1d10 and adds the fire strength of the unit,
• counter-battery fire: an artillery unit which is Two artillery units stacked in a single hex may taking into account the list of Die Roll Modifiers
the target of fire by an enemy artillery unit may either fire independently at the same or different for Artillery Fire (these are cumulative), and finds
employ counter-battery fire. Counter-battery fire is targets, or combine their fire against the same the result on the Fire Table.
resolved immediately after the results of the initial target if they belong to the same formation. To Clarification: if the result is CT, each unit affec-
enemy fire are applied. The artillery unit must the- do the latter, the fire strengths of the two units ted by the fire result must be tested individually.
refore still be in good order, otherwise it cannot are not added together; instead, the unit with
return fire. Counter-battery fire affects only the the higher strength is used, and a DRM of +2 is 8 - Shock Combat
artillery unit on top of the adverse stack. When added to the die roll when fire is resolved. 8.1 - Definition of shock combat
resolving the fire, take into account all possible Artillery units also have a range for effective Shock combat, when performed by
modifiers except the modifier for massed targets; fire and a maximum range. These ranges are gi- infantry, is a combination of close-
• reaction fire: an artillery unit which is the target ven as the number of hexes separating the firing range fire and bayonet charge,
of shock or charge by one or more enemy units artillery unit and the target unit. Count the hex which allows it to engage in combat
may employ reaction fire against an attacking unit the target unit is in, but not the hex the firing unit and then in mêlée.
is in. The effects of these ranges are given in the Cavalry can also perform shock combat like
table of Die Roll Modifiers for Artillery Fire. infantry, or it can choose to conduct a charge,
Special Case: If several artillery units combine which has other restrictions and advantages
their fire against the same target but are at dif- (see 9.).
ferent ranges from it, apply the least favorable For the remainder of this section of the rules,
modifier. the term shock combat refers to both infantry
shock combat and cavalry shock combat, but
7.4 - Line of sight does not include the cavalry charge.
An artillery unit must be able to trace a LOS to
the target unit. 8.2 - Restrictions on shock combat
The LOS is traced from the center of the hex Every infantry or cavalry unit whose formation
containing the artillery unit to the center of the is activated may engage in shock combat against
hex containing the target. It can be blocked by every enemy unit situated in its front hexes (see
obstructions. 6.1.1).
Exceptions: 8.4 - Combined shock combat 8.6.2 Cohesion differential
• units that are disordered, routed, or in 8.4.1 Definition of combined shock combat The attacker subtracts the cohesion level of
square, as well as artillery units, may not engage Friendly units situated in two or more adjacent the highest-rated defending unit from the cohe-
in shock combat; hexes may combine their strengths in order to sion level of the highest-rated of his own units;
• a unit may not attack a hex which it cannot engage in shock combat against the same defen- the result obtained is the cohesion die roll modi-
enter (in this case it may still engage in shock der. The units that are combining for an attack fier.
combat against its other front hex); add their strength points together. If they have
• units which perform a counter-shock are not No Orders, they must each make an ET (one ET 8.7 - Advance after shock combat
required to attack all the enemy units situated in per stack, as defined in 8.3.2). Thus it may hap- 8.7.1 Advance as a result of shock combat
their front hexes (see 8.7.2). pen that a combined attack becomes impossible If the defender vacates his hex (by recoil, re-
Adjacent units may combine their attack (see 8.4.). because one of the units failed the required ET. treat, or elimination) as a result of shock combat,
A unit announcing a combat must attack all the attacking unit with the highest cohesion level
units in its front hexes unless one or more of 8.4.2 Multiple attackers (and only that unit), or the stack containing that
those units are being attacked in shock combat If the attacking units are located in hexes unit if more than one stack is attacking, must
by another friendly unit. whose terrain could bring different advantages advance into the vacated hex. If more than one
An enemy unit may only be attacked by shock to that shock combat, resolution is performed as unit or stack has the same highest cohesion level,
combat one time during a single Activation follows: the attacking player chooses the unit (or stack) to
Phase (Exception: Breakthrough Shock and Pur- • if the defender is in a clear terrain hex, the advance.
suit, see 8.7.2 and 9.5). attacker chooses the terrain modifier which he The unit (or stack) may change facing by one
wishes to apply; vertex during its advance.
8.3 - Shock combat determination • otherwise, the defender chooses the terrain Two units from two different stacks that have
8.3.1 Prerequites for shock combat modifier which he wishes the attacker to apply. participated in the same combat cannot be cho-
Shock is not obligatory (see the exception below). sen to advance simultaneously after a shock com-
To engage in shock combat, a unit must have 8.4.3 Multiple defenders bat. An artillery unit cannot advance after shock
Received Orders or, if it has No Orders, it must If a unit attacks several units located in dif- combat.
have passed an Engagement Test (ET). ferent hexes, then the defender, when calculating Exception: Refusal of shock (see 8.8).
The players must announce and designate all the die roll modifiers, chooses the hex whose ter- If the advance after shock combat is made
shock combats before making the ETs for the rain will procure the greatest advantage for him. into a hex or through a hexside containing terrain
units involved. They place Choc (Shock) markers which would disorder it, the unit must become
(if the unit has Received Orders) or Choc/Test 8.5 - Shock combat results disordered.
(Shock/Test) markers (if the unit has No Orders The attacking player rolls 1d10 and applies (Example: infantry crossing a steep slope hex-
and must make an ET), on the attacking units the modifiers listed on the Terrain Table, the side).
Exception: Every unit which has attempted Odds Table, and the Die Roll Modifiers for Shock
and passed an ET must perform shock combat. or Charge Table (these modifiers are cumulative, 8.7.2 Breakthrough shock and counter-
with exceptions). The combat result is given by shock combat
8.3.2 Engagement Test the Shock and Charge Table. A unit may perform only one breakthrough
The ET (see 0.4.2) is performed at the mo- The results of shock combat apply to every shock or counter-shock combat per Activation
ment when combat is resolved. In the case of unit in the hex. The player rolls 1d10 for each Phase. Breakthrough shock and counter-shock
units in a stack, only the top unit makes the ET unit that must make a Cohesion Test (CT). are resolved immediately, before resolving any
(see 5.1.3): Effects on the Table must be applied in order, other combat. The procedure is as follows:
• if the unit passes the ET, it can participate as follows: apply the first combat result to the • if the result authorizes a breakthrough shock,
in shock combat along with all other units in the unit. Then apply any after-effects caused by that an attacking unit (or a stack, if several stacks are
same hex; result. Then apply the next result, if any, and then attacking) must advance without changing facing
• if the unit fails the ET, it cannot engage in apply any after-effects of that result. Then go on and may then perform a second shock combat.
shock combat, nor can any other unit in the to resolve the next combat. An Engagement Test is not required (since this
same hex.. A routed unit which is required to make a CT shock combat is automatic), but the attacker
Note: Since shock combat depends upon the must instead make an immediate rout move (see must attack all enemy units in its front hexes;
willingness of units to engage, it can happen 10.4). • if the result authorizes a counter-shock by the
that a unit will have to attack the enemy units or If an artillery unit is alone in a hex, or stacked defender, the latter may perform shock combat
stacks in both of its front hexes simultaneously, with another artillery unit, and is shock attacked against any of the phasing player’s units that are
because a neighboring friendly unit that was by an enemy unit, it is automatically eliminated located in its front hexes.
meant to attack one of those hexes failed its ET. after its reaction fire. See 8.9 for the specific • If the attacker recoiled after the initial shock
case of artillery in shock combat, and see 10. for combat, the defender may choose to advance
8.3.3 Reaction fire applying shock combat results. into the vacated hex, without changing facing,
An artillery unit which is the target of shock and then perform shock combat in the same
combat by one or more enemy units, including 8.6 - Explanation of the principal way. In both cases, no ET is necessary (shock
enemy cavalry units conducting a charge or a die roll modifiers for shock combat combat automatically occurs), and the defen-
pursuit (see 9.5), may perform reaction fire (see 8.6.1 Strength comparison der may even choose to perform shock combat
7.1) against one attacking unit situated in one of Each player totals the strength points of all his against the enemy units located in only one of its
its front hexes. units involved in the shock combat. The attacker front hexes and ignore the others.
Artillery units may not combine their reac- compares the strength of his units with that of Special case: If an artillery unit alone in a hex
tion fire; instead, they must fire individually, and the defender’s units. The result is rounded in is eliminated (automatically) as a result of shock
may fire against different targets. Reaction fire favor of the defender. combat, breakthrough shock is not possible.
occurs before resolution of shock combats, but Example: a unit with 8 strength points attac-
after Engagement Tests. king an enemy unit with 3 strength points per- 8.7.3 Priority for advancing after shock
If the attacking unit has to perform an ET and forms shock combat with a strength point ratio In determining which units may advance after
fails it, the artillery’s reaction fire does not occur. of 2 against 1. If he had had 5 strength points at- shock, breakthrough shock or counter-shock:
A unit disordered by reaction fire cannot per- tacking 6 defending strength points, the strength • charging cavalry always has priority over
form its shock attack. In the case of a stack, if the point ratio would have been rounded to 1 against other units performing shock, even if the latter
top infantry unit is disordered by the reaction fire, 1.5. The Odds Table provides the corresponding have a better cohesion rating. It then performs
the other unit must then attack alone. die roll modifierss. pursuit (see 9.5.2);
• cavalry, even if it has not charged, always has of infantry and heavy cavalry is treated like refu- A cavalry unit adjacent to an enemy unit may
priority over infantry, even if the latter has a bet- sal of shock from infantry alone (hence there is leave that unit’s ZOC (by expending +1 MP, see
ter cohesion rating; a CT). 6.2.2), and then charge without changing its ori-
• in all cases, heavy cavalry has priority over ginal facing (i.e., the facing it had when it was in
non-heavy cavalry, even if the latter has a better 8.9 - Artillery and shock combat the enemy ZOC).
cohesion rating. Artillery never participates in shock combat. The charging unit is not allowed to pass
It has no strength points for shock combat, its through or stop in a hex containing a friendly artil-
8.8 - Refusal of shock combat cohesion rating is never used for shock combat, lery unit during its charge movement.
8.8.1 Refusal of shock combat when facing and it has no engagement rating: The types of terrain which block charges are
infantry • if an artillery unit is stacked with an attacker listed on the Terrain Effects Chart. A charge
A cavalry unit, in good order or in disorder, which loses a shock combat, the artillery unit is cannot begin in or pass through these types
may evade an infantry unit which shock attacks it disordered and must recoil with the attacker if all of terrain, nor can the target of a charge be in
by moving one or two hexes, if it has not already units in the stack recoil. If the attacker wins, the these types of terrain. Likewise, a charging unit
done so during the current Activation Phase (i.e., artillery unit cannot advance after combat; is not allowed to cross a hexside where a bridge
if it has not previously evaded a unit activated by • if an artillery unit is stacked with a defending crosses a river, nor may it cross a slope, steep
the same AM). The decision must be made before unit and the latter loses a shock combat, the slope, crest, redoubt, or fortification hexside du-
the adversary’s Engagement Test (if required). artillery unit must recoil one hex and make a CT ring charge movement, or charge a unit located
Note: A two-hex refusal of shock means that (becoming disordered if it fails the CT); on the other side of these types of hexside.
the refusing unit must evade to a distance of two • if an artillery unit alone in a hex (or stacked Note: The restrictions on charges do not apply
hexes away from the unit which provoked the with another artillery unit) is shock attacked to shock combat by cavalry. A cavalry unit may,
refusal. after its reaction fire, it is automatically elimina- for example, perform shock combat, without
The restrictions and effects of refusal of shock ted. No breakthrough shock combat or pursuit charging, against a village, with a negative DRM
are as follows: is possible; of -3 (-2 for the shock combat by cavalry and -1
• if a cavalry unit performs its evasion by mo- • if an attack is made against 2 hexes, one of for the village).
ving only one hex, it makes a Cohesion Test with which contains only artillery, the artillery is not
a DRM of +1. If it fails the CT, it suffers an addi- eliminated unless the combat against the other 9.2 - Charge effects
tional disorder; stack is successful. The combat is resolved between the charging
• if a cavalry unit performs its evasion by mo- cavalry and all enemy units located in its front
ving two hexes, it makes a Cohesion Test with a 9 - Cavalry charge hexes (see 6.1.1). The attacking player rolls
DRM of -2. If it fails the CT, it suffers an additional Charging is the most effective way 1d10 and applies the modifiers listed in the Ter-
disorder; for a cavalry unit to engage in mê- rain Table, the Odds Table, and the Die Roll Modi-
Note: In these two cases, the CT is made after lée combat. A charge can never be fiers for Shock or Charge Table (these modifiers
the evasion declaration and before the application evaded. The only possible reactions are cumulative, with exceptions). The combat
of any other effect that may later follow from the to a charge are forming square for infantry (see result is given by the Shock and Charge Table.
evasion (for example, before suffering disorder 9.3) or counter-charge for cavalry (see 9.4). These modifiers are cumulative with any ari-
for evading into an enemy unit’s front hex). Wha- The separate steps of a cavalry charge are sing from an attack in combination with infantry.
tever the result of the CT, the evasion is allowed. performed in the following order: Exception: they are not added together if the
Clarification: for a stack, perform a CT for Charge movement: defender is in square; in that case, apply the -2
each unit in the stack. • charge declaration (see 9.1); DRM due to the charge.
• if a cavalry unit performs its evasion into a • engagement Test for cavalry units having No At the end of a charge, all participating cavalry
hex whose entry cost is 3 or more MP (the ter- Orders (see 9.1); units make individual Cohesion Tests. In case of
rain cost of +1 for leaving a ZOC is not counted), • charge movement (see 9.1); failure they are disordered, in addition to all the
it suffers an additional disorder; • possible attempt to form Square by the other disorder results which may have been pro-
• an evasion move is subject to all the restric- defender (see 9.3.1); duced during combat resolution.
tions of normal movement (such as any facing • possible recall attempt by charging cavalry
change, as well as the effects resulting from ter- (see 9.3.3). 9.3 - Squares and charges
rain) and the restrictions given in 6.2.2, with the Charge resolution: 9.3.1 Forming square
sole exception that evasion is possible into the • possible counter-charge attempt (see 9.4); Infantry units located in clear terrain that are
front ZOC of another enemy unit, at the cost of • possible reaction fire (same procedure as the targets of a charge, and are not in disorder
an additional disorder (see 10.3.5). in 8.3.3); or routed, may attempt to form square to pro-
Note: A cavalry unit may refuse shock and per- • resolution of the charge (see 9.2); tect themselves, even if they are in an enemy
form evasion into an enemy ZOC, but it cannot • possible pursuit (see 9.5). ZOC.
perform this evasion by moving from one ZOC to • end of charge Cohesion Test (see 9.5 and Exception: a unit in square which recoils after
another ZOC of the same enemy unit (including 9.2). a charge and hence loses its square formation
the attacking unit). (see 4.2) cannot attempt to get back into square
In all cases, the infantry may advance into the 9.1 - Charge restrictions for the resolution of the resulting pursuit.
hex vacated, as described in 8.7.1. An artillery The unit being attacked must be in the LOS Artillery cannot put itself in square unless it is
unit stacked with the infantry which provoked a (see 7.4) of the front hexes of the charging unit stacked with infantry; in that case it conforms to
refusal of shock may also advance into the vaca- before its movement begins. what the infantry does. The owning player rolls a
ted hex (as an exception to 8.9 and 8.7.1). The charging unit must not be disordered or die before resolution of the charge:
routed. • if the die roll is equal to or lower than the
8.8.2 Refusal of shock combat when facing Charges are declared during the current acti- infantry unit’s cohesion rating (or the cohesion
heavy cavalry vation’s movement segment (place a Charge rating of every infantry unit in a stack), the unit
A unit of non-heavy cavalry may also refuse marker on the charging unit). (or stack) is able to form square. Place a carré
shock combat (but not charge combat) from If an Engagement Test is required (i.e., for (Square) marker on it;
one or more heavy cavalry units only. Refusal of units in No Orders) it is performed before charge • if the die roll is higher than the infantry unit’s
shock combat from heavy cavalry follows exactly movement. If the unit fails its ET, it remains in cohesion rating (or higher than that of at least
the same procedure as refusal of shock combat place and cannot engage in combat. one infantry unit in a stack), the unit (or stack)
from infantry, with the sole exception that no The charging unit must move at least one hex. cannot form square. In addition, the infantry unit
Cohesion Test is required afterward The charging unit cannot move farther than its which failed its CT is disordered (all infantry units
Note: Refusal of shock from a combined attack reduced movement rate (as described in 4.1.2). are disordered in the case of a stack).
9.3.2 Effects of a square stack of units: 9.4 - Counter-charge
Cavalry does not receive any of the advantages • if it passes the ET, the unit is recalled. It does If the target of the charge or pursuit is a cavalry
of a charge when charging a square. Instead, a not charge, but recoils instead one hex back unit which is neither disordered nor routed, and
die roll modifier of -2 is applied to the combat. from the target and changes facing as desired. which is being charged through one of its front
Reaction fire by an artillery unit stacked with But it may not recoil into a front hex of an enemy hexes, it may attempt a counter-charge. The unit
infantry that had formed square beforehand is unit (it remains in place without charging); makes an Engagement Test before resolution of
penalized by a -1 to its fire die roll (the fire die roll • if it fails the ET, it must charge. the original charge and adds a DRM of +2 if it is
must occur after the attempt to form square), in In the case of units in a stack, only the top unit non-heavy cavalry counter-charging heavy cavalry
addition to the usual -1 for reaction fire. makes the Engagement Test, and the result is (this is the only case in which this DRM is used):
applied to the entire stack.. • if it passes the ET, the counter-charge suc-
9.3.3 Recall of cavalry Clarification: ceeds and the attacker resolves the combat
If the target has succeeded in forming square, When cavalry recall succeeds, there is no without benefit of the bonus of the initial charge;
the cavalry may try to halt its charge. The owning charge and therefore no end-of-charge CT is re- • if it fails the ET, there is no counter-charge
player makes an Engagement Test for the unit or quired (see 9.5 and 9.2). and the charge is resolved as described in 9.2.
Note: in case of pursuit (see 9.5), the unit
Cavalry Charge Example (From the Berezina 1812) may attempt further counter-charges as long as
Charge resolution (see 9.2) it remains in good order and is being charged
The cavalry charge is therefore resolved at +6 through one of its front hexes.
(+0 for 1 to 1 odds, +1 for clear terrain, +2 for In the case of units in a stack, only the top unit
cohesion difference, and +3 for charge by heavy makes the Engagement Test, and the result is
cavalry). The roll on the d10 is 6, modified to a applied to the entire stack.
final result of 12, which results in a 1 + D. Dr. In the case of a successful counter-charge, if
Finlande recoils one hex and is disordered (turn the attacking unit recoils or retreats after com-
the counter over to its reverse side). bat, it may be pursued. A unit that pursues fol-
Possible Pursuit (see 9.5) lowing a counter-charge is under the same res-
Pursuit is required. Lhéritier advances one hex, trictions as one that charges (see 9.2.).
following Dr. Finlande’s path of recoil, and attacks
Charge declaration (see 9.1) again. 9.5 - Pursuit
Formation DOUMERC has been activated. Only Counter-charge is not allowed (because the 9.5.1 Definition of pursuit
Lhéritier and d’Oullembourg can charge. Berc- defending unit is disordered). If the cavalry charge results in the defender
kheim cannot charge because he is in woods. The - The pursuit combat is resolved with a DRM of vacating its hex (by recoil, retreat, or elimination),
French player decides to charge H. Grodno with +7 (+0 for 1 to 1 odds, +1 for clear terrain, +3 pursuit is required, even if the fleeing unit is no
d’Oullembourg, and Dr. Finlande with Lhéritier. for cohesion difference, +3 for charge by heavy longer in LOS of the pursuing cavalry.
Engagement Test for units with cavalry, and +0 pursuit penalty because this is The pursuit effects are the same as those of
no orders (see 9.1 the first pursuit). the charge (see 9.2 to 9.4).
Lhéritier has Received Orders, but Oullem- The roll on the d10 is 2, modified to a final re- A cavalry unit which is attacked is allowed to
bourg has No Orders. D’Oullembourg therefore sult of 9, which results in a 1 + CT. Dr. Finlande pursue the attacking unit in the following cases
performs an Engagement Test before charging: recoils one hex. (see the Shock and Charge Table):
he rolls an 8 on a d10 and thus fails his Engage- The result of the d10 roll is 6, which means • the combat result authorizes a pursuit;
ment Test (because 8 exceeds his engagement that Dr. Finlande fails his Cohesion Test (his cohe- • the attacker recoils or retreats and the coun-
rating of 6). He has to remain in place and will sion rating is 4, because he was already disorde- ter-charge attempt succeeds (see 9.4).
not charge. red). Dr. Finlande routs, retreating 3 hexes.
- Lhéritier makes a second pursuit. The second 9.5.2 Restrictions on pursuit
pursuit combat is resolved with a DRM of +8 The pursuit restrictions are the same as those
(+0 for 1 to 1 odds, +1 for clear terrain, +3 for for charges (see 9.1), except that an ET is not
cohesion difference, +3 for charge by heavy cava- required for a unit with No Orders, and reduced
lry, +2 for attacking a routed unit, -1 penalty for movement no longer applies:
second pursuit). • if only one stack of units performs the
The roll on the d10 is 3 modified to a final result charge, the player has two options: he may
of 11. Dr. Finlande recoils one hex and suffers a perform the pursuit with the unit having the
disordered result, which eliminates him. Lhéritier highest cohesion rating in the stack (owner’s
advances into the vacated hex. choice in case of a tie for highest cohesion
The pursuit ends. rating), or he may perform the pursuit with
End-of-charge Cohesion Test the entire stack. If several stacks of units are
Charge movement (see 9.1) (see 9.5 and 9.2) charging, the stack containing the unit with
Lhéritier moves to attack Dr. Finlande and can Lhéritier makes his end-of-charge Cohesion the highest cohesion rating must perform
do so only against the latter’s front because he Test, rolling an 8 on the d10. He fails the test (his the pursuit (owner’s choice in case of a tie for
lacks sufficient movement points to do otherwise. cohesion rating is 7) and is disordered (turn the highest cohesion rating). Two units from two
Since the target of the attack is a cavalry unit, counter over to its reverse side). separate stacks that have participated in the
there is neither an Attempt to form square by the same combat may not be selected to perform
defender (see 9.3.1) nor an Attempt to recall by the pursuit.
the charging cavalry (see 9.3.3). Exception: A heavy cavalry unit (or a stack
Possible counter-charge attempt (see 9.4) containing at least one heavy cavalry unit), even if
Dr. Finlande can attempt a counter-charge by it does not have the highest cohesion rating, has
making an Engagement Test with a penalty of +2 priority for pursuit.
on the die roll (cavalry against heavy cavalry) to • if a stack of units is performing pursuit, it
try to remove the charge bonus of +3. conducts that pursuit all the way to the end (the
The roll on the d10 is a 5, so he fails the coun- units must remain stacked when the pursuit is
ter-charge attempt (because the 5 becomes a 7 finished);
due to the penalty, and this exceeds his engage- eliminated • a cavalry unit which pursues may change
ment rating of 6). facing by a maximum of one hexside per hex
moved through, in the direction of the unit being result due to fire), it is eliminated. not in Movement Points. The additional cost of
pursued; if it does make this facing change, it A unit in disorder: : +1 MP (see 4.4.3) for moving through a friendly
must then have the pursued unit’s hex of recoil • cannot make a forced march; unit does not apply.
or retreat in one of its front hexes; • expends one extra Movement Point to enter
• if the defender recoils or retreats (i.e., is rou- an enemy ZOC; 10.3.2 Restrictions on facing
ted), the cavalry which charged it pursues it, fol- • cannot engage in shock combat or charge; If the recoiling unit is not routed, it keeps its
lowing the path of recoil or retreat and ignoring • cannot form square or counter-charge. original facing. It cannot change facing unless at
the effects of ZOCs that concern movement (see the end of the recoil it is stacked with another
6.2.2), until it is adjacent to the unit being pur- 10.2 - Rout friendly unit with a different facing (it must com-
sued or until it has another enemy unit in its front A unit can be routed: ply with 6.1 by assuming the facing of the immo-
hexes, whichever occurs first; • either directly, as a result of fire; bile unit that did not retreat or recoil).
• if the defender is eliminated, the cavalry • or, for a disordered unit, by
which charged advances into the vacated hex suffering another disorder (as a 10.3.3 Stacking restrictions
and may then change facing by one hex vertex result of combat or fire, as an effect of recoil or Two units in a stack which recoil or retreat si-
and continue to charge enemy units located in retreat, or as a result of a failed Cohesion Test). multaneously are not required to end their move-
its front hexes (unless the unit eliminated is an Place a Déroute (Rout) marker on the counter ment in the same hex.
artillery unit); to indicate its status. A unit which recoils or retreats may, if its
• the pursuing cavalry must pursue the last If a routed unit suffers a new disordered re- owner wishes, enter a hex occupied by a friendly
unit charged (owner’s choice if several units qua- sult, it is eliminated. The counter of an elimina- unit with which it could not stack under the stac-
lify), even if it is not the unit that it was originally ted unit is removed from the map and cannot king rules (see 10.5).
pursuing. be returned to play.
• a hex containing terrain that is impassable When a unit routs, it must immediately retreat 10.3.4 Terrain restrictions
for cavalry or terrain in which charging is prohi- 2 hexes (if it is infantry or artillery) or 3 hexes (if A unit which recoils or retreats cannot cross a
bited halts the pursuit (even if it contains a road it is cavalry), as explained in 10.3.1. If it cannot river except at a ford or a bridge. If it must recoil
or trail); retreat the full distance, it is eliminated. or retreat over a steep slope, a ford, or a bridge,
• unlike breakthrough shock combat, there A routed unit: it suffers an automatic disorder result in addition
is no limit to the number of times that pursuit • cannot move (except during Phase E) or en- to all other disorder results already required.
and new charges can occur in the course of the gage in shock or fire; Exception: Recoil or retreat after combat into
same activation. However, each time a pursuing • has no ZOC; or through a castle is only allowed if the unit has
unit charges again, a DRM of -1 (cumulative) is • cannot form square or counter-charge; enough movement points to do so.
applied to the shock combat die roll, starting with • has no facing (front or rear), but must be tur-
the second pursuit charge. ned toward the retreat direction assigned to it, 10.3.5 ZOC restrictions
Clarification: For the initial charge and the in order to indicate the retreat direction clearly; ZOCs have no effect on recoil or retreats:
first pursuit charge, the -1 DRM is not applied; • if it is attacked by shock combat, the attacker Exception: If a unit recoils or retreats into an
after that, apply the DRM as follows: for the se- adds +2 to his die roll; enemy unit’s front hex (and thus into a ZOC), it
cond pursuit: -1; third pursuit: -2; fourth pursuit: • if it suffers another disorder result, it is eli- suffers an additional disorder for each hex of
-3, etc.. minated; this type that it enters. Thus a routed unit which
• cavalry which pursues must charge every en- • if it has to make a Cohesion Test (except for a retreats into an enemy unit’s front hex is elimi-
emy unit which is located in its front hexes after rally attempt, see 11.1), it makes an immediate nated.
its pursuit movement, and which is in a terrain rout move instead (see 10.4);
type into which charging is permitted, in addition • if it makes a Cohesion Test rally attempt, it is 10.4 - Rout movement
to the retreating unit; penalized by a +1 DRM; This can take place either during Phase
• but a charge may be halted voluntarily when • if its retreat move causes it to leave the map, D when a routed unit has to perform a CT, or
a unit other than the one being pursued is in one it is eliminated. during Phase E when each routed unit automati-
of the pursuing cavalry’s front hexes; cally performs rout movement.
• the end-of-charge Cohesion Test (9.2) is 10.3 - Recoil and retreat after combat The procedure is as follows:
made when the pursuit ends. 10.3.1 Definition • during rout movement, routed units must
A combat result or a failed Cohesion Test can expend their entire movement capacity as indi-
10 - Disorder, rout, recoil, require a unit to recoil one hex, or, if it is routed, cated on their disordered side, by moving in the
retreat to retreat two or three hexes (see 10.2). direction indicated by the scenario, and must do
These are the possible results of combat or Following combat, this movement is restricted so in the most direct path, while complying with
fire: as follows: the rules for traversed units (see 10.5). Most
• being disordered (10.1) or routed (10.2); • the first hex of recoil/retreat must place the direct means in a straight line toward the map
• recoil: a one-hex withdrawal by a unit in good unit farther away from the attackers who caused edge or hex indicated (and not the least costly
order or in disorder; the recoil/retreat; path in movement points); if the unit can not
• retreat: a retreat of 2 hexes (for infantry) or • then the following retreat hexes must in- move at least 1 hex, it is eliminated (examples:
3 hexes (for cavalry) by a unit which has routed crease the distance from the defender’s original movement from one ZOC hex to another ZOC
(10.3); hex; hex of the same enemy unit, MP cost of adjacent
• rout movement: as in Phase E (10.4). • if the unit has several hexes to choose from, it hexes too high, etc.);
must always choose one which allows it to avoid • for expending MP, rout movement is treated
10.1 - Disorder elimination. like normal movement (see 4.1.1).
A unit in good order which becomes A unit which cannot carry out its recoil or re- Exception: the extra cost of +1 MP (see 4.4.3)
disordered is turned over to its re- treat in its entirety while moving away from the to traverse a friendly unit is not applied, and the
verse side, which has a white stripe attackers as required is eliminated. disorder due to crossing a ford or bridge is
across it. A disordered unit which Exception: it is possible, without penalty, to recoil ignored for rout movement;
suffers another disorder result, or a rout result after combat into a hex which is adjacent to the • the stacking restrictions (see 5.1) and those
due to fire, is routed (see 10.2). attacker, without increasing the distance from involving zones of control in 10.3.5 do apply ;
Exception: Artillery is subject to the same him, but only if the latter does not exercise a ZOC • a unit may choose to stop its rout move-
rules covering disorder/rout as other units with into that hex (Examples: into a castle or across a ment when it enters a town, village, or castle
one exception: if an artillery unit is already disor- bridge). hex. It then remains in the hex and is not requi-
dered and suffers another disorder (or a rout Recoils and retreats are measured in hexes, red to perform further rout movement, even
if it fails its rally attempts. The player can still • if the unit was routed, remove the Déroute 13.2 - Victory at the end of the game
decide to resume rout movement for the unit (Routed) marker, but leave the unit on its disor- This is achieved by scoring more victory points
during a subsequent Phase E; dered side and change its facing as desired; than the opponent. Victory points are listed in
• if it comes to any obstacle, including an en- • if the die roll is higher than the reduced cohe- each scenario.
emy unit’s frontal ZOC, that is capable of cau- sion of the unit, it remains in its degraded status
sing an additional disorder and hence the elimi- and may make another rally attempt during its
nation of the unit, the latter is allowed to move next Activation Phase.
sideways one or more hex columns, if possible,
to continue its rout movement. 11.2 - Demoralization of formations
Restriction: during any given rout move, an Each formation is checked for demoralization
infantry unit is not allowed to move more than during the Rout Phase (Phase E.) of each turn.
two hex columns sideways, and a cavalry or If all of a formation’s infantry and cavalry units
artillery unit is not allowed to move more than that are in play at that precise moment are in
three hex columns sideways; disorder, routed, or eliminated, the formation is
• two routed units that are stacked together Effects of demoralization:
must separate, if possible, during rout move- • the units of a demoralized formation may no
ment, either by moving one of the units sideways longer enter an enemy ZOC (but they may remain
one hex column, or by moving one of the units in an enemy ZOC if they are already there);
one hex less than the other. • immediately retire one of the two AMs of each
• two routed units that are stacked together in demoralized formation from play, starting with the
the same hex may not attempt to rally; next turn (that AM is no longer available).
• if its rout movement causes a unit to exit the Notes:
map, it is eliminated. • if the two AMs do not have the same ratings,
retire the one with the higher rating;
10.5 -Traversed units • if a demoralized formation is no longer de-
If a unit’s path of recoil, retreat, or rout move- moralized in Phase E of a later turn, return the
ment traverses or ends in a hex occupied by one second AM to play on the following turn;
or more friendly units with which it is not allowed • if the formation was already demoralized or
to stack, the unit may still pass through the has only one AM available, leave the sole remai-
hex, even if this causes it to move farther than ning AM in play.
is required. The unit or units which are passed
through must make a Cohesion Test. 12 - Night and fog
This maneuver can be repeated until the unit 12.1 - Night
which is recoiling or retreating finds a hex in During night turns, the following changes are
which it can halt while still complying with the in force:
stacking rules. If the traversed unit is a routed • no forced marches (except for units arriving
unit, it must make a rout move instead of a Cohe- as reinforcements);
sion Test. • entering an enemy ZOC costs 2 extra Move-
The traversed unit makes its rout move after ment Points (+2MP);
the unit which caused it to rout finishes its own • disordered units are not allowed to move into
rout move. If the traversed unit then traverses contact with enemy units (they may, however,
the routed unit which has just traversed it and leave enemy ZOCs);
caused it to make its rout move, the latter does • artillery may fire at adjacent targets only;
not make another rout move; instead it remains • cavalry charges are not allowed;
in place. • all Cohesion Test die rolls are modified by +2;
Clarification: if a unit in a stack, in any hex, • disordered units which undertake no action
leaves the hex by routing after a failed Cohesion and are not adjacent to an enemy unit are auto-
Test, the units with which it was stacked at the matically rallied;
moment of the CT are not considered traversed • rally tests for routed units are modified by -3
and do not have to make a CT. instead of +1.

11 - Rallying and demoralization 12.2 - Fog

11.1 - Rally procedure During fog turns, the following changes are in
Units in disorder which have neither moved force:
nor changed facing nor fired, as well as routed • no forced marches (except for units arriving
units, may attempt to rally at the end of their Acti- as reinforcements);
vation Phase. • entering an enemy ZOC costs 1 extra Move-
Units adjacent to an enemy unit are not allowed ment Point (+1 MP);
to make a rally attempt. Rallying does not, under • artillery may fire at adjacent targets only;
any circumstances, depend on the order status of • cavalry charges are not allowed;
the formation to which the unit belongs. • all Cohesion Tests are modified by +1.
To rally a unit, the owning player rolls 1d10, Note :Rally tests are not modified by fog.
adding +1 if the unit is routed.
If the die roll is equal or inferior to the unit’s 13 - Victory
reduced cohesion (note that the counter is of 13.1 - Automatic victory
course on its disordered side, with reduced ra- An automatic victory is awarded at the end of
tings), the unit is rallied, with the following effects: the turn in which it occurs. The game ends no
• if the unit was disordered, return it to its nor- matter how many turns remain to be played.
mal (good order) side and change its facing as Scenarios in which an automatic victory is pos-
desired; sible will list the conditions for achieving it.

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