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VALID even the thing does not come into existence.

But if hope is vain, VOID (ex:

sweepstakes ticket w/c can never win)

ART 1462
1. Goods w/c may be the object of sale
 Existing goods – possessed by seller
 Future goods – to be manufactured, raised or acquired

2. Sale of future goods

Executory contract only.

ART 1463
1. Sale of undivided interest in a thing
 By sale owner – sole owner, may sell whole or part or undivided interest
therein. Legal effect of sale of undivided interest – co-owner na si buyer
 By co-owner – he may dispose his undivided interest w/out consent of
other co-owners.

ART 1464
1. Sale of an undivided share of a specific mass
 Fungible goods – any unit is treated as equivalent of any other unit (grain,
oil, wine, gasoline)

 Effect of sale – owner of mass of goods may sell an undivided share

provided it is specific and capable of being made determinate
Buyer becomes co-owner in his proportion
Aliquot share of each owner determined by measurement of entire
mass ONLY.
If later discovered that goods contains less than sold, buyer
becomes owner of WHOLE MASS, seller shall supply whatever is
lacking, same kind, same quality

 Risk of loss – whole mass is at the risk of all the parties interested in it, in
proportion to their various holdings
 Subject matter – incorporeal or intangible right

ART 1465
1. Sale of thing subject to resolutory condition
Uncertain event upon happening of w/c the obligation/right subject to it is
(ex: right to repurchase and exercised the right; sale of land because of failure to
pay debt, but if redeemed (w/in 1 year from and after the sale), sale is extinguished

ART 1466
1. Sale vs. agency to sell
Agency – on behalf/representation with authority
Sale Agency
Buyer who receive is now Agent who receive, retains to
owner principal
Buyer has to pay price Simply to account for
Cannot return object sold (gen Agent can return if unable to
rule) sell
Seller warrants thing sold Agent makes no warrant
Buyer can deal as he pleases Agent must act according to
instructions of principal

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