Cajayon Mark Ruben H. RESEARCH

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Cajayon, Mark Ruben H.



Activity 1. List ten words that come to your mind when you heard the word Research. Use the words you
have listed to come up with your own definition of Research .

2. Empirical Cyclical Measurable Logical

Methodical RESEARCH Analytical

Replicable Money History Expirement


Research is a systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical

information; and analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in accordance with suitable
methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines.

Research is the organised and systematic method of finding answers to questions. It is systematic
because it is a process broken up into clear steps that lead to conclusions. Research is organized because
there is planned structure or method used to reach the conclusion. Research is only successful if we find
answers, whether we like the answers or not.

Activity 2. Answer the following questions comprehensively ( 10 points each) .

1. Based on your readings, what are the characteristics of research that you will consider before
engaging any research endeavor ? Why?
 Empirical
Empirical based on direct observation or experience of the researcher. The collection of
data is based on practical experience without assistance of scientific knowledge or theory.
 Logical
Logical is based on the legal principles in gathering of data. Scientific investigation is
done in an orderly manner so that the researcher has confidence in the findings. Logical
examination of the procedures used in the research enables the researcher to draw
conclusions, which are important for decision making.
 Cyclical
Research is a cyclical process. It starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
 Analytical
Research utilizes proven analytical procedures collecting data, whether historical,
descriptive, experimental, or case study.
 Methodical
Research is conducted in an orderly manner without bias, using systematic procedures
and techniques, an appropriate research design, and statistical tool to arrive at scientific
 Critical
A critical research exhibits careful and exact judgment.
 Replicable
The research designs and procedures are replicated or duplicated using different

2. Why is research considered as a scientific endeavor?

For me research considered as a scientific endeavour, because it follows an step by step
procedure in order to come up with a conclusion.
Activity 3. Answer the following questions comprehensively (10 points each).

1. Discuss the acronym RESEARCHER.

R stands for research – oriented

E – efficient
S - cientific
E - ffective
A - ctive
R - esourceful
C - reative
H - onest
E - conomical
R - eligious

 Research – oriented
A good student researcher must be research oriented. The school is his training ground
where he starts to love and finds interest to conduct.
 Efficient
He must be a dreamer. He must be ambitious, but he must also be industrious in order to
achieve his dreams. If his dream is to conduct experimental research with return on
investment, and if his ambition is to become rich someday, he must be efficient and
industrious in his research work in order to achieve his dreams.
 Scientific
He must be systematic, methodical, logical, and precise in his decision pertaining to his
research and interpreting research results.
 Effective
He must be successful in his experimental research so that its results are useful.
Ultimately, he must be able to realize a return on investments from the research outputs by
commercializing them.
 Active
He must be energetic and dynamic in conducting his research until its completion.
 Resourceful
He must be inventive and quick- witted in conducting his research with the goal in mind
of improving his quality of life from poor to rich.
 Creative
He must be unique, original, and innovative in his research to arrive at productive results
that can augment income, alleviate poverty, and improve quality of life.
 Honest
In research, the saying, the saying “Honesty is the best policy” applies. A good researcher
must be trustworthy and declare valid research results.
 Economical
He must make his research cost- effective. He must be thrifty and wise in the use of
materials, time and money.
 Religious
He must be a spiritually oriented individual by implementing first in his life the
acronym of UNLAD. Unahin Natin Lagi Ang Diyos in order to be well guided excellently
by the almighty in his research efforts.

2. Which among the five characteristics of researcher do you think is the most important? Why?

Intellectual Curiosity; Prudence; Healthy Criticism; Honesty; Inventiveness

The researcher is inquisitive. He engages in reflective thinking and investigates things,
situations, and problems around him. He is interested in acquiring knowledge about them
especially the new and uncommon.
It is said that intellectual curiosity ends when prudence begins. Once the researcher has
chosen his research problem wisely, his intellectual curiosity ends but prudence begins. The
researcher is prudent if he conducts his research project carefully, wisely, and practically at the
right time and the right place, effectively, efficiently, and economically.
The researcher is always doubtful as to the truthfulness of the results of his study.
Normally, the researcher always doubts the correctness of his findings even if the data are
gathered and computed honestly.
An intelligent researcher is honest in gathering data or facts in order to arrive at honest
and valid results because success or failure of the research study lies in his hand. If his
researched is on the acceptability, salability, and profitability of a certain product, he must be
honest in gathering his data and declare the honest results of his study.
An intelligent investigator must be inventive and innovative in his research. Not only
should his research be the first of its kind, but the result should also be patentable.

Activity 4. Interview at least 5 persons regarding the values of research in the fields of education, food,
health medicine, economy, and other fields. Document your interview and summarize their response in
300 words.

I interviewed my Elder Sister Marie Beth C. Manzano; her husband, Mr. rexon M. Manzano; my
cousin Mrs. Rosemarie R. Lopez; her sister too, Mrs. Rosana R. Sical ; and one of my elder sister’s
college instructor professor Ms. Raquel E. Gabia.
And all of their answers are similar too each other. Research is said to be important in every
sector of our society. Research provide important information about the trends and risks factors, outcomes
or public interventions, functional abilities.
The researcher must be honest, so that the research is so true that can be a big help to the society
and to any other individuals who needs help. So research plays a very important role in our daily life. It is
the best and reliable way to understand and act on the complexities of various issues that we as humans
are facing. As our demands increase, the requirement of research also rises. It can also be said that
research is what that makes our life easier. It is just the result of curiosity or a new innovative idea.
Research helps us in many ways and provides us with complete solution to the problems faced by
humans. Now when we humans, satisfied without any problems, this result in the advancement of society.
So research overall helps in the advancement and development of society.

Activity 5. List at least two possible research topics that could be done using in the following types of

Types of Research Topics

1. Historical
 Nuclear weapons and their influence on the world military clashes
 Commercial exchange, diplomacy, and religious difference between Venice and the Islamic
2. Descriptive
 The Effects Of Tourism Impacts Upon Quality Of Life Of Residents In The Community
 From Service Problem to Service Failure; Assessing Resort Hotel Costumer’s Perception of
3. Experimental
 Exploring the Experiences of People Living with HIV in the United States: Modelling
Muscle Ache/Pain and Medical Expansion
 An Econometric Approach to Evaluate Media Effectiveness: An Auto Insurance Example

Activity 6. Describe the specific activities involved in every step of the research process.
1. Research Reconnaissance
- preliminary survey or research
2. Identification of the Research Topic and Formulation of the Research Problem.
- Very important part of the research process as it determines the subsequent parts of the
research project.
3. Identification of the Research Methodology
- This section is composed of four components. These are:
a. the research design
b. sources of information
c. techniques of data collection
d. the scheme or tools for data analyzing.
4. Collection of Data
- After the research proposal has been formally approved, the researcher must be ready to
execute the research as planned.
5. Processing of Data
- This phase of the research requires that you define what type of approach you will apply to
organize your data in preparation for data analysis and interpretation.
6. Analyze Data
- The Researchers begins the process of turning raw data into data structures that can be used in
generating meaningful and useful bit of information for the decision makers. Using of data
analysis techniques, the researcher can create new, complex data structures by combining two
or more variables into indexes, ratios, constructs, and so on.
7. Preparation and presentation of the final report
- The report contains the description of the research problem and its components. It also
contains an account of how the research plan was implemented. The importance of its step
cannot be overstated.

Activity 7. Read the following selection and answer the guide questions below.

A group of young researchers wanted to determine the possible effect of phthalates on the
metabolic rate and behavior of mice. An experimental procedure was conducted to carry out the problem.
The researchers used old plastic materials from plastic bottle as the sources of phthalates. They cut the
plastic material into smaller pieces and blended. They injected the phthalate samples orally into the mice.
After the treatment, the metabolic rate and behavior of the mice were observed.

Guide Questions
1. What ethical issues should be observed in the research?
- Experiments involving animals is a difficult issue with plenty of considerations since its morally
wrong to cause animals suffering more they should. Researchers must be aware that the
experiment is done as humanely as possible with producing valid results.

2. Do you think the researchers committed any violations in the conduct or research? Why or Why
- One major flow of conducting this experiment is the failure to establish control and experiment
group. The control group and experimental group are compared against each other.

3. If you were part of the research team, what would you do to correct these violations?
- If I were part of the research team, I would have scrapped the idea of animal experimentation
entirely even when it involved mice. If the purpose of the research is to see the effects of plastic
only, then I would just resort to computer models.

4. Recall an instance or a personal experience that you did not conform to the ethical norms while
doing your research projects. Cite at least 5 solutions that you should have done to correct your
- I remember when I was in Grade 12, in order to finish our research fast our group decided to
divide the questionnaire that we are going to use for interview to gather data. But eventually
some of my groupmates lied and they are the one who answers some of the questionnaire and
this incident reached our teacher and made her angry in all of the groups. I am in fault too,
because I tolerate my groupmates. And by that situation I can say “Honesty is the best

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