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o Describe Appearance

Ablaze Distinct Quirky

Adorable Drab Ruddy
Alluring Dull Shiny
Attractive Elegant Skinny
Average Embarrassed Sloppy
Awkward Fancy Smiling
Balanced Fat Sparkling
Beautiful Filthy Spotless
Blonde Glamorous Strange
Bloody Gleaming Tacky
Blushing Glossy Tall
Bright Graceful Thin
Clean Grotesque Ugly
Clear Handsome Unattractive
Cloudy Homely
Clumsy Interior Uncovered
Colorful Lovely Unsightly
Magnificent Unusual
Cracked Murky Watery
Crooked Weird
Crushed Plain Wild
Curly Poised Wiry
Cute Pretty Wooden
Debonair Puffy Worried
Dirty Quaint Zaftig

To Describe Situations

Accidental Doubtful Main

Achievable Elementary Minor
Advantageou Finger-
s printed
Alcoholic Groundless Nutritious
Animated Hard Obsolete
Aquatic Harmful Optimal
Aromatic High Organic
Aspiring Honest Premium
Bad Horrible Quizzical
Bawdy Illegal Rainy
Biographical Illegible Redundant
Bizarre Imperfect
Broken Impossible Simple
Careful Internal Tangible
Credible Inventive Tricky
Creepy Jazzy Wholesale
Cumbersome Juvenile Worse
Disastrous Legal Wry
Dismissive Logical X-rated

Mind Your Love for Adjectives

Now that we've seen a nice sampling of adjectives, there's one thing left to note. It's best to use
discretion with adjectives. You never want to overdo it.

Generally, nouns and verbs should do most of the descriptive work in your writing. Don't simply
tell your reader something is beautiful, exciting, or interesting. Use your words to set a detailed
scene and consider using a sprinkling of adjectives rather than a heavy dousing.

As you seek to strike that balance, expand your adjectival toolbox a little further with Adjectives
for Mood and Feelings or put a positive spin on your writing with this list of positive adjectives.
Having a wide variety of options at your disposal will allow you to choose the right adjective at
the right time.

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