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Bacay, Ann Nesley D.

BPA 3101
PA 312

Having visited a government office, list down the equipment and furniture you have seen then
write the function of each.
1. Computer desktop
Computers became part of nearly every office that is why it is one of the most essential
equipment in the office. It helps to improve the efficiency and accuracy of office workers by
providing different software and communication functions to help execute the tasks. It is a
device to finish almost all the office works. Likewise, application or systems were installed to
the computers in order to save, record, and retrieve data in an efficient way. Most of the
important documents are being done here that is why without the use of computers offices cannot
unable to function.
2. Printer
Though most of the data are stored in the digital realm, printers are still one of the
necessary equipment in the office, especially in barangay office. This device is use to print the
text and graphic output from a computer and transfer the information to paper. Important
documents especially in barangay offices should always be printed that is why it should always
be available and present at all times.
3. Internet/ Wifi router
This device is as important as the computer desktop. Without the internet connection,
office works will be very difficult to do. It helps the office to be productive and operate
effectively. Internet connection is used in communication and dissemination of information.
With this employees can effortlessly communicates with one another at any time. In addition, it
is also a big help in saving, recording, and retrieving important data.
4. Office desk and chair
These furnitures are essential for a comfortable work environment since it is consistently
used all day. It also improves productivity and help employees avoid back pain and other
potential health problems. Furthermore, it is where all the papers and office stuff being placed
and helps to save space in the room. Importantly, it is the place where most of the office works
5. Telephone
This device helps office worker in terms of communication. Most of the time office
workers' use telephone for important call. It is use to informally or formally communicates with
other people during office hours.
6. Office supplies
It is one of the necessary materials that should be in the office. Office supplies are the
consumables in the office regularly such as ball pens, papers, sticky notes, folders, binders,
notebooks, planners, calendars and a lot more. These are helpful in record keeping, bookkeeping
and storing of data and information.
7. Drawer organizer
Organization is crucial in office work that is why offices do have their own drawer
organizer. This equipment is consists of several sections of different sizes to provide spaces for
the allocation of office supplies. Also it helps to organize records and a lot of paper works in
place. It helps to maintain tidy work area and make the work productive.
8. CCTV camera
This device helps to monitor and review the interior and exterior of the office. It helps
with security and safety of the people as well as the property.
9. Air-conditioner
This equipment is use to remove or condition the heat and moisture of the office. It helps
to make the workspace more comfortable and less stressful.
10. Wastebasket
Though this equipment was not always noticeable because it is always in the corner,
having wastebasket in the office is also important. Wastebasket helps the office to be clean and
well-organized. Since offices are always busy and junks such as papers are everywhere, it is
necessary to have this. Office desk without wastebasket would be in mess.

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