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Bacay, Ann Nesley D.

PA 314

Activity 4

1. Which system of filing is suitable for a government office who receives not more than ten
letters per month?

I think a government office who receives not more than ten letters per month can use
subject classification and numerical filing system since in these system papers are grouped
numerically and according to their subject. I observed that those filing system are intertwined to
each other. Numerical filing allotted number to each correspondent or subject while Subject
Filing arrange/grouped the files according to their subject. Both systems will be convenient in
filing and keeping letters or records and both are simple to operate. Both will be efficient in
responding to letters.

However the filing system that the government offices are using is the Archives and
Records Management Information System (ARMIS). It is a document management, tracking,
archiving and disposal system for government agencies. Through the system, agencies are given
an instance through their own agency site where authorized users can search and retrieve their
agencies’ documents and records through the advanced search features of the system. The public
can also have access to public records for public viewing.

2. State the relative merits of centralized and decentralized filing.

1. Supervision in the files and documents will 1. Ensures efficient operation of functional
be practiced. There is a better control in the departmental activities. Since the file or
filling system since there is trained personnel document needed are already available and
specialized in leading and keeping the filing accessible, references for departmental
system. activities will be easy and quick
2. The space, equipment and staff will be better 2. Prevents misfiling of the files or documents
utilized. since every department has its own keeper. The
safety of the papers is ensured.
3. There is uniformity in keeping, borrowing, 3. No difficulty in maintaining departmental
and returning the records. Also there is a confidentiality
standard or procedure to be followed for the
protection of the files.
4. There is no duplication of files. 4. Saves time and prevent delayed.

3. Name the index adopted by a public office to identify the signatures of customers.

The signature file method is a popular indexing technique used in information retrieval
and databases. It excels in efficient index maintenance and lower space overhead.

The first structure that has been used for signature data is the sequential file which is
efficient in handling new insertions, since new entries are simply appended to the end of the file.
This way, for each query processed, the entire signature file needs t be scanned. Consequently,
the signature file involves high processing and I/O cost.

A signature file allows fast search for text data. It is typically a very compact data
structure that aims at minimizing disk access at query time. Query processing is performed in
two stages: filtering, where false-negatives are guaranteed to not occur but false-positives may
occur and, query refinement, where false-positives are removed.


Chen, Yangjun. (2001). Sinature Files and Signature Trees.

Manolopoulos Y., Nanopoulos A., Tousidou E. (2003) Signature Indexing with Tree Structures.
In: Advanced Signature Indexing for Multimedia and Web Applications. Advances in
Database Systems, vol 27. Springer, Boston, MA.

Nascimento M.A. (2009) Signature Files. In: LIU L., ÖZSU M.T. (eds) Encyclopedia of
Database Systems. Springer, Boston, MA.

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