The Role of Diet in Multiple Sclerosis - A Review

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The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: A review

Article  in  Nutritional Neuroscience · March 2017

DOI: 10.1080/1028415X.2017.1303016


24 1,291

5 authors, including:

Sabrina Esposito Simona Bonavita

Flagler College Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli


Maddalena Sparaco
Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli


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Nutritional Neuroscience
An International Journal on Nutrition, Diet and Nervous System

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The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: A review

Sabrina Esposito, Simona Bonavita, Maddalena Sparaco, Antonio Gallo &

Gioacchino Tedeschi

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& Gioacchino Tedeschi (2017): The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: A review, Nutritional
Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/1028415X.2017.1303016

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The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: A review
Sabrina Esposito 1,2, Simona Bonavita1,3,4, Maddalena Sparaco 1, Antonio
Gallo 1,3,4, Gioacchino Tedeschi 1,3,4
I Clinic of Neurology, Second University of Naples, 80138, Italy, 2Department of Neuroscience, Psychology,
Drug Research and Child Health, University of Florence, Italy, 3MRI Research Center SUN-FISM, Second
University of Naples, Italy, 4Institute for Diagnosis and Care “Hermitage Capodimonte”, Naples, Italy

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a multifactorial, inflammatory, and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous
system, where environmental factors interact with genetic susceptibility. The role of diet on MS has not been
comprehensively elucidated; therefore, through an extensive search of relevant literature, this review reports
the most significant evidence regarding nutrition as a possible co-factor influencing the inflammatory
cascade by acting on both its molecular pathways and gut microbiota. Since nutritional status and dietary
habits in MS patients have not been extensively reported, the lack of a scientific-based consensus on
dietary recommendation in MS could encourage many patients to experiment alternative dietetic
regimens, increasing the risk of malnutrition. This work investigates the health implications of an
unbalanced diet in MS, and collects recent findings on nutrients of great interest among MS patients and
physicians. The aim of this review is to elucidate the role of an accurate nutritional counseling in MS to
move toward a multidisciplinary management of the disease and to encourage future studies
demonstrating the role of a healthy diet on the onset and course of MS.
Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, Diet, Inflammation, Gut microbiota, Malnutrition, Nutrients in multiple sclerosis, Nutritional assessment, Dietary

Introduction Moreover, MS is characterized by a large spectrum

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, neurode- of symptoms that may be conditioned by nutritional
generative, and demyelinating disease of the central status and contribute to increasing the risk of malnu-
nervous system, and it is the most common neurologi- trition. On the other hand, diet-related health issues,
cal disorder in young adults, especially women, usually frequently observed in MS population, such as cardio-
occurring between ages 20 and 40, albeit in 3–5% of all vascular disease and metabolic syndrome, may concur
cases it occurs before age 16 (early onset)1 and in 3.4– to aggravate the disease.
12.7% after age 50 (late onset).2 Its multifactorial Nowadays, as shown below, despite a number of
nature has not been fully elucidated, but an immune scientific studies exploring the relationship between
dysregulation, caused by the interaction of genetic sus- nutrition and MS, there is no consensus on the
ceptibility and environmental factors (geographical, dietary habits to follow to ameliorate the course
infectious, and/or nutritional), appears central to and/or the symptoms of the disease. Therefore,
explain its etiopathogenesis.3 The disease is marked many MS patients experiment with alternative dietetic
by an autoimmune process leading to blood–brain regimens, including special diets or nutritional sup-
barrier disruption, perivascular inflammation, injury plements, with no scientific support.5 Such a behavior
of myelin sheath, axonal damage, and progressive may only partially reflect a general mistrust in medical
neuronal loss. The predominance of inflammation or science, while a major contribution may arise from
neurodegeneration warrants, in part, a different clini- patients’ need to have an active role in the disease
cal phenotype. Recently, the classic MS clinical care. The role of different nutritional strategies on
courses (relapsing-remitting, progressive relapsing, MS pathogenesis and symptoms has not been compre-
primary and secondary progressive) have been rede- hensively investigated; therefore, our aim was review-
fined according to the evidence of two indicators: (i) ing scientific evidence regarding nutrition in MS, in
disease activity and (ii) clinical progression, reflecting order to elucidate the role of diet in the multidisciplin-
inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes, ary management of MS patients.
The impact of diet on MS pathogenesis
Correspondence to: Sabrina Esposito, I Clinic of Neurology, Second The hypothesis that diet might influence the incidence
University of Naples, Piazza L. Miraglia, 2, Naples 80138, Italy. Email: sa- and course of MS stems from results of

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

DOI 10.1080/1028415X.2017.1303016 Nutritional Neuroscience 2017 1
Esposito et al. The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: a review

epidemiological studies, showing an increased incidence on MS animal models. In experimentally induced T-

of MS in populations with high intake of saturated fats cell-mediated autoimmune diseases, essential fatty
and low levels of vitamin D.3 As discussed below, even acid-deficient diets, or Ω-3 fatty acid supplements,
though epidemiological and animal studies globally appeared to worsen disease course, whereas Ω-6 fatty
showed moderate benefits of some dietary interventions acids appeared to prevent or ameliorate disease sever-
in MS, especially on inflammation, controlled clinical ity, probably exerting a cytokine-related immunomo-
trials failed to produce conclusive results. A large part dulatory effect.23 Further animal experiments and
of these studies suffered from some limitations related clinical intervention studies have indicated some anti-
to the study design as well as sample size and patients’ inflammatory properties of Ω-3 PUFA, including
characteristics. Moreover, although accumulating evi- effects on intracellular signaling pathways, transcrip-
dence indicates a dissociation between inflammation tion factor activity, and gene expression.24 Choi
and neurodegeneration in the pathogenesis of MS,6 et al.25 reported that three cycles of a very low-
studies investigating the impact of diet on neurodegen- calorie and low-protein diet (fasting mimicking diet,
erative processes are even more insufficient than work FMD), lasting three days every seven days, mitigated
focused on the inflammatory component of MS. One demyelination, axonal damage, and disease severity
of the reasons could be that the experimental animal in EAE, promoting oligodendrocyte precursor acti-
model of MS experimental auto-immune encephalo- vation and reducing Th1, Th17 cells, and the level of
myelitis (EAE) is an autoimmune/inflammatory pro-inflammatory cytokines. The authors suggested
model with limited power to accurately represent neuro- that the alternation of FMD cycles and re-feeding
degeneration in humans.7 Overall, the research in this independently modulated both remyelination and
field suffers from the limited interest within the scientific inflammatory response in animal model of MS.
community; indeed, either the lack of robust pathophy- A re-analysis of three double-blind trials26 showed a
siological knowledge about the link between nutrition, positive effect (decrease of relapse duration and sever-
immunity, neurodegeneration and MS, or the enormous ity) of linoleic acid supplementation in MS patients
amount of resources needed to conduct a properly with mild disability and short disease duration. A 2-
designed, independent, controlled clinical trial, may year double-blind-controlled trial27 of long chain Ω-3
play a detrimental role in the performance of powerful PUFA demonstrated beneficial trends in 145 relap-
conclusive studies. sing-remitting (RR) MS patients receiving Ω-3 in
terms of reduction of MS relapses duration, frequency,
Possible role of diet as a risk factor in MS and severity, as compared to 147 RRMS patients of
The higher prevalence of the disease in Western the control arm. Nevertheless, none of the tested par-
countries and in territories distant from the Equator ameters reached the 95% statistical significance. A
(above 40 degrees of latitude) might be linked to subsequent double-blind randomized 1-year trial28
regional dietary habits, suggesting a contribution of showed a moderate positive effect on subjective
hyper-caloric diets typical to these areas.8–10 Looking quality-of-life measures [assessed by the Short Form
at food-consumption data of the member countries Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36), the Modified
of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS), and the Mental
Development, Arganoff et al.11 not only showed that Health Inventory] in RRMS patients who underwent
consumption of dairy fats and red meat was associated a low-fat diet (15% fat) supplemented with Ω-3, com-
with an increased risk of MS, but also found that veg- pared to those patients who observed a 30% fat diet
etable, nut, and fish [rich in Ω-6 and Ω-3 polyunsatu- supplemented with olive oil. A recent multicenter
rated fatty acids, (PUFAs)] were associated with a placebo-controlled clinical trial29 compared the effect
reduced risk of MS. In line with Arganoff et al., of daily treatment with concentrated Ω-3 fatty acids
other epidemiological studies have supported evidence versus placebo on radiological disease activity assessed
of a detrimental association between the incidence of after 6, 9, and 24 months from baseline. Ω-3 fatty acids
MS and the intake of saturated animal fat, while were supplemented alone during the first 6 months of
PUFA-rich foods have been inversely associated with trial and in association with subcutaneously 44 μg of
MS onset.12–14 These findings, however, have not interferon beta-1a to all patients over the following
been unequivocally confirmed by the majority of 18 months. The study provided class 1 evidence that
population-based case-control studies,15–21 probably Ω-3 fatty acid supplementation did not exert beneficial
due to methodological caveats.22 effects on disease activity in RRMS as monotherapy
or in combination with a first-line immunomodulatory
Possible role of diet as a disease-modifying treatment. Pantzaris et al.,30 in a randomized double-
factor blind placebo-controlled phase II proof-of-concept
The experimental model and the type/amount of clinical trial showed that an oral nutraceutical combi-
selected food appear to influence the impact of diet nation of PUFA (Ω-3 and Ω-6 at 1:1) and gamma-

2 Nutritional Neuroscience 2017

Esposito et al. The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: a review

tocopherol, versus placebo, significantly reduced at 2 and autoimmunity.36 In naïve-to treatment MS

years the annualized relapse rate and the probability patients, increased levels of leptin have been observed
of disability progression [intended as an increase of in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Leptin levels
at least 1.0 point on the Expanded Disability Status have also been found to correlate directly with CSF
Scale (EDSS), confirmed after 6 months] in RRMS IFN-γ secretion and inversely with the percentage of
patients, without any serious adverse events. The circulating regulatory T cells (T-reg),34 a subset of T-
study had two considerable limitations: the small Lymphocytes with a critical role in suppressing auto-
sample size (20 participants randomly assigned to reactive T-cells and in maintaining peripheral toler-
each intervention group) and the low adherence of ance.37 Overexpression of leptin receptor (LEPR) has
the participants (51% of patients completed the 30- been detected in CD8+ T cells and in monocytes of
month trial). MS patients during clinical exacerbation, in contrast
to patients in remission or healthy controls, suggesting
Possible role of a metabolic hormone, i.e. an involvement of LEPR in MS relapses.38 Based on
Leptin, in MS this evidence, Matarese et al.39 have proposed the
Leptin is an adipocyte-derived hormone, regulating role of leptin as mediator between metabolic status
energy expenditure and acute phase reactants, which and MS pathogenesis/activity: a diet-related increase
is emerging as a potential metabolic mediator involved in adipocyte mass, through the hypersecretion of
in the induction/progression of EAE31,32 and in the leptin, might impair the balance between effector T
pathogenesis of MS.33,34 In animal models, leptin cells (T-eff) and T-reg cells, promoting a pro-inflam-
has shown a modulating role in cellular immune matory status and a cell-mediated autoimmunity tar-
response and in cytokines release; leptin deficiency, geting antigens involved in MS.
related to acute starvation, has been associated with
decreased IFN-γ secretion ( pro-inflammatory cyto- Molecular impact of diet on MS-related
kine), reduced IL-4 and IL-10 levels (regulatory cyto- autoimmune inflammation
kines), increased TGF-β values ( potent immune In recent years, we have witnessed a remarkable inter-
regulator), reduction in circulating CD4+ T cells and est in nutrients and special diets, such as saturated and
impaired T-cell proliferation.35 Fasting mice, with cir- ‘trans’ fatty acids, α-lipoic acid, polyphenols, high-fat
culating leptin shortage, have shown lower EAE diet, and high-carbohydrate diet that operating at the
activity with delayed disease onset and attenuated molecular level, may modulate the components of
clinical symptoms.32 In humans, hyperleptinemia has inflammatory cascade (Fig. 1). There is some evidence
been correlated with pro-inflammatory conditions that nuclear factor-kB (NF-κB) and Activator Protein-

Figure 1 Outline of molecular interaction between dietary habits and immunologic regulatory system (Riccio P, Autoimmune
Diseases 2010, modified).

Nutritional Neuroscience 2017 3

Esposito et al. The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: a review

1 (AP-1) – two main pro-inflammatory transcription while calorie restriction, polyphenols, Ω-3 PUFA,
factors involved in T-cell induction – are activated in butyrate, and physical exercise would exert the oppo-
MS,40,41 determining overexpression of pro-inflamma- site effect.41,53
tory products such as: tumor necrosis factor alpha Therefore, an increasing body of evidence seems to
(TNF-α), interleukin 1 beta, high-sensitivity C-reac- highlight the influence of diet on inflammatory and
tive protein (hs-CRP), receptor activator of NF-κB autoimmune processes implicated in MS, supporting
ligand,42 IL-6,43 matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP- the hypothesis of close interplay between dietary mol-
9),44 prostaglandins, and leukotrienes.45,46 As a conse- ecules and key transcription factors likely involved in
quence, inflammation, extracellular-matrix degra- both metabolic and immunological homeostasis
dation, angiogenesis, and oxidative stress may be (Fig. 1).
aroused and/or enhanced.
NF-κB is also protagonist of a mutual modulation Pro-inflammatory role of diet-related dysbiosis
with nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 The growing interest in understanding the role of gut
(Nrf2), an important transcriptional activator of cyto- Microbiome in human health prompted the investi-
protective genes, whose activity is associated with gation of the microbial repertoire in the framework
specific dietary molecule intake.47 Nrf2 activation of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as
reduces NF-κB pathways and the release of cytokines, MS. Unicellular eukaryotes, viruses, archaeas, and
chemokines, adhesion molecules, cyclooxygenases-2, two major bacterial phyla (i.e. Bacteroidetes and the
MMP-9, and inducible nitric oxide synthase;48–50 con- Firmicutes) characterize the mammalian intestinal
versely, recent experimental evidence has indicated microflora community, also known as gut
that NF-κB may directly interfere with Nrf2 signaling Microbiota. It regulates many metabolic pathways
at the transcriptional level.47 (carbohydrate, lipid, and aminoacid metabolism),54,55
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARα, and interferes with host immune system development56
β/δ, and γ) represents another cluster of nuclear recep- and with immune tolerance modulation.57 Alteration
tors that regulate the inflammatory process by inter- in its composition (dysbiosis) may depend on a
acting with NF-κB, AP-1, and nutrients.51 Each number of factors including dietary habits, especially
member of the family, being a modulator of energy the high-fat/high-sugar Western diet (Fig. 2).58,59
homeostasis, plays a distinct role in lipid metabolism Long-term diets may modulate the microbial entero-
(they are activated by fatty acids, fatty acid derivatives, types,60 but a drastic short-term consumption of pro-
and synthetic compounds) and down-regulates both teins and animal fats versus vegetable products may
NF-κB and AP-1 activities,52 integrating metabolic also induce a change in gut biodiversity.61 Moreover,
and inflammatory signaling at transcriptional level dysbiosis influences many immunological and meta-
(Fig. 1). bolic pathways and correlates with a variety of inflam-
Besides evidence of indirect influences, several matory and metabolic diseases.57,62–64 Given a
studies have shown that saturated and ‘trans’ fatty possible relationship between gut microbiota and
acids and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) may up-regulate inflammation, many authors have also been encour-
NF-κB and AP-1 activities, promoting inflammation, aged to investigate the microbiota in experimental

Figure 2 Putative mechanisms connecting diet, local, and systemic inflammation and autoimmunity processes.

4 Nutritional Neuroscience 2017

Esposito et al. The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: a review

models of MS. An extensive review by Mielcarz and share a loss of gut epithelial barrier function, with a
Kasper,65 examining the role of gut microflora in consequent translocation of intestinal LPS into the
EAE, has provided evidence that commensal and pro- bloodstream, especially during fat absorption,79
biotic bacteria play an important role in modulating which may induce the release of cytokines favoring a
mice immune system, thus reducing the clinical sever- chronic inflammatory state.87 These observations
ity of EAE. One of the underlying mechanisms may strongly suggest that the increased LPS, related to
depend on the regulation of T-reg/T helper (Th) 17 diet-driven dysbiosis, might be responsible for
balance, notoriously impaired in autoimmune dis- chronic intestinal inflammation, low-grade endotoxe-
eases.66,67 It has been described that specific gut com- mia, and systemic inflammation, promoting inflam-
mensals can lead to developing IL-10 matory and autoimmune diseases (Fig. 2).
(immunoregulatory cytokine produced by Foxp3+ T- Nevertheless, the exact causative mechanisms linking
Reg cells and implicated in immune tolerance of the dietary habits, endotoxemia, and immunological dis-
gut microbiota)68 and complex glycans-consuming orders, in particular in MS, are still debated and diffi-
bacteria may exert an anti-inflammatory effect produ- cult to ascertain.
cing butyrate.69,70 Over the last few years, gut As discussed above, experimental data suggest that
microbial composition has been investigated in MS the pathogenesis of MS might involve specific mechan-
through case–control studies that, although limited isms linking the immune system with metabolic status.
in sample size, have shown interesting results. A sig- Some dietary lifestyles and metabolic mediators may
nificant increase in pro-inflammatory species and a exert a direct or indirect pro-inflammatory effect,
reduction of organisms with anti-inflammatory prop- developing systemic and intestinal micro-environ-
erties have been observed in MS patients. In particular, mental conditions that might contribute to the
in their gut microbiota, there is an increase of Archae initiation and/or promotion of the inflammatory
(whose lipid membrane may induce local and systemic cascade and the loss of immune self-tolerance (Fig. 2).
inflammatory process in the host);71,72 of Shigella,
Escherichia Coli, and Clostridium, commonly associ- Dietary habits in MS patients
ated with infections;73 and a decrease in Although the impact of diet on MS pathogenesis is still
Butyricimonas and Lachnospiraceae, butyrate produ- debated, it is rather evident that some disease-related
cers.71,74 Collectively these findings suggest that gut symptoms may interfere with nutrition. In particular,
dysbiosis, mostly induced by nutrition, may indirectly fatigue, depression, cognitive decline, swallowing pro-
alter T-reg/Th17 balance and trigger an inflammatory blems, mobility restrictions, and high disability level
pathway – through molecular mimicry mechanisms or may impinge on adequate nourishment, impairing
microbial antigen presentation – contributing to the meal preparation, and eating.88–90 This may lead to
pathogenesis of MS.75 a higher consumption of energy-dense fast foods or
‘convenience’ foods, thus increasing the risk of
LPS and low-grade inflammation chronic metabolic diseases and affecting overall
LPS is a component of the outer cellular wall in Gram- quality of life.91,92 Dietary and lifestyle behaviors
negative bacteria, detectable at low concentrations in have not been extensively examined in the MS popu-
the plasma of healthy people (metabolic endotoxe- lation, for the anticipated difficulties in collecting
mia).76 Levels of circulating LPS are influenced by reliable retrospective data and for the rarity of pro-
changes in intestinal microbiota, modulated, in turn, spective and sufficiently large sample studies.93 In a
by food content, high-fat feeding,77,78 and high- case–control study performed in Croatia,20 a high-
energy intake,79 by raising the Gram-negative/ risk zone for MS, the consumption of nonskimmed
Gram-positive ratio, leading to an increase of post- milk, animal fat, and smoked meat resulted more fre-
prandial endotoxemia. Conversely, dietary fibers nor- quently in MS patients than in controls. A case–
malize the gut microbial ratio and LPS plasma con- control study conducted by Pekmezovic et al.94 on
centrations.80 High endogenous LPS levels are 110 MS patients, using a food frequency approach,
increasingly considered as a potential key mediator showed higher consumption of beef, chicken, lamb,
of a low-grade inflammatory state, characterized by butter, and ice-cream in MS patients than in controls;
the elevation of circulating humoral factors, such as conversely, the ingestion of cabbage, lettuce, pepper,
TNFα, interleukins, adipokines,81 and hs-CRP.82 potatoes, cauliflower, and beet was significantly
This low-grade systemic inflammation has been corre- higher in the control group. An international cross-sec-
lated with the risk of chronic immune-mediated dis- tional study by Hadgkiss et al.95 investigated health
eases,62,68 metabolic syndrome,80 obesity, diabetes and lifestyle behaviors in a sample of 2519 MS patients
mellitus,83 atherosclerosis, cardiovascular dis- enrolled by on-line resources. A substantial number of
orders84,85 and, more generally, to a wide spectrum participants reported meat- or dairy-free diets, a high
of inflammatory diseases.86 These conditions seem to intake of Ω-3 and vitamin D supplements. As

Nutritional Neuroscience 2017 5

Esposito et al. The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: a review

discussed by the authors, these results are not generally diseases,101,108 being more relevant in severely disabled
applicable to the whole MS community, as they prob- patients.109,110 The detrimental consequences on func-
ably reflect a subgroup of motivated patients more tional abilities, mental activity, immune system, and
inclined to technology, as well as to self-directed learn- muscle strength may contribute to worsen pre-existing
ing of innovative practices. MS symptoms,89 impacting negatively on patients’
quality of life.111
Alternative diets and complementary medical
therapies Obesity and body composition
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use General strategies to ensure body weight control,
is widely diffused among persons with MS, despite including physical activity, are not always feasible for
the lack of evidence-based guidelines. Some recent moderate-severely disabled MS patients.112 In such
surveys5,96 suggested that up to 70% of people with cases, diet plays a key role in maintaining an adequate
MS have tried one or more CAM treatments, includ- energy balance and in reducing the risk of comorbid-
ing special diets, vitamins/minerals, essential fatty ities and mortality associated with weight
acids, and anti-oxidant supplements. An Australian excess.113,114 However, findings regarding the body
self-administered survey97 among 1230 MS patients composition and the prevalence of obesity in MS
identified, as the most used alternative diets, the low- patients are conflicting. As evidenced by a systematic
fat, low/no sugar, and gluten-free diets. The Swank review of Wens et al.,115 the best designed studies
diet98,99 is a popular example of a food regimen investigating body composition looked at three
based on strict reduction of saturated fat and dairy anthropometric measures: body mass index (BMI),
products, frequent intake of seafood, vegetable oil, lean body mass (LBM), and body fat amount. BMI
and cod liver oil supplements. Its pathophysiological data have shown inconsistent results between studies,
rationale derives from a 34-year qualitative prospec- with slightly elevated, normal, or slightly lowered
tive study on 144 MS patients observing the diet. BMI values in MS patients. Similarly, most LBM
The results showed a positive impact of the low satu- studies have shown no significant differences in LBM
rated fat diet on disease clinical activity and pro- between MS and controls, with only a few of them
gression of disability, but the validity of the study is indicating regional differences (lower LBM in the
limited by a number of methodological issues: lower limbs of female patients) and an influence of dis-
absence of blindness, control arm, and randomization. ability level. Finally, small studies, comparing body fat
Based on these premises, it should not be surprising percentage between MS and matched controls,
that the Cochrane Collaboration systematic review, reported either similar or lower fat amount in MS
among dietary interventions in MS, failed to confirm patients. Nevertheless, a recent study103 on 130 dis-
the benefits of the Swank and other alternative abled MS patients compared to the general population
diets.100 showed that despite the lower percentage of obesity
(evaluated according to BMI), the MS group had
Health implications of unbalanced diet higher rates of increased waist circumference. Its
Nutritional imbalances might justify widespread known relationship to cardio-metabolic compli-
vitamin deficiencies,101 reduced control of body cations116,117 suggests that abdominal obesity might
weight,102,103 prevalence of atherosclerosis,104 hyper- be a better index to evaluate health risk in MS
tension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and an increased population.
risk of vascular comorbidities, observed in MS
patients as compared to the general population.105 Pressure ulcers and malnutrition
Emerging evidence of an increased risk of disease pro- Pressure ulcers – which represent a major cause of hos-
gression in MS patients with vascular and metabolic pitalization118 – occur more often in MS than in the
comorbidities106 makes it reasonable to assume the general population, especially in the presence of mobi-
existence of a dangerous vicious circle. lity decline (in advanced stages of the disease), older
age, male sex, lower socio-economic status.
Malnutrition Decreased albumin and hemoglobin levels, but also a
Malnutrition can be defined as a pathological state low mid-arm circumference, seem to be related with
resulting from inadequate nutrition, including under- pressure sores.119 An inadequate nutritional status
nutrition, over-nutrition (overweight and obesity), characterized by a low intake of calories, iron, folate,
and deficiency of one or more specific nutrients vitamin D,109 zinc, arginine, and anti-oxidants,120 in
(such as vitamins or minerals).107 To date, its exact combination with the use of medications, such as glu-
prevalence in MS patients is unknown, but some cocorticoids, may contribute to delaying the healing
studies have demonstrated that malnutrition may process of pressure ulcers in MS patients, increasing
occur more frequently in MS than in other chronic costs for medical care and hospitalization.121

6 Nutritional Neuroscience 2017

Esposito et al. The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: a review

Osteoporosis Many nutritional screening questionnaires are avail-

Osteoporosis, a major cause of morbidity and mor- able: the Subjective Global Assessment;137 the
tality due to fractures,122 occurs frequently in MS in Nutritional Risk Screening 2002;138 the Mini
association with decreased vitamin D/calcium levels, Nutritional Assessment (in elderly subjects);139,140
physical inactivity, reduced bone mechanical loads, and the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool141
and use of medications such as steroids and anticon- (for adults). Once ‘at-risk patients’ are identified, a
vulsants.123 In particular, dairy produce restriction comprehensive nutritional evaluation is indicated to:
and insufficient sunlight exposure, frequent conditions (i) assess the level of malnutrition, (ii) detect the
among MS patients, may favor calcium deficiency.124 major contributing factors, such as dysphagia or anor-
In addition to evidence of decreased bone mineral exia, and (iii) provide an accurate and multidisciplin-
density,125 an increased risk of fractures has been ary program to ensure an adequate diet. As
detected in MS subjects,126 because MS-symptoms suggested by Pasquinelli et al.,142 the following steps
(i.e. muscle weakness, postural instability, impaired should be observed:
vision, dizziness) may induce falls; therefore osteo- • Evaluation of nutritional status through some key
porosis is a major but modifiable risk factor in the points. Nutrition ‘history’ (through diet diaries, ques-
MS population. tionnaires, and weekly monitoring) assessing lifestyle
and types/quantities of consumed food; clinical
Bowel and bladder dysfunctions examination: weight loss history, actual height/
Up to 70% of MS patients complain about bowel dys- weight, skin integrity, muscle strength, changes in
functions (constipation and/or fecal incontinence) body temperature; anthropometric evaluation: age,
with discomfort and debilitating effects on their gender, BMI, non-dominant arm circumference,
quality of life.127 In addition to neurological reasons, waist circumference, skinfold thickness; hematologi-
unbalanced diet, decreased food/water intake, cal parameters: albumin, transferrin, prealbumin,
retinol-binding protein, lymphocyte count, comp-
impaired mobility, and adverse effects of the drugs,
lement C3 fraction, IgM.
concur to their pathogenesis.128 Bowel management
• Calculation of nutritional needs; the Harris–Benedict
is mainly empirical and, despite limited evidence,129
equation is the most used formula for daily calorie
some lifestyle recommendations may be drawn: a requirement, with corrections for coefficients of phys-
high-fiber diet (a gradual increase until reaching 25– ical activity and illness state.
30 g per day, through wheat bran and bran cereals, • Evaluation of dysphagia and potential interfering
whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables), high fluid conditions with nutrition (through a multidisciplinary
intake (approximately two liters daily), and regular approach).
bowel movement may be advantageous.127 • Schedule of nutritional intake.
Constipation and encopresis may also contribute to • Plan for the eventual occurrence of complications.
the development of urologic dysfunctions, experienced To accurately assess body composition, in addition to
by up to 90% of MS patients,130 especially overactive skinfold thickness measurement (biceps, triceps, sub-
bladder symptoms131 and recurrent urinary tract infec- scapular, and sovra-iliaca skinfold), many advanced
tions (UTIs).132 A full rectum may indeed displace the techniques have been implemented (i.e. bioelectrical
bladder leading to incomplete voiding133 and to sub- impedance analysis, dilution techniques, air displace-
sequent UTIs; on the other hand, encopresis may ment plethysmography, dual energy X-ray absorptio-
favor urinary tract colonization leading to UTIs, metry, three-dimensional photonic scanning,
exacerbation of bladder instability, and enuresis. magnetic resonance, spectroscopy, etc.), but they
UTIs have also been related to an increased risk in have limited use in routine clinical practice, being
relapses.134 Nutritional attempts to prevent their expensive and dependent on skilled/trained
onset have shown limited effectiveness, although no personnel.143
definite conclusions can be drawn. Small
studies135,136 failed to show significant benefits of pro- Dietary recommendation and specific nutrients
biotics and cranberry juice – compared with placebo – in MS
in preventing UTIs. On the other hand, it is advisable Until now, a specific dietary model has not been estab-
to ensure bowel regularity and a proper water supply. lished for MS patients; therefore, balanced and healthy
nutrition – as advised to the general population – is
Evaluation of nutritional status in MS recommended. Current healthy dietary guidelines
The evaluation of nutritional status in MS is a step- indicate a daily calorie intake between 20 and
wise, time-consuming procedure, often neglected in 35 kcal/kg (actual weight) as ‘proper’ for MS
clinical practice, although the early identification of people.142 In MS subjects, respecting the proportions
patients at risk of developing malnutrition or nutri- between macro- (lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates)
tional imbalances has important health implications. and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), the diet

Nutritional Neuroscience 2017 7

Esposito et al. The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: a review

should increase plasma levels of essential fatty acids, groups of RRMS patients [10 subjects with only
unrefined carbohydrates (to alleviate symptoms such disease-modifying therapy (DMT) + vitamin D, 11
as fatigue and weakness), anti-oxidants, vitamin D patients with DMT + vitamin D + diet, and 12
and B12; it would also be appropriate to ensure an patients with DMT + vitamin D + diet + sup-
adequate supply of proteins, zinc (for tissue trophism), plements] and one group of primary-progressive MS
fibers, and fluids (to maintain regular gut function). In patients (10 subjects with vitamin D + diet + sup-
the presence of swallowing disorders (affecting more plements). After 3 months of treatment, serum concen-
than one-third of MS patients),90 to prevent aspiration trations of Ω-3 PUFA increased in all groups under
and dehydration, it may be useful to modify bolus dietary regimen, with or without the administration
rheology144 and to use a thickening agent (commercial of dietary supplements. This effect was associated
or natural such as cream, peanut butter, fish glue, with an improvement of systemic inflammatory
flour, and cornstarch) or diluents. In case of under- status (expressed by a reduction of active MMP-9
nutrition, high-energy oral supplements are rec- serum levels) despite the lack of significant ameliora-
ommended (in the form of drinks, puddings, or tion of quality of life (measured by SF-36 question-
powders) to increase calorie intake.145 When nutri- naire and the Hamilton Rating Scale for
tional status is severely compromised, or dysphagia Depression), clinical outcomes (EDDS score), and
has reached a critical level, naso-gastric/naso-duode- fatigue (assessed by Fatigue Severity Scale) in any
nal tube or percutaneous gastrostomy, respectively group, after 3 and 6 months.
short-and long-term enteral nutrition procedures,
should be considered after careful evaluation with Vitamin D
both patient and caregiver.146,147 It is a steroid hormone, mainly synthesized by human
skin after exposure to UV-B, whose receptor is a tran-
Saturated fats and PUFAs scription factor widely distributed across many tissues.
Lipids are the basic components of cellular mem- Increasing evidence has shown vitamin D deficiency in
branes.148 As formerly elucidated (see section ‘The many chronic diseases, supporting the hypothesis that
impact of diet on MS pathogenesis’), many investi- vitamin D has several non-skeletal functions158 and in
gations suggested the detrimental effect of saturated particular an immunomodulatory effect.159,160
fatty acid (in meat, butterfat, coconut, and palm oils) Epidemiological studies have suggested a beneficial
abuse on health, encouraging their replacement with effect of higher vitamin D and/or sun exposure
unsaturated fatty acids.149 PUFA include two classes levels on MS risk, disease activity, and progression.161
of essential acids: Ω-3 (alpha-linolenic acid, derived Nevertheless, a Cochrane meta-analysis162 classified
from ocean fish, shellfish, fish and cod liver oils, the evidence from studies suggesting supplementations
tofu, almonds, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, of vitamin D in MS as not reliable. Anyhow, in case of
legumes, soybean, linseed, and hazelnut oils) with demonstrated deficiency – a very common occurrence
anti-inflammatory effects150 and Ω-6 (linoleic acid, in in MS population163 – oral supplements of vitamin D
vegetable oils extracted from sunflower, corn, are strongly and unanimously recommended.
soybean, and sesame) resulting in the biosynthesis According to the guidelines of the Italian Society for
of arachidonic acid, precursor of inflammatory Osteoporosis, Mineral Metabolism, and Bone
cascade.151 The Western diets are characterized by Diseases164 – considering that the daily requirement
increases in saturated fatty acids and in Ω-6/Ω-3 of vitamin D ranges from 1500 to 2300 IU, depending
ratio (15/1-16.7/1).152 Although available scientific on age, sunlight exposure, BMI, fat mass, calcium
data are insufficient to assert a real benefit of PUFA intake, clinical circumstances, and diet (the major
supplements in MS,100 some evidence suggests that sources of vitamin D are fatty fish, milk, and dairy
the dietary inversion of the competitive and oppos- products and the Italian diet provides only 300 IU/
ing153 relationship between Ω-6 and Ω-3 (with ↑ of day) – a cumulative dose of 300 000–1 000 000 IU,
Ω-3 and ↓ of Ω-6) may reduce the synthesis of pro- over 1–4 weeks, is recommended, followed by a main-
inflammatory prostaglandins exerting beneficial tenance dose of 800–2000 IU/day (or weekly
effects on health.154–156 With the purpose of evaluat- equivalent).
ing the influence of nutritional intervention on inflam-
matory and clinical status in MS patients, Riccio Other vitamins in MS
et al.157 recently conducted a 7-month pilot study. Cobalamin (B12) is produced by microorganisms and
They investigated the effects of a fixed dietary is mainly present in dairy and animal products
regimen, mainly based on the Mediterranean model, ( poultry, lamb, sardines, salmon, tuna, cod, scallops,
combined with vitamin D and additional dietary sup- shellfish, eggs, etc.) with a Recommended Dietary
plements (fish oil containing Ω-3 PUFA, alfa-lipoic, Allowance (RDA) for adults of 2.4 μg/day, largely
resveratrol, and a multivitamin complex) on three supplied by a varied diet.165 B12-deficiency can lead

8 Nutritional Neuroscience 2017

Esposito et al. The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: a review

to demyelination and axonal injury.166 Most likely, on yellow vegetables and fruits (carrots, mangos,
the basis of a shared autoimmune pathogenesis papaya, etc.). Five rations of fruits and vegetables
between some forms of B12-deficiency and MS, or per day could contribute approximately to 50–65%
because in demyelinating disorders an increased of the men’s RDA.171 Vitamin A is needed to
demand of B12 may be evoked for remyelination support normal vision, immune functions, and main-
process, the association between B12-deficiency and tenance of epithelial integrity, red blood cell synthesis,
MS has been investigated. So far, reported results are and reproduction.172 There is evidence for a role of
conflicting.167,168 With regard to vitamin supplemen- vitamin A in modulation of both humoral and cell-
tation trials in MS, in 2012 a Cochrane meta-analy- mediated immunity.171 A number of studies demon-
sis100 has rejected all interventional studies for lack strated that retinoic acid in vivo inhibited inflamma-
of compelling methods. tory responses and improved a variety of
Biotin (vitamin H) is widely distributed in natural autoimmune diseases in animal models, including
foodstuffs (especially in liver, egg yolk, and cow’s EAE,173 probably suppressing Th17 differentiation
milk), with a recommended daily intake of 30 μg in and inducing T-reg cells.174 Bitarafan et al.,175 in a
adults. Biotin serves as a coenzyme in carboxylation recent randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial
reactions involved in energy metabolic pathways.165 showed benefits in 101 RRMS patients of high doses
The results of an open-label pilot study169 suggested (25 000 IU daily for 6 months and 10 000 IU for the
that high doses (300 mg/day) of biotin, administered following 6 months) of Vitamin A supplements on
for a mean duration of 9.2 months, might exert fatigue and depression (evaluated by MFIS and Beck
benefits on disability progression in MS. Treatment Depression Inventory-II, respectively).
efficacy was evaluated on progressive MS patients by
assessing changes in EDSS, Timed 25-foot walk Minerals
(TW25) test, walking distance, muscle strength, and Some authors have speculated about the relationship
videotaped clinical examination (in 18 patients with between the dysregulation of certain minerals and
spinal cord damage); visual acuity, Goldmann perime- MS.176–178 It has been reported that selenium
try, visual evoked potentials, and Humphrey auto- deficiency (contained in cereals, beef, white bread,
mated perimetry (in five patients with prominent pork, chicken, fish, and eggs), and that of zinc (in
visual involvement). Due to the small sample size, oysters, sardines, meat turkey, beef, lamb, poultry,
results were reported for each parameter in each pumpkin seeds, eggs, cereals, nuts, legumes, dark cho-
single patient; over 90% of participants exhibited colate), magnesium (in green leafy vegetables, dried
some significant benefit (qualitative or quantitative) fruit, legumes, cereals, and bananas), and iron (in
on clinical and/or electrophysiological examinations beef, pig, horse, poultry, and fish), probably associated
after high-dose biotin treatment. Fatigue, swallowing with malnutrition and/or to an increased demand,
difficulty, and urinary dysfunction improved in 5, 4, may worsen some aspects of the disease (especially
and 2, patients respectively. Positive results were also pressure sores and fatigue).109,179 Given their multiple
reported in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-con- biological roles180–182 and the lack of association
trolled trial170 where 154 patients with spinal progress- between serum concentrations and homeostasis at
ive MS, and no evidence of clinical–radiological tissue level,183 in the nutritional assessment of MS
disease activity, showed significant decrease in EDSS patients, it seems appropriate to evaluate the individ-
score or ≥20% improvement in TW25, after 12 ual risk factors of mineral dysregulation and
months of treatment with high doses of biotin. deficiencies, in order to promptly correct them accord-
Despite these encouraging results, the putative ing to the RDA.171,184,185
mechanism of biotin action should be elucidated in
pre-clinical studies and the efficacy and safety of Anti-oxidant compounds
high-dose biotin in progressive MS need to be con- Oxidative damage, mostly related to the inflammatory
firmed in larger cohorts of patients. process, is known to be involved in MS pathogen-
Vitamin A includes retinoids and carotenoids esis,186,187 thus gaining interest as a new therapeutic
(dietary precursors of retinol, with an intestinal caro- target. Recently, Plemel et al.,188 conducted a systema-
tenoid-to-retinol conversion ratio of 12:1). It is not tic review of animal and clinical studies investigating
synthesized by humans and therefore must be provided the effects of dietary anti-oxidant compounds on
through diet. The RDA is 900 and 700 μg retinol EAE/MS. In particular, they focused on polyphenols
activity equivalents/day, for men and women, respect- (luteolin, quercetin, curcumin, epigallocatechin-3-
ively. Preformed vitamin A is available in some gallate, and resveratrol), anti-oxidant vitamins (A, C,
animal-derived foods (liver, milk, cheese, eggs, or and E), alpha lipoic acid and Ginkgo biloba. The
foods fortified with vitamins), while carotenoids are most significant results were observed with epigalloca-
abundant in dark green leaves, red palm oil, orange- techin-3-gallate (contained in dried leaves of white tea,

Nutritional Neuroscience 2017 9

Esposito et al. The role of diet in multiple sclerosis: a review

green tea, apple, plums, onions, hazelnuts, etc.), alpha Ethics approval None.
lipoic acid (in grass-fed red meat, liver, heart, potatoes,
broccoli, spinach, etc.), resveratrol (in peanuts, grape-
vines, and red wine) and vitamin E (in oil from plants,
Gioacchino Tedeschi
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