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Movie Evidence from the Novel:

Trait(s) Evidence from the Movie Student

Character S. T. E. A. L.
T, A. "I had cried too, if you want to know the truth..." AND "I
kept saving my money for a year, thinking that someday I could
Ponyboy caring, sensitive buy Mickey Mouse back for Soda." (40) Mr. Cusbert
S, "'You read a lot, don't you, Ponyboy?" Cherry asked. "Yeah.
Cherry Observant why? She kind of shrugged. "I could just tell." (40) Jade
S, (sarcastically) "You must make such interestin' conversation,
you keepin' your mouth shut and Johnny not sayin' anything."
Two-Bit Social, extroverted (39) Rocky
L"[Darry has] eyes like frozen ice" is what ponyboy thought in
Scary, strict & his mind, showing that he is scared by Darry's looks, maybe
Darry protective Darry could just be like that to Ponyboy. Mihika
A. " Johnny made a small noise in his throat and when I looked
Johnny Scared at him he was white." (41) Olivia
A: "Darry wheeled around and slapped me so hard that it
Darry Aggresive knocked me against the door." (50) Zainab
A "I turned and ran out the door and down the street as fast as I
Ponyboy frightened could" (50) Ethan
easily embarrased, T, "'It's okay,' I said, wishing I was dead and buried somewhere.
Ponyboy sensitive Or at least that I had on a decent shirt." (46) Rocky
Two-Bit Persuasive . Zainab
E: "Johnny was breathing heavily and I noticed he was staring
Bob the Soc Intimidating at the Soc's hand." (44) Nia
L, "One had one a white shirt and a madras ski jacket, and the
"Soc" Bob Wealthy, spoiled other a light-yellow shirt and a wine-coloured sweater." (44) Rocky
Darry Chris Protective and Caring Protective and Caring Carson
S. "Where the heck have you been? Do you know what time it
Angry, impatient, is?
Darry dissapointed. He was madder than i'd seen him in a long time." Miwa
Ponyboy Discontented S: "It ain't fair that we have all the rough breaks! (43) Nia
A," He snatched up an empty bottle, bust off the end, and gave
it to me, then reached in his back pocket and flipped out his
Two-Bit aggressive switched blade. ' Try it, pal.' " Ethan
L~"'You've got quite a mom,' Dally used to say...My mother was
Mom Perfect golden and beautiful (48). Sofia
S, A, "Johnny sat down beside me, one hand on my shoulder.
Johnny Gordie empathetic, assuring 'Easy, Ponyboy," he said softly, "we'll be okay." Rocky
S, A "I didn't think! I forgot! That's all I hear out of you! Can't you
think of anything?" and the part he "slapped [Ponyboy] so hard
Darry Intimidating that it knocked [him] against the door. (50) Hina
L "One had on a white T-shirt and a madras ski jacket, and the
Mustang Socs Cool other a light-yellow shirt and a wine coloured sweater. Carson
S "Your boyfriends?" Johnny's voice was steady, but standing
as close to him as I
was, I could see he was trembling " E " I wondered why---
Johnny was a nervous wreck, but
he never was that jumpy. " ( Johnny only got jumpy after he saw
Johnny Gordie Tense, distressed. the blue Mustang pull up in the driveway. ) ( 38 ). Shayona
A, When Teddy tries to kill himself by standing on the train
Over protective, tracks, Chris fights him and pushes him out of the train tracks to
Chris caring. protect him.
A he tried to kill himself when the train comes and he clamied to
"doge the train" even though the train was celearly near him, the
train is still going like if the driver of the train wouldn't care if
he/she would be charged with manslaughter, child murder,
Teddy Stand by me mentaly unstable murder, and homicide if the train ran over teddy to his death. ethan

Teddy tried to die by standing on the train track

when the train is coming although teddy claimed
Teddy Crazy that he was going to "doge the train". Ayaan
A: Suddenly I realized, horrified, that Darry was crying. He didn't
make a sound, but tears were running down his cheeks. I hadn't
seen him cry in years, not even when Mom and Dad had been
killed. (98)
S&A: He was stroking my hair and I could hear the sobs racking
him as he fought to keep back the tears. "Oh, Pony, I thought
Darry Love family/brother we'd lost you . . . like we did Mom and Dad . . ."(98) Ruijin
during the train scene when Chris pulled Teddy
bossy, protective, away from the train tracks he said "I am just
Chris Stand by me leadership roll trying to save your life" Rhea

When Teddy stands on the rail while the train

rushed towards him, Chris pulls Teddy of the rail,
Leadership, valiant, despite that he might be hitten, or worse, dead.
maybe devotion?, (17:10) When Chris and Gordie are walking,
selfless, maybe Chris encourages Gordie to study further for
Chris decisiveness? future. (33:37) Hina

When Gordie and Chris walks in the woods,

Chris told him that he could have a better future
Leader, protective, than them and shouldn't hang out with them
Chris Stand by Me mature anymore. (33:37) Elina

Gordie Creative
When they hear noises in the woods, they are all
very scared but Vern is the most afraid. He was
also the most scred when they were crossing the
train tracks. He was crawling and Gordie had to
Vern Scared, Afraid walk behing him. Zainab
the reasn i think this is because when gordie was
at the dining table his parents were praising his
brother and not him, they never even mention
Gordie neglected Gordies name. Haazim

The reason I describe Chris as strong and leader

is because in the train scene Chris pulls Teddy
out from the train tracks so that Teddy does not
Chris strong, violent, leader die. Nityant
Gordie is a sensitive and loyal friend and is the
most mature out of the four boys. But it is then
revealed that he is an insecure boy due to his
family life. He depends on his friends but
Gordie Loyal especially his best friend, Chris. Zihan
teddy annoying sarcastic, infuenced
A He walks around the tree holdoing the gun up
pointing it at any sound or sign of movement. 55:
Vern Scared, babyish 00 Carson
Teddy seems to be acting like a soldier to make
Teddy Scared, Risk-taker himself feel better but he is still scared Mihika

At 53:36, Teddy takes on the role of "Cpl. Teddy

Duchamp", standing guard with a pistol. He
imitates a bugle call as well. He is probably
influenced by his father, who fought in the
Teddy Influenced Second World War. Christian

vern is scared easily by any noise when it was

Teddy scared, afraid vern's turn to take watch Jade

Vern fear He is afraid of taking a short cut and going into a forest
Ayaanand would rather stick to th
He thinks he is not worth anything since
everyone in the neighborhood blames him
whenever things get stolen
Chris Depressed 59:11 Nia
Gordie is a delicate and faithful friend and is the
smartest out of all the boys. He feels left out
when his parents keep on mentioning his brother,
Gordie and for that reason, he doesnt feel worthy. Shayona
When other three kids ran forward to the forest,
Vern yelled at them behind that they did not know
Vern cautious what was behind the wood. Ruijin
S "It should of been me" Gordie thinks that his
Neglected, low self family hates him and that he should have died
Gordie esteme not his brother 1:13:00
When Goride is sad because the dead body
reminds him of his brother, Chris comforts him.
Chris Empathetic 1:13:00
Oh Hello There
Oh Hello there

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