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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Greengate Subd. Malagasang II-A, Imus City, Cavite
Name:________________________ Date:________________
Year&Section:_________________ Score:_______________
MELC: G:1 Expressing Permission, Obligation and Prohibition Using Modals


A. Directions: Identify the modals that express permission, obligation, and prohibition. Write the modals
on the space provided.

1. ____________ One must always pay attention to his or her surroundings.

2. ____________ Could you please keep this folder in a safe place?

3. ____________ You should not attend a party during this trying times.

4. ____________ May I go to my friend’s party and stay overnight?

5. ____________ I can’t join you today for practice because of prior commitment.

6. ____________ I have to plan for my brother’s birthday party.

7. ____________ Can I have the last piece of cake?

8. ____________ Many students cannot go to school as soon as they like.

9. ____________ Everybody has to wash his/her hands to prevent illness.

10.____________ You may now have your turn to present your report.

B. Use the appropriate modal (may, could, can) to complete the sentences below. Write your answer in the
space provided.

1. A student ________ run for Supreme Student Government office, provided he or she is qualified.

2. I __________ run for Grade 10 Representative if I join your political party.

3. You ________ now nominate a member of your class for the position of Secretary.

4. Anybody _________ run for office as long as he or she is a bone fide student of the school.

5. ___________ you give me an endorsement letter for my candidacy.

C. Use must, have to, should, can, and cannot correctly in the following sentences. Write your answers in
the blank provided.

1. Motorists ________ stop when the traffic light turns red.

2. You ________ smoke in the hospital.

3. _________ I borrow your pen?

4. He ________ apologize to the victim.

5. You ________ buy new glasses.

Activity #2

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct modals of permission, obligation, and prohibition.
1. We _____________ (obligation) learn to help our government

2. ____________ (permission) I borrow this book for a week?

3. Every examinee _________ (obligation) follow the directions.

4. He _________ (prohibition) sneak out of the lecture room immediately.

5. Every citizen _________ (obligation) render service to our country.

6. She ___________ (prohibition) accept the project proposal if it lacks references.

7. Honorable people ___________ (obligation) pay their debts.

8. Miss Saldana, _________ (permission) go out for a minute?

9. You _________ (permission) hand in your project later in my office.

10. Man __________ (prohibition) take away another else’s life intentionally.

B. Choose the correct modals from each sentences.

1. You ___ come to the meeting but it would help us all if you’re there.

mustn't don´t have to

2. I can’t get a connection on my phone. ___ I borrow yours?

have to can

3. The rules say that you ___ only invite one guest to the club.

can have to

4. I ___ stay on for a few hours because I’ll work late today than over the weekend.

have to must

5. There’s a lot of noise coming from outside. ___ I close the window?

must could

6. You ___ start saving money if you want to retire early.

Must could

7. Did they tell you that you ___ come into this area. It’s restricted to staff only.

can´t don´t have to

8. We ___ be there fifteen minutes before the concert starts.

have to must

9. You ____________ use this product without protection.

aren't supposed shouldn´t

10. You _________ go to the ceremony if you don't feel like it. It'll be very boring anyway.

mustn't don't have to haven't to

11. We take too much risk. We _____________ that decision.

mustn't made shouldn't make needn't have made

12. The refugees _________________ to work outside the camp.

answer choices had better not are not allowed mustn't

13. You _______________ forget to take your medicine.

don't have to ought not mustn't

14. You ______________ call me as soon as you arrived. I will very worried if you don´t do it!

must are meant to are supposed

C. Tell whether the following sentences express permission, obligation, or prohibition. Write your answer
in the space provided.

1. ____________ Don’t go out of the house if you are sick. You might spread the virus.

2. ____________ Make it a habit to always wash your hands after touching things.

3. ____________ You may go out of the house only for essential errands.

4. ____________ You have to present a medical clearance if you are traveling abroad.

5. ____________ Don’t let the very young and the old go out of the house without protective personal

Activity #3

A. What are the things you are not allowed to do when you are walking along the streets in Imus? Write at
least 3 sentences using modals of obligation.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

B. As a member of the family, what are the things you must do to keep each member close and keep the
relationship strong? Give at least 3 sentences using modals of obligation. You can ask a member of your

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

C. As a responsible citizen of the country, how can you contribute to the protection of our environment?
Write 3 sentences using modals of permission.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

D. Choose the correct modal in each sentence by drawing a line under the correct answer.

1. A leader (must, should, can) always look out for the welfare of his followers.

2. I (may, can, have to) make this project better or else I will fail this grading period.

3. Cooperation (may, must, cannot) be achieved to make a project successful.

4. We (must, can, may) make a flyer to let the community know about our new fund-raising project.

5. The success of our “Cleaner Community Convergence” project (may, could, must) lead to a TV interview!

6. One (mustn’t, can’t, need not) be an honor student to be a candidate in the Supreme Student Government

7. What kind of information (can, may, must) we include in the school brochure to help increase our enrolment?

8. Who (has to, could, can) layout the pamphlet attractive enough for distribution?

9. You (need to, may, can) help Edna in distributing the flyers in the community.
10. You (mustn’t, cannot, couldn’t) stay out past curfew when distributing the flyers.

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