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Massive MISO IBC Beamforming - a

Multi-Antenna Stochastic Geometry Perspective

Christo Kurisummoottil Thomas, Dirk Slock,
EURECOM, Sophia-Antipolis, France, Email: {kurisumm,slock}

Abstract—This work deals with coordinated beamforming (BF) may remark that in the case of MIMO (not considered here),
for the Multi-Input Single-Output (MISO) Interfering Broadcast in which UEs possess a limited number of Rx antennas which
Channel (IBC), i.e. the MISO Multi-User Multi-Cell downlink contribute actively (e.g. to Zero-Forcing (ZF)/Interference
(DL). The novel beamformers are here optimized for the Expected
Weighted Sum Rate (EWSR) for the case of Partial Channel Alignment (IA) at high SNR), the interference subspace and
State Information at the Transmitters (CSIT). Gaussian (pos- hence the receiver at the UEs does not harden. A major
terior) partial CSIT can optimally combine channel estimate work on large system analysis for MaMISO systems is [3].
and channel covariance information. With Gaussian partial The authors obtain deterministic (instead of channel real-
CSIT, the beamformers only depend on the means (estimates) ization dependent) expressions for various scalar quantities,
and (error) covariances of the channels. We extend a recently
introduced large system analysis for optimized beamformers with facilitating the analysis and design of wireless systems. E.g.
partial CSIT, by a stochastic geometry inspired randomization it may allow to evaluate beamforming performance without
of the channel covariance eigen spaces, leading to much simpler computing explicit beamformers. The analysis in [3] allowed
analytical results, which depend only on some essential channel e.g. the determination of the optimal regularization factor
characteristics. In the Massive MISO (MaMISO) limit, we obtain in Regularized ZF (R-ZF) BF, both with perfect and partial
deterministic approximations of the signal and interference plus
noise powers at the receivers, which are tight as the number CSIT. In [4], the authors investigate the deterministic limits
of antennas and number of users M, K → ∞ at fixed ratio. for optimal beamformers, but only for the perfect CSIT MISO
Simulation results exhibit the correctness of the large system BC (broadcast channel) case. Some other extensions appeared
results and the performance superiority of optimal BF designs recently in [5] or [6] where MISO IBC is considered with
based on both the MaMISO limit of the EWSR and using Linear perfect CSIT and weighted Regularized Zero-Forcing (R-ZF)
Minimum Mean Squared Error (LMMSE) channel estimates.
BF, with two optimized weight levels, for intracell or intercell
Index terms— Massive MIMO, stochastic geometry, partial
interference. [7] studied the energy consumption dynamics in
CSIT, ergodic weighted sum rate, optimal beamforming
a MISO BC with users moving around according to a random
walk model. Recently large system analysis was applied to
investigate the BF designs for the power minimization prob-
In this paper, Tx may denote transmit/transmitter lem with quality-of-service (QoS) targets at the users [8],
/transmission and Rx may denote receive/receiver/reception. [9]. [10] applies large system analysis to reduced order ZF
Interference is the main limiting factor in wireless beamforming for the simplified case of differently attenuated
transmission. Base stations (BSs) disposing of multiple channel covariance matrices of the users. [11], [12] proposes
antennas are able to serve multiple Mobile Terminals (MTs) the Expected Weighted Sum MSE (EWSMSE) based approach
simultaneously, which is called Spatial Division Multiple for BF design under partial CSIT. However EWSMSE is
Access (SDMA) or Multi-User (MU) Multi-Input Multiple- suboptimal and cannot even be used in the case of zero channel
Output (MIMO). The recent development of Massive MIMO mean (covariance CSIT only information). [2] proposes a
(MaMIMO) [1] opens new possibilities for increased system large system analysis for optimized BF with partial CSIT as
capacity while at the same time simplifying system design. considered here. Furthermore, the channel, channel estimate
However, MU systems have precise requirements for Channel and channel error covariances can all be arbitrary and different
State Information at the Tx (CSIT) which is more difficult for all users. However, the resulting deterministic analysis is
to acquire than CSI at the Rx (CSIR). [2] proposes optimal quite cumbersome and does not allow much analytical insight.
beamformers (BFs) in the case of partial CSIT in the massive In stochastic geometry based methods [13], the location of the
MISO limit. users is assumed to be random, their geographic distribution
Gaussian (posterior) partial CSIT can optimally combine then inducing a certain probability distribution for the channel
channel estimate and channel covariance information. Recently attenuations. Whereas most stochastic geometry work focuses
a number of research works have proposed to exploit the on the distribution of the attenuations, here we consider an
channel hardening in Massive MIMO (MaMIMO) to reduce extension to multi-antenna systems. The multipath propagation
global instantaneous CSIT requirements to local instantaneous for the various users leads to randomized angles of arrival at
CSIT plus global statistical CSIT. Indeed, in Massive MISO the BS which can be translated into spatial channel response
systems, the received signal and interference powers converge contributions that depend on the antenna array response. In the
to their expected value due to the law of large numbers. We massive MIMO regime in which the number of BS antennas
gets very large, it has been observed and exploited that despite we get for the noise vk ∼ CN (0, 1). BS bk
scaled so that ∑
complex multipath propagation, the channel covariance matrix serves Kbk = i:bi =bk 1 users. The Mbk × 1 spatial Tx filter
tends to be low rank. Exploiting the randomized nature of or beamformer (BF) is gk .
the user and scatterer positions and making abstraction of the
antenna array response, we proposed to model the user channel
subspaces as isotropically randomly oriented. This allows us For simplicity, we omit all the user indices k. We start from
to assume the eigen vectors of the channel covariance matrix a deterministic Least-Squares (LS) channel estimate
to be Haar distributed, and this identically and independently b LS = h + h,
h e (2)
for all users.
where h is the true MISO channel, and the error is modeled as
A. Contributions of this paper circularly symmetric white Gaussian noise he ∼ CN (0, σ e2 I).
In this paper: Now each MISO channel is modeled according to a correlation
• We first review optimal BFs for the expected weighted structure as follows,
sum rate (EWSR) criterion in the MaMISO limit.
h = C c, c = D1/2 c′ , (3)
• We evaluate the ergodic sum rate performance for Least-

Squares (LS), LMMSE and subspace projection chan- where c ∼ CN (0, IL ) and D is diagonal. Here C is the M ×L
nel estimators. Numerical results suggest that there is eigen vector matrix of the reduced rank channel covariance
substantial gain by exploiting the channel covariance Rhh = CDCH . The total sum rank across all users Np =
information compared to just using the LS estimates. ∑K
• New large system analysis for various cases of BF with Lk,c is assumed to be less than Mc , where Lk,c is the
partial CSIT is proposed, with a randomized analysis of k=1
channel rank between user k and BS c. Assuming the channel
the covariance subspaces, leading to much simpler results.
covariance subspace is known, the ( LMMSE channel
) estimate
This constitutes a marriage between large system analysis b 2 −1 b
and multi-antenna stochastic geometry.
can be written as h = CDC CDC + σ H
e I hLS . Ap-
• Simulation results indicate that the large system approx-
plying the matrix inversion lemma and exploiting CH C = IL ,
imations are very accurate even for small system dimen- this simplifies to
( 2 −1 )−1 H
sions and reveal the deterministic dependence of the sys- b=C σ
h e D +I C hb LS = CD b 1/2b
c, (4)
tem performance on several important scalar parameters, ( 2 −1 )−1
such as the channel multipath attenuation profile, signal where D b = σ e D +I D and bc = D−1/2 (σ 2 D−1 +
powers and SNR (whereas [2] doesn’t lead to any such −1/2 H b
I) C hLS . The posterior error covariance becomes
tractable analytical solutions). ( )−1
Notation: In the following, boldface lower-case and upper-case Rhehe = CDCH − CDCH CDCH + σ e2 I CDCH , (5)
characters denote vectors and matrices respectively. The oper- which the matrix inversion lemma allows to simplify to,
ators E(·), tr(·) , (·)H , (·)T represents expectation, trace , con- [ ( 2 −1 )−1 ] H
jugate transpose and transpose respectively. diag(·) represents Rhehe = C D − σ e D +I D C = CDC e H . (6)
the diagonal matrix formed by the elements (·). A circularly ( )
So we can write for S = Eh|hb hhH = h bhb H + Re e =
complex Gaussian random vector with mean µ and covariance hh
matrix Θ is distributed as x ∼ CN (µ, Θ). Vmax (A, B) or CWCH , where W = D b 1/2b
cb b 1/2 + D.
cH D e
Vmax (A) represents (normalized) dominant generalized eigen
vector of A and B or (normalized) dominant eigen vector of
A respectively and λmax (A) is the corresponding max eigen
value. In the MaMIMO limit, BF design ( with) partialHCSIT will
depend on the quantities S = Eh|hb hhH = h bh b + Θ.
e We
II. MISO IBC S IGNAL M ODEL shall consider three possible channel estimates.
We consider here an IBC with C cells with a total of (i) LS Channel Estimate
K single antenna users. We shall consider a system-wide We have h b LS = h + h e where h and h
e are independent. In the
numbering of the users. User k is served by BS bk . The LS case, Θ e =σ e2 I. If we want however S to be an unbiased
received signal at user k in cell bk is estimate for hhH , then we shall take Θe = −e σ 2 I.
∑ ∑ ∑ (ii) LMMSE Channel Estimate
yk = hH
k,bk gk xk + hH
k,bk gi xi + hH
k,j gi xi +vk b+h e in which h
b and h e are decorrelated
| {z } i̸=k j̸=bk i:bi =j
We have h = h
signal bi =bk | {z } and hence independent in the Gaussian case. In the LMMSE
| {z } intercell interf. e = Ce e is the posterior covariance. The resulting
case, Θ
intracell interf. hh
(1) S = hh b bH + Θe now forms an unbiased estimate of hhH :
where xk is the intended (white, unit variance) scalar signal Ehb S = Rhh .
stream, hk,bk is the Mbk × 1 channel from BS bk to user (iii) Subspace Projection based Channel Estimate
k. The Rx signal (and hence the channel) is assumed to be We also investigate the effect of limiting channel estimation
error to the covariance subspace (without the LMMSE weight- where transition (a) represents the MaMISO limit leading to
ing, this is a simplification of the LMMSE estimate). The ESEI-WSR (Expected Signal Expected Interference WSR), uk
subspace channel estimate is given as, are the rate weights, g represents the collection of BFs gk .
b S = PC h
b LS = h + PC h
e LS , Ce e = σ sk is the (channel dependent) interference plus noise power
h hS hS e2 PC , (7)
and sk is the signal plus interference plus noise power. Their
where PC = C(CH C)−1 CH represents the projection onto conditional expectations are
the covariance subspace. Estimates for hhH : ∑ ∑
bS h
bH = rk = 1 + Eh|hb |hH
k,bi gi | = 1 +
giH Sk,bi gi ,
(a) Naive Subspace Channel Estimator, S = h S (10)
i̸=k i̸=k
cH CH ,
bS h
b H + Ce e = rk = rk + gkH Sk,bk gk , Sk,bk = Ck,bk Wk,bk Ck,bk .
(b) Subspace Channel Estimator, S = h S hS hS
cH + σ e2 I)CH , Further we split gk = gk′ pk , where pk is the power allocated
bS h
(c) Unbiased (S) Subspace Channel Estimator, S = h bH − to user k, and ||gk′ || = 1. By adding the Lagrange terms for the
CehS ehS = C(bcb
c −σ
e I)C .
2 H
∑C ∑
BS power constraints, µc (Pc − ||gk ||2 ), to the EWSR
A. BF with Partial CSIT c=1 k:bk =c
Three types of BF design with partial CSIT can be analyzed. in (9), we get the gradient (with αk = uk
rk , βk = uk ( r1 − 1
rk ))
In the case of partial CSIT we get for the Rx signal, ∑
yk = hb H g k xk + h e H gk xk ∗ = αk Sk,bk gk − ( βi Si,bk + µbk I)gk = 0,
k,bk k,b ∂gk
| k{z } i̸=k
sig. ch. error (11)
∑K (8) with Si,bk = Ci,bk Wi,bk CH i,bk . This leads to the generalized
+ b H gi xi + h
(h e H gi xi ) + vk . eigen vector,
k,bi k,bi
| {z } ∑
interf. ch. error gk′ = Vmax (Sk,bk , βi Si,bk +µbk I) . (12)
1) Naive BF EWSR: just replace h by h b in a perfect CSIT i̸=k

approach. Ignore h e everywhere. 2) Optimal BF EWSR: ac- While (11) can be interpreted many ways, (12) comes from
counts for covariance CSIT in the signal and interference the following DC programming. Introducing the Tx covariance
terms. 3) EWSMSE BF (Expected Weighted Sum MSE) [11]: ∑ Qi = gi gi , the power constraints can be written
accounts for covariance CSIT in the interference terms, but as k:bk =c tr {Qk } ≤ Pc . The EWSR problem is non-
e term with the interference !
also associates the signal h concave in the Qk due to the interference terms. Therefore
finding the global optimum is challenging. In order to find at
B. Max EWSR BF in the MaMISO limit (ESEI-WSR)
least a local optimum, we consider the difference of convex
The scenario of interest here is to design optimal beam- functions programming (DCP) approach as in [16]. Whereas
formers when there is only partial CSIT. Once the CSIT is [16] however solves the Lagrange multipliers by Lagrangean
imperfect, various optimization criteria such as outage capacity duality, here we solve them together with the powers (as in
can be considered. Here the design is based on expected standard water filling) in an alternating optimization approach
weighted sum rate (EWSR) (and in a first instance with (alternating with optimizing the gk′ ). In DCP one keeps the
LMMSE channel estimates). The actual EWSR represents two concave signal term and linearizes the convex term, leading to
rounds of averaging. In a first stage, the WSR is averaged a concave cost function in the Qi (or a minorizer actually in
over the channels given the channel estimates and covariance the gi′ and pi ), which can be optimized iteratively.
information (i.e. the partial CSIT), leading to a cost function
that can be optimized by the Tx. The optimized result then EW SR = uk ln det(rk−1 rk ) + EW SRk ,
needs to be averaged over the channel estimates to obtain ∑ K
the final ergodic WSR. In the MaMISO limit, due to the EW SRk = ui ln(ri−1 ri ),
law of large numbers, a number of scalars converge to their
expected value, facilitating averaging the WSR. From the law where ln(rk−1 rk ) is concave in Qk and W SRk is convex
of total expectation and motivated from the ergodic capacity in Qk . Since a linear function is simultaneously convex and
formulations [14] (point to point MIMO systems), [15] (multi concave, consider the first order Taylor series expansion of
user MISO systems), W SRk in Qk around Q b (i.e. all Q
b i ).
EW SR = Ebh maxg EW SR(g), b b b

EW{ SRk (Qk , Q) ≈} EW SRk (Qk , Q)− (14)
EW SR(g) = Eh|hb W SR(g) = uk Eh|hb ln(sk /sk ) tr (Qk − Qb k )Abk ,
k=1 ∑
∑ ∑ b)
∂EW SRk (Qk ,Q
bk = − βbi Si,bk .
= uk ln((Eh|hb sk )/(Eh|hb sk )) = uk ln(rk−1 rk ), where, A ∂Qk b b =
k=1 k=1 Qk ,Q i=1,̸=k
(9) (15)
Note that the linearized tangent expression for EW SRk iid with variance 1/N and independent of AN , and similarly
N →∞
N AN yN − −−−→ 0.
constitutes a lower bound for it and hence the DC approach when yN is independent of xN , that xH
is also a minorization approach. Now dropping the constant Hence the expression above goes to,
terms and reparameterizing the Qk in terms of the gk , we can ∑
write the original WSR as the Lagrangian, CHk,bk [
βi Ci,bk Wi,bk Ci,b k
+µbk I]−1 Ck,bk =
K [
∑ ( ) ∑
EW SR(g) = uk ln 1 + b k gk
gkH B
Mbk tr{[ βi Ci,bk Wi,bk CH
i,bk +µbk I] }ILk,bk .
{ ( ) }] ∑C
Further we apply Lemma 6 from [3] which states
−tr gkH Ab k + µb I gk + b k = rb−1 Sk,b .
µ j Pj , B N →∞
k k k
that N1 tr{A−1
N } −
1 H −1
∑ N tr{(AN + vv H) } −−−−−1 → 0
to approximate [ i̸=k βi Ci,bk Wi,bk Ci,bk + µbk I] =
(16) ∑
H −1
(16) leads again to (11) and esp. (12). The advantage of formu- [ βi Ci,bk Wi,bk Ci,bk + µbk I] . Now using Theorem 1
lation (16) is that it allows straightforward power adaptation: i=1
√ from [3] that any terms of the form N1 tr{(AN − zIN )−1 },
substituting gk = pk gk′ in (16) and optimizing leads to the
following interference leakage (σk ) aware water filling where AN is the summation of independent rank one ma-
( )+ trices with covariance matrix Θi is equal to the unique
uk 1 ∑K
pk = − (1) , (17) positive solution of ej = N1 tr{( − zIN )−1 }. Thus
σk + µbk σk 1 + e i
∑ i=1
tr{[ βi Ci,bk Wi,bk CH +µ bk I] } can be simplified as ebk ,
where (x)+ = max{0, x} and the Lagrange multipliers µc are i,bk
adjusted (e.g. by bisection) to satisfy the power constraints. which is defined as the solution to the following fixed point
Also, σk = gk′ H B
(1) b k g′ , σ (2) = g′ H A
b k g′ . With σ (2) = 0
k k k k k equation,
this would be standard waterfilling.  −1
1 ∑K ∑Li,c
β ζ
ec =  + µc  .
As argued earlier, an appropriate model for the covariance Mc i=1 r=1 1 + βi ζ (r) ec
subspaces C is a Haar distribution (randomly oriented semi-
Now (18) gets simplified as, bk = αk ebk Wk,bk bk and thus
unitary matrices). However, as we shall consider that the
bk will be the max eigen vector of Wk,bk . Finally we write
rank L remains finite, whereas M grows unboundedly, for
the optimized BF w.r.t. partial CSIT as,
the large system analysis we may equivalently consider the ∑
elements of C as i.i.d. with zero mean and variance 1/M gk = [ βi Si,bk +µbk I]−1 Ck,bk vk,bk , where,
so that the expected squared norm (and asymptotically the i̸=k (21)
actual squared norm) of the columns of C is normalized vk,bk = Vmax (Wk,bk ).
to 1. The subspaces C of different channels are considered
independent. For the large system analysis, we use Theorem Computation of eigen values ζk,bi of Wk,bi : from Section III,
1, Lemma 1, 4, 6 from ∑ [3]. From (12), we can see that gk′
e b 1/2
will be of the form [ i̸=k βi Si,bk +µbk I] Ck,bk bk , where k,bi + Dk,bi , c̆k,bi = Dk,bi b
Wk,bi = c̆k,bi c̆H ck,bi , ∀i, k
′ (22)
bk = αk Wk,bk CH k,bk gk is of size Lk,bk ×1. bk can be written
as, In (3), we assume that all the eigen values are equal and
∑ e k,b = ηek,b I. Thus the eigen
positive, i.e Dk,bi = ηk,bi I, D i i
bk = αk Wk,bk CH k,bk [ βi Si,bk +µbk I]−1 Ck,bk bk . (18) (1)
values of Wk,bi can be shown to be ζk,bi = λmax (Wk,bi ) =
i̸=k 2 (2) (Lk,bi )
∥c̆k,bi ∥ + ηek,bi and ζk,bi = .... = ζk,bi = ηek,bi , where
Hence, bk∑ is the max eigen vector of ek,b
σ 2
e k,b from (6).
−1 ηek,bi = i
, using the definition of D
Wk,bk CH ( β S + µ I) C . Asymptotically ek,b
σ 2 +ηk,bi i
∑k,bk i̸=k i i,b k bk
k,b k i
λmax (Wk,bi ) is random since c̆k,bi is random. By the law
CHk,bk ( i̸=k βi Si,bk + µbk I) Ck,bk converges to a
deterministic limit which is a multiple of identity, ebk I, where of large numbers (assuming Lk,bi is large but finite) we
ebk is defined below. This leads to bk = Vmax (Wk,bk ). replace it by the expectation which can be computed as
Now we derive follows. E(λmax (Wk,bi )) = E(b k,bi Dk,bi b
cH ck,bi ) + ηek,bi . This
∑ the deterministic equivalents for terms of the
form CH k,bk [ i̸=k β i S i,b k
+ µ bk
C k,b k
. Considering the gets simplified as, E (λmax (Wk,bi )) = Lk,bi dbk,bi + ηek,bi ,
where dbk,b = b k,b = dbk,b I) and
H ηk,b
eigen decomposition of Wk,bk = Vk,bk Λk,bk Vk,b k
, where i
2 from (4) (D
i ηk,bi +e
σk,b i i
(Lk,b )
Λk,bk = diag(ζk,bk , ..., ζk,bk k ) and let Ck,bk Vk,bk = C′k,bk ,
(1) i
E(bk,bi b
cH ck,bi ) = Lk,bi from (4).
with C′k,bk still being Haar matrix. Considering the

term CH k,bk [
i̸=k βi Ci,bk Wi,bk Ci,bk + µbk I]−1 Ck,bk , VI. L ARGE S YSTEM A NALYSIS OF SINR AND P OWER
we can use Lemma 4 in Appendix VI of [3], that In this section, we derive under large system limit, with
N →∞
N AN xN − −−−→ (1/N )trAN when the elements of xN are Mc , Kc → ∞ at a fixed ratio M < 1, ∀c, approximations to
xH c
the scalar quantities involved in the rate expression, which we among the users. Substituting these values, leads to the fol-
denote as the deterministic equivalent. lowing simplified expressions for sum rate.
Theorem 1: In the large system limit, the quantities σk − Optimal ZF BF with LMMSE:
(1) Mbk →∞ (2) (2) Mbk →∞ Mb →∞
σk −−−−−−→ 0, σk − σ k −−−−−−→ 0, rk − rk −−−k−−−→
a.s a.s a.s ( )
Mbk →∞ (K−1)L
0 and rk − rk −−−−−−→ 0,
(1) (2)
where σ k , σ k , rk , rk are the RLM M SE = K ln 1 + (1 − Mbk )(Lλ1 + λ2 ) K P
Mbk →∞ (26)
deterministic equivalents. Here −−−−−−→ denotes almost sure Naive BF with LMMSE: D e k,b = 0 leading to ζ (1) = Lλ1
a.s k k,bk
convergence. Further we can show that, since the logarithm (r)
and rest of the eigen values ζk,bk = 0, ∀r = 2, ..., L.
is a continuous function, by applying the continuous mapping
theorem [17], it follows from the almost sure convergence of
Mb →∞ ( )
rk and rk that, Rk − Rk −−−k−−−→ 0, where Rk is the rate RnaiveLM M SE = K ln 1 + (1 − (K−1)L P
a.s Mbk )Lλ1 K . (27)
of user k, with Rk = ln( rrk ). By using similar argument, we
Mbk →∞ Mb →∞
state that βk − β k −−−−−−→ 0 and αk − αk −−−k−−−→ 0. The (1)
a.s a.s For naive LMMSE, maximum eigen value for Wk,bk (ζk,bk =
deterministic limits are obtained as, Lλ1 ) is lesser compared to the optima ZF BF case and hence
(1) e2b λmax (Wk,bk ) the performance degrades compared to the optimal BF case.
σk = k
, EWSMSE BF with LMMSE: In this case, the error covari-
(1+Υk )
Li,bk ance for the intended user get moved to the interference part,

K ∑ (r)
σk =
(2) 1
βi[ ], thus the sum rate expression will be,
Mbk (r) (23)
i=1,i̸=k r=1 (1 + β i ζi,bk ebk )2
r k = 1 + Υk , ( (K−1)L
(1− )Lλ1
e2 λmax (Wk,bk ) Mb
r k = 1 + Υk + pk bk e′ , REW SM SE = K ln 1 + (K−1)L
K . (28)
b (1− M )Lλ2 +1
k bk

Lk,b Compared to naive LMMSE, there is scaling factor in the

1 ∑i
Υk = pi [ ], denominator factor accounting for the channel estimation error
Mbi r=1 (1 + βk ζ (r) ebi )2 power being moved to the noise part (8) and this explains the
i=1, k,bi (24)
i̸=k( ) performance degradation for EWSMSE.
β k = uk r1 − r1k , αk = urkk , Optimal BF with Subspace Estimator: For subspace esti-
mator, the sum rate expression RSubspace is similar to the
Proof: Main steps leading to this using standard results from optimal BF with LMMSE case, (29), but with different eigen
random matrix theory [3] are outlined in Appendix A. values. The eigen values can be derived as ζk,bk = L + σ e2
All the deterministic equivalents described above depend just (r)
e2 , ∀r = 2, ..., L.
and ζk,bk = σ
on the scalar parameters such as eigen values of the channel
covariance matrices, transmit powers and channel estimation
error variances. Note that the BF computation algorithm based ( )
RSubspace = K ln 1 + (1 − Mbk )(L e2 ) K
+σ P
. (29)
on EWSR still remains iterative in pi , βi and µbi .



In this section, we consider the simplified sum rate ex-

pressions for naive, EWSMSE and EWSR ZF BFs for In this section, we present the Ergodic Sum Rate Evalua-
LMMSE/Subspace channel estimators under multi cell (C tions for BF design for the various channel estimates. Monte
cells), with identical parameters, σ 2
= σ e2 , Lk,c = L, Carlo evaluations of ergodic sum rates are done with the
Dk,c = ηI and Mc = M, ∀k, c. Number of users in cell c following parameters: C, number of cells.∑ Kc , number of
is denoted as Kc = K/C, ∀c. We denote, (single-antenna) users in cell c and K = Kc . M , number
(1) η2 e2 η
σ of transmit antennas in each cell. We consider a path-wise or
ζk,bk = L + , (25)
e2 + η σ
σ e2 + η low rank channel model as in section III, with L = number
(r) e2 η
of paths = channel covariance rank. d : scale factor in the LS
e2 +η , ∀r = 2, ..., L. For
and rest of the eigen values ζk,bk = σ channel estimation error variance σ e2 = d/SN R. Notations:
η2 e2 η
convenience, we define the terms λ1 = η+e σ 2 and λ2 = σ e2 +η . in the figures, iCSIT refers to the optimal BF design for the
Further at high SNR, BS power becomes equally distributed instantaneous CSIT case [18].
In Figure 3, we plot the EWSMSE beamforming perfor-
mance also and it is evident from the figure that ESEI-WSR
140 Optimal EWSR BF: LMMSE Channel Estimate based beamformers (i.e. MaMISO limit based) perform better
Optimal EWSR BF: Large System Approximation
EWSMSE BF: LMMSE Channel Estimate EWSR approximations than a EWSMSE design. From the
Sum Spectral Efficiency

120 Naive BF: LMMSE Channel Estimate

numerical simulations in both Figures 2,3, it is quite evident
100 that just using LS channel estimates may lead to substantial
EWSR loss. In Massive MIMO, the exploitation of channel
subspaces (reduced rank covariances) in channel estimates
60 may lead to substantial reductions in SNR loss due to partial
40 CSIT. Moreover, there is significant gain from exploiting
(error) channel covariances in addition to (LMMSE) channel
estimates and proper handling of channel error covariance in
0 the direct link in the BF design.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Transmit SNR in dB
e2 = 0.1.
Fig. 1. EWSR for C = 1 cell, K = 10 users, M = 64, L = 4, σ
In Figure 1, we plot the optimal BF performance with This paper investigated the optimal linear precoder based
LMMSE channel estimator comparing to the optimal BF on partial CSIT in the multi-cell MU-MISO downlink. We
performance for the case of large system approximation. It is introduced a stochastic geometry inspired randomization of the
evident that the deterministic approximations are accurate even channel covariance eigen spaces and analyzed the large system
for finite M, K. Further, we have fixed the channel estimator behavior. This leads to simpler analytical results with SINR
error variance σe2 to be 0.1 and thus it is evident from the or the user rates depending only on some scalar quantities
figure that exploiting the channel estimation error covariance such as eigen value profile, channel rank, the number of
information has significant performance gain compared to the antennas M or users K and the channel estimation error
sub-optimal methods such as EWSMSE and naive BFs. variance. Moreover, we show the improvement in performance
140 by using an LMMSE channel estimate compared to just
Optimal EWSR BF: Subspace Channel Estimate
having LS estimates, and by furthermore properly exploiting
120 Optimal EWSR BF: LMMSE Channel Estimate
Optimal EWSR BF: Unbiased Subspace Channel Estimate
all covariance information. Numerical simulations suggest that
naive BF: Subspace Channel Estimate the large system approximations are accurate even for finite
Sum Spectral Efficiency

100 naive BF: LMMSE Channel Estimate

naive BF: LS Channel Estimate values of M, K.
Optimal EWSR BF: LS Channel Estimate
80 Optimal EWSR BF: Unbiased LS Channel Estimate
40 (1)
First we compute the deterministic equivalent for σk ,
20 (1) b k,b g′ = rb−1 g′ H Ck,b Wk,b CH g′ .
σk = rbk−1 gk′ H S k k k k k k k,bk k
0 (30)
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 H
Transmit SNR in dB
Using the eigen decomposition of Wk,bk = Vk,bk Λk,bk Vk,b k
Fig. 2. EWSR for C = 1 cell, K1 = K = 10 users, M = 64, L = 2,
e2 = 1/SN R.
σ gk′ H Sk,bk gk′ = gk′ H Ck,bk Wk,bk CH k,bk gk ,

′ ′′ ′′ ′′ −1
gk = gk / ∥gk ∥ , gk = Γk Ck,bk vk,bk , (31)
′ −1 ′′
k,bk k = C H
k,bk k C k,b k
vk,b k
/||g k
Optimal EWSR BF: Subspace Channel Estimate

Optimal EWSR BF: Unbiased Subspace Channel Estimate
naive BF: Subspace Channel Estimate ∑
Optimal EWSR BF: LMMSE Channel Estimate
naive BF: LMMSE Channel Estimate
where Γk = βi Si,bk +µbk I. Using large system analysis
100 EWSMSE BF: LMMSE Channel Estimate
naive BF: LS Channel Estimate i̸=k
Sum Spectral Efficiency

Optimal EWSR BF: LS Channel Estimate
Optimal EWSR BF: Unbiased LS Channel Estimate simplifications shown in (20), CH
k,bk Γk Ck,bk = ebk I,

e2b vk,b
Wk,bk vk,bk e2b λmax (Wk,bk )
60 gk′ H Sk,bk gk′ = k k
= k
∥ ∥ ∥gk′′ ∥
′′ 2 2
We define Γbk = Γk + βk Sk,bk . Further we consider simpli-
fying ∥gk′′ ∥ = vk,b Ck,bk Γ−2
2 H
k Ck,bk vk,bk . By using Lemma
4 from [3] leads to ∥gk ∥ = M1b tr{Γ−2
′′ 2 2
0 k } ∥vk,bk ∥
Mbk tr{Γk }. Further, by using Lemma 6 we
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 1
Transmit SNR in dB approximate
Fig. 3. EWSR for C = 2 cells, K1 = K2 = 5 users, M = 32, L = 2,
Γk ≈ (Γk + βk Sk,bk )−1 = Γ−1 bk . From [3], in the large
e2 = 1/SN R. −2
σ system limit, for (1/Mbk )tr{Γbk }, we have an almost sure
convergence value as e′bk , where e′bk is the derivative of ebk ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
w.r.t. µbk , and thus ∥gk′′ ∥ = e′bk ,
EURECOM’s research is partially supported by its industrial
members: ORANGE, BMW, SFR, ST Microelectronics, Sy-
K L∑
∑ βi2 ζi,bk e′bk
i,bk (r), 2 mantec, SAP, Monaco Telecom, iABG, and by the projects
e′bk = e2bk ( M1b (r)
+ 1) MASS-START (French FUI) and DUPLEX (French ANR).
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