Journal 2

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WBL Journal #2

Instructions: Respond to each of the following questions with a complete sentence. You may receive if
a 100 if your answers show effort and quality. Please answer each prompt with at least one complete

Part 1: A big part of being successful now is knowing where you want to be in the future. As you plan for
your future this month list the 5 colleges you would like to attend below and why. If you do not plan on
attending a 4-year institution you can list technical colleges or training you plan on completing.

The university of Texas Austin

Stony Brook university
Ohio state
University of Florida
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

- I would like to attend one of these colleges because when I get older, I would love to be a travel
nurse and these schools offers great nursing programs. These aren’t all the schools, but they are
definitely on my list, I have other options, but they are more for studying abroad and I would
have to look more into it before I determine that big decision. I’m going to look into more
colleges because I am approaching my senior year and have to be ready

Part 2: Of the five colleges listed select one as your top choice. Write a one paragraph summary of what
this college has to offer you. Include information such as campus organizations or activities you are
interested in, your intended major and how this college will help you achieve your professional goals.

- I can’t go into detail about any of the colleges because I Haven’t done much research, but I know
that since I want to major in nursing then one of these colleges could possibly be the one for
me. I choose these colleges based off acceptance rates and tuition cost and the distance away
from Georgia or if I decide to stay in state then my parents’ house. I really hope that once I do
more research on these colleges, I can then narrow down which would be my top to apply to.

Part 3: How do you believe your time in Work Based Learning will help to better prepare you for your
future college and career plans?

WBL will help me better prepare because with this class I can really get a feel for the working
environment and really work on bettering myself when it comes to being in a professional setting. I can
also get better at time management which I know will benefit me in the future when I not only become
a senior next year but a college student at that. WBL is really teaching me how to more professional and
things to do and not do.

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