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1 cup rice Things you need to know about:

1 piece fried fish -LUNCH-
1 cup rice
1 glass milk
½ cup sautéed vegetables
1 slice mango

w/ ground meat
1 glass orange juice
1 piece banana

1 cup rice
fish tinola
½ cup sautéed kangkong
1 piece apple

SOURCES: Nutrition & Food

Importance of proper nutrition
Healthy Eating. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Complications of Inadequate and/or

Pyramid.aspx Bryn Mawr Terrace. (2015, June 4). The Importance of

Nutrition in Your Recovery from



Roth, R. A. (2007). Nutrition And Diet Therapy. (9th ed.). Melbourne,

Inappropriate Nutrition
Recommended Menu
Australia: Thomson Delmar Learning.

LeMone, P. & Burke, B.(2008). Medical-Surgical Nursing:

Critical Thinking In Client Care. (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson Education.

Potter, P.A. & Perry, A.G.(2001). Fundamentals Of Nursing. (5th ed.). St.

Louis, MO: Mosby.

Perioperative Nutrition. (2019, March 25). TeachMeSurgery.


Nall, R. (2020, July 21). Edema in Malnutrition. Healthfully.
Silliman University
Nutrition 411: Nutrition Implications for Postsurgical Wound Healing. (n.d.). MADE BY:
Wound Management & Prevention. Retrieved December 15, 2020, from College of Nursing Rachel Lynn Agravante


Level III - A1 Shekinah Bromo

Jannen Casas
The Vital Role of Complications of Inadequate
and/or Inappropriate Nutrition
Nutrition in Your During Post-Operative Period

major source of energy

for growth, body maintenance and activity.

Carbohydrates include bread, cereals,
Anemia means that a person does not

have enough red blood cells or pasta, potatoes, rice, grains, sugar, honey,

Experts emphasize that surgery or

hemoglobin in their body. Symptoms can fruit and milk.

include weakness, fatigue, shortness of

critical illness is a significant event for breath, headache and difficulty with
Essential for growth and repair of the body.

your body and explain that a highly

thinking or concentration. In order to

confirm anemia a blood test is needed. Proteins include meat, poultry, fish, cheese,

nutritious diet can support your milk , milk products and nuts.

complete recovery in several ways. Fats

Poor Wound Healing Fats provide energy. These include butter,
Post-Operative Nutrition can:
Malnutrition puts stress on the immune
cheese, meat, nuts, and fish oil, vegetable
Help your incisions heal system and is a risk factor for poor
oil or olive oil.

Provide the raw materials your wound healing . Deficiencies in a variety

of nutrients can impair wound healing;

immune system needs to protect
severe protein deprivation is associated Minerals are needed for building bones, and
you against infection
with an increased rate of wound
regulating fluid balance, They are found in
Help to replace any blood loss infection.
foods rich in sodium such as table salt, bread,

Help to repair your skin, nerves,
meat and fish.
blood vessels, muscles and bones
Albumin and protein are two of the
Increase your level of energy
largest components in your blood. When
Vitamin A- For vision and healthy skin. These foods
include liver, milk, cheese and green vegetables.
you have the right amount of albumin in

Nutrition Vitamin D- Growth of bones and teeth

your blood, your body can maintain a

balance, keeping water out. Without

the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilises food enough protein, however, your cells may Vitamin E- Protects cells from damage; Vegetable
substances. Essential nutrients include protein, carbohydrate, fat, begin to retain water, which leads to oils, eggs, green leafy vegetables
vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. edema.
Vitamin K- Helps the blood clotting process; Green
Food Malnourished patients
leafy vegetables
The B Vitamins- For blood formation and muscle
composed of many different chemical substances - 'macronutrients' are at a high risk of
post-operative function; Bread, breakfast cereals and milk
(major nutritional components that are present in relatively large
complications, such as products
amounts, such as protein), 'micronutrients' (major nutritional
components that are present in relatively small amounts, such as reduced wound healing, Vitamin C- Promotes the healing process; Citrus
vitamins), water, and roughage (dietary fibre). increased infection fruits such as oranges, kalamansi, potatoes, green
rates, and skin

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