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Written and Oral Document Health Literacy: Analysis and Repair

Ngoc (Megan) Vuong – N01238584

BHSW 3003- Health Literacy

Professor Nora Zwingerman

Thursday, October 8, 2020


Presentation selection

The selected presentation for this oral document analysis and repair assignment is the
overview of Heathy Heart AID program in the Digital Innovation in Health and Wellness –
BHSW 3500 class. This is an individual assignment; therefore, I do not need approval from any
peer(s) to use the presentation.

The presentation was originally submitted to professor Natalie Toman in the Digital
Health and Wellness class in Winter 2020 semester. The presentation is part 3 of the Written and
Oral Digital Workplace Health and Wellness Application. In this project, my assigned task was
to identify a health and wellness challenge and propose a digital solution that might be used to
implement it. My program’s intended audience are First Responders including police officers,
firefighters, paramedics, and so on. The program initiatives are to disseminate knowledge about
cardiovascular disease, engage users in healthy eating habits and exercising, and encourage them
to speak up and share any concerns as well as as tips in regards to health and wellness with the
other users. The digital asset to implement the program includes a website platform and an app
platform which can be used either on computers, tablets, or on smart phones. The presentation
was given in form of a video. Please refer to the attached video of the presentation, website of
the Healthy Heart AID program and slides in my submission.

The issues with the presentation

In the Health Literacy – BHSW 3003, week 4 lecture, the Suitability Assessment of
Materials (S.A.M) was introduced as an assessment tool to identify “if materials are
appropriately tailored to the population under consideration” (Zwingerman, slide 15, 2020).
Based on the SAM instrument and the evaluation criteria, the issues with the presentation
“Healthy Heart AID” will be discussed in terms of its content, literacy demand, graphics, layout
and typography.


The first issue with the content of the presentation is that the readers cannot immediately grasp
the idea or purpose of the program within the first 3 slides. The purpose, therefore, is not
explicit. The readers can see the title of the program but are not able to identify the intended
audience of the program until the slide no.4. Since the presentation was made to demonstrate the

Healthy Heart AID program for the instructors, it provides a lot of details and explanation which
can be unnecessary if the readers or audience of the presentation are the other students in the
class. In that case, the presentation would need to be more concise and shorter. The second issue
is that there are too many words which can be seen in slide no.4, no.5, no.6. Thirdly, there is no
summary or review slide at the end to offer the readers a chance to see or hear the key points of
the presentation (Doak, Doak, & Root, 1996, p.53)

Literacy demand

The fourth issue is that there are some words and concepts can be considered too advanced for
most people or not regularly used in daily life in the presentation including “atherogenic
dyslipidemia” in slide no.4, Transtheoretical Model in slide no.12, COM-B Model in slide no.13,
and Nudge theory in slide no.14. The vocabulary of the presentation is adequate which means
that “(1) common words are frequently used, (2) technical, concept, category, value judgement
(CCVJ) words are somehow explained, and (3) some jargon or math symbols are included”
(Doak, Doak & Root, 1996, p.54) There are some works needed to be done here to improve the
text readability.

Graphics (illustrations, lists, tables, charts, graphs)

The firth issue is that the relevance of illustration is insufficient and poses some distractions with
unclear images (images not really relate to the text). Some slides require better choices of
pictures to demonstrate the main ideas such as slide no.4, no.5, no.9. Moreover, the image
citations are not used in the presentation.

Layout and typography

The sixth issue with the presentation in terms of layout is that that the chosen theme is too
colorful and does not really go well with the topic. Although the chosen power point template
contains small pictures making each slide very bright and attractive to the readers, it can be a
drawback that distracts the readers from the presentation. It is also harder to include more
illustrated pictures without overwhelming the slides such as slide no.1, no.8, no.10, no.13, and
no.15. The slides also look quite clutter since it does not have adequate white space which is “a
50/50 mix between printed and unprinted areas on each page” (Osborne, 2018, p.44).

Besides, the seventh issue with the presentation’s typography including font/ text type, type size,
and typographic cues (bold, size, color). There are so many different fonts have been used in the
slides such as Arvo (“Healthy Heart AID in slide no.1; the headings and subheadings in slide
no.3, no.7, and no.11); Calibri (“Program overview” in slide no.1; the headings and subheadings
in slide no.4, no.5, no.6.etc.), Lora (the main text of slide no.4, no.5, no.6, no.8, no.9, no.10,
no.12, no.13). The issue with these fonts is that they are not san-serif and makes it more difficult
for the readers to follow. With the power point platform, it is better better to use sans-serif fonts
because “they are cleaner and much easier to see with light projecting behind them.” (Osborne,
2018, p44).

Suggestion on the readability and health literacy level of the presentation

Some suggestions to improve the readability of the presentation include using simple
words, relevant images, simple theme, san-serif fonts, explanation of concept and advanced
words, having a moderate amount of text and images with image citations. For example, the
heading in slide no.1 should be changed into “Introduction to Healthy Heart AID program for
First Responder” and in slide no.3, the heading can be changed into “why having a healthy heart
is important” or something similar to help the readers better understand the purpose of the

The purpose of the Digital Health and Wellness Application is to develop a program can
be brought into real-life workplace settings. Other than the professor, and students in the class,
the presentation also have to be made suitable and understandable for the intended audience
which are First Responders. By saying that, the presentation needs to be readable for the various
health literacy levels of the intended audience. According to the Human Resources and Skills
Development Canada, the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) level 3 (score 276-325) is
thresholder level “to function effectively in our contemporary knowledge economy” (as cited by
Hoffman-Goetz, Donelle, & Ahmed, 2014, p.41.) The presentation aims to be in this level so it
can be readable and easily understood by members of First Responders from various related as
well as non-related health and wellness occupations.


Doak, C.C., Doak, L.G., Root, J.H. (1996). Teaching patients with low literacy skills. American

journal of nursing. 96 (12). pp.52-59

Hoffman-Goetz, L., Donelle, L., & Ahmed, R. (2014). Health literacy in Canada: A primer for

students. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press Inc. p.41

Osborne, H. (2018). Health literacy from A to Z: Practical ways to communicate your health

message (Second ed.). Lake Placid, NY: Aviva Publishing. p.44

Zwingerman, N. (2020). Module 2: Measuring health literacy part 3. Slide 15.


Feedback to Learner10/27/20 11:34 AM

PART 1 Unsatisfactory Needs Satisfactory Exemplary
Assignment ·    No previous oral     ·    Previous oral
selection presentation presentation
·    Previous oral selected selected
presentation ·    No approval ·    Approval from
selected from peer(s) peer(s) where
·    Approval from where appropriate
peer(s) where appropriate 5
appropriate 0
Original ·    Initial ·    Initial ·    Initial ·    Initial
Presentation presentation not presentation not presentation presentation
·    Video presented completely presented presented
submission of ·    Presentation was presented ·    Presentation ·    Presentation
presentation not same as ·    Presentation was same as original same as original
·    Use of original original slightly different ·    Further ·    Complete
slides submitted ·    Did not explain than original explanation of explanation of
·    Presentation was when/where ·    Incomplete when/where when/where
clear initial explanation of initial initial
presentation was when/where presentation was presentation was
from initial from was from
·    Unable to presentation was needed ·    Presentation was
clearly hear from ·    Presentation was clear throughout
presentation ·    Presentation was unclear in a few  
  unclear in spots areas  
0 2-3 4  
Determine the ·    2 or fewer issues ·    2-3 issues ·    4 issues ·    5+ issues
issues with the selected selected minimum selected
presentation ·    None or ·    Significantly selected ·    Detailed
·    5 issues minimal detailed more detailed ·    Further detail localization &
minimum localization & localization & localization & explanation of
selected explanation of explanation of explanation of findings
·    Detailed findings findings is findings ·    Clear reporting
localization & ·    No or minimal needed ·    Reporting of of findings
explanation of reporting of ·    Weak reporting findings needs  
findings findings of findings further detail  
·    Clear reporting 0-3   7-8  
of findings 4-6 9-10

PART 1 Unsatisfactory Needs Satisfactory Exemplary

Formatting ·    Lots of spelling ·    Several spelling ·    A few spelling & ·    No spelling &
·    Spelling & & grammar errors & grammar errors grammar errors grammar errors
grammar ·    References/refere ·    References/refere ·    References/refere ·    References/refere
·    References/refere nce list not nce list very nce list nce list provided
nce list provided lacking incomplete ·    APA (where
·    APA (where ·    Not APA ·    3-4 APA ·    1-2 APA applicable)
applicable) formatted formatting errors formatting issues ·    Creativity (where
·    Creativity (where       applicable)
    2-3 4 5
Total 23/25

Comments and Feedback
-          So nice to see you present!
-          Target audience: first responders
-          Content: agree that the objective should be stated at the beginning and recap at the end
-          Too much content on slides! Completely agree. You do a great job speaking to the slides. You don’t want people to
stop listening to read so try using bullet points on the slides
-          Literacy demand: yes, simplify those types of terms to make it more understandable
-          Graphics – yes and make sure they are of high quality and readable – some are very small right now
-          Layout and typography – you bring up some good points. Just because it is a template does not mean that is a good
one to use
Some additional suggestions:
-          Text is too small on certain slides
-          Clarify/extract main message. “Join the fight, treat your heart right” is confusing and is not easily conveying the
message that this is an important topic that they should care about….
-          Consistency – periods at the end of points, capitalization, etc
-          Make sure you explain/use the graphics/images
Great job recognizing some of the issues.

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