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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016

The Physical Environment of Early Childhood Centers:

A Case Study in the use of Break-Out Spaces

Elizabeth Matthews1, Peter C. Lippman2

City College, City University of New York, USA
EIW Architects, Perth, Australia

The creation of high quality Early Learning benefits, many experts have proposed that society as
Centers is at the top of the national agendas in a whole stand to gain from investments in early
nations around the globe. Historically, changes childhood education through the reduction of
directed towards improving Early Childhood poverty, greater employability and improved social
Education have focused on the aspects of the social mobility. In fact, in economic terms, it has been
environment and curriculum. While these factors suggested that for every dollar invested in early
play an important role in early learning center childhood education, the return on that investment is
quality, we find that too little attention is given to nearly threefold. It is important to recognize
important role of the physical setting of the however, that such gains have only been born out
classroom. Despite the fact that there is a near 50- when children attended “high quality” early learning
year history of documented evidence on the impact of centers [2].
physical parameters on children’s learning and Over the last few decades there has been a great
development, few policies or interventions are deal of investigation into what makes a “high
specifically directed towards making systematic quality” early childhood learning environment, and
improvements to the built environment. We find this as a result many policies and legal mandates are
especially problematic given that the physical designed to improve these aspects of quality. To
environment of classroom can impact the language, date, the majority of research and subsequent policy
cognitive and social development of children in is related to social and curricular aspects of early
significant ways. In this case study, we provide a education. For the most part, quality centers
review of the most salient research on the impact of generally have highly trained, professional teachers,
the physical environment in Early Childhood and low teacher: student ratios, high parent involvement,
present examples of how the use of Break-Out consistent daily schedules of activities and a
Spaces can effectively address physical aspects of the developmentally appropriate curriculum that centers
classroom that impact children’s learning and on the needs of the students [3]. Undeniably all of
development. these elements are critical to the development of high
quality preschool education, however, we argue that
1. Introduction an important aspect of the ELC has been long
neglected - the built environment of the classroom.
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is at the It is clear that the physical setting of the ELC has
forefront of national agendas around the world. a significant impact on young children’s
Political leaders, educators, policy makers and developmental trajectory and well-being. Dating
parents, are eager to improve the quality of, and back to the early 1980’s there has been a convincing
access to, Early Childhood Education. This call to body of evidence from the field of environmental
action is based largely on the robust and rarely psychology field that purports that the physical
disputed body of evidence that consistently setting and structures within where children learn,
demonstrates that children who attend high quality have a unique and powerful influence on their
early care settings benefit significantly both in the learning and development. Far from being merely a
short and long term [1]. Among the most commonly “backdrop” for social action to occur, the physical
cited findings are that children who are educated at environment exerts influence on those within its
very young ages in high quality centers are able to walls. Poorly designed spaces often result in high
perform at a higher academic level, engage more levels of environmental chaos, which can have
appropriately with peers and authority figures, have a deleterious impacts in the classroom for example,
lower risk of incarceration, and have a greater chance noise, crowding and poorly designed spatial layout
of finishing high school and attending college, than of a classroom can negatively impact children’s
young children who do not receive quality early learning, social interactions and contribute to the
educational experiences [1]. Beyond the individual experience of stress. Furthermore, these
environmental factors exert a negative influence on
teacher behavior including, but not limited to a

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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016

decrease in the quantity of verbalizations with and teachers of an Australian ELC were interviewed
students. [4]. Unfortunately, the environmental regarding their perspectives on important
attributes of the educational setting are not often components of early learning, the majority
prioritized when policy decisions are made. commented that aesthetically pleasing, well-planned
Accordingly, the argument can be made that environments were beneficial and highly desired in
investment in the built components of a classroom the ELC, but were secondary to teaching quality.
are critically important when assessing the quality of Furthermore, neither educators or parents were able
a learning environment. In this paper, we discuss the to identify the specific ways in which the physical
use of Activity Settings and Break-Out spaces, which setting contributed to teaching quality or the child’s
we propose can reduce many of the aspects of the educational experience as a whole. [5] Thus the
physical environment that can lead to undesired reigning belief about the inferiority of the built
development outcomes. Activity Settings are environment appears to be derived in part from a
differentiated learning zones that are located inside lack of understanding about the ELC research in
the classroom, whereas Break-Out spaces are defined environmental psychology. However, there is also a
spaces often fixed outside of or adjacent to the recognition that that people largely control the design
classroom. These spaces promote highly defined of their own environments; therefore, it is the social
areas for learning activities as well as needed shelter actions that shape human interactions within a space.
from overstimulation and/or a spot for quiet Conversely, Environmental Psychologists, suggest
individual or small group activity. Well-designed that it is the physical space that mediates our social
spaces can provide needed variety and an optimal transactions. This is believed to occur by way of a
physical setting for learning, while providing needed variety of direct and indirect impacts on specific
control of factors that are associated with aspects of growth and development as well
environmental chaos. In the following sections we contributing to molding the sense of self [6]. Aside
present the existing literature on the impact of the from the mediating effects, in certain cases it may
built environment on children’s development and prove difficult, if not impossible to easily control
present two case studies that illustrate how Break- certain environmental variables. Noisy construction
Out spaces were conceptualized and employed in sites may appear next to schools without significant
ELC settings. warning and limited budgets may force school
builders to build schools or classrooms in places or
2. Physical Environment and Childhood ways that do not adequately allow for the control of
Development negative environmental variables.
Recently researchers in the UK examined a
A primary focus in Environmental Psychology is number of specific environmental parameters present
to achieve an understanding of the constraints and in classrooms [7]. Based on the analysis of the data,
affordances of the physical setting and how these they were able to attribute 51% of learning
mold, affect, and support well-being. Since the variability to aspects of the built environment among
field’s conception nearly a half century ago, school-aged children. The most significant
environmental researchers have found that some of components of the built environment appear to be
the most important aspects of the built environment complexity, availability of choice, color, naturalness,
found to significantly impact the developing person and lighting. These elements accounted for the most
include: spatial design, noise level, degree of significant variations in academic performance
crowding and amount of light [4]. These particular measures [7]. Many basic aspects of the structural
qualities are believed to influence the learner setting of a school can alter students’ cognitive
because, poorly designed layouts, high levels of processes [8]. Thus, environmental complexity, light,
noise and crowding and inadequate lighting result in and quality of materials are not simply a matter of
environmental chaos. Unchecked disorganization in creating aesthetically pleasing environments, but also
the built environment can affect, in a very negative appear to have an impact on other cognitive and
manner, children’s ability to focus and engage in social processes essential for learning.
learning. A chaotic environment can also contribute Other environmental characteristics such as
to physiological and psychological stress that can levels of background noise as well as the acoustical
negatively affect children’s social interactions as conditions of the classroom can impact learning.
well as the ability to effectively participate in the Chronic levels of ambient noise are associated with
school day. It is also important to note that the same the development of a stress response that can impair
environmental inadequacies can negatively impact learning. Similarly, poor acoustical conditions have
teachers’ responsiveness and engagement. been found to reduce both learning comprehension
While none of these findings are new, much of and speech recognition in children [9]. However,
them, for a variety of reasons, appear to be relegated presence of “white noise” may actually enhance
to secondary status to that of the social variables [5] learning activity by stimulating certain regions of the
of teaching and learning. For example, when parents brain [9]. Lastly, noise levels may impact language

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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016

and cognitive skills indirectly, as chronic noise may 3. Activity Settings and Break Out
reduce the verbalizations among adults and children Spaces: The Importance of
Crowding, which is perhaps the greatest factor in Differentiation of Space
the development of “environmental chaos”, also has
significant impacts on health and overall functioning. In order to effectively afford opportunities for
This apparently holds true, regardless of ethnicity or optimal learning experiences inside and outside the
culture. High levels of crowding are positively classroom, an Early Childhood Learning Centre
correlated with increased levels of interpersonal (ELC) must be purposefully designed to support
conflict, which can directly hinder social emotional independent, one-to-one and small social groupings
development [12]. Indirectly, student learning is also of children [8]. In ELCs, classrooms should be
affected as teacher time can become created based on the research on the built
disproportionately dedicated to intervening in peer environment and its relationship to child
altercations. development and learning. Optimal learning
The empirical evidence on the ways in which the environments are often highly differentiated spaces
built setting impacts behavior transactions are because they provide robust environmental
particularly startling. For example, crowding in the complexity. In this paper, we refer to the distinct
environment, or even poorly designed spatial layout and differentiated learning areas of the classroom as
of the classroom frequently results in increased peer “Activity Settings”, and the fixed spaces located
conflict as students feel higher stress levels when outside of or adjacent to classrooms, as “Break-Out
these conditions are present. However, teachers also Spaces”. Both Activity Settings and Break-Out
can be negatively affected by a substandard design. Spaces are learning zones that should be planned to
For example, teachers may feel the need to utilize afford independent, one-to-one, or small social
more restrictive practices with classroom groupings of 3-6 children who can work inside or
management if they are teaching in settings that lack outside of the classroom room [15].
adequate spatial layout to allow for needed visual In the educational realm, the Activity Settings of
surveillance of students [13]. Thus, layout and design an ELC classroom are traditionally known as
of the ELC are strong contributors to students’ “learning centers”. They commonly include block,
ability to independently engage and interact with reading, writing, math, science and creative play
classroom materials in an effective way. areas. Lastly, all Activity Settings and Break Out
When considering the powerful effects of the spaces must be fit with suitable technologies and
physical environment on learning, it is important to resources to support the intended learning by way of:
understand that just as poorly designed environments  providing access to a variety peers with
can have a deleterious impact on children’s varying levels of skill with a given
development, optimally built settings can exert a activity
restorative effect on behavior and learning. For  influencing the types of [transactions],
example, adding “green- ness” or nature into verbal and otherwise, that occur in the
classrooms by including either easy access to the daily routine
outdoors or incorporating plant life directly into  affording learners spaces to actively
school spaces improves children’s attention and explore the allowable range of activities
focus with tasks. Finally, the presence of stimulus permitted in the classroom space
shelters—a concept proposed by Environmental
 providing opportunities for students to
Psychologist Theodore Wachs in the 1980s can
prove highly beneficial for children’s development create, reflect on, and redesign their
and psychological well-being. These “shelters” are activities and respond to their self-
areas where students can escape activity for brief generated changes
periods of time. When incorporated into the design  affording appropriate levels of adult
of a classroom, this particular feature has been direction and monitoring in order to allow
shown to be beneficial for children’s sense of well- for developmentally appropriate latitude
being. [19] in what children do and how they do it
Ultimately, the physical environment of the [14]
classroom should fulfill the students’ and teachers’  reducing the potential for environmental
needs to enable learning. In our view, a well-
“chaos” including crowding and noise via
designed classroom that reduces environmental
minimizing the impact of negative
chaos is a basic requirement for a quality ELC. Once
these essential needs are met, children and teachers environmental features, while offering the
are more likely to be in a stronger position to fulfill developmental benefits of ideal built
higher-level learning goals. spaces.

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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016

4. Break-Out Spaces Defined rooms, niches, and hollows may be organized.

[17] These are public areas located as the center of
Break-Out spaces are defined learning areas the ELC school. For example, the Nodes might be
located outside of, or adjacent to classrooms. constructed under a central school staircase.
Although not studied extensively, the use of Break This type of space promotes opportunities for
Out spaces can promote improved student learning independent, one-to-one, small group and large
and well-being by: 1) informing learners of where group engagement to occur simultaneously. This
and what particular transactions are suitable in these learning zone is unique, because its centralized
areas 2) reifying the notion that learning is not location within the school building supports both
confined to a space, but rather can extend beyond the formal and organized gatherings for more than one
walls of the classroom and 3) affording additional classroom, so that learning can take place among
classroom space flexibility for teachers and students. multiple classrooms and age groups. These spaces
Break-Out spaces can be particularly useful design can also encourage a range of informal and
elements. Depending on the size of the space, they spontaneous interchanges among parents, school
are classified either as Break-Out Rooms, Hollows, staff and children during the transition points of the
Niches and Nodes [17] [18], which are each defined school day.
below. Perhaps most importantly, the inclusion of the
Break-Out Rooms: These are semi-private small Break-Out Space may aid in the effective control of
meeting or project rooms approximately 10 square environmental chaos and can reduce ambient noise
meters. These spaces are generally planned to levels, both of which have been noted to negatively
support 1-6 learners and can facilitate independent, impact student learning. These smaller places can
one-to-one and cooperative social groupings. Most create needed environmental complexity and reduce
importantly, these learning zones allow learners to crowding levels by providing a variety of learning
separate themselves from the larger class and focus zones. Although students may be set apart from the
on the specific task-at-hand. Frequently the Break- main activity area, they can still be involved in the
Out rooms are designed as fully enclosed spaced that classroom activity if the space is designed
are located within the classrooms or constructed appropriately. For example, spaces with glass within
outside of the classroom [17]. walls or doors allow for visual contact between
Break-Out Niches: Similar to the Break-Out students and teachers. This in turn can allow teachers
Room, Break-Out Niches are semi-public learning greater flexibility as they can support independent
areas that are designed to provide opportunities for and small group work, enhancing student freedom
formal and informal spontaneous interchanges. A with learning activities, while still providing visual
Break-Out Niche may be a corner, recess or alcove surveillance over all of these learning areas.
along the walls inside a classroom or along a school Furthermore, anxiety levels in very young students
hallway. Niches differ from the Break-Out Room can often be mitigated by enabling children with a
because they are literally carved out spaces in learning setting where they can easily “check in”
already existing furniture or walls. For example, a visually with their teachers.
hallway may have a hollowed out area that includes a Lastly, students can use Break-Out Spaces as a
chair and table. This structure allows classes to “stimulus shelter” [19], thus providing learners with
extend learning opportunities beyond the classroom. a secure setting for needed refuge in order to
Within these differentiated learning areas, learners counteract the effects of stress during the school day.
can work independently as well as in small If children are able to take advantage of
groups. Furthermore, these spaces may provide independently arranged brief periods of rest
opportunities for a few small social groupings to throughout the school day, they may be in a better
work simultaneously adjacent to one another [16] state to learn, socially engage and perhaps even,
[17]. Constructing a Break-Out Niche could involve handle conflicts with others.
building recesses/alcoves/corners in the walls outside
of classrooms or along school hallways. 5. Designing Activity Settings and Break-
Additional differentiation of the Break-Out Space Out Spaces
can be accomplished with Break-Out Hollows.
These areas can be designed into an existing niche. Activity Settings and Break-Out Spaces must be
For example, a Break-Out Hollow can be a learning designed as integrated places within the ELC to
zone built into cabinetry, such as a seat for one for support the diverse ways that children transact with
one learner, or a small opening in a wall or one another and their environment to produce
cabinet. Generally, given their small size, Break Out learning. In addition to providing a variety of
Hollows support independent work. developmentally appropriate Activity Settings, the
Break-Out Nodes: When installed optimally, classroom space as a whole must afford opportunities
these Break-Out Nodes can become the salient for large group meetings, small group work, and
feature of the school setting around which breakout independent learning. While Activity Settings are

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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016

viewed as separate learning areas, they in fact re-design was part of their master plan for expansion
provide the classroom with an integrated learning of their learning community. The approach to
experience. For example, Activity Settings provide creating this ELC was unique because the design
spaces for children to learn within the defined area team in collaboration with the teachers and students,
and also provide learning areas in between each grounded the classroom and school design in the
defined space. [18]. These spaces-in-between allow existing research on early learning environments.
learners to seamlessly transition from one task to Each of the Holy Cross College ELC classrooms
another as they can move from their initial setting to were planned to support six distinct activity settings:
another and/or simply stop to peruse the actions of a block corner; a painting corner; an area for creative
others. This particular setting allows learners to play, reading corner; science area, and reflective
appropriate knowledge without disrupting the flow area. In order to differentiate the various learning
of the transactions taking place. areas, built-in cabinetry was used to separate the
In the ELC, the use of defined Activity Settings reading and block corners, a trough was placed near
encourages learners to move about space and to the toilet room to create an art area. Pin boards were
become either independently engaged in a learning placed over the cabinetry, and idea paint (vertical
opportunity or to collaborate in the activities of writing surfaces) was used as a finish on different
others. Attractively designed spaces can peak wall locations in the rooms. Moveable child sized
children’s interest among multiple areas of the tables and chairs, as well as soft seating were used to
classroom so that the learner is never discouraged further define the areas between the corner settings.
from moving about the space, affording various These built-in physical cues in the classrooms,
opportunities for the rich kinesthetic experiences that enabled teachers and students to organize their
are critical for young learners [18]. surroundings as needed. Lastly, the activity settings
Accordingly, when planning instructional spaces, were organized to allow learners and teachers easy
designers must consider the potential choreography visual access throughout the classroom.
through and around the Activity Settings and how These purposeful choices within the classrooms
these interstitial zones provide opportunities for resulted in the creation of spaces that were highly
learning. The spaces in between should be crafted in differentiated while at the same time connected the
such a way as to promote easy movement among the ELC classrooms to one another, in order to create an
classroom areas without leading to bottlenecking integrated learning environment for the entire school
which can lead to disengagement and potentially building. These specific design choices were made to
peer conflict [18]. promote opportunities for independent and small
An important distinction in the purpose of group activities and improve the flexibility of the
Activity Settings and Break-Out Areas is that while space. For example, utilizing cavity sliding doors
Activity Settings are choreographed to encourage rather than folding walls, between classrooms
movement, Break-Out Spaces are often planned to afforded multiple benefits. Cavity sliding doors
disrupt movement and contain learning to enclosed provide significant flexibility for classroom. [15]
areas to allow for enhanced focus on the task. In [18] Teachers can easily install or remove the
addition, the Break -Out Space often installed partition, depending on their needs. Such flexibility
outside of classrooms or in school hallways offers allows teachers to take ownership of their
the benefit of a “stimulus shelter”-places of respite classrooms. They can choose, at any time, to connect
where learners may become engaged independently classrooms and extend the classroom to the Break-
with work, or simply relax. Both types of spatial Out Spaces, or manipulate the cavity sliding doors to
arrangements create needed differentiation of the easily disconnect rooms from the Break-Out Spaces
classroom space and can ameliorate many of the to afford for more personalized and specialized
negative effects of excessive noise and crowding. learning opportunities. Although cavity sliding doors
In the following section we present two case can be heavy to manipulate, they offer the added
studies where Break-Out Spaces were used to benefit of sound insulation that can significantly
enhance the layout of the ELC classrooms, reduce improve the acoustic conditions within the
environmental chaos and negative environmental classroom.
factors and improve the general flow of movement Following discussions with the principal and
for teachers and students. teachers, the design team planned to install a variety
of Break-Out Spaces designed to add differentiation
6. Case Study 1 - Holy Cross College and flexibility for the ELC classrooms. These
Early Learning Centre, Perth, Australia included a Break-Out Room as well as several
Break-Out Niches placed outside of, and attached to
The Early Learning Center (ELC) at Holy Cross each classroom. Cabinetry was designed with open
College in Perth Australia educates 180 children ages shelving and was used to define the spaces created
3-6. The school’s leadership team engaged EIW within the Break-Out Niches and Node. Lastly, a
architects to re-design the ELC in early 2013. This Break-Out Node was placed centrally in the building.

Copyright © 2016, Infonomics Society 2778

International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016

Placing this Node at the heart of the school building 7. Case Study 2 - Skapaskolan, Huddinge
was done to facilitate learners, educators and parents Sweden
to meet informally with each other as they move
from one part of the school building to another. Approximately 14,000 kilometers from Holy
Ideally, such a space can encourage greater levels of Cross College is the Skapaskolan (“creative school”)
personalization and socialization. in Huddinge Sweden. This school currently serves
Throughout the ELC, customized cabinetry was approximately 125 students, ages 4-12. In
purposefully included in order to afford further preparation for a new school building, the
opportunities for learning. In the classrooms, Skapaskolan faculty sought out educational design
cabinetry was used to define corner spaces. Doing so planning advice in order to change the current
created corner spaces that more readily provided classroom designs to better reflect the school’s
spaces for independent work or refuge for a rest [15]. alternative pedagogical approach.
They provide the added benefit of providing a In order to address the school’s needs, it was
vantage point for students to view and hear what is necessary to conduct a thorough assessment of the
going on around them. Since the completion of the school. Accordingly, teachers, administrators and
cabinetry project, teachers have reported that the students were interviewed and observed by the
cabinets provided excellent, concrete cues for design team to better understand their concerns and
children to seek out appropriate areas for needs as well as to offer objective assessment on the
independent or small group work. use of the current school space. Through the
Cabinetry was also integral for defining the extensive interview and assessment process, it was
Break-Out Niches and Node. Teachers have reported discovered that the furniture and equipment in the
on how children have taken ownership of the various rooms restricted the learners’ capacity to move
Break-Out Niches. Furthermore, the children between and across different learning zones.
uncovered Break-Out Hollows in and on the Teachers wanted dynamic spaces that could afford a
cabinets, where they have been observed sitting, variety of independent and small group activities yet
reading, and talking with another. The centrally provide an efficient and engaging environment.
placed Break-Out Node was defined with tiered Based on the interviews and classroom
cabinetry where children could work, meet, play or observations, as well as the research in classroom
rest. Additionally, moveable furniture, ottomans, design and child development, the classrooms at
tables and chairs were also provided in the Node, so Skapaskolan were transformed from static to
that children could arrange or rearrange the space dynamic spaces. The furniture and equipment in the
themselves, thus allowing for the development of a rooms were rearranged to allow the users to have a
customized learning environment. The ability to spaces where the class could meet in a large group
exert control over the space can help learners and areas where they can meet in small cooperative
experience greater autonomy in directing their own groups. The large gathering space was defined with a
learning activities. 1.8-meter diameter rug. Tables and chairs were
Finally, glazing was used along the perimeter placed along the windows to create more
walls, the demising walls, and sliding doors between independent work-spaces. Adjacent to these spaces,
the classrooms and the Break Out spaces. Natural round tables with chairs and stools were added to the
light has long been shown to benefit learners and the area in order to encourage small groups to gather.
glazing allowed for more natural light to enter all of Moveable cabinetry was placed strategically to
the learning spaces [17]. Glazing also enables further define these areas and soft seating was used
learners to see into other spaces and view the where children could sit next to each other and work
activities and actions of their peers and teachers [18]. independently, one-to-one, or in groups. Clear sight
Thus, the use of glazing can further personalize a lines were established in the classroom so that
space, encourage learners and teachers’ connections teachers could easily view all the activities taking
with each other, and reinforce the unique culture of place from nearly any vantage point.
the learning environment. Similar to experiences reported by teachers at the
At the Holy Cross College ELC, the design of the Holy Cross College ELC, the teacher-reported
Break Out Spaces was created with the educational benefits of adding defined and differentiated spaces
and spatial design research in mind. In this ELC at Skapaskolan have been numerous. Teachers have
greater classroom differentiation with the inclusion commented that the differentiated space enabled
of Break-Out Spaces resulted in an environment that children to take greater ownership of the classroom.
afforded learners and teachers with greater comfort, For example, students uncovered the Break-Out
flexibility and learning potential. Hollows created by the natural space underneath
round tables. Students used these areas to develop
their own spaces for reading or small group
discussion. The environmental changes created
additional opportunities for learners to choose the

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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016

physical spaces that best supported their learning the use of Break-Out Spaces has been largely
needs at a given time. This was supported in the theoretical and limited by the presentation of only
follow up interviews with staff, who noted that the two case examples, it nevertheless brings to light the
Break- Out Spaces enabled learners to choose how need to consider built aspects of classroom as strong
and where they could best learn in a classroom even contributors to ELC quality. Additional systematic
when a variety of other learning activities occur research on the utilization of Break-Out Spaces
simultaneously. According to the teaching staff, should be conducted to further elucidate the
students engaged with their learning with greater associations among quality environmental design and
autonomy following the redesign of the classroom. children’s learning.

8. Conclusion 9. Acknowledgements

The physical environment of the early childhood We would like to thank: Holy Cross College for
classroom contributes profoundly to children’s the continual support and openness to wanting to
learning and social development. It is important that create learning environments that reach beyond best
classrooms and their adjacent spaces are created with practice; EIW Architects for being academic and
this research in mind. Unfortunately, evidenced challenging the normative theories in Architecture on
based classroom design has not traditionally been at the spatial design of learning environments; and
the forefront in the dialogue on educational quality. Skapaskolan for their desire to create and provide
While parents, educators and designers recognize the learners with the most innovative solutions within
need for bright, comfortable and flexible classrooms very confined spaces.
[5] most continue to view these elements as
secondary to, and separate from, teaching and 10. References
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International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2016

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