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A.L.M. ACADEMY ALTERNATIVE LEARNING METBO™ PHONE NO: 99530-02747, ee eee 9 foe fo al uly partly WF commwvodity hile taf a i fresh rec com - id » ee 8 a cA ot si a et 2 Tl nt fea Yan pte fotor) ) Bh tee ¢ Aeblsd a Satta | geen oo (Dirck Relation eth “ Troe which can be used]. ‘fasts goods ‘snide ah in plaus of one ancttr. jointly Rico any gered wank whores bo ts price ons « Bncxinas in tae ps J ome fo Gretaae ee are eee leads to dectsaas tn ee demand of ote. foreq — tat, fey Whur Hor peice any peda re: Sea UR Rises a an pl pple os buy MOL (AAS [fev 0.7 eI Alsen and ineanasy even lahen Ye pie | Rumainy dams, Pde dt) | 2. 1.M.ACADEMY ©. , ALTERNATIVE LEARNING ME PHONE N 2 >, 3) Income g tthe Consuntm .) » Nowmal Inferior a » These are those goods whe | “These ome ba, hate ™ demand, sin, es woth an oe rand fale wath the incsease in “team. in incom. Sp Rie 2 Maa . | ee oe 3 Bape * efor fly io, ube, [a a Aubieélive, a. ubjetbe, bhunorero = o Commo ia ee Commodity iis purchased ae commodt Acme pr that p exAeLN, | Bee oe joa 30. infover foive commedity. dora. rich pouon FEF eal this Bajra besome a omenodity Bs pore pewton And dame Seoral fr, arian indeive front ™ 4) Tarte 2 2 frefsancer of He Corsurnen — Peer as inctaate £ by Asad +0 iineswasre in demand. Unfavourable changt eads -to de, fa eee “This pRounx dbuit pulalion . ane MICROECONOMICS | Classes by Mr, NITIN YADAV PAGENO. 3p & da the fundtional relationship bition demand & 1A | Pepi as > De = P(Pa, Pa, y, TBP) at LAW of DEMAND ee roy nll anil cn and, quaitty aemandad w+ Assuring of Jaws of demand. (Cedrtes Panis) » Ratce wolatid seman contbart . D fae Thome Le consumen fumaincenitant. | 3% Tarte 2 prefrbras remain dame. 4> fashion, redtfun eke remain same. > Demand schedule & ita tabular. prnertbation showing Frow ynuch is lernandec} at diffewnt pric dn the Geen Bene. : ftce_| OD 2 100 3 ‘8D a Bo > Demand Cunve Hy oo graphical nefrusertabion 4 demand, Schedule . ‘ ( ‘ y : a TRI METHODS PAALM. ACADEMY =, ALTERNATIVE LEARNING 02747 ) . | ) 5 p. ) di ) 2 ‘ # ad ap’ a Ouantity. demanded —> > Gxcep tions “fe dase of demand. demand. -: 2 iio fe “ue goods ase (et a npn aon re Sed iit oot “alte en nis Agen d dus to incor ia fbn bovoed . PL foes > ite afte ad giffen- goods is negative. zd Emergency Py do nét behave, ont Ae iy te fe od one Hiding. op WAR, make alee cine Pr Dt MICROECONOMICS | Classes by Mr. NITIN YADAV PAGENOME ) ) ) A.L.M. ACADEMY | » seh este pre i a al 2 )eblen goose] its he ir ton it ee authose eri uohase hp as this Viods to tnesaase ny bilis odacrg, nis £3 thi. dibunste value ir ire atin GS Taguas, amo 5 ye pte 7 2 a 7 Frese ane the bass die exatélence Huse ase dermandad s 40 tuo dea dons 4 even Soap. bale, voalon 2. Pt £ Fppanans “ 4 Fi condiumen is Sper about the b rity tne x Ae ete Soe ape hy ot on ed putes. Pp DT ec ef < el el 4 ‘A.L.M. ACADEMY PHONE '\™" [ [Pn = DY? a) why does Daw of tirmond ope ales 9] Why does on?" be) aie sate ay dala i as domand cure Jaa shoping [in cones GI vont. 1% ohn ae pees gobla. Sagal aly =P (Poe meme) commuedily equlibaum condition, or fics tat cae yet at Are onauenie well cor enough te ee si pen « 1D sheung 0 Uy TM leas 4 pit he goed has iP makas M0 dso on pel § ee pi ta become, ral ania le Hg acy —Eilily fuodigtt the Crauraer wll be ab cqins vshum ht pends hag linided wegen tn bth 9 ako ie so fc apts ieee OM equal” and lean! D won joo gous xy fi cone wl) be thabed Noe Muy a dn tin wondilin | ts ie he (toe) fable ic NaS a Bc 2 getheg saad heli ce 7 case A geedx ao a ky, Bole, ha ell b 4 ge xe awd lena f goscl ¥_ Ps shows dhak pou f a geod oe Us demand, Du wnoeumu WOU eto bay wns px Ot = OA ; . flay 'f i) ermrmadity [Prd ks Han < x 3 ic Mug < Muy", Now , conaumari'y gethag meer M0 per sisi an good. De enna daca f a ‘oe ee ts with pele. % a shows Haak Your exsolt am cnvenar salation ship Ubi domand de pier. a FACTS ABOUT iA of DEMAND S Tivoue. Relalionshtp 4 atl the Invewe seallonuhip bahioean poder and qua demanded. 44 Airn| affoun tat an trouinse tn fa wot tend “to ruduee quay emarded and 2 pe Le pete: wt Lad to an im in he quarily demand 9 Qualitative nat Quantitative A rakes Qualitative tdtirnent ett éndiciba the dinedtion oe inthe amour demandsd. ard dose toss net Srdtooh. of charge | | No faghact Rebahiorashsp \ tt doos nat bila an tory solatienshifp lee [ot ab ty fr quality en ro oy pean 14S One Aid laws of dernand iu one coer “ant explo the [ghana a a MICROECONOMICS | Cases by Mi NITIN' YADAV AER oa > A.LM. ACADEMY. nin rh a Efe f -d curve. Here Jou of dernand opredtis | Here. No new demand curve git Change Ganly Denard tt is maou along te eran 4 ALTERNATIVE LEARNING, PHONE NO: eTHODS yasua74 rH -med pa il (Hott aus of demand dos mst *| Opneate 1 /Neus dernand cureve, ! 1 Hf a © a fray hwo Kinds = = Threneare In dernand ee Ve MICROECONOMICS | Classes by Mr. NITIN YADAV cl ¢ > Decrease. in dernand. s+ Deere In demand 1 fate | 2p al ¢ 2 leo cl 2 30 * 2 5e a = ¢ [Pater xamains dame some others Gavtor chan Eyes o PAGE NO: 68 ol A.L.M. ACADEMY dowonwered DN nnonat X v ; kt 6 0 L joj Quarry BErmonoled ol +. Grier = Trees aN ‘So 1 jot Quy enna Saal oa 3 Rahs 5 Conte ities chew -Deexeaie m MICROECONOMICS | Classes by Mr. NITIN YADAV 3 sake PA ING METHODS ¢ A.L.M. ACADEMY. ALTERNATIVE LEARN "99530-0274 Note ~ | dppliaion bnusd. quali, con oun re claus, Melateol —to Abifa > &o Po tn oe Do_NOT ae ob «i B Trowae in e decreare in pf reat eee « &) PU or Fneseate 3 “Theema. P LA favourable ee taste propor © ¢ ¢ a oo He me he gue. a sorrpiy calih fe; co ae piling at aiff aina © given potted of dn aSMarceT ~ | INDIVIDUAL Demand MARKET DEMAND @ is “the quanlity demands 4 sop mn Panay asa i ase alt thy ata qin d @ | Conturnes 2 ghar pe e dustry pogee p i fi Coa aa is nat | @ ut affected ty ab the “ abfedtad by git tre factoot HE abfeatiNg ralindual Offetling “the mee ene ob Fedak © © et ~~ et Mi we ——== = ICROECONO Woe TIN YADAV ere ihy SE PHONE NO A.L.M. ACADEMY , (ONE NO: = factors ffeding BE dard BD titer of the commodity til}. . 2> Piet plated a hs consumo, 4 Taste & Prufrtances & dpc dee con competition most Maske ae alio di thon the compoailion. Hien fe 02747 LAr dn irda make would Rave ornankit og inh produc | SS Nusnbew_ ad. Consumers, sea emus Sete foro much is thie masukel at TAICROFCONOMICS | Clases by Ms NTTIN YADAV AG AGI ASENO: 7 1); 99530" “ALM. ACADEMY Marker t DEMAND CoRVE aj gph si ge \\. : / | oh, O38 patBre % = Gani demanded > + Maukt demand eusive i fatten, Jostket dimand curve Ja fatter fan Individual demand. areal Ped bey op bob oStohats change. in the individual demand. = |One maxker ane slated +p hits > Thee dn prdce Decree Jn ia 4 eblind cele TS fl carp pat MICROECONOMICS | Classes by Mr NITIN YADAV — — = TN LOE eee I ALTERNATIVE LEARNING METHODS ont Nor 95302747 7 Defnouable Teite & Prafranca. DY > Lebhored” shift > Aheveate in Incom Income 3 Noernal 7 Dt dese Sect er ed > Decvease in Income: Nowral 7] Dv * J create in Theme ; Infovios [Leptoond ships Vw APPLY Logics — Do NoT “MOG UP ~ PLEASE oH ELASTICITY OF ‘DEMAND ees a law [fxasrple of Slaps and Respontes ‘th geome ela chet tufers to rusponalvenets 4 oe variable 2 Type of clos 2 ice chashctiy | dene dlemand.+ # negera to incthe demand Commodi is Berdage 2 In ‘pee of “ghana chennai cong 3) Coss aoe & dent 4 nefou ‘he potent In ih gee a ope ust ah rope =f to “ef cently he prec MICROECONOMICS | Classes by Mr. NITIN YADAV ~ PAGE Non i ACADEMY ALTERNATIVE: LEARNT PHONE NO: ‘995 15.30 )-0274 Z tneome chastick ce errs * ftce_shoitic’ nar 4 Hi Palen * Coles’ hare in st > Deiket sof Bacriory of DEMAND, (S45 4) | —— rs Boe > GBs Ss ae 7 ed ie | oe easier 724 clase © Raft ett dea mgr ath) te qui sandal ) IE ET SLL LLL OO ALM. ACADEMY ALTERNATIVE LEARNING METHODS, PHONE NO: 99530-02747 Note-ilWhen you whale. claicty cusver a i (0) avid bare. 4 Ct) od wohere faks base. prics to be lower Sad bate quoriity @ Ferfesthy clastic damand, (ede) When demand expand ov cortwady Ao any extent eiPout ang change im Price, Demand become zew with a aleght pide fo The price, {we [Ba aD " [go {ieo| oy 30 | 400 30 | SoD 1 (RAILWAY TRACK) a res \ MICROECONOMICS | PANN NO OHARA + Sactons affecting + dunilabilty ag Aububihidis -: chi Pee he icons cup of ac for it ” aa onan ae og: : woheu os “bhand fer dalt is 5 a. shane tn total expand ¢ 8 et sy ra vas el fe coca ra thbot. at Doral one thurs diamand =. tfabthial Necceatbies - fotac cohtch awe oe fours ous bytee Aastiotly. fe Lege al o heen Cars and a ty che total ote MICROECONOMICS | Classes by Me. NITIN YADAV PAGENO: 78 » ALTERNATIVE LEARNING METHODS A.M. ACADEMY, LEARN gys0-02747 1 @ Nebure_ af. Commnocltty Plastiotly of ee ( 4 Comm 9 «When a. cx . ; Y Ly | mire feng ie “f sa + When a commodi 4s combi Lik e dan ix demand it lm edlattic as Chuumer can b e tt consum| «When a com cy Lar Ac if demand, is e row slate aa tele rad dor tke fbn Aare murey ds sualitlie palative towns ary thm Cas fet ak a Arruney dora. poor berton bub a nece: le + Za seks = ne i a lag aes eqn Pa 8 available com more shostin. “iey “Tha “han feb ma 1, Aputlto march Bae oe, MICROECONOMICS | Cases by Mi NHTIN YADAV Pag DMCs [ Cine TIN YA = aby nln a ADE IVEY Tel of dreoroe Pigs me. ne Fave conus iL, but Sed “rot for fe dita A PHONE, © Level of Prtees fe Th feat Sake fact fem the bh fe 1s a Hie ake huis pscdexas eae peas oH ieee rade eet < thei demond t bya ‘a Dips amo. as iy fosb bonementt of Lorsumplion ~ . Connemedtns fue biteutts, deft drinks ok. vohose duran ig ot wsgeat demand os their conten} ‘tan b ne of an $neware rane wate He citi 0) avi oe eat OF aE clerard, Issa of eae a sat. suaguisamat s rs Number af Uses —: tderation fas 2 a He. Cormm he cored utc, canutlo fa on ythan at 4 gen o pone uaLie ced ia for sth rs ia eee 2 af oo ae Or Rete ia a commodity with no feo alte tien user fos Lars’ elastic. demoed "4 _ © ° MICROECONOMICS | Classes by Mr. NITIN YADAV PAGE NO: 80 e A.L.M.ACADEMY ALTERNATIVE LEARNING PHONE NO: st MEASUREMENT OP ELASTICITY OF DEMAND . ‘ hio boca ed ‘range A tie boca sae domand. 40 pex ang ee a + A 1n demand Lain dear iy to 4 h Ain oh hin pote 7 = A ln demand Buipiral iran Ain Bice lov A> Oniginad 9) [Make te Key vheneves You cole numeiical ty] . MICROECONOMICS | Classes by Mr. NITIN YADAV PAGE NO“ ALTERNATIVE LEARNING METHODS A.M. ACADEMY PHONE NO: 99530-02747 = MEASUREMENT OP ELASTICITY) OF DEMAND © Puitage E SEDEMAND 2 at ed Srarge oe measurement of the Bhagat ce petnttage “char dorand. + per - 1 Ain clerrard 4, 4y “h Aim ee = A in dumand Ones inal. dimond © Ain fice loo ata Price = AQ e PR = alee = 4a fb ; 40xE ae * 8) So Hew slope odds ae fer_-ve Afgn we will wrdte a nti APY ag Ra ioe a potnat Original fice | 8 Sobre quanti [Make te whenees ‘You olue ouimesiical ty] - MICROECONOMICS | Classes by Mr. NITIN YADAV PAGENO A) TTT aaa " ALTERNATIVE LEARNING MIEPHODS A-LM: ACADEMY ‘ PHONE NO: ‘99530-02747 °° Bunny” demand 3° Th the above he deriand of B shows high. ed than demand Gol A,as B da mote flatter Qua 4 the pruce slashicly demand at the patrtt irterae| | tuo wes aru dame. 47 5 ’ futee Be , atthe por op Snietetitbon “too demand die cunt fas fet enove 2laste. demand. carnvea He AL the above ooh use can, az, tn the above ol or aes goods. iat (P% then quantity demanLeal. of 4 MICROECONOMICS [ Classes by Mi NITIN YADAV PAGE NO: ALM. ACADEMY ALTERNATIVE LEARN? TEP eo Bo Os. Bur é en Se oe ee ee re _B ane Te uae BAN # Slope_and i ; + Ht aa not powtble “to! deauo igen last “ody byw ob el Alepe weld Sy Slt oe eae ig + Alope demand eure meaurres the snegtt Sho dn posi avy ce. ound d quailty. On Frond pote ed ty co S Seog dn damand 2 peck + Alpe ain contlart, bub Ub elastias and be @ sited - soit te “the Alope a ae Aeeaps on i * rey Like at port Es 2 Leot oad fio <2 and soem, +dh case of a Kook ind en ee Fgh aa Dee ony

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