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Gratitude Timeline Process

Being grateful can be a powerful way to deal with stress. When stressed we may not be aware
of all the great things that happened and continued to happen in our lives. Being consciously
grateful, shifts our focus to the very many positive things that had happened / happening in our
It also helps us to neutralize the “ Why Me ? “ question, that we may ask sometimes in our
The first and last few minutes of our day, if filled with gratitude can make a big difference in our
feelings for the day.
I was trying with various processes for being grateful and gradually felt a process which is
working for me… I would like to share it with you…
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and put yourself in a relaxed state. Visualize your timeline and
get associated with the time of your birth. You need not get specific here… Just start with
whatever it means to you with a level of comfort.
Gently move forward in the timeline and as you do that, become aware of all the people you
can be grateful for. If you are a believer in God, you can start with your version of God, for
giving you this opportunity of Life and living. (If not you can start with your parents.)
You can include your parents and other family members who provided for you and protected
you. As you move forward in your timeline allow your unconscious to unfold and reveal other
people like your teachers, relatives, friends and other well wishers who have given you great
gifts. As you move through your timeline through various stages in your life, feel grateful for all
the people, places, occurrences, events and even objects that have a pleasurable meaning for
Come to your present moment in your life and if you are a believer, pray for continued
Protection, Provision and Progress with a Purpose in Life. If not you can look forward to many
more such grateful moments in your life. End the process with the feeling of gratitude
saturating you.
Let this process naturally unfold every day and be spontaneous. You can have a few of these
grateful points regular, like your version of God, parents, teachers, friends and let other grateful
points unfold spontaneously, bringing in more variety every day.
Do ensure that the process does not become a disconnected ritual. If you can associate strongly
with the grateful moments, that could make the process very effective.If you can find a balance
between regular and a variety of grateful moments, that can also help. Be aware of the time it
takes, and tune the process to an optimum level of time. For me it takes about less than 5
minutes max. Use the empowered states you get out of this process, for reaching your intended
outcomes in life.
You can choose to do it twice a day ,once as early as possible and once before you go to bed.
Let this process evolve over time, to get your unique process of being grateful with a timeline.
This process is evolving for me and I would fondly like to call it “ Gratitude Timeline Process “.
Do try it out and check it’s utility value for yourself…
Best wishes…
Ramasubramanian Ganapathy
NLP Trainer and Coach

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