Case 1: Problem

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Case 1

I have a software project “Election management system ” and I want to choose a
process model what do you think is the suitable one? The software requirements
are clear. I think V-model is suitable but I’m not sure.

In this case, with this limited input about the case, I think we had enough information to
build up the decision. First, it is election management system which is a sensitive kind of
systems which needs an accuracy of data collection and privacy of data collected and
how to manage fraud cases and detect them, which need deep business understanding
and risk management as well as excellent testing cases. When we review the most
known SDLC model, we will see some models can fit as result of that the requirements
analysis activity has been finished with a clear understanding about the requirements,
let us first exclude some models
1. Agile Model: the kind of software does not require to be agile as it cannot be operational in
phases, while the agile model can increase the interaction with the customer to validate the
requirements and the final expectation. while we have also clear requirements and there are
a lot of reference design for elections systems and basic features which can be used to realize
the solution.
2. Iterative and Incremental Model: The system will not be operationalized in iterations as well,
for example, you cannot do the election process if you do not have an identity management
module or fraud detection for example, while also, may be according to the business needs,
they can ask to do some modules regarding the software itself in one iteration and the
analytics and reports in another iteration. I do not think this will happen in real life example

with a similar type of system

I can see two models fits here and also you can combine between both:

1. Spiral Model: The main advantage of spiral model, the risk assessment, and analysis which is
required in this system as well, the prototype which will be a good way to communicate the
expectation of the system as well.
2. V-Shaped Model: This model includes test planning at each phase which is extremely
important for this type of the project.
I used the models’ techniques here based on the project context while the models
are for our guidance for a proven way of good practices to implement the software
successfully while we can combine them and use some of the good practices in one
of them to complement another model which fits the project context

Case 2
ABC is an international software house. ABC is currently working on a project that
is totally new for the development team and even the client is confused about the
requirements of this project. Hence this company is facing difficulties because they
fail to apprehend user requirements properly. For this project, it is decided to build
a sample application and show it to the client for feedback.
In the context of this above scenario as a project manager what will be the choice
of the software lifecycle model?

I think the best model for this scenario will be the agile model this is mainly because the
vague and unclear requirements, In this model we can have some sprints, each sprint
duration from 2 to 3 weeks, and the team will start to take part of the requirements
which it is okay to be not clear. The team has to understand what are the initial
requirements and prioritize them based on which one can give an early business value
to the customer and they can actually search for some information about similar
systems to better understand the requirements and the future vision of this software as
well. Moreover, they can build a prototype of what they understand and show it to the
customer and discuss the customer feedback. This will stimulate the new requirements
from the feedback as changes or new additional business requirements need to be
developed. Throughout the development lifecycle, the team will build the backlog and
repeat the same process with each sprint and the requirements will be clearer as well.
I’m considering here that we have a skilled team has an existing experience of the agile
model as well as the project manager.
Here, we combined Agile and prototyping techniques.

Case 3

Suppose you are a project manager for a software product in a new and growing
market with your competitors who are also developing a product will be the same
product. Which model to select and why?

The Agile Model will be the most suitable model to select here. Agile derived from agility
and flexibility to adapt to the new changes easily and quickly. This skill is required in
most of growing companies and in the competitive environment. If you will not adapt
quickly, you will not be a leader, you will be a follower. We can see that most successful
companies now, they are adding features daily without affecting their operations and
with zero downtime to add new innovative features which will satisfy their users’ needs
and sustain their existence in the market. There are many cases of technology
companies who disappeared because they were not able to change quickly and they did
not understand the change happening around them. And they were not flexible enough
to change. Do you remember ICQ, hi5, mySpace, Netscape, and others?

Case 4

We are creating an online hospital management system and it is needed
immediately, what kind of SDLC model should be used in our documentation?

A case like this can be handled by different models actually. Moreover, you do not have
to reinvent the wheel for developing HMIS from scratch as there is a lot of available
products for that which requires some standards for integrations and communications
like HL7 and also some compliance standards like HIPAA for example. It will be more
successful if you use one of the commercial off-shelf products and start customizing it.
So, if we will create the HMIS from scratch, the most suitable models here is the
Incremental Model so, you can focus on some of the modules and application
components which are critical for the system and deliver value early to the hospital,
for example, registration, appointment module, and outpatient module.

Also, the Agile model would be good in this case while it will cost you more and the
communications overhead will be high considering that the HMIS has a mature
description and reference design can help easier to build a similar system, which will
need some time to deliver a complete value which may not fit in sprint duration.

You should avoid the waterfall totally even if you have clear requirements because
you will need to deliver value faster and also communicate the finished part to get
early feedback. Moreover, it will be a disaster for the customer if he waited a long
time to see the final results with many differences from the customer expectation.

In conclusion, the best model is something related to the project context and not
absolute best, it will be the most suitable model you selected with consulting your
team and analyzing the ecosystem and environment.

3 Real time Application: Waterfall model is like a

making of TEA where all the above specified phase is
same like
Real time Application: Prototype model is like a making
of an E-COMMERCE WEBSITE where all the above
specified phase is same like
1. An e-commerce website, such as shopping site is an
example where you can implement the prototyping
2. You can develop the prototype of the various web
pages of the shopping site such as catalogue page,
product order page etc., and present it to the customer
for approval.
3. If the customer approves the prototype of the site,
requirements are states again and the design of the
web site is initiated

1 Real time Application: Repeated tasks which need to be


modified at every step are the example of Iterative model

• A musician may start with one version of a song and refine
it, making changes to a note here and there or changing the
tempo and speed. Many different iterations of a song may be
created this way until the optimal finished product has been
created that sounds and works the best.
• A cook may experiment with a recipe, tweaking the
ingredients or changing different steps of the process slightly
until the food tastes as good as it possibly can.
• Microsoft has released multiple versions of the Windows
operating system to add functionality for users and to correct
bugs. Each different version is a different iteration of its
operating system and the goal is for the next iteration to be
better than the last.

Working on the missiles or satellites is the real time example

of a spiral model. The risk associated and cumulative costs
both are the very important aspect of the missiles.
1. Understanding the basic requirements, need and goal is
the first step of the spiral model.
2. Estimate the schedule, time, cost and the various
resources to make the components or the part of a missile is
comes under the category of planning which is the second
iteration of spiral model .
3. Identifying, estimating, and monitoring various risks
associated covered under risk association.
4. Developing the final model based upon the approved
requirements is the developing iteration of the spiral model
which is called Engineering which Includes requirement
gathering and design of the software system.
5. Includes coding and testing and launch of a missile is the
most crucial iteration of spiral model which is called
Construction and release Last iteration is the Evaluation,
feedback or the limitation or the success story of launching of

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