CEPCI August 2020

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782020, ‘August 2020 Economic Indicators 2018 == 2019 === 2020 == Download the CEPCI two weeks sooner at www.chemengonline.com/pci CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PLANT COST INDEX (CEPC!) osersneton) M2 20 MID [ain | iia LASS cae aid auc i. Sd EES’ GEE HE: Aegewtugionnnest septa thm fee tym Die eae Se Ds CPI OUTPUT INDEX coo 109 CPI OUTPUT VALUE ;ssi0%s5) CPI OPERATING RATE «xy wo = r % | ol | | af | " wel | IM | ” el «| a ail | : i ih AMI DEMAMITASOND MUFMAMSJASOND “VEMAMJUASOND CURRENT TRENDS: plininary vaio for the OF Puhr Fant Cost bee (GEC 106) for May 2000 the moet recent s9ls6) creed compared 10 tho previous ‘monte vue flowing a simi decline In Agri Te vals fer roo of ta our gg eubindes Ecupment Buldnos: andEngeaesng & Supericn) compis Ing tho CPCI saw adores. who me CConsacion Labor suindex shame fan ncroce, The curent CEPC! valve 15 22% lowor bun the coeaporcs Yalue fom a yaar ago, Mesnofia, the Cuiret Busess cates [O84 mi de) shouses Perens i he June CP (Cutout index anc the June CPI Opere- ing Pat, a wal as be Nay CP Vale f Output Producer ors or mkt cherie were aso up n June ear meueRs hitpsview nits. com 1Sidocumen1340S/page/S2 wu

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