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GEO-511 SURVEYING AND LEVELING Credit hours: 3 (1-2)

Course Contents
Introduction to Basic Concepts: Definition, Scope, future prospects,
surveying classification, Operations in Surveying: Triangulation,
Trilateration, Traverse, establishment of ground control, mosaic, diagonal
scale, surveying safety, units of measurement in surveying, zero-
dimension in relation to different map scales, Theory of errors in
observations, precision & accuracy, least square adjustments
Functions of Surveying Instruments: Tripod, Level vial, Circular level,
Leveling heads, Plumb bob, Optical plumbing assembly, Telescopes,
Total station, GPS , Distance measurement: Horizontal and vertical,
Chain, Taping and its errors : Horizontal taping , Slope taping, Taping
corrections ,Taping procedure

1. Plane Table(PT) Surveying
General description, instruments, procedure, methods of plane
tabling, advantages and disadvantages of Plane-Table (PT)
surveying, errors in plane table surveying two point & three point
problems. PT traversing, point location, plotting detail using PT,
contouring & compilation
2. Compass Survey
General description, bearing, compass traverses (open and close).
Calculation of angles, bearing from the true north, adjustment of
errors, compass sketch surveys, finding the direction of Qibla using
compass, problems on whole circle bearing and quadrantal bearing.
3. Leveling
General description, kinds of levels and adjustments in levels.
Contours by Clinometers-Tangent scale clinometers used with
plane table laying out of contours-leveling, procedure of leveling,
methods of calculating reduced levels, profiles, longitudinal leveling,
cross sectional leveling-accuracy required in leveling operation.
High Precise (HP) Leveling.
4. Application of Theodolite /Total Station
Transit theodolite, Vernier theodolites, modern theodolites,
micrometer theodolites, direct measurement of horizontal angles,
measurement of vertical angles, deflection angle measurement,
measuring horizontal distance by Stadia Method. Topographic data
capturing through Total Station and its processing for mapping in
Micro-Survey-Cad, AutoCad & ArcGIS.

Suggested Books
1. Ghilani, C.D and & Wolf, P.R.(2012) Elementary Surveying, an
Introduction to Geomatics”, 13th Edition
2. Bhavikatti, S. S. (2010). Surveying and Levelling: I.K. International
Publishing House Pvt. Limited.
3. Clancy, J. (2013). Site Surveying and Levelling: Taylor & Francis.
4. Rangwala, S. C. R. P. S. (2005). Surveying and Levelling: Charotar
Publishing House Pvt. Limited.

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