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Practical Examination – November 2018

M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write simple Android program for Android Activity Life Cycle. 5

B) Write an android code to fetch weburl into mobile screen using webview. 10

C) Write an android program for database connection to fetch records from database 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q. 2 A) Create a prototype in Figma for a tour/holiday booking app. 15

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write Android Program to Demonstrate Grid View Layout in Android 5

B) Write an android program for database connection to insert records into 10


C) Write an android code for Android Google Maps Current Location. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q. 2 A) Design a simple logo using Boolean operations and also illustrate the use of 05
Components in Figma.
B) Design a wireframe for the entire process of a mail box. 10
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple Android program for Activity overloading 5

B) Write an android program for database connection to delete records from 10


C) Write android code for Android Google Maps. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q. 2 A) Perform UX evaluation on any social media site. 15
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program for Simple calculator. 5

B) Write an android program for database connection to update records into 10

C) Android Capture Image from Camera and Gallery 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q. 2 A) Consider any E-learning app and create wireframes and user personas for the 15
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program for temperature converter from Fahrenheit to 5

Celsius and vice versa
B) Write an android program for shared preference to store value in name-value 10

C) Android Capture Image Camera Gallery Using FileProvider 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q. 2 A) Perform UX evaluation on a ticket booking App. 15

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple Login page program using android code. 5

B) Write an android program to create notepad using internal storage. 10

C) Write an android program for simple animation. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q. 2 A) Create a complete working prototype for a Net banking System. 15

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.
PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program to check internet connection. 5

B) Write an android program to write and read value using external storage. 10

C) Write an android program for file demo internal SD card 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q. 2 A) Perform Evaluation on a recruitment/job management Portal. 15

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.
PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program to change background color using radio button 5


B) Write an android program for file demo internal SD card 10

C) Write an android program for shared preference to store value in name-value 10


PART B (15 Marks)

Q. 2 A) Create Sitemaps and a WireFrame for a music App. 15

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.
PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program for Autocomplete TextView. 5

B) Write an android program for simple animation. 10

C) Write an android program for database connection to update records into 10


PART B (15 Marks)

Q. 2 A) Create User Personas for a movie/event booking mobile app. 05

B) Create a site map for a University portal 10

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.
PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write android program for progress bar. 5

B) Android Capture Image Camera Gallery Using FileProvider 10

C) Write an android program for database connection to delete records from 10


PART B (15 Marks)

Q. 2 A) Create Wireframes for a College admission Process 05

B) Use Figma to design a Prototype for Q2 (a) 10
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.
PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write android program for TimePicker and DatePicker. 5

B) Android Capture Image from Camera and Gallery 10

C) Write an android program for database connection to insert records into 10


PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Travel Mate (eg. application OLA & UBER). Implement the 15
localization framework for localizable Ul
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program to demonstrate menu group. 5

B) Write android code for Android Google Maps. 10

C) Write an android program for database connection to fetch records from 10


PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Online E-ticketing (Train, or bus or airlines). 15

Implement the localization framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple android program for Alert dialogue box. 5

B) Write an android code for Android Google Maps Current Location. 10

C) Write an android code to fetch weburl into mobile screen using webview. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Augmented Reality Games (eg. Pokemon go, Temple 15
Treasurer Hunt). Implement the localization framework for localizable
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple android code for rating bar. 5

B) Write an android code for Registration form using sqlite database. 10

C) Write an android application to Capture Image from Camera and Gallery 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2.(A) Design a Clear trip mobile app similar to the applications like 10
Go-ibibo, Expedia ,etc.
(B) Perform usability testing process for the part (A) 5
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple android code for switch and toggle Button. 5

B) Write an android code to create telephone directory using shared preference. 10

C) Write an android code for Android Google Maps. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. (A) Design a Ul for Calculator for basic arithmetic operations. 10

(B) Use figma to create a login page 5

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write simple Android program for Android Activity Life Cycle. 5

B) Write an Android Program to Demonstrate Parsing a Json Object 10

C) Write an android code for Android Google Maps Current Location 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Stock market Apps (eg. app money control, 15
Sharekhan) Create user persona for the users of the above design
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write Android Program to Demonstrate Grid View Layout in Android 5

B) Write an Android Programs to Know Your Current Location Using GPS 10

C) Write a android code for Registration form using sqlite database. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Real-estate management. Implement the localization 15

framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple Android program for Activity overloading 5

B) Write an android program to demonstrate volley library. 10
C) Write an android code for Registration form using sqlite database. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a UI for cargo management (Packers and movers type of 15

services). Implement localization framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program for Simple calculator. 5

B) Write an android program working with OkHttp 10
C) Write an android code to create telephone directory using shared preference. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. (A) Design a Map based Ul for progeny (Real-estate) management. 10

(B) Perform Usability testing for the Q2 (A) 5

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program for temperature converter from Fahrenheit to 5

Celsius and vice versa.
B) Write an android code to fetch weburl into mobile screen using webview. 10
C) Write an android code to create telephone directory using shared preference. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2.(A) Design a Ul for Cooking Apps(eg. Bigoven,ChefTap) 10

(B) Use Boolean Operations in figma to create the following shape 5

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple Login page program using android code. 5

B) Write an android program for database connection to fetch records from 10
C) Write an Android Program to Demonstrate Parsing a Json Object 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. (A) Design a Ul for pizza online order System eg. dominos with the help of 10
navigation prototype.

(B) Create user persona for users of the above system 5

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program to check internet connection. 5

B) Write an android program for database connection to insert records into 10
C) Write an Android Programs to Know Your Current Location Using GPS 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design Ul for analysis of number of children suffering from 15

juvenile diabetic children in India. The design aims at Providing
solutions For, improving quality treatment and making the
treatment affordable.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program to change background color using radio button 5

B) Write an android program for database connection to delete records from 10
C) Write an android application to parse an JSON using JSON Object 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. (A) Design a Ul for Online E-ticketing e.g. Train,bus or airlines). 10

(B) Create user Personas for the users of the above system 5
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program for Autocomplete TextView. 5

B) Write an android program for database connection to update records into 10
C) Write an android program working with OkHttp 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. (A) Design a Ul for E-commerce Portal eg. Amazon 10

(B) Perform Usability testing for Q2 (A) 5

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write android program for progress bar. 5

B) Write an android program for shared preference to store value in name-value 10
C) Write an android program for database connection to delete records from 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for E-wallets apps(eg. Paytm). Implement the 15

localization framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write android program for TimePicker and DatePicker. 5

B) Write an android program to create notepad using internal storage. 10
C) Write an android program for database connection to update records into 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Grocery Apps (eg. Big basket). Implement the 15
localization framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program to demonstrate menu group. 5

B) Write an android program to write and read value using external storage. 10
C) Write an android program for shared preference to store value in name-value 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Mumbai Dabbawalas. Implement the 10

(A) localization framework for localizable UI.

(B) Perform Usability testing for Q2. (A) 5

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple android program for Alert dialogue box. 5

B) Write an android program for file demo internal SD card 10
C) Write an android program to create notepad using internal storage. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Use Figma tool Design Ul for kinder garden student to enhance 15
their learnability. Perform Usability testing for the same.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple android code for rating bar. 5

B) Write an android program for simple animation. 10
C) Write an android program to write and read value using external storage. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design Ul for analysis of number of children suffering from 15

juvenile diabetic children in India. Perform Usability testing for
the same.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple android code for switch and toggle Button. 5

B) Android Capture Image Camera Gallery Using FileProvider 10
C) Write an android program for file demo internal SD card 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Pick a website/app that you use on a daily basis (EX: face 15
book, gmail., whatsapp, zomato, etc). Evaluate the product
based on user experience principles and give suggestions for
improvement. Perform usability testing process for the same.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write simple Android program for Android Activity Life Cycle. 5

B) Android Capture Image from Camera and Gallery 10
C) Write an android program for simple animation. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. (A) 10
Design Ul for for a travel app like Go-ibibo, Expedia.
(B) Perform Usability testing for Q2.(A) 5
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write Android Program to Demonstrate Grid View Layout in Android 5

B) Write android code for Android Google Maps. 10
C) Android Capture Image Camera Gallery Using FileProvider 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Furniture & Decoration app(Furlenco,Houzz). 15

Implement the localization framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple Android program for Activity overloading 5

B) Write a android code for Android Google Maps Current Location. 10
C) Android Capture Image from Camera and Gallery 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Pedometer(Step-up). Implement the localization 15

framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.
PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program for Simple calculator. 5

B) Write an android code for Registration form using sqlite database. 10
C) Write android code for Android Google Maps. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. (A) Design a Ul for Remote controlling app for controlling appliances like 10
TV and AC.

(B) Perform Usability testing for Q2.(A) 5

Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.
PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program for temperature converter from Fahrenheit to 5

Celsius and vice versa.
B) Write an android code to create telephone directory using shared preference. 10
C) Write an android code for Android Google Maps Current Location. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Hotel booking. Implement the localization 15

framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.
PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write a simple Login page program using android code. 5

B) Write an Android Program to Demonstrate Parsing a Json Object 10
C) Write an android code for Registration form using sqlite database. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. (A) 10
Design a Ul for Reading books eg. Amazon kindle, iBooks.
(B) Perform Usability testing for Q2.(A) 5
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program to check internet connection. 5

B) Write an Android Programs to Know Your Current Location Using GPS 10
C) Write a android code to create telephone directory using shared preference. 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Banking application. Implement the localization 15

framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program to change background color using radio button 5

B) Android Google Maps Drawing Path using Retrofit 10
C) Write a Java Android Program to Demonstrate Parsing a Json Object 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Fitness app. Implement the localization 15

framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write an android program for Autocomplete TextView. 5

B) Write an android program working with OkHttp 10
C) Write a Java Android Programs to Know Your Current Location Using GPS 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. Design a Ul for Sports news similar to Cricbuzz. Implement the 15

localization framework for localizable Ul.
Practical Examination – November 2018
M.C.A Semester – V (CHOICE BASED)
Mobile Application and User Experience Design Lab
Duration: 3 hours Seat No: ______
Marks: 40 Marks
General Instructions:
● The practical consists of questions of 40 marks.(Part A of Android code for 25 marks and Part B of
Figma design for 15 marks)
● Viva will be taken at the time of practical as well as after the practical if required.
● The figures to the right indicate full marks
● Create a folder with name of your seat Number in the folder “MCA_SEM_V (CHOICE
BASED)_2018”on the desktop.
● Answer to the questions, if any, should be written in the answer book. Use the last page for rough work.
● You are allowed to use help files / documentation of the software/language that you are using..
● If you are using any additional information, state it clearly.
● Once you finish with the code show it to the examiner for testing. Attach the printout of the program and
its output along with the answer book.

PART A (25 Marks)

Q. 1 A) Write android program for progress bar. 5

B) Write an android code to fetch weburl into mobile screen using webview. 10
C) Android Google Maps Drawing Path using Retrofit 10

PART B (15 Marks)

Q2. (A) Design a Ul for Matrimonial sites similar to, 10

(B) Create user personas for the users for Q2.(A) 5

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