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1. What type of school are you enrolled?

Regular Public School

Regular Private School
Special Private Tutor
SPED Center

2. Are you satisfied in your school learning environment in terms of the following:

 Facilities
 Furniture
 Accessibility
 Learning materials
 Teaching process

3. Is the learning environment of your school enhancing your senses to make you more
Yes ____ No ____

4. Do you think the concept of multisensory building design is helpful to your learning
process and needs?

Yes ____ No ____

5. What are the problems do you encounter in terms of accessibility of facilities in the

6. What are some improvements of the learning environment in the school you want to
suggest for the benefit of your needs?

7. Which do you prefer?

____ Daily commute
____ Staying in a dormitory provided by the school

8. Would you be encourage to enroll in a school for the visually and hearing impaired
with the multisensory design instead of a regular school or private tutors? if depends
state the reason why?
Yes ____ No ____ Depends ____

9. How satisfied were you with the learning you received from your school?
Very dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
10. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

 Do you agree that the design of the building and its surroundings will contribute
positively to your learning environment?
Strongly Agree

 Do you agree that attending in this kind of school that focuses on your special
need/s can increase your potential to contribute in the community as a whole?
Strongly Agree

 Do you agree that attending in this kind of school that focuses on your special
need/s can give you an extra boost of self-esteem and confidence as you build
the kind of life and career you’ve envisioned for yourself?
Strongly Agree

 Do you agree that attending in this kind of school that focuses on your special
need/s is a solution to the lacking opportunities in the quality of education
compared to what other type of school can provide?


Strongly Agree

11. Do you think your school has an effective design in terms of easy wayfinding and

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