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| This sheets the cover sheet forall subsequent sheets having the same document number. The Ravsion Index and a brief description of the revision shall be entered on the cover sheot. The last revision index shall be added to the |d2cument umber on the cover sheet and equally applies to all sheeis having that document number, The new revision index is shown on all sheets, [STATUS OF REVISION v redChange cked vet peerless ciara (ume ‘eerie Status Kind of Revision Neme | Date _| Name | Date | Name [Date o | Re | 25003 | yuk es IOAN = ‘S.No. DESCRIPTION 4 _[STRESS CALCULATIONS for SUPERHEATER.G. REFERENCE SHEETS CLIENT |LAMBION ENERGY SYSTEMS PROJECT [BOLER SYSTEM FUCNSCE Fabrica [INDIA] Led. EPC CENTRE/ WORKS. CI16-3, TTC, MIDC AREA, PAWANA VILLAGE, THANE: BELAPUR ROAD, NAV-MUMBAI-400705 Document Title, : STRESS CALCULATIONS for SUPERHEATER.3 FIL JOB NO: Document No. 7201313 201913-M-Do4. Pago No Rev. NO, Page 1 of 1 FURNACE FABRICA (INDIA) LTD. Stress Calculations MAKER'S Nr.: 201343 [CUIENT TAMBION ENERGY SYSTEMS, Sheet 2 of 27 [EQUIPMENT NAME ‘SUPERHEATER.3 Doc No. 201313-M-D04 EQUIPMENT NO. 201313, Revision No. oO INDEX of CONTENTS Si. Nes Description I Sheet Nrs [Cover Sheet Index of Contents Revision Status Revision List Design Data Hydrostatic Test Pressure Calculations a au sane aneene Tubes under Internal Pressure : PG - 27.2.1: SH3 7t09 s _ |inlet Header under internal Pressure With Tube Connections : SH3 10to 14 |>Input data for Headers : Internal Pressure >Input data for Tube Connections : internal Pressure [Results : I> MAWP & Check of Test Pressure for Headers > Results for Headers under Internal Pressure : PG-27.2.2 IS Results for Tube Conn.'s on Header and Check for Ligament Efficiency 9 Outlet Headers under Internal Pressure With Tube Connections : SH3 15 to 19 >input data for Headers : Internal Pressure input data for Tube Connections : Internal Pressure Results : > MAWP 8 Check of Test Pressure for Headers 5 Results for Headers under Internal Pressure : PG-27.2.2 Results for Tube Conn.'s on Header and Check for Ligament Efficiency 40 |end Cover Thk. Cals : Pipe 150 DN : Inlet Header 20 to 23 31 lend Cover Thk. Cals : Pipe 150 DN : Outlet Header 24 to 27 FURNACE FABRICA (INDIA) LTD. Stress Calculations MAKER'S Nr. : 201313 [oun AMBION ENERGY SYSTEMS Sheet3 of 27 EQUIPMENT NAME SUPERHEATER.S Doc No. 201313-M-D04 EQUIPMENT NO. 201333 Revision No. o REVISION STATUS. Page |Rev.00 |Rev.01 [Rev.o2 |Rev.03 [Date | Page: |Rev.00|Rev.02 |Rev.02 |Rev.03|Date XK RR RK KRM RM MMMM RK FURNACE FABRICA (INDIA) LTD. Stress Calculations [MAKER'S Nr, 1201313 [CLIENT LAMBION ENERGY SYSTEMS [sheet 4 of 27 [EQuipMENT NAME SUPERHEATER3. Doc No, 201313-M-004 [EQUIPMENT NO. 203313 [Revision No. ° REVISION LIST. Sl.Nes DESCRIPTION of REVISION SHEETS REVISED] REMARKS FURNACE FABRICA (INDIA) LTD. Stress Calculations MAKER'S Nr. : 201313 Radiography Post Weld Heat Treatment Hydro Test Pressure MPa) Joint Efficiency Factor = Post Weld Heat Treatment Inspection By - CLIENT LAMBION ENERGY SYSTEMS. Sheet 5 of 27 EQUIPMENT NAME SUPERHEATER.3. Doc No, 201313-M-D04 EQUIPMENT NO. 201313 Revision No. o DESIGN DATA Units Equipment Tag Nr. = 201313 Equipment Name - SUPERHEATER 3 Tube Side Code of Construction = ASME SEC.1 ,2010 EDITION , 2011 ADDENDA |Operating Pressure pal - Operating Temperature Deg ¢| 370/455 Operating Fluid Steam Design Pressure Pal 4.95 / 50.48 kg/em2 g Design Temperature Deg C| Tubes = 480 ; IL Hea. = 390 ; OL Header = 475 Heat Transfer Area 84 [Corrosion Allowance mm Headers & Tubes = 1.0 mm 10 % Spot Tube to Tube ; 100 % for Headers. AS PER CODE 7.425 / 75.7 kg/em 2g 1.0 AS PER CODE Al-Tuv FURNACE FABRICA (INDIA) LTD. Stress Calculations MAKER'S Nr: 201323 [CLIENT LAMBION ENERGY SYSTEMS, ‘Sheet 6 of 27 EQUIPMENT NAME ‘SUPERHEATER.3 Doc No. 201313-M-D04 EQUIPMENT NO. 201313 [Revision No. 0 Hydrostatic Test Pressure Calculations Design Pressure / MAWP 495 MPag " Hydrostatic Test Pressure 4.5 x Design Pressure 7.425 MPag FFIL cylindrical shell acc. to ASME, Sect. 1 Edition 2010, Addenda 20110 PROBA D - TBM Deutschland GmbH Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) Datei26.04.2013 12:57:51h Sheet: 1/ 3 Grder : ‘WHREOTLERSYSTEM Yo. 201313 Drawing : GAOFSUPEREEATERS Wo. 201313-M-011 Dataset : TUaES Wo.: 201313-M-D04 SURES CALS for SH3 Name: Dep, el Protocol of input Deternination of test pressure ASME T Nakinam inside diemeter incl. tolerance of wall thickness yea Consideration of tolerance at nozzle reinforcement yes Load conditions Design temperature (ec) / (Fy) 480.0 besign pressure — internal (wea) 7 (psi) 4.95 M.A.W.P. according to stamping (we) / (psi) Test préssure — internal (ea) 7 (psi) Test: Safety factor against yield strength 0.9 Geonetry of cylinder Position number TUBES Designation ‘TUBES : INTERNAL PR Product standaed dimensions ASME_836.10 tolerances $A-530 Dianeter inside / outside (en) 33.4 Nominal-Pipe-Size (in) Wall thickness [ine.allow.) given (im) 3.38 mininun / naximam (xm) Mininun corroded well thickness acc. to code Gem} Wiell thickness tolerance (a) 7 (2) Corrosion. allowance inside / outside (am) 2,0 0.9 Bength of shell (nmj hee ‘Type of component, formile Heat absorb. tube (PG-27) Efficiency factor E Number of nozzles / number of nipple fields Compensation calculation Description of nozzle position absolute Material deta Cylindrical Shelt Pos.-llo. TURES PROBAD faterial no. 184 Material designation / Type, Grade / Class sa-2ig /T11/ Free material input no Gasting quality factor acc. to Bc-25 1.0 Creep range: Stee group ace. to PG-26 sh Sh: 70%. BErL Gylindrical shell acc. to ASME, Sect. I Edition 2010, Addenda 2011 2 RO BA D = TBM Deutschland GnbE Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) Date+26.04.2013 12:57:51h Sheet: 2/ 3 Order WHREOTLERSYSTEM No: 201313 Drawing : GAOFSUPERHEATERS No.: 201313-y-p11 Dataset : 2U3ES No. : 201313-"-D04 STRESS CALS for S#3 Nane : Dep. + Tela: Results calculation with Deternination of test pressur ASNE I Maximum inside diameter incl. tolerance of wall thickness yes Toad case Int .pressure Design pressure 4.950 MPa Allowable working pressure 101323 Mea, Min, test pressure ambient temperature 7.425 wea Allowable test pressure 20.902 MPa Design temperature 4ag.90 °c Allowable temperature 537.76 °C Nanber of nozzles or openings ° of Ligament areas o Maximum allowed dianeter for openings which de not require reinforcement BG-32.1.2 max 34.76 mm Results Cylindrical shell Positions Number: TUBES Designation: TUBES : INTERNAL PR. | ‘Type of component Calcul. formla + (27.2.1) | Dinension series standard ASME 336.10 (2004) Tolerances standard SA-530 (20114) Diameter inside/outsiae di/do % 33,40 nm Diameter net _inside/outside d0i/d0o 29,49 / 33.40 nm | Wall thickness - actual ¢ (s40.s9D) 3.38 nm | Wall thickness — net +0. 29€ nm Wall thickness — required w/a allowances | — without openings trO (PG=27.2.1) 2,05. mm di trid (infornativ) 0.99 mm Wall thickness given t 3.38 mm Minus tolerance ct 12.50% 0.42 mm Corrosion allowance inside/outside cai/caa 1.00 / 0.00 mm Factor acc, PG-27.4, Note 4 e 0.00 om Length of ‘cylindrical shell i 2468.00 nm Weight 6 3.67 kg Volume inside v 0.82 cm3 FEIL Release + 04.02. Dataset : TUBES Material : Cylinder Cylindrical shell acc. to ASME, Sect. 1 Edition 2010, Addenda 20118 PRO BAD ~ TBM Deutschland Gnbi 00 (01/2013) Pater26.04.2013 12:57:51h Sheet: 3/ No.: 201313-M-D04 PROBAD-No. : 184 Product form : Sils.Tb. Specif. No.: SA-213 Type, Grade: TIL Clase, Cond. Quality Ferritic Notes 94,75 Design temperat. | Anbient temperat Allowable stress Minimum tenoile strength Minimum yield strength Average creep rupture strength 91.10 MPa 118.00 MPs Mpa 415.00 Mea 141.00 Mra 205.00 wea MPa “++ End of results +++ Shing EFIL Cylindrical shell acc. to ASME, Sect. I Edition 2010, Addenda 20°13 PROBA D - 33m Dautochland Gabi! Release + 04.02.00 (03/2033) Date:26.04.2013 12:38;/0dh —snect: 1/5 order; wHREOrLERSYsTeH Nov: 201323 Erawing GRORSUPERREATERS Nol: 261313-¥-011 Dataset: INUPTHEADER No) 201333-4-004 INLED FEDAER + INTERNAL PRESSURE ae Bere Teles Protocol of input Detatainsbich Ge test prexsure newex Necinun inside Uismeter incl. tolévance of eel MikKiEss yes | Consideration of tolerance at nozeie reinforcement yes Load conditions ieeiga eases (ee / (°F) 399.0 Devoe prcesre— Gutectad (Mea) / Ips M.A.W.P. according to stamping (MPa) / |p: ‘Test pressure - internal (MPa) / (psi) Test: Safety factor against yield strength 0.9 Gaoaetey of epiinase Position number aaa Designation INLET HEADER Preduce standaid dimenaione AsWe 536.30 (2004) tolerances 8-530 (2otia) pianeter inside / outside (an) 168.3 Nominal-Pipe-Size (in) Wail thickness (ine.allow.) diver (wn) 10.97 So celtic tn Minimum corroded wall thickness acc. to code (mm) Wall thickness tolerence (mm) / (%) Corrosion allowance inside / outside (mm) 2.0 O.0 Hllowance for threading and structural stability ¢ tra) 0,0 Length of shell (mm) 3200 ype oe bcuponent) coemuan (6-27) Effictency factor Nunber of nozzles / runber of nipole fields L Compensation calculation esericeicn oF nozzle poettion aeedtale Netedial wea cjaindciter shea pos.No. TE HRA PROEAD material a 185 Material designation / Type, Grade / Class $A-335 /P11 f ere aatertec tence ce casting quality factor acc. to PG-25 0 Ceeep gange: Steel group acc. co #C=26 Shi-Jo Shi- la-to ty: FEIL Cylingrical shell ace. to ASME, Sect. T Edition 2010, Addenda 20110 PROBAD ~ TBM Deutschland GnbE Release +: 04.08.00 (01/2013) Dateset : INLETHEADER No. General nipple datas Nr, 1 Position number Designation Type of comporient, formula ‘Type of connection Nipple field position Wipple 1: Distance to refer.point Circumferential position Nipple field configuration Longitudinal piteh Number of nipples in longitudinal direction Circunferential pitch Number of rows in circumferential direction Longitudinal weld penetrates opening Date:26.04.2013 12:58:04n 201313-M-D04 Sheet: 2/ 5 TUBES TUBES CONN. 'S Heat absorb. tube(PG-27) eet on, fully welded nu (ma) 100.0 pad @) 380.0 Regular rectangular pattern pl (mm) 100.0 al 4 pe io Ro Geometry Nipple Pos.-No. TUBE Product standard dimensions ASME 836.10 (2004) tolerances 5A-530 (2011a) Diameter inside / outside (nm) 33.4 Nominal-Pipe-Size (Gn) Drill hole dianeter (um) Wall thickness given (mm) 3.38 minimsn / mascinun (mn) Minimum corroded wall thickness acc, to code (ru) Wall thickness tolerence (mm) 7 (4) Corrosion allowance inside / outside (mm) 1:0 0.0 Nipple projection inside / outeide (ma) 80.0 Matetial data Nipple Pos.-No. TUBES PROBAD material no. 184 Naterial designation / Type; Grade / Class $aa213 yTlt/ Free material input no Gasting quality factor acc. to PG-25 140 Creep range: Stes] group ace. to P¢-26 FEIL Cylindrical shell acc. to ASME, Sect. 1 Edition 2610, Addenda 20115 PROBA D = IBM Deutachlond Gmbk Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) —Dates26.04.2013 12:58:04n Sheet: 3/ + WHRBOTLERSYSTEM No.: 201313 1g: GAOFSUPEREEATER3 Wo,: 201313-v4011 Dataset : INUETHRADER No.: 203313-M-poa INLET HEORER + INTERNAL PRESSURE Nane : Dep. Tel.: Results calculation with Beternination of test pressure ASME I Maximum inside diameter incl. tolerance Of wall thickness yes Consideration of tolerance at nozzle reinforcement yes Toad case Int pressure Design pressure 4.950 wea Allowable working pressure 7.123 Mea Main body without openings 10.952 MPa Min. test pressure ambient temperature 425 wea Allowable test pressure 13.961 Mea = Nain body without openings 19.656 MPa Design temperature 390.00 °c Allowable temperature 511.25 °C Nunber of nozzles or openings 0 of ligament azeas s Ligament efficiency E 0.705 Maximum allowed diameter for openings which do not require reinforcement PG-32.1.2 dmax 83,33. mm Results Cylindrical shell Positions Number: TL HEA Designation: INLET HEADER ‘Type of conponent:Pipe Galoul. formala + (27.2.2) Dinension serice standard ASME 536.10 (2004) Tolerances standard $A-530 (z011a) Diameter inside/outside _di/do % 168.30 nm Diameter net inside/outside d0i/d0o 151.10 / 168.30 mm Wall thickness - actual t (880,xs) 20.97 nm Wall thickness - net 0 8.60 mm Wali thickness - required w/o allowances = without openings trO (PG-27-2:2) 3.98 nim’ di triO (PG-27.2.2) 3.75 mm = inclusive ligament efficiency tr (PG-27.2.2) 5.59 mm referr.te di trik (PG-27.2.2) 5.38 nm Wall thickness given t 10.97 am minimum acc. code tcmin 6.00 am Minus tolerance ct 12.80% 1.37 om Corrosion allowance inside/outside cai/eaa 1.00 / 0.00 am Factor acc. PG-27.4, Note 3 c 0.00 mm Factor acc. G-27.4, Note 6 y 0.400 ETL Cylindrical shell ace. to ASME, Sect. 1 Edition 2010, Addenda 20110 P RO BAD - IBM Deutschland Gnba Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) Date:26.04.2013 12:58:04n sheet: 4/ 5 Dataset : INLETHEADER No.: 201313-N-D04 Length of cylindrical shell s 3200.00 mm Heicht S 140.92 kg Volume inside v 9.05 m3 Material : PROBAD-No. : 185 Product form : $nis.Fo. Cylinder ; Specif. No.: $A-335 Type, Grade + Pit Class, Cond. Qaslity 1 Ferritic Notes St, 75 Design temperat. | Anbient temperat. Allowable stress 102.80 Mpa 00 MPa Minimum tensile strength MPa 415.00 MPa Minimum yield strength 153.80 Mee 205.00 Mpa Average creep rupture strength Mea Nipple field: No./ Position-No.| 1 / TUBES f Resignation TUBES conN.'S Type of Component, fornula Abs. tube (27.2.1) ‘Type of Connection Configuration of nipple field |Reqular rectangula ¥ pattern Nipple (amj| "100.00 Cixeunfer.pos.phi(deg)| 180.00 Longit. direct. Pitch pi (mm)] 100.00 Number nl 31 Pitch pe(deg) Number ne 2 Material Nipple (tube) ——— PROBAD-No./ Prod.Form | 184 / smls.Tb. ip Specit.-No./Type,Grade| SA-213._ /T11 y Class,Cond./ Quality )Borritic y Notes 84,75 All. stress design temp.(aea)| 102.80 ambient temp. (MPa)| 118.00 tensile str. design temp. (MPa) ambient temp. (ipa) | 415.00 Yield tren. design temp. (MPa)| 153.80 aibient temp.(aea)| 205.00 Mean rupture strength (MPa) gh 1-12 EPIL Cylindrical shell acc. to ASME, Sect. I Edition 2010, Addenda 20112 BRO BAD - IBM Doutochland Grbu Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) Date: 26.04.2013 12:58:0¢h Sheet: 5/ 5 Dataset : INLETHEADER No: 202313-M-Do4 Nipple field: No./ Position-No.| 1 / TUBES fk Dimeneion series standard ASME 836.10 (2004 Tolerances standard 38-530 (20314) Diameter inside dni (mm) outside dno (mn): 33.40 relevant d (mm) 23.49 Wall thickness Nipple = actual th (mm|g 3.38 s40,s7D = net tOn (mm) 1.96 ~ required w/o allow. trn (mn) 0.95 (27.2.1) dni ten. (mm) 0.89 linfor.| Minus tolerance et (aun) 0.42 ctn (8) 12.50 Corrosion inside cani_ (mm) 1,00, outside cana imn) 0.00 Factor a.PG-27.4;Note 4¢ (im) 0.00 Nipple-projection outside {mm) 80.00 inside (um) Allowable working pressure(NPa) 11.646 Allowabie test — pressure(NPa} 20.902 Liganent Efficiency B Pitch - longitudinal 0.705 Pitch - circumferential © +e End of reeults +++ Shiny FEIL Cylindrical shell acc. to ASNE, sect. T Ee BRO BAD — IBM Deutschland Gibi Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) bate:26.04.2013 12:58:14n order WHRBOTLERSYS7EM No.: 201313 Drawing : GAOFSUPERHEATER3 No. 203313-4-022 Dataset : OUTLETHEADER No.: 201333-N-D03 OUTLET HEADER : INTERNAL PRESSURE tame : Dep. el. Protocol of input Determination of test preseure Maxima inside diameter incl, tolerance of wall thickness Consideration of tolerance at nozzle reinforcement Load conditions Design temperature (ec). /) (7) Design pressure ~ internal (MPa) / (pi M.A.W.E. according to stamping (MPa) / (ni Test pressure - internal iMPa) / (psi) Test: Safety factor against yield strength Geometry of cylinder Fositicn number Designation Product standard’ dimensions ASME, 835.20 tolerances 5A-530 Diameter inside / outside (mum) Ga) Wall thickness (irc. allow.) given (nm) niniman / maximum (un) Minimum corroded wall thickness acc. to code (ma) Wall thickness tolerance (mn) (3) Corrésion allowance inside / outside nm) Allowance for threading and structural stability c (mn) Length of shell (nm) Type of component, formula Pipe Efficiency factor £ Number of nozzles / number of nipple fields Compensation calculation Description af nozzle position Material data Cylindrical stiel1 Pos.-No. EROBAD material no. Material designation / Type, Grade / Class 88-335 Free material input Casting quality factor ace. to PG-25 Creep range: Steel group acc. to PG-26 fon 2010, Addenda 2011a Sheet: ASME I yes yes 479.0 4.95 0.9 OL, BEA us OUTLEY HEADER (2008) (2011a) 10.97 168.2 (26-27) 1 absolute OL BEA 385 yeu no a0 t shiae Shiclstvg PPIL Cylindrical shell acc. to ASME, Sect. 1 Edition 2010, Addenda 20112 BRO BAD — TBM Deutschland Gnok Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) bate+2€.04.2013 12:58:14n sneet: 2) 5 Dataset : OUTLETHEADER No.: 201313-N-Do4 General aipple datas 2 Fosition nunber robes Designation TUBES : CONN. 'S Type of component, formula feat Type of connection set on, fully welded Nipple field position Nipple 1: Distance 46 reger-point i (mm) 100.0 Circumferential position phi C) 0.0 Nipple field configuration Regular rectanguler pattern Longitudinal pitch pl (am) 109.0 Nunber of nipples in longitudinal direction al Circuaterential pitch pe Nunber of rows in circumferential direction Re Longitudinal weld penetrates opening Geometry Nipple Pos.-No. TUBE Broduct standard dimensions ASME £36.10 (2004) tolerances 3-530 (20ita) Diameter ineide / cuteice (nn) 33.4 Noninal-Pipe-size (in) Drill hole diameter (an) Wall thickness civen (an) 3.38 minimum: / maximum (nm) Minimum corroded wall thickness acc. to code (am) Wall thickness tolerance (am) 7 (4) Cortosion allowance inside / outside (mm) 2.0 0.0 Nipple: projection inside / outside (won) 80.0 Material data Nipple Fos.-No. TUBES PROBAD material no. 184 Material designation / Type; Grade’ / Class sa-213 /M1 Free material input ne Casting quality factor acc. to Pe-25 1.0 Creep range: Steel group acc. to 2G-26 Shite Fer Cylindrical shell acc. to ASME, Sect. 1 Edition 2010, Addenda 2011a PRO BAD - TBM Deutschland Gnbi Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) hato:26.04.2013 12:5¢:14h Sheet: 3/ Order WHRROTLEROYSTEM No, } 201913 Drewing + GROFSUPERHEATERS No. 201313-M=011 Dataset THERDER, No. : 201313-M-Dos OUTLET HEADER : INTERNAL PRESSURE Nane : Dep. + Tel. lation with Determination of test pressure ASME T Maxinum inside dia Consideration of t Load case meter incl. tolerance of wall thickness olerance at nozzle reinforcement Int.pressure yee yes Design pressure Allowable working = Main body wit! Min, test pressure Allowable test ore: = Main body wit! 4.950 Mpa preseure 7.114 MPa out openings 10.089 Mea ambient temperature 7.425 MPa ssure Rout openings MPa Mea Design temperature 475.00 °c Allowable temperature Sif25'<2¢ Number of nozzles or openings ° of ligament aress df bigament efficiency E 0,705 Maximum allowed diameter for openings which do not require reinforcement PG-32.1.2 dmax 81.67 nm Results Cylindrical Shel) Positions Number: Ob HEA Designation: OUTLET HEADER Calcul. formula = (27.2.2) Dimension series standard ASME 336.10 (2004) Tolerances standard #A-530 (20114) Diameter inside/outside i/o / 168.30 om Diameter net inside/outside d0i/d0o 191.10 / 168.30 mn Wall thickness - actual © (s80,xs) 10.97 mm Wali thickness - net 20 8.50 mm Wall thickness - required w/c allowances = without openings ted (BG-27.2.2) 4.31 om trid (PG-27.2.2) 4.08 mm = inclusive liganent efficiency tré (PG-27.2.2) 6.06 mm di trif (PG-27.2.2) 5.86 mm Wall thickness given t 10.97 mm Minimum ace. code tomin 6.00 mm Minus tolerance ot 12.50% 1.37 am Corrosion allowance inside/outside cai/eaa 1:00 / 0.00 nm Factor acc, PG-27.4, Note 3 c 0.00 am Factor acc, PG-27.4, Note 6 Y 0.400 Shi-17 PEIL Release Dataset Cylindrical shell acé. to ASME, Sect. 1 Edition 2010, Addenda 2011a PROBA D - TSM Deutschland Gnb OUTLETHEADER Length of cylindrical shei1 Weight Volume inside Material ; PROBAD-No. : 185 Gylindes : Speci. uo.: SA-335 ——— class, Gond, Notes 84,75 04.02.00 (01/2013) Date: 26.04.2013 12:58 4h sheet: 4/95 No. + 201313-n-p04 L 6 v Breduct 3200.00 mm 140.92 kg 0.05 03 form : Smls.Pp. ‘Type, Grade : P11 Quality Design temperaty Ferritie Ambient temperat. Alloneble stréss 94.70 MPa 118.00 wpa Minimum tensile strength MPa 415.00 Mpa Minimum yield strength 142.00 MPa 205.00 MPa Average creep rupture strength MPa Nipple ficid: Ne./ Position-No.| 1 / TUBES / Designation ‘TURES : CONN. 's ‘Type cf Component, fornuls ‘Abs .tube(27.2.7) Type of Connection set-on, fully welded Configuration of nipple field |Reqular rectangula |r pattern Nipple rer 100.00 Cirounfer. pos . 0.00 Longit. direct, Pitch 100.00 Number 41 Circumt. direct. Pitch po{deg) Number ne 1 Material Nipple (tube) —— FROBAD-No./ ex0d-Form | 184 / smis. 7b, t Specit.-No./Type,Grade| SA-213 /TL1 9 @lass,Cond./ Quality Merritic i Notes 34/05 1, strese design emp. (ttPa) 24.70 ambient temp.(wpa)| 118,00 tensile str. design temp. (NPa! ambient temp.(NPa)| £15.00 Weld stren. design temp.(WPa)| 142.00 ambient temp. (NPa)| 205,00 Mean rupture strength (uP) Shs ETL Cylindrical shell acc. to ASME, Sect. 3 Edition 2010, Addenda 20118 PROBRD— IBM Doutechland GnbH Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) ates26.0¢.2013 12:58:14n Sheet: 5). 5 Dataset : OUTLETHEADER No.2 201313-N-D04 Nipple field: No./ Position-Wo.| 1 / Tunes 4 Dimension series standard ASME B36:10 (2008 Tolerances standard /SA-530 (20112) Pianeter © inside dni (nm) outside dno (nm) 33.40 relevant d (nm): 28.49 Wall thickness Nipple = actual, tn (am'|g 3.38 s40,stD = net On (am) 1.36 = required w/o alloy. trn (um) 41.02 (27.2.1) dni trai (nm) 0.96 {infor.) Minus tolerance stn (nm) 0.42 ctn (8) 12.50 Corrosion inside can (nm) 1,00 outside cana (nm) 0:00 Factor a-PG-27.4,Nore 4 © (im) 0.00 Nipple-proj sce: (nm) 80.00 (nm) Allowable working pressure (MPa) 10.728 Allowable test pressure (MPa) 20.902 Ligament Efficiency & Pitch — longitudinal © 0.705 Pitch ~ circumferential £ ++ End of results +++ Sh:-19 FFIL lat head acc. to ASME, Sect. 1 Edition 2010, Addenda 20110 PROBA D = T8N Deutschland Gabi Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) _ vate:26.04.2013 12:58:42 Sheet: 1/ 4 Order: WHRBOTRERSYSTEM Yo.: 201313, Drawing : GAOFSUPERKEATERS Mo. : 201313-w-012 Dataset : ENDCOVERILHEADER No.» 201313-M-D04 END COVER THK CALS : TNEET HEADER Nane Dep: Tels: Protééol of input Deterninetion of test pressure ASME I Maxinum inside diameter inci. tolerance of wall thickness yes Consideration of tolerance at nozzle reinforcement yes Load conditions Design temperature (20) 7 (°F) 390.0 Design pressure - internal (ura) / (psi) 4.95 M.A.W.P. according to stamping (a) / (psi) ect pressare - internal (ea) / (psi) fest; Safety tactor against yield strength 0.9 Construction of head Position number END Cov Designation END COVER ; INLET ARADER ‘ype of head: acc. Fig. P6-31 (1-2), ¢ = 0.33 Shape of head sircalar Central nozzle no Compensation calculation Geometry of head END cov Product standard dimensions Sa-20 (2otia) tolerances SA-20 (Qortay Wall thickness (inc.allow.) given (nm) 25.0 minimum / maximon (a) Minimm corroded wall thickness acc. to code (nia) Wall thickness tolerance (nim) / (3) Corrosion allowances inside / outside (am) 2.0 0.0 Material data Flat head Fos.-tlo. END cov BROBAD naterial no. 16 Material designation / Type, Grade / Class SA-387 /11 7ev.2 Free material input no Casting quality factor acc. to BG“25 1.0 FEIL Flat head gcc. to ASME, ‘Sect. 1 Edition 2010, Addenda 2011a PRO BAD - TBM Doutechland Gnblt Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) Date: 26.04.2013 12:58:41n sheet: 2/ 4 Dataset : ENDCOVERILHEADER No. 201313-N-D04 Connected cylinder Position nurber HEA Designation ‘IL HEADER Diamster outside do (mm) 168.3 Wall thickness (inc-allow.) given (mm) 10.97 Mindmum corroded wall thickness acc. to cove (nn) Wall thickness tolerance (nm) 0-0 Corrosion allowance inside / outside (m) 1:0 0.0 Type of component, formula Pipe [ps-27) Allowance for threading and structural stability ¢ (mm) 0.0 Material data Connected cylinder Pos.-No. HEA PROBAD material no. 185 Material designation / Type, Grade / Class $A-335 P11 / Free material input no fasting quality factor acc. to PG-25 1.0 Creep range: Steel group acc. to PC-26 FEIL Elat head acc, to ASME, Sect. T ‘ion 2010, Addenda 20i1a 2 ROB 2D — IBM Deutechlane Gnbi Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) bate:26.04.2013 12:58:41h sheet: 3/ 4 Order: ‘NERBOTLERSYsTE4 No. 201333 Drawing : GAOFSUPERHEATER3 No.: 201313+N-o11 Dataset : ENDCOVERTLHEADER No.: 201313-N-D04 SND COVER THK CALS : INLET HEADER Mame : Dep.: Ten. Results calculation with Determination of test pressure ASME I Maximum inside diametor incl, tolerance of wall thickness yes Toad case Int pressure Design pressure 4.950 MPa Allowable working pressure 11-445 Mea Min. test pressure ambien: temperature 7.425 Mpa Allowable test pressure 21,575 MPa Design temperature 390.00 °c Allowable temperature 649.00 °c Results Plat Head Fositions Number: END cov Designation: END COVER : INLET HEADER ‘Type of Read: ec. Fig. PG-31 (1-2), C~ 0.33 Dinension serice etandard 38-20 (20124) Tolerances standard SA=20 (2011a) Calculation diameter a 148.36 nm Wall thickness — actual = 25.00 mm Wall thickness — net 20 23.70 am Wall thickn. required w/o allowan, tx PG-31.3.2(1) 15.59 mm Wall thickness given t 25.00 mm minimum ace. code temin 6.00 mm Minus tolerance ot. $0.30 nm Corrosion allowance inside/outside cai/eae 1.00 / 0.00 mm Factor acc, to PG-31.4 ¢ 0.330 Weight 6 5.00 kg Material : PROBAD-No. : 16 Product form : Plate Flat Head: Specif. No.: SA-387 Type, Grade: 11 Class,Cond.: €1.2 Quality Ferritic Hotes 34,03 Design temperat. | Ambient tenpers Allowable stress 148.00 Mea 148.00 MPa Minimum tensile strength Mea 515.00 Mea Minimum yield strength 231.00 MPa 310.00 MPa Average creep rupture strength Mea FEIL Elat head acc. to ASME, Sect. 1 Edition 2010, Addenda 2011a PRO BAD ~ 15M Deutschland GbE Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) Date:26.04.2013 12:58:42n Sheet: 4/ 4 Dataset : ENSCOVERILHEADER No. 201313-"-p04 Gylindrical Shell: Position-No.: HEA Designation : IL HEADER ‘Type of component :Pipe Caleul. formula : (27.2.2) Outside dianerer do 168.30 am Wall thickness = actual ts 10.97 mm Wall thickness - net +0 9.97 am Wall thickness ~ net min. requir, ¢ 4.60 mm Wall thickn. required w/o allowen. tre (6-27.2.2) 3.68 nm Minus tolerance et. 0.00 mm Corrosion allowance inside/outside cai/eaa 1.00 / 0.00 nm Material + PROBAD-No. : 185 Product form : Smls.ep. Cylinder : Speck. Wo. : SA-335 type, Grade: P11 ——— Class, cond. : Quality i Ferritic Notes 184/15 Design temperat. | Anbient temperat. Allowable stress 2-80 Mea 118-00 MPa Minimum tensile strength MPa 415.00 MPa Minimum yield strength 153.80 MPa 205.00 MPa Average creep rupture ‘strength MPa **e End of results +4 FELL Flat head acc. to ASME, Sect. Edition 2010, Addenda 20113 PRO RAD - IBM Deutechland Grok Release : 04-02.00 (01/2013) bate:26.04.2013 12:58:58n sheet: 1/ 4 Orde: _;_WHRBOTLERSYSTEM No. 201313 Drawing : GAOFSUPERHEATERS No.: 201313-N~011 Dataset : ENDCOVEROLHAADER Nos: 201313-6-D03 END COVER THK. CALS OL HEADER Nan : Dep. Tele: Brotecol of input Determination of test pressure ASME I Naximam inside diameter incl, tolerance of wall thickiéss yes Consideration of tolerance at nozzle reinforcement yes Load conditions Design temperature (8c) / (SF) 475.0 Design pressure - internal (Wea) / (psi) 4.98 N.A.W.P. according to stamping (Mea) / (psi) Test pressure - internal (Mea) / (psi) Test: Safety factor against yield strength 0.9 Construction of head Position nusber END cov. Designation BND COVER TAK. cats Type of head: acc. Fig. P-31 (i-2), c= 0-33 Shape of head circuler Centre? nozsle no Compensation calculation Geometry of head BND coy. Ereduct standard dimensions SA-20 (20224) tolerances SA-20 (20112) Wall thickness (inc.allow.) given (mn) 25.0 niniman / maximum (um) Minimum corroded wall thickness acc. to code (am) Wall thickness tolerance (mm) / (2) Corrosion allowance inside / outside (mm) 1:0 0.0 Material data Plat head Fos.-No. BND Cov. EROBAD material no. Material designation / Type, Grade / Class SB-387 feL.2 Free naterial input no Casting quality factor acc. to P6-25 FEIL flat head acc. to ASME, Sect. Edition 2010, Addenda 2011a PROBA D - IBM Doutechland Gnbi Release: : 04.02.00 (01/2013) _Date:26.04.2013 12:58:58n Sheet: 2/ 4 Datesst : ENDCOVEROLHEADEA Now: 201313-N-D03 Connected cylinder Position nunber END cov. Designation END COVER Dianetor outside do (mn) 168.3 Wall thickness (inc.allow.) given (mn) 10.97 Minimam corroded wall thickness acc. te code (nm) Wall thickness tolerance (nin) 0.0 Corrosion allowance inside / outside (mm) 110 0.0 ‘Type of component, formula Pipe (26-27) Allowance for threading and structural stability ¢ (mn) 0.0 Material data Connected cylinder Pos.-No. END Cov. BROBAD material no. 183 Material designation / Type, Grade / Class SA-335. P11 f Exee material input no Casting cuality factor acc. to PG-25 1.0 Creep range: Steel group acc. to PC-26 Shar FETL PROBAD-1 Release : 04.02.00 (01/2013) dat Order: WHRBOTLERSYSTEM Drawing : GAOFSUPERNEATER? + ENDCOVEROLHEADER END COVER THK. CALS OF HE Nane : Dep. Results calculation with Determination of test pressure Maximum inside diameter incl. Toad case Design pressure Allowable working pressure Min. test pressure ambient temperature Alloweble test pressure Design temperature Allowable temperature Results Flat Head Positions Number: END Cov. ‘Type of Head: Flat head acc, Edition 2010, Addenda 2011a to ASME, Sect. 1 BM Deutschland Gnbit 1$0:26.04.2013 12:58:58h sheet: No. 202313 No. : 201313-w-911 No.: 201313-N-p03 SADER : el.: ASNE I tolerance of wall thickness 3/ ves Int pressure 4.950 8.274 7.425 22.575 475-00 648.00 Designation: END COVER THK. Cat, acc. Fig. PG-31 {1-2}, ¢ - 0.33 Mpa Mea Mpa MPa fo 5G Dinension series standard 5A-20 (20114) Tolerances standard SB-20 (20114) Calculation diameter d 148.36. om Wall thickness — actual ' Wall thickness - net £0 Wall thickn. required w/o alloy wan. tr PG-32,3,2(1) Wall thickness given t minimum acc. code tomin Minus tolerance et 4 orrosion allowance: inside/outcide cai/oae 1.00 / Factor acc, te PG-31.4 e Weight & Material : PROBAD-No. : 16 Broduct form Elat Head: Specif, No.: sa-387 Type, Grade Class, Cond.: C1.2 Quality Notes 84,73 Design temperat. Ambient temperat Allowable st¥ess Mininum tensile strength Minimum yield strength Average Creep rupture strength 307.00 Mea 148-00) Mea MPa 515.00 mea 213.00 Mea 310.00 MPa MPa Bhi26 PErL Elat head acc. to ASME, Sec: Edition 2010, Addenda 2 PRO BA D - IBN Deutschland GbE Release :04:02.00 (01/2013) Date:26.04.2019 12:58:56n Sheet: 4/4 Dataset : ENSCOVEROLHEADER No.: 201313-M-D03 Cylindrical Snell: Position-No.: END Cov. —————— Designation : END cover ‘Type of conponent:Pipe Calcul. formule : (27.2.2) Outside diameter do 168.30 nm Wall thickness — actual ts 10.97 mm Wall thickness — net +0 3197, nm Wall thickness — net min. requir, 00. am Wall thickn. required w/o allowan, tre (£6-27.2.2) 4100 am Minus tolerance ct 0.00 mm Corrosion allowance inside/outside cai/eaa 1.00 / 0100 mn Material : PROBAD-No. : 185 Product form ; Smis.Pp. Cylinder : Specif. No. Gh-395. Type, Grade : 212 ——— Class, Gond. Quality + Ferritic notes 94,25 Design tomperat. | Ambient tenperat Allowable stress 94.70 MPa 118.00 Mee Minimum tensile strength Mea 415.00 MPa Minimum yield strengta 142.00 MPa 205.00 MPa Average creep rupture strength Mea ‘05 End of results +++

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