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Based on the novel you have read, write about an event that
motivates you to become a better person.

Based on the novel that I have studied, ‘Dear Mr Kilmer’

by Anne Schraff, an event that motivates me to become a better
person is when Richard signed the sympathy card for Hannah.
It all started when Mr. Hansen brought a sympathy card to
the class seeking signatures from her students. She explained
that something terrible had happened to Hannah which led to
her absence to school. Someone had vandalised the Tavern
owner by Hannah’s parents. They painted “Dirty Huns” all over
the Tavern.The troublemakers like Abner, Harry, Blanche and
Peggy refused to sign the card.They warned other classmates
not to sign the card.The boys were afraid Abner Lewis and
Harry Carver ould hit them. The girls were worried that popular
girls like Peggy and Blanche wouldn’t speak to them. However,
Richard was the only student who signed the sympathy card for
This event motivates me to help and show concern
towards others. Richard showed his concern towards Hannah
by signing the sympathy card. The signing of the sympathy card
symbolised his presence by her side throughout the tough
period she was encountering. The signing of the card also gave
a sense of comfort and strength for Hannah to overcome her
hardships she was facing. In addition, this event motivates me
to help others through our moral support which could make a
big difference in their lives. If I was Richard, I too would have
signed the sympathy card to show my grief and concern to
Next, the following event also motivates me to be brave in
doing the right thing. Richard was not afraid to sign the
sympathy card although he was the only one who signed it. This
is because he knows that he is doing the right thing. His actions
did not harm or hurt anyone but in fact his actions benefits the
others. For instance, he was able to lift Hannah’s mood and
gave her hope and light to her life to continue living. His actions
made Hannah stronger day by day. Personally, I think that we
must stand by our principles and do what is right. Be brave in
defending ourselves in spite of the turbulences and challenges
we might face. I would like to stress again that Richard bravely
faced the situation by standing for what is right despite the
threats he has to endure for signing the card.
Furthermore, this event of signing the sympathy card
motivates me not to harm or influence people who have
different perspectives as ours. This is because each and every
individual have different perspectives on a certain matter and
our thoughts are not always right. We have our freedom in
speech and freedom in actions as long as we do not break the
rules. Thus Abner and Harry should not have influenced the
others not to sign the sympathy card if they didn’t want to sign
it.As they do not have control on other people’s lives. In
addition, as a rational person, we should not control other
people’s thinking and actions like they are our property.
As a conclusion, this event has motivated me to help and
show concern towards others, being brave in doing the right
thing and not to harm or influence people who have different
perspectives as ours.These boosts up my confidence to always
be a better person in the society.

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