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Automation and

Business Impact
27 April2020 – AIMA Webinar - Shiv - ABG

• The concept of the corporation

• Early machine automation
• Digital automation
• Automation and Structures
• Robots
• Three parts of a company
• Summary
What organizations strive for:

Efficiency, Productivity, Accuracy,

Collaboration, Flexibility
What Drucker proposed

1.Management systems and thinking

2.Profit Centre
4.Span of control
5.Role of GM in society

GM thrashed the book because there wasn’t enough high praise in the
First study of a large enterprise 1946 book for GM, a syndrome all big companies exhibit.
Arrogance because of size.
Early Office Automation
Secretaries were the ‘information’ hubs
The original work life balance question
Early Home Automation
First E mail- 1971
Roy Tomlinson
First SMS- 1992 – Nokia + Vodafone
• Interbrand
Brian Actus and John Kuom

What’s App - 2009

Fly by Wire
Automation and Sports
Automation drives changes in structure, behaviour
• Core vs Outsourcing
• The matrix organization
• Dotted line reporting
• Parallel reporting
• Centers of excellence
• Location Free roles
• Bcc in political organizations
• Tooth to Tail ratio
AI, ML, IOT were on,
Covid will accelerate it

We have <1.5 Billion PCs

and 3.5 Billion smart
phones globally.
2.4 Million installed globally
422,000 sold in 2018
China, Japan, Korea, USA, Germany 74 % of all robots
Robots Estimated impact on Jobs – 2020 to 2030
• Transportation 50%
• Manufacturing 42%
• Construction 38%
• Admin services 35%
• Wholesale, retail trade 30 %
• Education 8%
Self driving vehicles
What start ups crave for

Lean | Agile |Scale up

The three simple parts of a company
Back end The engine room Front end

Raw material Production schedules Customer linkages

Buying efficiencies Key metrics Supply chain
VMI Variance Revenue management
Inventory management

New MRO Companies Taylor Total Customer apps

Industry Buying
Bulk MRO
Total Information availability is the end point
The cloud
grew with
amazon 2006
Christian Grey Chatbot
Look at Facebook
Global base India base

Facebook 2.5 billion 330 million

W App 2 billion 440 million

Workplace and Wapp for enterprise


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