Development of One'S Self As A Product of Socialization: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics



Author: Enrico B. Caganda

Grade Level
Illustrators: Jhucel A. del Rosario

Michael Joseph A. Lapid
Renato D. Ruz, Jr.
Layout Artist: Felipe Ryan S. Duatin

Self-Learning Module for Grade 11/12


Hello, our dear student! Welcome…

I’m Teacher Victoria

I’m Teacher Kenneth

Are you ready to BEGIN your

journey with this module?
Well, it’s time to TAKE STEPS to your
quest for KNOWLEDGE. Have FUN!

ENGAGE with the Module

Here are some reminders as you use this module:

 Use the module with care especially in turning each page.
 Be reminded to answer the Pre-Test before moving on to the
Self-Learning Kit (SLK) Proper.
 Read and comprehend the directions in every exercise.
 Observe honesty in answering the tests and exercises and in
checking your answers.
 Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of this material.
 Try to finish a given activity before proceeding to the next.
ESTABLISH Your Purpose

What can you expect to find in this module?

You will discover specific tasks which will test your
knowledge and understanding of the topic discussed in
this module.


This module serves as a self-learning material to guide

you in understanding target competency expected in
the curriculum.

UCSP 11/12BMS 1g-15

Explain the development of one’s self and others as a product

of socialization.
You will find that the presented activities / exercises and texts
are developed in order to meet the following objectives:

Objective 1

Identify the concept and aspects of socialization.

Objective 2

Describe the connection between socialization and development

of an individual.

Objective 3

List down tips on how to make one’s socialization activities

productive and meaningful. Objective 3
EXPLORE What You Know

Read the following items carefully. Shade the

circle that corresponds to the letter of your

1. The agents of socialization perform big role in the development of one’s

personality. However, each of them influences the development of
individual in varying degree. What is the first agent of socialization that
influences the development of a person intensively?

A. school
B. family
C. church
D. friends

2. Every individual undergoes a social process which enables him/her to

become part of one’s culture throughout his/her life time. Which concept
refers to this process?

A. socialization
B. enculturation
C. education
D. assimilation

3. Socialization process affects the development of an individual on different

aspects. Which among the choices is an effect to an individual who has
not been successfully socialized?

A. physically healthy
B. emotionally stable
C. having good decision-making
D. mental illness and sometimes having abnormal behavior
EXPLORE What You Know

4. Through socialization we learn some ways of behaving. Which of the

choices is normally learned during socialization?

A. We learn discriminatory attitude.

B. We learn to isolate ourselves from people.
C. We learn that culture is the same in all societies.
D. We learn our culture’s norms and the roles expected of us.

5. Socialization is an important social activity in the development of a

person. How does socialization affect the development of an individual?

A. Socialization is an effective tool to understand cultural differences.

B. Socialization helps an individual become better than anyone else.
C. Socialization process is necessary to meet the demands of the
D. Undergoing constant socialization enables an individual to fully
develop in physical, emotional and mental aspects.

Before you proceed to your journey,

CHECK your answers using the key to corrections
found at the last page of this module.
Thank you for your PATIENCE and HONESTY.
EMPOWER Your Skills

WELCOME to the heart of this module.

I, Teacher Kenneth, with Teacher Victoria,
will be with you every step of the way.
Have a happy journey.


The sentences below show our common experiences

with other people we interact with. Put a score in each
sentence by writing a number on the space provided before each of
The following are the scorings: 1 if you don’t agree, 2 if you agree,
and 3 if you agree very much to the sentence. If the sentence does not
apply to your experience, write NA.

______ 1. You learned at home that it is important to be obedient.

______ 2. You realized that having friends make you happy.

______ 3. You are sure that you need teachers in school in order to gain
EMPOWER Your Skills

______ 4. You agree that most of your needs can be had when you are in the

______ 5. You find face book and other social media very helpful in giving
answers to some of your personal concerns.

Then, add all the ratings you have answered. “NA” means 0 (zero).

What have you got?

Write the total score inside the box. TOTAL SCORE

EMPOWER Your Skills


What is meant by the total score that you got?

What does it say about your interaction with other people?

Mirror, mirror on the wall.

Tell me more about my

If you got a score between 0 to 5, it shows that you

have very little contact with other people. That is
alarming. But don’t worry. One of the purposes of this
module is to give you an idea on betterment of one’s self.

If you got a score between 6 to 10, it

shows that you interact with other people but not too
often. That’s promising. When you are through with this
module you’ll be more motivated to mingle with others.
EMPOWER Your Skills

If you got a score between 11 to 15, it shows that you

love interacting with other people very often.
Congratulations! Perhaps you’ll be able to share your
gift to others.

How important really is interaction with other people?

Interaction with other people is important because ________________


How does social interaction affect your personal development?

Social interaction affects personal development such that __________


Great job! Thank you for your responses.

Your learning experience has just started.
We hope you are ready to EXPLORE more!
EMPOWER Your Skills


An illustration or diagram (depending on

your imagination Mr. Illustrator) showing
the relationship between SOCIALIZATION
and development of PERSONALITY.
What I have in mind Sir is a stairway
towards success’ a student is going up on
ON FOCUS it carrying or going with him/her the
concept of socialization. At the bottom of
the stairway are written; loneliness, low
self-esteem, discontentment;
On top of the stairway are written;
happiness, fulfillment ,success

Do you see the picture above? What do you have

in mind?
Hello our dear student
In this part of your Very good! If you think that socialization is
journey, we provide very important in our lives, you are absolutely
something for you to correct. But what is meant by socialization really?
read to deepen your
understanding about The activity you performed in the first part of
the topic. this module reflects your socialization with other
people. Socialization simply means the process of
Please do it with learning how to become part of a culture.
comprehension to Socialization is the same as interacting, mingling
discover knowledge
and being with other people or groups.
that will help you out in
dealing with the next
How do you feel in a situation when it seems
phase of your quest.
that you don’t belong and you are being isolated?
HAPPY READING! Good thinking! Of course you will feel sad and
lonely. That kind of feeling only shows that
socialization is important to you --- and to all of us.
EMPOWER Your Skills

Through socialization one learns

the culture’s language, their role in
life, and what is expected from

Without socialization a person will

develop different physical and
mental disabilities. It is sad to know
that individuals with no successful
socialization develops mental
illness, their behavior is abnormal or odd and they are deviant or non-
conforming. Normal people are usually those with successful socialization

Do you know that there are different groups of people that influence your
socialization? These groups are called agents of socialization. These agents
play a crucial role in developing yourself as a person and a member of the

Family is the first agent of socialization. Most of the habits, manners,

beliefs and the way we think are develop in the family. A huge part of your
personality is molded by your family because this is where you spent your
childhood. This is when your socialization is crucial and intense.

EMPOWER Your Skills

Do you still remember your happy moments in school? Of course you do.

School is another agent of

socialization. Here, you interact or
socialize with your classmates,
teachers, administrators and other
members of the school. Your
socialization with them has made a
lot of experiences in you. So a part
of your personality is developed by
this agent. Do you agree?

Your circle of friends is also an agent

of socialization. It is called peer group.
Your peers usually have similar age,
social status and share interests.

I’m sure you learned a lot from your

friends, didn’t you? So, you are right
when you think that they are also
important agent in shaping your

EMPOWER Your Skills

Social media as agent of

socialization plays a crucial
role in shaping your
personality as well. Majority
of us, young and old, are
connected through social
media. Much of our waking
time is spent on using
social media. So, this agent
of socialization influences your way of life intensively thus doing large part in
your personal development.

There are other socialization agents which are also important in molding
you as a person. They are: the community, the church and the government.

You see? What you are now is a product of socialization. You have been
socializing from the time you were born until now. Socialization is a continuing
process until we die. Socialization is really a necessity. For it is through
socialization that yourself as person is being developed.

EMPOWER Your Skills


Socialization is very important to all of us, do you now agree? Do you

believe that not all the experiences we get out of socialization are right? Do
you think you have an important role of choosing the right from wrong
experiences whenever you are socializing?

If your answer to all of the questions are YES, then CONGRATULATIONS!

You are now ready to apply in real life situations the learnings you had on
socialization. Be proud. For you are a step closer towards success!

TIPS on How to Make your

Productive and Meaningful:

1. Bullying is not healthy in socialization.

2. Make your group activities productive.
3. Learn to socialize more often with professional people.
4. Be critical on information you encounter from social media.
5. Prioritize more important activities.

Can you think of other ideas on how to improve your socialization?

Make a list on the space provided below:

1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________
EMPOWER Your Skills

How was your learning experience so far?

We hope that you had a great journey.
We believe that you did it well!


Choose any of the task listed below easiest for you to do: Use the box below.

A. Write 2 or 3 sentences showing your appreciation on the topic


B. You can also write a “motto” or tag line about socialization.

C. You may also draw if you want.

D. A poem is very much welcome.

ENHANCE Your Understanding

Read the following items carefully. Shade the

circle that corresponds to the letter of your

1. The development of an individual is greatly affected during socialization

process. How significant is socialization to the development of an

A. Socialization helps an individual become better than anyone else

B. Socialization is an effective tool to understand cultural differences
C. Socialization process is necessary to meet the demands of the
D. Undergoing constant socialization enables an individual to fully
develop in physical, emotional and mental aspects

2. An individual acquire learnings during the process of socialization. Which

of the following is normally learned during this process?

A. We learn to isolate ourselves from people.

B. We learn discriminatory attitude.
C. We learn that culture is the same in all societies.
D. We learn our culture’s norms and the roles expected of us.

3. The crucial and intense interactional processes take place in the first
agent of socialization. Which among the choices is the first agent of

A. family
B. friends
C. church
D. School
ENHANCE Your Understanding

4. Through the process of constant interaction with other people an

individual is becoming part of a particular culture. What concept refers to
this process?

A. assimilation
B. enculturation
C. socialization
D. education

5. A particular consequence occurs when an individual has not been

successfully socialized. Which of the choices below tells about this

A. physically healthy
B. having good decision-making
C. mental illness or abnormal behavior
D. making emotionally stable

CHECK your answers using the key to
corrections found at the last page of this module.
Thank you for your HONESTY.
Performance Check


Happy face with two thumbs-up if you got three to

five (3-5) in the post test. CONGRATULATIONS!
You may now proceed to your next journey with
another module.

Sad face if you got two and below in the post test.
You need to study the whole lesson and take the
EXTEND Your Learning Activity.

You are now ready to take a lift on to the next

part of your journey. We hope what you have
learned in the previous parts of this material
eventually help you face new task. BEST OF LUCK.

EXTEND Your Learning


The activity below will help you enhance more what you already know
about socialization. Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks with words or
phrases necessary to complete it. The words and phrases are provided inside
the box for you to choose from.

personality family normal socialization

culture physical socialize mental
agents of socialization personal development

Revitalize, Socialize
Every individual undergoes the process of (1) __________ during
his/her life time. Socialization is a necessary social process for it is through
this that (2) ______________ is taking place. It was found out that people
who lacked socialization developed (3) ___________ and (4) ____________
disabilities. On the other hand, people with successful socialization
experiences become (5) _____________ in different aspects of life.

It is important to remember that (6) ________________ are influential in

shaping one’s personality. There are several agents of socialization
mentioned in this module. These agents are: family, peer group, school,
church, community, social media and the government. Among these agents,
(7) __________ contributes the most impact on one’s personal development
because the crucial and intense socialization happens with it.

Becoming part of a particular (8) _________ is a product of socialization.

And so, don’t forget to bear in mind that we need to choose the kind of
activities we involve ourselves into. For whenever we (9) ____________, we
develop the kind of (10) _____________ we have.


To know how well you made it, take a look
on the correct answers below.

Pre-test: Post-test:
1. B 1. D
2. A 2. D
3. D 3. A
4. D 4. C
5. D 5. C
Total Score: ________ Total Score: ________

Push Forward Activity:

1. socialization 6. agents of socialization
2. personal development 7. family
3. physical / mental 8. culture
4. mental / physical 9. socialize
5. normal 10. personality

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