A Comparative Study of Delicacy

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Chapter I: Background of the Study

A. Introduction

All people crave something different.

Just like our DNA structure, everyone is born with a different palate, and to

satisfy one is not that simple. Whatever occasion, be it birthdays, weddings or just simple

celebrations. People look forward to one thing, food. Almost all Filipino spend most of

their time eating. On average, a typical Filipino eats three times a day with two or three

snacks in between. In, cooking and eating have been considered as a form of bonding and

past time for most Filipinos, alongside stories and guide catching up.

According to bulacan.gov.ph, Sweets and delicacies have long been famed

products of Bulacan. These generated income opportunities to many Bulakeños knowing

that this type of industry can be easily produced even at home.

Among the well-known manufactured sweet goods in the province are pastillas de leche,

pastillas de yema, pastillas de ube, macapuno/ube balls, minasa, inipit, ensaymada,

cassava/rice cakes, puto, kalamay and suman.

They are the most prominent because of the extraordinary ingredients used and

procedures done to achieve a flavor that one will continually look for once tasted. This

unique quality of Bulacan sweets has made them favorite "pasalubong" to loved ones.

Kapampangan Cuisine is deeply rooted to Spanish Cuisine but has many

similarities with Malay and even Mexican Cuisine. Kapampangan added a twist by using
the available and abundant ingredients in their area which is also the birth of exotic food.

The diverse and rich flavors of the food is evident in every kapampangan dishes as they

put the best ingredients to produce quality and palatable food that is widely known in the

country tagging Pampanga as the Culinary Capital of the Philippines. (Garcia W., 2018)

Among the well-known manufactured sweet goods in the province are Tibok-

tibok, Tibok Mais, Biko Kalabasa, Duman Pinipig, Kalamay Ube, Ube Lakatan, Halaya

Ube, Sapin-sapin, Halo-halo and Turones De Casuy.

A food expert is not needed to know that there is indeed a difference when it

comes to the food culture of these provinces. With the rise of new taste on a certain food,

a person's preference tends to vary more, but there is always a reason for them to got back

to their roots and will still prefer to taste the original. Since there is a huge difference

between the way each province serves their food even if they will prepare the same thing.

This study shall focus more on finding out which of the two please people more.

Since the researchers are culinary students who share the same love for food, the

reasearchers decide to come up with the idea of showcasing the delicacies of two of the

most famous provinces in Region III. This will not only help fellow students to further

understand the difference an similarities of each province when it comes to food but also

to gain more insight that can be used for future references.

B. Statement of the Problem

Pampanga is known as the Culinary Capital of the Philippines while Bulacan is

known for its famous rice cake. This research aims to know how in Bulacan and

Pampanga differ in terms of cooking style techniques and taste. Both provinces have its
own delicious and tasty delicacies that people will surely love. This research will seek to

answer these questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Residency;

1.2 Age; and

1.3 Length of stay?

2. What is the perception of the respondents towards Bulacan and Pampanga's delicacies

based on their demographic profile.

3. How Bulacan and Pampanga's delicacies differ in terms of the following:

3.1 Taste

3.2 Cooking Techniques

3.3 Preparation

4. Is there a significant difference in the perception of

a. Bulakenyo to Kapampangan cuisines

b. Kapampangan to Bulakenyo's cuisines

C. Significance of the Study

The relevance of our study is to inform everyone especially the Kapampangan and

Bulakenyo's to let them know that the researchers from Culinary Arts have this kind of

topic that includes the importance of the cuisine which means expressing and sharing
their own style or methods in cooking, that will serve as their review, reference or an

image of ideas with these topics.

School Admin. This study will eventually help the school administrators in maintaining

the safety and security of the students as they choose to eat different kinds of cuisine

instead of spending their break outside the campus. And this can also be an answer to

encourage people or mostly for the students to begin patronizing our one and only owned

Filipino cuisine

Teacher. This study will help them basically to gain more ideas or strategies in making

this kind of topic not only the teachers in general. Also for the other professional teachers

in Culinary Arts that is indeed basically to share a lot of skills and knowledge in terms of

cuisine. Through this research culinary students can create or make this kind of topic

which is similar to the researcher's topic for them to broaden or enhance their knowledge

and for the future culinary students that wants to gain ideas in this field of cooking.

Students. This study could give variety style of what food choices and options are

suitable for their preferences specifically their eating habits, dietary care and food budget.

this study could also give inspiration to those students who may not know the importance

of what cuisine we're having.

Kapampangan. This study may help them to improve their taste about different kind of

taste and may patronize Bulacan's delicacies.

Bulakenyo. This study will may also help them to improve their taste about different

kind of taste and may patronize Pampanga's delicacies.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as their references to brainstorm for their

ideas, to be ready for making topic which is similar to the researchers and become a

guide when the future researchers are going to start their study.

D. Scope and Delimitation

This research intends to identify the difference of Bulacan and Pampanga's

delicacies also to know some of its similarities. This study will include how delicacies

are made in Pampanga and Bulacan. This research also aims to give information about

Bulacan and Pampanga's delicacy especially for the culinary students. This study will

only focus on foods between Bulacan and Pampanga thus making this research only

limited to those to places.

E. Definition of Terms

Cuisine – manner of preparing food: a style of cooking; also the food prepared

Delicacies – something pleasing to eat that is considered rare or luxurious

Perception – the way you think about or understand someone or something

Preference – an advantage that is given to some people or things and not to others

Quantitative Research - of, relating to, or expressible in terms of quantity.

Roots – the cause or source of something

Taste – to sense the flavour of something that you are eating or drinking

Texture – the way that a food or drink feels in your mouth

Chapter II: Theoretical Framework

A. Relevant Theories

"Kirton's Adaptation-Innovation Theory

Kirton's adaptation-innovation theory provides an explanation to our inherent differences

based on how we solve problems and think creatively. Under Kirton's theory, he asserts

that each of us is unique and can be scored along a continuum scale from ''highly

adaptive'' to ''highly innovative.'' Understanding this is like getting to know other people

better; once you know how people think and behave, you're better able to collaborate

with them and avoid unnecessary conflicts.



Kirton's Adaptation-Innovation theory states that innovation aids in gauging the

movement and behavior of a person. A person's behavior towards innovation is highly

considered when it comes to purchasing something. By innovating certain flavors or

recipes to a common food, we can then determine if a person can adapt or remain to their


"Flavor Principles (Theory of Preferences and Rejection)"

The theory of explains the process that leads to individuals' perception of flavor which

will affect individuals' programmed principles of flavor. In this case, there are two

behaviors involved; affective responses (feeling of pleasure) and cognitive behavior,

which analyze the surroundings. Cognitive behavior, identify the features, benefits of a
certain object and evaluate them, which will then determine the type of response (Zajonc

and Markus, 1982).. In this case, flavor is perceived through taste, smell, appearance,

texture, fat content, temperature and sensations. Taste is then related to each of these

components for evaluation, and produce affective responses (usually determined by the

amount of sucrose and fats) (Eertmans et al, 2001).

Flavor Principle theory is directly related to a customer's preference which is one of the

primary reasons why they keep coming back to a certain restaurant, food joint, kiosk or a

particular food. One of the key factors why consumers often choose the same thing on a

menu is familiarity to the flavor they were first introduced to and this could greatly affect

the preference and purchasing power of a person. A change in flavor could either make or

break a food depending on the adaptiveness of the consumer.

Theories on satisfaction

1. The expectation theory The expectation-based approach says that satisfaction

judgments are a positive function of consumer pre-purchase beliefs about the overall

performance or attribute levels of a product, 210 Aiello, Albert, Jr. and John A. Czepiel

(1979), " Consumer satisfaction in a Catalog Type Retail Outlet: Exploring the Effect of

Product, Price and Attributes, " in New Dimensions of Consumer Satisfaction and

Complaining Behavior, H. Keith Hunt and Ralph L. Day, eds, Bloomington IN: Indiana

University, pp.129- 135. 211 Schindler, Robert M. (1988), "The Role of Ego-Expressive

Factors in the Consumer's Satisfaction with Price," Journal of Consumer Satisfaction

Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior. La Tour and Peat212. Expectations provide a

standard or frame of reference against which satisfaction judgments are made. If

expectations are met, it leads to satisfaction. Dissatisfaction results if expectations are not
met and complaining behaviour follows. Expectations have been defined as the

consumer's pre-purchase predictions, of what the product performance will be, Day213.

Miller214 has suggested that four types of expectations could form the basis for

comparison. They are:

1. The ideal/desirable performance

2. The Equitable or deserved performance

3. The minimum tolerable performance and

4. The expected performance. Many researchers support the expectation theory, for they

feel that consumer choice is guided either explicitly or implicitly towards choice of

objects on the basis of anticipated performance or expectations

1. Ideal/desirable performance (what the product or service can be): This standard

represents the optimal service performance a consumer would hope for.

2. Equitable or deserved performance (what the product or service should be): This

standard represents the level of performance the consumer ought to receive, given a

perceived return of costs.

3. Minimum tolerable performance (what the product must be): The service should at

least meet a certain minimal tolerable performance guidelines, La Tour and Peat 215.

4. Expected performance (what the product or service will be): A service's most likely

performance is presented by this standard. It is the most used pre-consumption

Expectation theory relates to a different level but it can also affect one's preference when

it comes to choosing what to eat. Going back to the same restaurant means a person is
expecting the same level of competency, same level of flavor and presentation of the

usual food he/she likes to order. If a category falls short of the customer's expectation it is

more likely that the customer may find a new place to eat or a portion of new food to try.

Relevant theories Pampanga

Kapampangan Cuisine History Kapampángan Cuisine is deeply rooted to Spanish

Cuisine but has many similarities with Malay and even Mexican Cuisine. Kapampangan

added a twist by using the available and abundant ingredients in their area which is also

the birth of exotic food. The diverse and rich flavors of the food is evident in every

kapampangan dishes as they put the best ingredients to produce quality and palatable

food that is widely known in the country tagging Pampanga as the Culinary Capital of the

Philippines. (March 20, 2018 by Will Garcia).

This is related to our research because it tells the history of Kapampangan cuisine which

where we are going to conduct our research on. It also tells us the origin of Kapampangan

food which will help us for our research study.

Food-tripping in Bulacan

Bulacan is a big province known for it rich culture and history. It has 21 municipalities

and 569 barangays. Located 11 km north of Manila, it's also one of the country's oldest

provinces. Bulacan was originally founded in 1578, seven years after the defeat of the

native Macabebe and Hagonoy clans in the Battle of Bangkusay. Official records say

Bulacan was established on March 10, 1917, during the American period. Bordered by

Pampanga to the west, Quezon and Aurora to the east, and Manila and Rizal to the south,

Bulacan is a melting pot of Filipino cuisine and culture. We found this out during a recent
trip to the province. Our first stop was Popular Puto & Cotchinta, owned by Dr. Larry

Castro. The store, located along MacArthur Highway in Marilao, will celebrate its 70th

anniversary this October. Its famous puto (steamed rice cake) is freshly made daily.

Moist and sweetened just slightly, puto is a standard side dish, if not an indispensable

partner to a number of Filipino staples like dinuguan, a savory stew of pig blood, vinegar

and pork offal. The cotchinta (commonly spelled as kutsinta) is a variant of the puto

recipe. Popular makes theirs with a blend of rice flour, brown sugar, and annatto extract

(for the color). The delicacy is consumed year-round by Bulakeños. Unlike puto, the

cotchinta has a more jelly-like consistency. In the same town, we also discovered

Simeona's Pancit Marilao, owned by three siblings. The quaint restaurant specialty is a

variant of the pancit palabok, Pancit Marilao, which is topped with ground rice instead of

pork rind. The rice is then fried in pork oil. (Feliciano Rodriguez III ).

This article is written by Feliciano Rodriguez III is related to our research because it

talks about certain Bulacan delicacy which our research is all about and also features

different Bulacan dishes.

B. Related Literature


a: a usually official place of residence

b: a state or period of residence

- Merriam Webster
The connection of the residency in the research is where the respondents staying. The

residency is the place where the people originated.


The length of an existence extending from the beginning to any given time

- Merriam Webster

The connection of age in the research is how old the respondents will be. There will be

an exact age for the respondents.

Length of stay.

The total length, in days, that an insured stays in a hospital or similar medical facility.

- Business Dictionary

Because the researchers are going to know which delicacies will be popular the most the

researchers must know who will stay longer in Bulacan and who will stay longer in



"Perception may be defined as a process by which individuals organize and interpret

their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment."

According to Joseph Reitz, "Perception includes all those processes by which an

individual receives information about his environment—seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting

and smelling. The study of these perpetual processes shows that their functioning is
affected by three classes of variables—the objects or events being perceived, the

environment in which perception occurs and the individual doing the perceiving."

In simple words, we can say that perception is the act of seeing what is there to be seen.

But what is seen is influenced by the perceiver, the object and its environment. The

meaning of perception emphasizes all these three points.

Retrieved from: http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/organization/perception/perception-


The perception of every respondent is important for the result of the comparison between

the Bulacan and Pampanga delicacies. Through the perception of every respondent, the

researchers will avoid the biases between the Bulacan and Pampanga delicacies.


The flavor of something or the ability of a person or animal to recognize different


Retrieved from: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/taste

In terms of taste, Kapampangan is known to be a province where good cooks live.

Because some of the Kapampangan they have the best ingredients, they want the food to

be the best so if they think it's already delicious, they still find more ways to make it more

While the Bulakenyos is known to be famous in katagalugan foods and especially in

delicacies like pastillas and another sweet dessert.

Cooking Techniques

Cooking techniques are a set of methods and procedures for preparing, cooking and

presenting food. Good techniques also take into account the economical use of food and

cooking fuel resources, as well as food safety.

Retrieved from: https://www.cooksinfo.com/cooking-techniques/

All of us have different kinds of techniques in cooking. In Pampanga, the point is, every

dish is different and is based on the ingredients used, however, the cooking method

remains the same and it was well organized and for their specialty is unique also the

flavors and textures.

But the province Bulacan has its own version of cooking and techniques in terms for our

specialty locally called "panghimagas"


The action or process of making something ready for use or service or of getting ready

for some occasion, test, or duty. Retrieved from:https://www.merriam-


Bulakenyo's preparation is unique because they are good at making dishes and more

kinds of foods and their plating is very simple and for preparing is kind of old fashioned

way. While the Kapampangan added a twist by using the best ingredients to have a
unique taste of their food to produce quality and palatable food that is widely known in

their area.

A significant difference in the perception of:

a. Bulakenyo to Kapampangan Cuisines

Regarding for the researcher's study about delicacies, it is important to know that

Pampanga and Bulacan have their own perception of food. Especially for Bulakenyos to

know what is about for Pampanga's cuisine

b. Kapampangan to Bulakenyo's Cuisines

Regarding for the researcher's study about delicacies its important to know that

Pampanga and Bulacan have their own perception of food. Especially for Kapampangan

to know what is about for Bulacan's cuisine.

C. Related Studies

Impact of Cooking and Home Food Preparation Interventions Among Adults: A

Systematic Review (2011–2016)

To update a review of the impact of interventions for adults that included a

cooking component on diet, health, and psychosocial outcomes.

A total of 3,047 records were identified by searching MEDLINE, Agricola, Web

of Science, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (January 2011 to

March 2016). A total of 34 articles met inclusion and exclusion criteria for analysis.

Study description and outcomes were extracted and synthesized to generate conclusions

regarding impact.

Less than half of the studies included a control group. The most common intended

outcomes were improvements in fruit and/or vegetable intake and weight. The majority

of studies showed positive dietary behavior changes and improvements in cooking

confidence and knowledge. Limitations included the lack of a control group, no follow-

up past after intervention, the use of no validated assessment instruments, and small

convenience samples.

Findings were similar to a previous review regarding the positive impact on

dietary and cooking confidence outcomes. Clinical and weight outcomes were addressed

in more studies included in the current review than in the previous 1; however,

limitations were similar.

Intervention design and assessment tools need to be strengthened in intervention

studies with cooking components.

Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/28958671/

This related study has relevance to the researcher's topic but in terms of the difference

between, is the researchers are more focus on comparing the two provinces which are the

Pampanga and Bulacan while this study it's about the impact of cooking including the

taste of home.
The relationships between food-related personality traits, satisfaction, and loyalty

among visitors attending food events and festivals

This study applies the concept of food-related personality traits to hospitality and tourism

and identifies relationships between personality, satisfaction, and loyalty. An on-site

survey was carried out with 335 visitors attending the Gwangju Kimchi (local food)

Festival in South Korea between the 15th and 19th of October, 2008. The relationships

between 4 latent constructs (food neophobia, food involvement satisfaction, and loyalty)

and 16 indicators were measured using structural equation modeling. The findings

showed that food neophobia harmed satisfaction and loyalty, food involvement had a

positive relationship with loyalty, and satisfaction and loyalty showed a significant

positive relationship.

Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278431909001236

This study has a goal of analysis which is the relationship between food-related

personality, traits, satisfaction, and loyalty while the researchers are comparative to know

what's the perception, taste in terms of food concept between Pampanga and Bulacan

Cooking, cuisine, and class: a study in comparative sociology

The preparation, serving and eating of food are common features of all human societies,

and have been the focus of study for numerous anthropologists-from Sir James Frazer

onwards-from a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives. It is in the context of

this previous anthropological work that Jack Goody sets his observations on cooking in

West Africa. He criticizes those approaches which overlook the comparative historical

dimension of culinary, and other, cultural differences that emerge in class societies, both

of which elements he particularly emphasizes in this book. The central question that

Professor Goody addresses here is why a differentiated'haute cuisine' has not emerged in

Africa, as it has in other parts of the world. His account of cooking in West Africa is

followed by a survey of the culinary practices of the major Eurasian societies throughout

history-ranging from Ancient Egypt, Imperial Rome and medieval China to early modern

Europe-in which he relates the differences in food preparation and consumption emerging

in these societies to differences in their socio-economic structures, specifically in modes

of production and communication. He concludes with an examination of the world-wide

rise of industrial food' and its impact on Third World societies, showing that the ability of

the latter to resist cultural domination in food, as in other things, is related to the nature of

their pre-existing socio-economic structures. The arguments presented here will interest

all social scientists and historians concerned with cultural history and social theory.

Retrieved from: https://www.amazon.com/Cooking-Cuisine-Class-Comparative-

This study is tackling the cultural differences in terms of cooking. It talks about the

Culinary practices throughout history which relate the differences in production. This

study has shown that the ability of the latter to resist cultural domination in food. This

study has relevance to the researcher's topic but the difference between this is the

researcher's topic is more helpful in terms of style or method.

The importance of a taste. A comparative study on wild food plant consumption in

twenty-one local communities in Italy

This paper reviews management through the posterior approach of 50 patients with

cervical myeloradiculopathy caused by spondylosis and stenosis of the spinal canal seen

in the past 10 years. Careful selection of patients is an absolute necessity since a primary

cause of failure occurred in individuals who subsequently proved to have motor neuron

disease. Older individuals with long-standing neurological deficits, especially long tract

signs indicative of fixed lesions, were benefited primarily by a lack of further progression

of their disorder and occasional improvement in hand function and gait. Diagnostic

evaluation should include electromyography, nerve conduction studies, and sensory-

evoked cortical potentials. With the introduction of the fourth generation CAT scanning

equipment, additional diagnostic information is available regarding the internal

configuration of the spinal canal, its contents, and the amount of available space at

various levels. Supplementary myelography remains of basic importance. Laminectomy

includes two levels above and below the areas of significant canal encroachment.

Foraminal decompression with removal of only the innermost third of the foramen

permits mobilization of the nerve roots, removal of osteophytes and untethering of the

dural sac. A great deal of importance is attached to the preservation of the cervical
lordotic curve since, with an adequate decompression and an intact dura, the cord moves

dorsally into an expanded canal, rising above the ventrally situated osteophytes. In those

patients with reversal of the cervical curve and swan neck deformities, posterior

decompression has not been of value. Recent more radical procedures in such cases, such

as vertebrectomy, remain to be evaluated. Any procedure which will permit further

kyphotic deformity, such as laminectomy, is contraindicated. Eighty-five percent of the

patients operated upon by the recommended surgical approach improved. View at

link.springer.com Cited by 92 Related articles All 7 versions

ethnobiomed.biomedcentral.com The importance of a taste. A comparative study on wild

food plant consumption in twenty-one local communities in Italy Maria Pia Gherardini,

Marco Carli, Nicola Del Vecchio, Ariele Rovati, Ottavia Cova, Francesco Valigi, Gaia

Agnetti, Martina Macconi, Daniela Adamo, Mario Traina, Francesco Landini, Ilaria

Marcheselli, Nicolò Caruso, Tiziano Gedda, Fabio Donati, Alessandro Marzadro, Paola

Russi, Caterina Spaggiari, Marcella Bianco, Riccardo Binda, Elisa Barattieri, Alice

Tognacci, Martina Girardo, Luca Vaschetti, Piero Caprino, Erika Sesti, Giorgia

Andreozzi, Erika Coletto, Gabriele Belzer, Andrea Pieroni Journal of Ethnobiology and

Ethnomedicine 3 (1), 22, 2007 A comparative food ethnobotanical study was carried out

in twenty-one local communities in Italy, fourteen of which were located in Northern

Italy, one in Central Italy, one in Sardinia, and four in Southern Italy. 549 informants

were asked to name and describe food uses of wild botanicals they currently gather and

consume. Data showed that gathering, processing and consuming wild food plants are

still important activities in all the selected areas. A few botanicals were quoted and cited

in multiple areas, demonstrating that there are ethnobotanical contact points among the
various Italian regions (Asparagus acutifolius, Reichardia provides, Cichorium intybus,

Foeniculum vulgare, Sambucus nigra, Silene vulgaris, Taraxacum officinale, Urtica

dioica, Sonchus and Valerianella spp.). One taxon (Borago officinalis) in particular was

found to be among the most quoted taxa in both the Southern and the Northern Italian

sites. However, when we took into account data regarding the fifteen most quoted taxa in

each site and compared and statistically analyzed these, we observed that there were a

few differences in the gathering and consumption of wild food plants between Northern

and Southern Italy. In the North, Rosaceae species prevailed, whereas in the South, taxa

belonging to the Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, and Liliaceae s.l. families were most

frequently cited. We proposed the hypothesis that these differences may be due to the

likelihood that in Southern Italy the erosion of TK on wild vegetables is taking place

more slowly, and also to the likelihood that Southern Italians' have a higher appreciation

of wild vegetables that have a strong and bitter taste. A correspondence analysis

confirmed that the differences in the frequencies of quotation of wild plants within the

Northern and the Southern Italian sites could be ascribed only partially to ethnic/cultural

issues. An additional factor could be recent socio-economic shifts.

Retrieved from:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/17480214/

This study has relevance to the researcher's topic but the difference between them is the

researcher's topic is wider while the research studies only tackle the taste.
Consumer attitudes and purchase intentions concerning organic foods in Taiwan:

Moderating effects of food-related personality traits

Food Quality and Preference 18 (7), 1008-1021, 2007

There is an increasing emphasis on understanding the consumer's motives for the choice

of food types. Meanwhile, an individual's food-related personal traits are suspected of

playing a moderating role in influencing personal food choices. This study aims to

understand what motives determine the consumer's attitude to organic foods in Taiwan,

which in turn influences the subsequent purchase intentions. Moderated regression

analysis (MRA) is used to ascertain the personality traits of food neophobia and food

involvement separately in the behavioral intentions model. The results vindicate the use

of Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in explaining the consumer's organic foods

choice behavior. Moreover, the findings suggest that the food-related personality traits of

food neophobia and food involvement exert moderating effects on the relationships

between some of the food choice motives and the consumer's attitude to organic foods.

However, only food involvement exerts moderating effects on the relationships between

the consumer's intentions to purchase organic foods and the antecedents of the TPB

except for the subjective norm in this case. Based on the empirical results and findings,

some suggestions are provided to the institutions concerned to facilitate this organic

sector's on-going expansion in Taiwan's food industry.

Retrieved from:



This kind of study is about consumer attitudes but in the researcher's study is more about

the perception of people who are curious about the researcher's study about the style of

cooking also to see their potential in terms of their taste and what will be their reaction

D. Conceptual Framework


Food Characteristics:
Perception of the respondents.
 Taste
 Cooking Techniques

 Preparation

E. Generating Hypotheses

Ho - There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile of the


Ha - There is a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the

Ho - There is no significant difference between the perception of the respondents about

the Bulacan and Pampanga's delicacies.

Ha - There is a significant difference between the perception of the respondents about the

Bulacan and Pampanga's delicacies.

Ho - There is no significant difference between the taste of the Bulacan and Pampanga's


Ha - There is a significant difference between the taste of the Bulacan and Pampanga's


Ho - There is no significant difference between the cooking techniques of the Bulacan

and Pampanga's delicacies.

Ha - There is a significant difference between the cooking techniques of the Bulacan and

Pampanga's delicacies.

Ho - There is no significant difference between the preparation of the Bulacan and

Pampanga's delicacies.

Ha - There is a significant difference between the preparation of the Bulacan and

Pampanga's delicacies.

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