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Teja Babia-Young

Communications 1715-13

Catherine Patterson


Pursing My Nursing Career

My grandfather ending up in the hospital two years ago is what inspired me to pursue my

career as a nurse, lacking knowledge of what was wrong, inspiration from the nurses in my life,

and taking care of my grandfather is what made me want to put myself into the medical field. To

begin, being unaware of what could have caused the accident had an impact on me. He had fallen

asleep behind the wheel, gotten into a car accident and none of the doctors could figure out the

reasoning behind it. I decided to take it upon myself to do my own research, I wanted to inform

myself of the medical possibilities. After my research, my results were inconclusive, which

sparked my interest, I asked myself, "Why hasn't anyone figured out how this could have

occurred?". After that I realized that I did not want anyone to experience the unknown as I had, I

became determined to become a nurse to assist others in the most crucial times. Next, inspiration

from family is also what made me want to become a nurse. The nurses in my family came to visit

and hearing their conversations about the countless hours they spend helping to save lives,

opened my eyes. I saw the importance of helping those in need. I always knew I wanted to part

take in the field of medicine, and they encouraged me to follow my dreams. Finally, the last

reason why I seek to become a nurse is that being by my grandfather’s side and trying to take

care of him made me recognize the importance of nurses are and made me want to become one.

When he finally woke up, I spent a lot of time taking care of him and helping recover, I fell in

love with helping him and being the one to care for him. In short, becoming a nurse has been a
career I wanted to go after since the grandfather’s accident, conducting my own research,

thoughtful conversations with current nurses, and trying to be a caregiver is what made me

become so passionate.

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