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Gambar 1.1.

Zona Fisiografi Jawa Timur Utara

Gambar 1.2. Peta Cekungan Northeast Java

Gambar 1.3. Kolom Stratigrafi Zona Kendeng

Gambar 1.4. Erupsi Lumpur Vulkanik Kuwu

Gambar 1.5. Kolom Stratigrafi Perbukitan Rembang

Gambar 2.1 Hasil Separator Test Pada 93°F

Gambar 2.2 Phase Envelope
Gambar 2.3 Oil Viscosity vs Pressure

Gambar 2.4 ROV vs P

Gambar 2.5 Gas in Solution vs P

Gambar 2.6 CCE Summary

Gambar 2.7 DLE Summary

Gambar 2.8 Pengelompokan Rock Type

Gambar 2.9 Kurva Kr vs Sw pada Rock Type 3

Gambar 2.10 Kurva Kr vs Sw pada Rock Type 4
Gambar 2.11 Kurva Kr vs Sw pada Rock Type 5
Gambar 2.12 Kurva Kr vs Sw pada Rock Type 6
Gambar 2.13 Kurva Kr vs Sw pada Rock Type 7

Gambar 2.14 Plot Sw vs Pc untuk Rocktype SCAL

Gambar 2.15 Plot Sw vs Pc untuk Input CMG : Builder

Gambar 3.1 Hasil Pemodelan Lapangan 3D
Gambar 3.2 Histogram Persebaran Porositas – Efektif
Gambar 3.3 Histogram Persebaran Permeabilitas
Gambar 3.4 3D Result Oil Saturation

Gambar 4.1 Grafik Variasi Jumlah Sumur terhadap RF

Gambar 4.2 Profil Produksi Base Case Scenario

Gambar 5.1a Input Data Parameter

Gambar 5.1b Matching Data PVT

Gambar 5.2 Kurva PI Entry IPR Plot Sumur UPSANS

Gambar 5.3 Nilai Varible Sensitvitas TPR
Gambar 5.4 Nodal Analysis WHP dan Ukuran Tubing

Gambar 5.5 Nilai Sensitivitas Tekanan Reservoir

Gambar 5.6 Future IPR dengan Analisa Sensitivitas P

Gambar 5.7 Sensitivitas Tubing dengan Pr = 948 psig

Gambar 5.8 Sensitivitas WHP dengan Pr = 948 psig

Gambar 6.1. Lokasi Sumur UPSANS

Gambar 6.1 Formation Pressure Profile

Gambar 6.2 Well Schematic

Gambar 6.3. Flowchart Casing Design

Gambar 6.4. Casing Setting Depth

Gambar 6.5. Flowchart Casing Grade Selection

Gambar 6.6. Flowchart Hydraulic Calculation

Gambar 6.7. Flowchart Bit Calculation

Tabel 2.1. Pressure Volume Relations of Reservoir Fluid at 164°F
Tabel 2.2. Volumetric Data of Reservoir Fluid Sample
Tabel 2.3. Differential Vaporization at 164°F
Tabel 2.4. Separator Test of Reservoir Fluid
Tabel 2.5. Compositional Analysis of Liberated Gas during Single-stage Separator T
Tabel 2.6 Classification of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids (Dandekar,2013)
Tabel 2.7 Hydrocarbon Analysis of Reservoir Fluid
Tabel 2.8 Well Characteristics

Tabel 2.9 Data Availibility

Tabel 3.1 Data PVT Fluida

Tabel 3.2 Perbandingan OOIP Hasil Simulasi dan Volumetrik

Tabel 3.3 Nilai Cadangan Hidrokarbon

Tabel 3.4. Pore Volume

Tabel 3.5. Kondisi Awal Reservoir

Tabel 3.5 PVT Data Lapangan UPSANS

Tabel 3.7 Rock Properties Lapangan UPSANS

Tabel 8. 1 Skema Persentase Gross Split

Tabel 8.2. Biaya Pengembangan Lapangan

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