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With regard to the academic aspect, the semester is evaluated with three monthly
"partial" examinations and a global final examination. Assessment of clinical
development is done by continuous evaluation on a daily, monthly and whole-
semester basis.

Students of the UDLSB Dental School who have not satisfactorily achieved their
academic credits have the opportunity to accredit courses by means of the
following examinations:

1. Remedial Theory Course. There is an alternative to this kind of course,

which usually involves a review of selected topics from the ordinary course
content. This course is optional as the student has the option to request the
extraordinary examination without delay.
2. Extraordinary Examination. Also termed "second opportunity".
3. To retake the course during the following academic period, with the
assessment opportunities that a normal course offers (partial examinations,
final examination and extraordinary examination).
4. In the case of clinical courses, students who do not achieve the required
credits within the allotted time are offered the chance to obtain these credits
on an inter-semester four-week course.

Should students begin to how academic deficiencies in the areas of theory or

clinical practice, they are invited to speak to the Academic Coordinator, who is
responsible for monitoring students' performance during the semester. According
to circumstances, the Academic Coordinator establishes preliminary contact with a
subject's course professor or with the clinical tutor with a view to taking preventive
measures. If necessary, the Academic Coordinator will interview students to
discover and correct the causes of any deficiencies in academic development. In
specific circumstances:

 Students are referred to the Department of Guidance and Educational

Development (DODE), where help will be provided in the form of a course
in Methods of Study.
 Remedial courses in subjects such as Histology and Embryology,
Management of Patients with Medical Problems, General Pathology, Oral
Pathology and Pharmacotherapy, given by professors from the UDLSB
Dental School.
 Support mechanisms adopted specifically for Pathology, Anatomy,
Histology and Embryology, etc. courses to aid students with particular
topics. This activity may be individual or carried out in small groups.
 In the event that there is evidence of problems of a psychological nature,
with adapting or behavior, the student concerned is referred to the UDLSB
Department of Psychology.

Students receive information on their academic, theoretic and clinical performance

after every examination. This information is communicated directly by the course
Students also have access to their academic record and the results of
evaluations in real time by logging on to the UDLSB website At the commencement of their university careers, all
students receive an e-mail account with its corresponding password.

During clinical work, students' development is followed closely with weekly

meetings between themselves and their clinical tutors, who give them guidance on
a variety of aspects of quality and coverage, providing students with information on
their clinical performance and giving them the opportunity to plan compensatory
measures in order to avoid clinical failings. As stated previously, here too the
participation of the Academic Coordinator is particularly required when the situation
becomes complicated. When a student does not cover the volume of clinical work
with the desired quality in the allotted time, he or she is requested to repeat the

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