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Letter of Transmittal

Date (6 December, 2019)

Dr. Tanvir Abir

Associate Professor


Subject: Submission of a report on “What Factors That Influence Women Entrepreneurs


Dear Sir,

Here is the report that I assigned on the topic as per your instruction. The report has been
completed by the knowledge that I have gathered from the course “Business Research”.

I am thankful to all those persons who provided us important information and gave me valuable
advices. I would be happy if you read the report carefully and I will be trying to answer all the
questions that you have about the report.

In this report I how research will be done. I have tried my level best to complete this report
meaningfully and correctly, as much as possible. I do believe that my tiresome effort will help
you to get ahead with this sort of venture. In this case it will be meaningful to me. However, if
you go through my report and provide feedback then I will be grateful.

Thanking you.

Yours obediently,

Israt Mahedi Nowrin

ID: 17102218
What Factors That Influence
Women Entrepreneurs Success?

The rate of women entrepreneurs is increasing now-a-days. They are performing well in both
field like, social field and economic field. Women are also participates in countries economy.
With the growing importance of women entrepreneurs, there is practical value in being able to
identify factors contributing to their success. The objective of this study is to identify the factors
that increase women entrepreneurs and also to identify how those factors motivates the women to
go for entrepreneurship. A structured questionnaire, containing 18 variables, has been used to
collect data by survey. Total sample size is 116. Statistical tools like Factor Analysis have been
used to identify the success factors. The study has been identified 3 factors that influence women
entrepreneurs’ success. Those are Financial Factors / Benefits, Non-Financial Factors / Benefits
and Interpersonal skill Factors. This factor helps to motivates women entrepreneurs to be an

1. Introduction
Economic growth of any country significantly linked with Entrepreneurs. These are the persons
with problem solving skills, necessary capital and ability to generate new ideas in marketing to
promote their products and services and also make the right decisions to ensure that the ideas are
profit oriented. However, the achievements and success in business as well as profit are the
motivated factors of entrepreneurs[ CITATION Nim18 \l 1033 ]. A women entrepreneur is referred to
an entrepreneur who has alone or with one or more partners, started, bought, or inherited a
business, is assuming the related financial, administrative, and social risk and responsibilities,
and participating in the firm’s day-to-day manager [ CITATION Ahm14 \l 1033 ]. Over the past 20
years female owned businesses grew dramatically in number, revenues and employment.
Females are increasingly turning to entrepreneurship as a way of coping with the “glass ceiling”
that seems to prevent them from reaching to management levels in organizations.
Entrepreneurship has become an important profession among the women of Bangladesh today at
various levels of the society, both in the urban and the rural area[ CITATION Zam14 \l 1033 ].It will
develop our country. It is noticeable that entrepreneurship development and empowerment are
complementary to each other. Women empowerment depends on taking part in various
development activities. In other words, the involvement of women in various entrepreneurial
activities has empowered them in social, economic and cultural fields. The power of and access
to taking decisions has increased for women in Bangladesh, within as well as outside the family. [
CITATION Naw09 \l 1033 ]. One of the most important instruments for empowering women is to
allow them equal access to and control over productive resources such as land, capital,
technology, credit as well as marketing outlets, information, education, training etc. without any
discrimination[ CITATION Zam14 \l 1033 ]. The study showed that gender discrimination, family
responsibility, low-interest bank loan, missing network are influenced women entrepreneurs. The
examination found that gender discrimination, illiteracy and lack of knowledge among women,
non-availability of training program and technical support, lack of managerial experience,
inadequate capital, sales promotion, getting permission to start-up a business [ CITATION Hos19 \l
1033 ]. Investing in women by giving them an equal voice and equal opportunity is good for
country. It’s only by investing in women today, to help them out of poverty and discrimination –
that we can empower the leaders of tomorrow.

2. Background
The role of women entrepreneurship is inevitable in any country. Nowadays women enter in
almost all professions such as trade, industry, engineering, technology. They are willing to take
up business and contribute to the national development. Thus, there role is being recognized and
steps are being taken empower and promote female entrepreneurship. Women entrepreneurship
must be formulated properly with entrepreneurial qualities and traits, and skills to meet the
global changes in trends and be competent enough to survive for excellence in entrepreneurial
arena [ CITATION Gun12 \l 1033 ]. Their task has been full of internal and external challenges.
When they started a business that time a women face some challenges, benefits and also
obstacles. More recent, American research examines in great depth both by motivation by female
start-up and the problems faced by a women when starting a business [ CITATION Ahm14 \l 1033 ].
There are some factors that help women entrepreneurs to grab success. In this study I will try to
identify the factors that lead women entrepreneurs towards a successful entrepreneur in Dhaka

2.1 Objective of the study

The aim of this research is to find out the factors that increase women entrepreneur. To
accomplish this, the study will cover the following specific areas:

 To identify the factors that increase women entrepreneurs.

 To identify how those factors motivates the women to go for entrepreneurship.

3.1 Literature Review

A solid number of written reports on entrepreneurship have been conducted at home and
overseas. A brief recap of some subjects is given below.

Women Entrepreneurship and Women empowerment are considered as an important tool in

eradicating poverty and unemployment. Women entrepreneurs are gaining momentum all over
the world, but at the same time they are facing a number of challenges. These challenges can be
faced with making them and their family aware of the opportunities available to them [ CITATION
Kav16 \l 1033 ]. 

Today, entrepreneurship is considered the driving force of economic development and

sustainability. Entrepreneurs create employment not only for themselves and their employees but
also benefit their investors, suppliers and communities they are active in. On a larger scale, entire
societies prosper from entrepreneurs’ innovations, creative problem solving and identifying new
industries[ CITATION Ili17 \l 1033 ]

Entrepreneurship has been approached from various perspectives by scholars of different

disciplines, including economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, history and political
science. On the other hand, the field of female entrepreneurship is in an initial stage of paradigm
development[ CITATION Zam14 \l 1033 ].
Entrepreneurship is a term which has acquired special significance in the context of economic
growth in the rapidly changing socio-economic and socio-cultural climates both in developed
and developing countries[ CITATION Pal14 \l 1033 ].

A study done by [ CITATION TAN14 \l 1033 ] Bangladesh is still a developing country, but she is
rich in human resource. In Bangladesh women constitute slightly less than half of the population.
The majority of them are underprivileged, under nourished, illiterate and poor. According to the
2010 labor force survey (LFS), the labor force of Bangladesh was estimated at 54.1 million,
more than 16 million being women. There are not enough employment opportunities for women.

According to [ CITATION Rah10 \l 1033 ] Women entrepreneurs face a myriad of obstacles

including limited access to finance, market, business network, training as well as the double
burden of raising a family and running a business simultaneously. The national budgetary
allocation for women entrepreneurs over the last few years has not been sufficient. We believe,
politically and economically empowered women will make a great difference in future

A new trend has emerged where women are venturing as entrepreneurs and contributing to the
economic development of a country. Women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh represent a large
group of women who have broken away from the broken track and are exploring new vistas of
economic participation. Their task has been full of internal & external challenges written by
[ CITATION Ahm14 \l 1033 ].

The major problems, identified by the female respondents were under capitalization and a lack of
knowledge and training in business skills. A majority of the respondent reported difficulties in
overcoming some of the social beliefs that women are not serious as men about business
according to [ CITATION DrN13 \l 1033 ].

Most of the above discussion

4. Conceptual Framework
Independent Variable
Financial Factors / Benefits:

 Loan from different NGO

 Government financial support
 Grameen Bank entrepreneur

Non-Financial Factors / Benefits:

 Family support Motivates

 Recognition Or
 Government promotional support Entrepreneur
Increase Success

Interpersonal skill Factors:

 Confident
 Management Skill
 Levels of education
 Technological Skill
 Experience

Fig: Conceptual Framework

5. Methodology
The procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and
predicting phenomena are called research methodology. It is also defined as the study of methods
by which knowledge is gained. Its aim is to give the work plan of research [ CITATION Raj13 \l
1033 ].It refers to the way in which the study was designed and the method that were used in
carrying out the research. The basic and applied researches can be quantitative or qualitative or
even both. This study attempts to identify the factors that influence women entrepreneurs’
success. To conduct the study, primary and secondary sources of information were used. Primary
data were collected from the questionnaire. There were 18 questions in the questionnaire. This
research used quantitative research methodology.

5.1 Sampling
In this research I select “Convenience sampling”. I select this sampling because in Convenience
sampling there is no boundaries. As my research is “What factors that influence women
entrepreneur’s success”. I select convenience sampling because I had time limitation, so I send
my research questionnaires to my respondent by mail.

5.2 SPSS
Data has been analyzed by SPSS software. This computer software would be used to input the
respondents’ answers, testing the instrument validity and reliability, and present respondents’
answers. Statistical tools like factor analysis have been used to interpret data.

5.3 Microsoft Excel

This is computer software I used to collect the answers of questionnaire.

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