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A Study of the Book of

Jesus and Me Ephesians

Build Discussion Chapter 2

1. To consider the riches of God's grace toward sinners, how we are saved by faith.
2. To understand the Gentile's condition outside of Christ, the effect Jesus' death had on the Law,
and what Gentiles can now become in Christ

Hello! Last meeting we tackled about ten reasons to give God praise. Have you expressed your
praises to the Lord today? We also finished Paul's prayer which can serve as an example for us when
we will be praying for others.

We shall now start Chapter 2 where we can see Paul expressing his desire that his readers might
know the exceeding greatness of God's power toward those who believe (v1:19). Paul reminds them of
how they had been dead in sin but made alive together with Christ. Indeed, they were raised and made
to sit together with Christ in the heavenly places, that God might show even more riches of His grace in
the ages to come. All this God did by His love, grace and, mercy. Paul also made clear that salvation is
not a result of our good works but it is the other way around: being saved through faith, doing good is a
result of us being saved.

Paul also wants his readers to remember how far they have come as Gentiles, courtesy of Jesus
Christ. Once strangers from the promises made to Israel and without God in the world, they can now
draw near through the blood of Jesus Christ. Are you excited to know more about what God did for
you? Read on!


I. You were dead...But God! (Eph 2:1-9)

A. Our condition outside of Christ
1. we were ______ (v.1)
2. we walked in Satan's way (vv. 2-3a)
3. we stood _____________ (v. 3b)
B. Made alive together with Christ
1. But God... __________________
2. But God... __________________
3. But God... _____________________________________________
C. Why did God do it?
- 1 Corinthians 13:7
D. How did God do it?
Living Insights
God never intended His grace to remain an abstract theological concept; rather, He meant it to
become a very real force in our lives. So, with this in mind, let's get personal about God's grace.
What are some of the times when God has shown you grace? For example, when did He provide for
you in a special way or sustain you through a hard time? Describe it. ___________________________

How did His kindness toward you change you relationship with Him? Did it motivate you to trust Him
more, to step out into faith, to commit more of your life to Him? Be specific. ____________________

Describe a time in your past when another person showed you an undeserved kindness. ____________

How did it affect your feelings toward that person? Toward life? ______________________________

As God's ambassadors, we're called to reflect His grace to the world—--especially in the way
we treat other people. We can draw them to the Lord by showering them with grace, just as He did with
us. We can become the face of God's grace! Think about this truth as we go thorugh our everyday lives,
and see the dfference grace makes in your life and in the lives of others. It may bring someone out of
the desert and up to the mountain of God's salvation.

II. God's artwork on display (Eph 2:10)

A. The purpose of God's work
1. we are God's ______________
2. unlike statues or paintings, we're designed for ___________
3. Remember: we cannot operate on our own _____________
B. The free gift of becoming God's artwork
 sheer gift
C. God's work is performance art
1. _______________, especially when Christ is the source of and motive for our
actions (see John 15:5, 8:2; 2 Corinthians 9:13; 1 Peter 2:12)
2. ______________________________, proving the gospel's authenticity and
power (see Phil 2:14-16; 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-12)
3. ____________________________________ (see John 13: 34-35; 1 Corinthians
13:1; 1 John 3:17-19)
4. ____________________________________(see Jeemiah 29:7; 1 Timothy 2:1-4;
1 Peter 2:13-17)

III. Breaking down the barrier ((Eph 2:11-16)

A. Where the Gentiles stood
1. without ___________
2. without a _____________
3. without the ____________
4. without _______
5. without ________
B. The difference Christ made
1. He brought the far-off near
2. He brought peace to the divided
C. Two closing questions
1. Do you really believe what you've just heard?
2. Will you really live what you've just learned?

IV. God's Household (Eph 2:17-22)

A. Four changes for God's household
1. a common ____________
2. a common ____________
3. a common ____________
4. a common ____________


Copeland, Mark. (2001). The epistle to the ephesians- a study guide with introductory comments,
summaries, outlines, and review questions. Retrieved from Date
retrieved June 2, 2015.

Swindoll, Charles. (2001). Becoming a people of grace. USA: Insight for Living.

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