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NC automation. Processes. Magazine | 1 | Jan. 2019

5-axis milling – Interview with Product Manager Helmut Vergin

| Success stories: Tebis at Schwarz Werkzeugbau, invenio, Integrity | Technical article: Tools
| Tebis Consulting | Interview with Diedrich Diedrichsen | Simulation technologies
| ProLeiS/MES – A system for digital manufacturing | A look into the future | Tips and tricks


Ulrike Keller, Marketing
12 ProLeiS/MES 29 Tebis at Integrity Tool & Mold

03 Editorial Company Were you at AMB in Stuttgart, Germany, last September? If so, you’re sure
04 Recap – Looking back at 2018 to recognize the part on the title page. Tebis employees Andrea Krispler and
Software Ingo Vincon gave a live demonstration showing how quickly and easily this
36 A look into the future – Version 4.0 Release 7, turbine casing can be planned, programmed and manufactured. Ingo was in
06 5-axis milling, interview
Version 4.1, Open House 2019 high demand as a CAD/CAM expert between the shows.
08 Simulation technologies
38 Departments introduce themselves: Restaurant & Service
10 Turning and milling as complete machining I wanted to hear from him what made the visitors so curious. There were a
12 A system for digital manufacturing: ProLeiS/MES 40 Tips and tricks wide range of factors, he said. According to Ingo, automated NC programming
20 Designing with Tebis – simpler than ever, parameters with templates was a hot topic. The Tebis CNC simulator was also met with
Standards great interest. It ensures that only NC programs that have been completely
In practice 44 Trade show calendar/Seminars/Workshops collision-checked are sent to the machine. And several visitors were unaware
16 Consulting/Industry 4.0 of how much time can be saved with the new 5-axis functions and modern
circle-segment cutters. Many also found digital manufacturing management
24 Success story: Schwarz Werkzeugbau Germany
with the ProLeiS MES exciting. “Finally,” says Ingo, “people were thrilled by
27 Gut feeling meets data, interview the whole package. Everyone needs high-performance CAD/CAM software.
Schwarz Werkzeugbau Germany People are currently concerned about major issues like the shortage of quali-
29  Success story: Integrity Canada fied personnel and competitive pressure. They want to find out how they can
32 Success story: invenio Germany make their manufacturing faster, simpler and more reliable.”

34 Technical article: Tools Do these questions concern you as well? If so, you will find your answers in
this issue. Let us inspire you!

Publishing details Publisher:

Tebis AG, Einsteinstr. 39
Christian Lüth
82152 Martinsried/Planegg, Germany Fichtenstr. 8
TebisWorld. The Tebis magazine.
Tel. 089 818030, 82061 Neuried, Germany Tel. 089 3079970
Editorial team:
Reinhild Freitag, Ulrike Keller,
Michael Klocke, Robert Mahr,
Silvia Mattei, Andrea Neuhoff



Looking back 2018 just came to an end. Time for a

recap of the year at Tebis. Make yourself
On the road professional. Under the motto "We bring it all to-
gether," event visitors were able to exchange ideas
Team Tebis on the winners’ podium

at 2018
Tebis was represented at nearly 80 events in about machines, tools and clamping devices with Tebis employees are committed to climate protec-
comfortable and join us in taking a look Germany and abroad in 2018. These included more than 20 of our hardware partners, delve into tion. At the German STADTRADELN event, a re-
open houses at our partners’ sites and major in- the world of business theory in our management gional cycling competition, a group of 22 cyclists
back at 2018. What most characterized
dustry tradeshows. Tebis attracted lots of interest lounges and gain new insight into Tebis solutions from Tebis won third place in the category "Team
this past year, and what were the trends? with its end-to-end CAD/CAM/MES platform at 24 high-profile presentations. with the most kilometers" in the group ranking

presented at shows worldwide, such as AMB in for the participating municipality of Planegg. Two
Germany, IMTS in the USA, CIMES in China and Faster CAD/CAM processing colleagues took second and third place in the in-
JIMTOF in Japan. dividual ranking. Mayor Heinrich Hofmann pre-
Tebis software performance has improved sig- sented the prizes in the Planegg town hall.
Open House – the industry meeting place nificantly. NC calculations, loading, response
and search times, machine simulation − virtually The winner is …
Do you remember the Tebis Open House? Or everything has gotten faster. Speed has doubled
perhaps you were there yourself? More than 700 again in reroughing. Milling areas are optimally Tebis won two special awards in 2018. In the
visitors from Germany and abroad visited the combined, and small areas that should not be "competitive strategies" category in the "Best of
Tebis Open House on June 20 and 21. The atmos- machined are automatically detected. Consulting Mittelstand 2018" competition host-
phere was informal as usual and the content highly ed by the Wirtschaftswoche magazine (WiWo),
Innovative 5-axis technology Tebis won first place. The jury was impressed
by the results of the Tebis consulting project for
The hot technology topic in 2018 was Release 6. Swiss mold manufacturer Formbar AG.
New and optimized functions in 5-axis simultane- Have you seen the "Tebis Forever" heart? The
Speed an d relia bilityce ss
in th e CAD/CAM
pro ous milling were focal points. 5-axis NC programs German Design Council, which confers the
for roughing and finishing and for contours and German Design Award each year, selected the
fo r I n MES engraving are now easier for every CAM user. The Tebis slogan "If machines were to decide…" for its
Tea m Te bi s on th e d u st ry work is simplified by clever preparation functions "Special Mention" category. The centerpiece of the
podi u m 4. 0 for complex parts. Support for circle-segment slogan is the "Tebis Forever" heart. Tebis can dis-
Ope n Hou s e cutters saves time due to maximum cutting per- play this honor for the entire coming year.

vo lu m e wit h h
ea rt m e et in g tphlae in d u st ry formance.
M a chin in g Machining volume with heart
MES for Industry 4.0
By the way, the "Tebis Forever" heart is not just a
The ProLeiS starter packages from Tebis offer a design, it also exists in reality. We milled this heart
High er pe rfo rm an ce convenient and cost-effective way to get started in from a block of aluminum weighing a good 250
digital manufacturing management. Order plan- kilograms. The finished "Tebis Forever" heart has
ning and control with an MES application (manu- a wall thickness of only 12 millimeters and weighs
facturing execution system) connects manufac- less than 15  kilograms – meaning a machining
Th e wi nn er is… turing with project management. This ensures op- volume of more than 94 percent. The mirror-like
timal preparedness for the future, because consis- surface was achieved through precise 5-axis ma-
tent planning and control are what make Industry chining. Tebis makes it possible.
in d u st ry
Ope n Hou se –g thplea ce 4.0 possible.

m eeti n
oa d
Inn On t h e r
5 -a xi s t o vat ive
e ch n o log
y On th e roa d



This interview appeared in the November issue of

the maschine + werkzeug© trade journal. Is Germany out in front with these issues, or are What makes this solution stand out compared to What kind of feedback are you getting from these
these global trends? the competition? customers?
The German die and mold manufacturing in- Certainly, a unique selling point of the Tebis solu- Very positive – especially regarding the simplified
dustry is certainly close to the leading edge. For tion is that users can mill across surfaces with all user interface. The first customer who used our
example, barrel cutters have been available for im- functions. There are solutions on the market that solution was thrilled. He downloaded the soft-
peller manufacturing for several years. Two years have integrated strategies for the barrel cutter, but ware, started the first part and was finished with
ago they broke out of this niche, and the German they only work on a single CAD surface. In Tebis, the 5-axis simultaneous program in five minutes.
market is certainly in the lead. This trend has not the tool travels over the selected milling area in The biggest saving with the 5-axis NC programs
yet fully penetrated in the rest of Europe. It is just a single path – complete and without interrup- used with high-performance cutters is time. De-
beginning now. However, anyone who knows tions – no matter how complex it is. Of course, pending on the application, time savings of up to

“The first customer

the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese mold manu- milling across surfaces has a positive impact on 70 percent are possible. Another customer who
facturers, expects that it will not take long. Our the surface result and on machining time. Using was initially very skeptical about whether he could
service teams in these countries are well-equipped barrel cutters in 3-axis milling with tilted tools is achieve the necessary precision with barrel cutters
for this purpose. also very simple: No complex tilt calculations are has since completely changed his manufacturing
necessary for line-by-line processing of surfaces; and saved a full 50 percent of the time required for

was thrilled with

What functions have you integrated in the soft- the software does it all. milling guides. But of course, this always depends
ware for 5-axis milling? on the application. We always want to achieve the
First, let me clarify the term: For Tebis, 5-axis Who is most interested in these 5-axis functions? best result for our customers. We therefore also
milling includes not only 5-axis simultaneous ma- In die manufacturing, the new functions are es- offer comprehensive consulting services.
chining but also 5-axis avoidance milling as well pecially appropriate for large forming dies in the

our solution”
as multi-sided machining (tilted 3-axis machin- automotive industry. For example, outer skin sur-
ing), because these require machines with five faces can be processed with simultaneous 5-axis
axes. We simulate all of these cases in our soft- machining, saving a lot of time. The area of appli-
ware. If users want to optimally machine a part cation for the software is far larger in mold man-
with 5-axis simultaneous milling and use the best ufacturing. For example, our customers in this
milling strategy for each area, they can very easily segment benefit from the 5-axis functions when
subdivide it using the Tebis CAD functions and milling mold inserts and guides. This includes
INTERVIEW – Tebis offers more support for 5-axis milling. select the areas. The areas can also consist of mul- milling strategies for roughing free-form geome-
Product Manager Helmut Vergin explains how simple 5-axis milling tiple individual surfaces, making the work much tries and free-form pockets, for side and face fin-
simpler. ishing, for machining contours and for engraving.
has become with Tebis Version 4.0 Release 6.
Can this milling program be changed again? Are customers already using Release 6?
Yes, the user splits the part into the desired areas Yes, the first customers have been working with it
with the preparation functions in the "NC prepa- since early July of 2018.
Mr. Vergin, what have you focused on in Release 6? What are the new types of tools, and what are the ration" module and the Tebis software then auto-
On the one hand, we have seen new tool types corresponding milling strategies? matically creates the milling area. The user modi-
and milling strategies taking hold in die and mold Twenty years ago, the big hit was high-speed fies the tool, starting position, tilt vectors and path
manufacturing over the past two years. On the cutting with a ball cutter. Since then, controls smoothing and saves these in the NCJob. He or
other hand, the shortage of qualified personnel have improved and machines have gotten faster. she checks the program in the clamping orienta-
is becoming increasingly critical – for our cus- The market found new life a few years ago: New tion on the virtual machine in Tebis and changes
tomers as well. We therefore wanted to make our high-performance tools like high-feed cutters, a few parameters if necessary. And when the part
software much easier to use. In many cases in the high-performance cutters, barrel cutters (circle- goes to production and the machine is available, HELMUT VERGIN
past, it was necessary to design additional guide segment cutters) and new milling strategies like the user clicks a button to start the processing.
geometries. This was cumbersome and required adaptive roughing have emerged and provide Helmut Vergin has been the product manager for
experience in NC programming, a skill that is many positive arguments in favor of milling as op- CAM/automation processes at Tebis since 2008.
becoming increasingly rare. Especially if users do posed to additive processes. However, many of our The industrial mechanic was responsible for mold
not often work with a specific function, they feel customers are wondering what tools they should manufacturing work preparation in earlier positions
somewhat inhibited in their programming. We be using and when, and what strategies to use with before joining Tebis in 1997, where he initially
have simplified many things in the new release to them. And we want to help them on their way. worked in Support and Quality Assurance. His pro-
remove these inhibitions. file is rounded out by his training as an operations
manager, technical product manager and industrial
More information: marketing manager.


Tebis simulation
Controlling rather than being controlled

The manufacturing environment could not be

precisely simulated without high-precision pro-

cess libraries. But the CNC simulator can do even
more: It checks the complete machining scenario
with all of its dependencies – including tool and
table changes, setups, starting points and connec-

No compromises
tion conditions, limit switch limitations and axis
and traverse movements. The operator controls
the machine at all times. This person controls all Automatic milling with maximum safety distance.
the details of what it will do next. For example,
retract movements must be optimally adapted to
Reliable manufacturing is collision-free manufacturing. And manufac- the manufacturing situation: The real world pre-
cisely follows the movements in the virtual world.
turing quickly means optimally utilizing the machines and accounting
for all components with ideal traversing and retract movements. The Carsten Wurm, head of the CAM programming
team at GEDIA, also has a high regard for the
Tebis CNC simulator unites reliability and speed. precise machining time calculation in this regard:
"(It) … enables us to exchange the sister tools …
Direct connection with fixed C axis with no safety distance.
completely automatically." The machine run times
While searching for a new CAD/CAM system, Digital process libraries for greater reliability There is no tool that cannot be represented in the Other equipment like jaw chucks, steady rests and are determined by assessing the machine cycles
die manufacturer GEDIA Gebrüder Dingerkus Tebis tool library. Precision is key: Tebis accounts tips as well as machine tables, mounted parts and and the processing speed of the control.
GmbH from Attendorn, Germany, had a clear Tebis supports all common machine types from for the contours of the tools with absolute accu- partitions are stored in the unit library. The port-
goal in mind: unattended manufacturing over the various manufacturers on the market and their racy. Modern high-performance tools – like HPC folio also includes virtual clamping devices. The entire process chain at a glance
weekend – which only works if all machines oper- geometrical and kinematic properties. The ma- cutters (high-performance cutting) for roughing,
ate continuously with no interruptions. GEDIA chine library contains more than 800 models in HFC cutters (high-feed cutting) for finishing and The CNC simulator is also a very useful tool for
ultimately chose Tebis. Hermann Geueke, head 3,000 variants – including multi-axis, gun drilling prefinishing and circle-segment cutters for finish- cost estimation and manufacturing planning.
of machining, justifies his decision: "To reduce and multifunction machines, such as turning/ ing – can therefore be used with perfect results. Specifying machines, machine heads and clamp-
ing devices, selecting shuttle tables and dies, de- With user-defined macro and reduced safety distance.
our collision rate to zero and to avoid time-con- drilling machines and lathes with a main and
suming checking after postprocessing, we needed secondary spindle. fining reference points, determining the number
a simulation of the machine model and the tools of machining operations, displaying and avoi-
in the virtual world that had millimeter accura- Virtual machines Virtual tools Virtual units and clamping devices ding potential collisions – this is all done prior
cy." Many CAM systems only simulate the output to NC programming. This lightens the load on
NC code. Only then can the NC programs be ad- the NC programmer, who can focus eclusively on
justed in the control-specific NC format – this is the core task. The programmer uses the libraries
not especially convenient for the NC programmer and the manufacturing knowedge stored in temp-
or the machine operator and requires additional lates to automatically geneate colision-tested NC
communication. Tebis therefore takes another programs.
approach: The NC programs are completely colli-
sion-checked before postprocessing. Essential pre-
requisite: It must be possible to simulate the real The CNC simulator checks all components, all positions and all
manufacturing environment in the virtual CAD/ movements.
CAM world with no ifs, ands or buts. Tebis achieves
this with intelligent process libraries.

More information:



End-to-end Job Manager for all machining Complete simulation and complete NC program
As explained, Tebis rules out collisions with the
The Tebis Job Manager combines all machin- tool components during program calculation for
ing operations for turning, drilling and milling turning/milling. Subsequent collision-checking
needed to produce the workpieces suitable for also examines the machine components like an
manufacturing. The large number of available equipped turret and the traverse paths between
machining functions and strategies ensures that individual toolpaths. This results in an end-to-end
all necessary machining operations can be pro- collision-free NC program for all turning, drilling
grammed, resulting in a complete digital process. and milling operations. The NC program also
With the end-to-end material model, material controls the machine units, including clamping
removal in milling/turning is documented from elements, tailstocks and steady rests.
the blank to the finished part. Then the currently A complete digital representation of the manufac-
available material can be used as the starting point turing environment and virtual-collision check-
for the next machining operation – from turning ing of all machining operations ensure that the
to milling and back again. The blank model is goal is achieved: The machines in real manufac-
used to determine the location of the material to turing operate without interruptions.
be machined for all machining operations with a
high material removal rate. With material track-

Turning and
ing activated, this blank is updated in real time
following each cut. This allows you to visually fol-
low the manufacturing progress at all times and
realistically simulate all machining operations. In
conjunction with the implemented automation,

milling as
the machining functions also automatically find
the geometries to be machined in the part and cal-
culate the toolpaths. This significantly simplifies
manufacturing of similar geometries.

For many parts, especially in mechanical engi- Libraries with digital twins of all manufacturing High reliability with collision-checking

complete machining neering, their manufacturing requires multiple

processes for turning, drilling, 2.5D milling and
3D milling, all the way up to 5-axis simultaneous
milling. Modern complete machining centers for

The part and blank are present as digital elements

in the CAD/CAM process. Special attention must
When calculating the toolpaths, there are differ-
ent strategies for automatically avoiding collisions
between the part and shank and the tool holder,
combined turning and milling are appropriate for be paid to the manufacturing resources that Tebis depending on the function: turning, milling or
Machines that can do turning, milling and drilling reduce machining manufacturing these parts as efficiently as possi- manages as digital twins in libraries. In addition drilling. These include automatic switching to a
changes and reclamping steps and decrease logistics cost en route to ble with few setup operations and machine chang- to the virtual representations of the machines longer tool, automatic avoidance and automatic
es. However, because machines of this type are an with units and clamping devices, the tools also reduction of the machining areas until they are
the finished workpiece. At the same time, precision increases because expensive manufacturing resource, they need to play a special role. All tools for turning, drilling free from collisions. In addition, each machining
turning, drilling and milling are all performed in the same setup. If the deliver a high degree of value creation: In other and milling can therefore be managed in a com- operation can be planned in detail in the digital
words, they must be machining around the clock mon tool library in Tebis. Special tools like shap- representation in order to find the optimal tools
machine has a primary and secondary spindle, parts can be completed at the maximum possible capacity. A current ing, striking and side-milling tools are also sup- and tool tilt directions before calculating NC pro-
on all sides without manual reclamping. However, the safe and efficient study by the WBA Tooling Academy Aachen and ported. All individual components are available grams.
the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technol- to the user in a true-to-life representation – from Additional machining units like a tailstock with a
operation of these options – which allow turning/milling machines to ogy IPT shows that nearly 40 percent of turning the cutter to the tool holder – and are assembled quill or steady rest are frequently used in turning/
be operated with the least possible user intervention and monitoring – programming is performed on controls on idle to form complete tools that enable the perfor- milling. Their use is best specified and controlled
machines. It is therefore recommended that all mance of all collision checks. More details on the using the Tebis Job Manager during NC program-
place special requirements on the CAD/CAM process. processes be first represented digitally and simu- libraries and collision-checking are provided in ming. This avoids subsequent complex adjust-
lated in a CAD/CAM process. This ensures that the article "Tebis simulation technologies" on the ments on the machine.
the part can be machined without interruptions previous two pages.
after clamping the workpiece and the tool changer



In order to manufacture efficiently,

you need quick access to all
relevant data.
[Robert Aulbur, MES division at Tebis AG]

A system

1) Use ProLeiS to automatically

create individual CAD model files
from a complete assembly file:

for digital
for example, for cutting dies.

2) The machine operator only

sees released manufacturing
orders and processes them in

accordance with the sequence
specified in ProLeiS.

Remaining competitive means As a result of digitization, institutions like indus- agement and represent an important step toward Initial results are quickly visible Everything in its place 2)
try association BITKOM and Fraunhofer predict Industry 4.0. This enables companies to manage
more than just producing productivity increases of roughly 25 percent over increasing deadline pressures and tool complexity. There is no doubt: Any company that wants to re- The ProLeiS MDM starter package brings struc-
high-quality parts. Increasing the coming years due to improved order planning main competitive must venture into the world of ture to file management. All manufacturing data
and more transparent manufacturing. However, The key to efficiency digitized manufacturing. "Companies know this. – from the first bill of materials to the last relat-
deadline pressure demands more industries like die and mold manufacturing tra- However, many are still shying away from the ed document – are managed centrally on a sin-
efficient order planning and con- ditionally involve manually intensive processing. The underlying concept of the Tebis ProLeiS MES perceived associated effort," Aulbur says. Based gle server. This eliminates extensive searching
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are application (process, instrumentation and control on his experience, it is best to start out small and for CAD data and other project documents and
trol. This is supported by an MES confronted with the challenges of achieving great- system) is to provide a current and comprehen- then expand. "We know from many projects with avoids to continuously check the data for current
such as ProLeiS: The software er automation and efficiency while still maintain- sive visualization of resources, status, causes of enterprise customer projects with a very wide status. A file cannot be opened and modified si-
ing the highest possible quality and precision. errors and information from all manufacturing range of orientations and market positions that multaneously by more than one employee. The
provides a precise overview of This is no easy task, as the manufacturing process areas. The MES enables automated manufacturing it is easier to embark on the path to digital order costly use of incorrect NC programs in manufac-
manufacturing, enabling more involves many specialists whose work has to be planning based on BOM items. The application control once the process has been launched and turing is a thing of the past.
coordinated in order to remain within the cost gathers data from all areas, from software sys- the customer experiences its immediate success."
flexible planning and more efficient constraints and to ensure quality. tems, processing stations and people, on a server. Tebis has therefore configured the ProLeiS MES
manufacturing. Customized It also networks departments such as manufactur- with starter packages such as Manufacturing Data
On course for Industry 4.0 ing with manufacturing planning or with project Management (MDM) and Machine Data Acquisi-
ProLeiS starter packages provide management. The benefit: greater transparency. tion (MDA) to enable an easy, phased entry. Expe-
easier access to digital manufac- This requires increasingly precise order planning An exact overview of all manufacturing projects is rience has shown that MDM and MDA are a very
and control – and the ProLeiS MES (Manufactur- the key to simplified project planning and greater effective approach because they quickly produce
turing management for small and ing Execution System) is designed for exactly this efficiency. ProLeiS enables users to optimally plan, tangible results. Individual startup scenarios are
medium-sized companies. purpose. "In order to manufacture efficiently, you control and monitor all manufacturing orders, in also possible: for example, through preliminary
need quick access to all relevant data," says Robert the best possible way from the first inquiry to the and detailed planning with a connection to an
Aulbur, responsible for the MES division at Tebis. finished product. existing ERP system.
The ProLeiS MES starter packages give compa-
nies easier access to digital manufacturing man-



Easily find changes Phased expansion from a CAD system. The manufacturing planner
first specifies scheduling milestones for a project.
Detailed view of Jeep Renegade interior.
Controlled access privileges also simplify the The instrument panel and plastic parts are from P.C.M.A. But the ProLeiS MES can do even more. Com- These indicate when which parts have to be fabri-
work, because employees receive the subtasks as- panies have the option of gradually expanding cated in order to start assembly and tryout of the
signed to them with only the corresponding files ProLeiS to the complete MES scope for manu- complete die. They then define the specific CAD/
through role-specific access. These are processed facturing planning and control. The on-time pro- CAM/NC processes that will be used to manufac-
in the specified sequence: Once a task is complet- vision of materials and tools and the integration ture the parts as well as the employees and ma-
ed, the user releases the part for the next work of third parties also unleash enormous potential chines that will do the work. In this case, too, task
step. Changes, including subsequent changes by and help companies increase their profitability," templates simplify the work in the subsequent
the customer, are documented in the log, which is Aulbur explains. Initial successes are often seen manufacturing steps.
visible to all. ProLeiS saves time and nerves: The as soon as all of the machines are connected and
Tebis Splitter splits CAD assembly files into indi- data management is working. "As soon as our Success through digitization
vidual Tebis CAD manufacturing files at the click enterprise customers recognize how simple and
of a button. The modified areas are directly indi- effective the first step to digital order processing Company owners, project managers and manu-
cated in an automatic comparison between the is, most of them immediately take the next step," facturing managers always have an overview of
old and new versions. Overall, companies acceler- says Aulbur. all processes in ProLeiS MES. They can identify
ate their manufacturing processes and minimize impending faults in advance and can quickly re-
errors with the MDM starter package. Plan precisely, deliver on time spond on different levels. Digitized manufacturing
with reliable analyses available in real time – in
Increase machine capacity Manufacturing planning is usually the next focal conjunction with networked departments – repre-
point. The project manager manages all planning sents an essential tool for optimizing and auto-
The second MDA starter package has the ma- tasks in the ProLeiS MES. First, the user prepares mating manufacturing processes. ProLeiS repre-
chines as its focal point. Companies obtain a preliminary planning based on customer-specific sents the software platform for this and supports
better picture of their actual machine use as well planning templates and determines whether suf- efficient and on-time manufacturing. This enables
as historical data. The key elements are a virtual ficient resources are available to accept the order. even SMEs to deal with an increasingly complex
diagram of the manufacturing building and the Detailed planning starts with an import of the manufacturing world and to secure part of the pre-
integration of various machine controls. A traffic bill of materials, which is imported from Excel or dicted productivity increases for their operations.
light system shows the operating state of the ma-
chines in real time, both on screen and on mo-
bile devices. This is supplemented by transparent
access to all key data, including current machine
status, machine statistics, run times, setup time
and faults. An analysis enables users to identify
frequent causes of errors and to correct them in

Control center
a timely manner. The MDA starter package thus
makes manufacturing more reliable. Companies
become more flexible and increase their machine

Automatically prepared statistics (shown here for manufacturing times and Digital manufacturing management: Every aspect of order processing can be
downtimes) enable comparison of manufacturing data and make decisions digitized with ProLeiS. Higher-level networking offers greater transparency for
for process optimization easier and more understandable. better planning and control of single-part manufacturing.


Shaping the future

What is the “Marktspiegel Werkzeugbau”? How is the “Marktspiegel” report prepared? How is the “Marktspiegel” industry and trend
report compiled?
The "Marktspiegel Werkzeugbau" is a joint initia- The report is based on data from participating
tive by Tebis AG, the GINDUMAC used machin- companies. The members of the initiative are ana- This is a comprehensive general report that will
ery platform, and the VDWF. The survey collects lyzed annually in four areas: be published by the initiative every two years for
and analyzes data from member companies and 1. Company performance indicators the Moulding Expo beginning in 2019. It contains
INDUSTRY Where do I stand with my company? Where do our strengths lie, and anonymizes and publishes them as a market re- 2. Production, organization, processes the BINDEX (industry index) and is based on
B IS 4 port. Over the long term, this will lead to greater 3. Marketing, communication, sales anonymized evaluations from the ZINDEX. The
what are our weaknesses? Are we on the right path to the future of


market transparency and will allow valuable in- 4. Digitization, automation "Marktspiegel" therefore reflects developments in
Industry 4.0? And if not, what do we have to do? The VDWF (German dustry trends to be identified. the industry and serves as a trend barometer.
The initiative evaluates the results and generates
Association of Tool and Mold Manufacturers) and Tebis provide the the ZINDEX (future index) and key performance What is done with the data?
What goals is the initiative pursuing?
orientation that was often missing in the past, with measures that include indicators for a comparison of companies.
To provide an orientation and comparability, the The collected company data belongs solely to the
an Industry 4.0 readiness assessment and the die manufacturing participating companies. They provide the data
initiative will inform the industry about develop- What information does the report provide?
market survey. ments in die, mold and model manufacturing. It only to prepare the "Marktspiegel." The data are
has developed performance indicators that can be In addition to the ZINDEX, each company re- managed by a neutral trustee who anonymizes
Die, model and mold manufacturers have always path to digitization. Tebis has also played a key used as a new industry standard. Companies will ceives a confidential report section. It provides in- them before passing them on. The "Marktspiegel
had to compete in the international market. Flexi- role in establishing the "Marktspiegel Werkzeugbau" be able to use these indicators to rank themselves sight into the company’s development level based Werkzeugbau e.G." association ensures that the
bility is an important prerequisite for successfully (die manufacturing market survey) initiative. The relative to their competition. The report is a reli- on recorded data and includes recommended ac- data are safe and in good hands.
shaping the future. But the basic orientation is of- goal: to promote the future viability of die, model able and realistic source to use for management tions for key decisions for the future. Managing
ten lacking: What direction should we take? What and mold manufacturing. All die, model and mold measures. directors can use this information to derive spe-
measures are right for us? As an industry expert, manufacturers can now participate. You can regis- cific measures.
Tebis has long supported its customers on their ter on the German website:


The air is full of tension, and you can hear a pin The long-established Swiss company had its ori- perts built on their assessment by working with
drop as German TV presenter Eva-Maria Lemke gins in foundry model making and was operated Kaspar Hürlimann to develop a new target mar-
announces the winner. "And the winner is … Tebis as a family business for three generations. When ket strategy. In addition to management consult-
Consulting!" Seven people with beaming faces Kaspar Hürlimann took over the helm as Manag- ing, the concept included employee training and
mount the podium at the award ceremony on ing Director, Formbar AG specialized primarily coaching sessions as well as parallel implementa-
November 20 and revel in the applause. The tension in large orders from the foundry industry. But tion. The Swiss workers also took the process op-
has vanished; the team stands in the spotlight, revenues were not developing as expected. The timization advice to heart.
happy and relieved. "We awaited the results from tough market and price situation and increasing
the jury with great excitement," says Jens Lüdtke, outsourcing to Eastern Europe had resulted in The result: a clear plus in efficiency and process
head of Tebis Consulting. "Of course, we were a decreased utilization of capacity. This was com- reliability. Machine run time was doubled using
bit uncertain about whether the jury would give plicated by the fact that only 30 percent of the the same personnel. Thanks to the resulting flex-
our customer project the same high marks we did. model and mold manufacturer's activity was in ibility, Formbar acquired new customers: In ad-
We are very proud to have won first place as "Best the Swiss market: Large fluctuations in the Euro/ dition to casting models, the company now also
of Consulting Mittelstand 2018." Swiss Franc exchange rate resulted in more losses. manufactures parts for the motor sports, aero-
"It was a very difficult time then, and many told space and automotive industries. It benefits from
Kaspar Hürlimann, managing director of Form- me that I could not do it," recalls Hürlimann. He the enormous wealth of experience of its employ-
bar AG, was also delighted – long before the quickly realized that the product portfolio had to ees and the versatility of its machinery. Sales were
award ceremony. That’s because the customer be expanded if the company was to get back on increased by 70 percent and profits by 40 percent.
project involved the repositioning of his company. track for success. The company is now also viably positioned for the
future in the Swiss market. The managing director

The skilled model builder finally stumbled across summarizes: "Our customers are convinced by the
Tebis – almost by chance. "We wanted to be faster quality of our products and our on-time delivery.
and better. To do this, we had to orient ourselves Tebis has certainly played a large role in enabling
more toward process thinking and identify po- us to work so efficiently today."
tentials for optimization. Where are our strengths

and weaknesses? How can we most effectively
utilize our machinery and employees?" explains
Tebis Consulting gave us outstanding Hürlimann. Tebis Consulting started with a com-
support. It is really great that the team prehensive analysis at Formbar AG. The Tebis ex-
has been recognized for our success.
It shows that we chose the right
We are outstanding, and not just for our customers and employees: consultant.
The WirtschaftsWoche (WiWo) magazine has also recognized us. Our [Kaspar Hürlimann, Managing Director, Formbar AG, Switzerland]
Kaspar Hürlimann and Jens Lüdtke, IN A NUTSHELL
consulting team put itself in an unusual position: Tebis Consulting “Best of Consulting Mittelstand”
award ceremony.

Presentation of the “Best of Con- exposed itself to scrutiny from the outside. This was an exciting shift in The project competition
sulting Mittelstand” award to the
Tebis Consulting team headed by orientation, but it was ultimately successful – a jury of scientists repre- The WirtschaftsWoche magazine started the
Jens Lüdtke.
senting the industry selected us for “Best of Consulting Mittelstand "Best of Consulting" competition nine years ago.
Since then, the well-known business magazine
2018” (award for medium-sized companies) in the “competitive strate- issues one of the most comprehensive con-
gies” category. sultancy surveys in Germany every year, and
now also includes medium-size companies.
Consulting companies can compete with up to
three customer projects in various categories.
A scientific advisory board and jury review the
success of each project. The evaluation is based
on quantitative and qualitative criteria – such
as the effect on operating results, market and
industry expertise, and customer satisfaction –
and nominate the top three winners.



Parametric/associative design – is it worth it? Quickly achieving goals with individual templates What our project partners are saying

But is parametric/associative design really worth In addition to Grosch CAD/CAM-Dienstleistun-

it for everyone? Changing a dimension, rounding gen, ten other Tebis customers in various indus-
an edge, extending and cutting surfaces, expanding tries are currently testing the prototype, including
topologies… Many employees in design and manu- Modellbau Nachtigall GmbH and Schürfeld Um-
facturing preparation will say that they can quickly formtechnik GmbH. However, testing the soft- We use layer blanks to mill the 3D
complete these tasks without using parameters. ware is not the only goal of this project partner- models for a mold. In the past, we had
ship. Special templates with which repetitive tasks
Taken as a whole, however, these seemingly minor can be easily automated are being developed for
to create levels for them, adjust the
tasks require a huge amount of work. For example, each company – the users don’t need to expend level separation distance if necessary,
Johannes Grosch, managing director at Johannes any effort on the design logic or the development smooth, offset and round the curves,
Grosch CAD/CAM-Dienstleistungen, Germany, history of the part.
who is currently testing the Tebis prototype, can
create the bottom and side surfaces
now position the dial indicator supports on his In a nutshell: Parametric/associative design is use- and finally copy the bottom surfaces
test gauges three times as quickly as before. An- ful for those who receive modifications, who want for the cover surfaces and create a
other advantage: The overall design is automati- to automate repetitive design process steps and
cally checked for plausibility. This ensures that who work with different variants and interme-
topology. All of this is now partially
nothing important is forgotten and that surface diate design status – and nearly every company automated using the template we
Whether it’s design, manufacturing transitions and connections still fit together after meets at least one of these criteria. developed with Tebis. We can easily
changes are made. Potential collisions can also be
preparation or NC programming: detected sooner.
change the design of the layer model
Only through automated and stan- And with the right templates, it is also very easy blank at any time.
to design and subsequently change the model. All [Marcel Wanders, CAD/CAM Department Head,
dardized processes can it be en- steps are saved in the structure tree and can be Modellbau Nachtigall GmbH, Germany]

sured that procedures are fast and reproduced at any time.

reliable and that the implemented

tools can be easily used. The as-

with Tebis
sociative/parametric design avail-
able starting with Tebis Version 4.1
represents a clear breakthrough
in this regard. The time savings is

simpler than ever

Practical applications Our initial impression of the Tebis
enormous. prototype is completely positive: If we
Reducing radii for a core box
change engravings or parts, we now
Reduce the radius in the context menu. Breaking up a topology, extending surfaces, achieve our goal faster. For example,
The radius changes all around; all transitions combining flanks in a topology and round – we now reduce radii with a few clicks
So what exactly is parametric/associative design? fit together. none of these steps are necessary anymore.
"Parametric" initially means simply that element
without having to extend the surfaces
parameters like length, radius and direction can again. Another advantage is that 2D
be changed later. "Associative" describes the mu- contours can be easily created us-
tual interdependence of the elements: If one ele-
ment is changed, other elements are immediately
ing the "Sketch" function. This also
adjusted automatically, with no additional design enables us to quickly modify the 3D
effort. All components of the part are interlinked – geometries derived from them.
there is no faster way to set up and modify a model. [Andreas Kaltefleiter, Head of CAD/CAM and Machining,
Schürfeld Umformtechnik GmbH, Germany]



Practical applications

Instead of four minutes, I now only need one minute to

position a dial indicator support on a test gauge. Adding up
Clamping mold parts the tasks, this means: What used to take me a day and a
Create and position any number of mold parts.
half of work now takes just four hours.
[Johannes Grosch, Managing Director at Johannes Grosch CAD/CAM-Dienstleistungen, Germany]

Positioning dial indicator supports for a test

gauge using templates

Import template for dial indicator support with

probe, mounting bush, indicator and subtraction
bodies for support and base plate …

Automatically reposition mold parts with all the … adjust angle according to specifications …
required pockets.

… transform dial indicator support.



When Heinz Schwarz decided to start as an entre- An outside perspective Clear milestones and responsibilities
preneur in 1964, he found everything he needed
to get started on his parents’ property: The garage Schwarz GmbH has relied on Tebis CAD/CAM Clear and realistic goals were set and assigned to
and henhouse were quickly converted to a shop software for 2.5D and 3D programming since subprojects, along with milestones and responsi-
and office. But the pragmatic young man could 1995. One reason is the large number of available bilities. The goal was to significantly reduce ex-
hardly have dreamed at that time that the com- milling strategies that contribute to successful penditures for preparing the exact solids and for
pany bearing his name would become one of the milling quality: Because Schwarz has increasing- NC programming. Another goal was to improve
largest independent die manufacturers in Germa- ly specialized in the visible parts of the vehicle parallel setup.
ny. With its roughly 300 employees, the compa- over the course of time, a high surface quality
ny has now established itself as a reliable partner is absolutely essential. Tebis also provides many
to the automotive industry, commercial vehicle solutions for transparently storing machining
manufacturing and agriculture. In addition to information in the system, thereby making it ac-
classic die manufacturing, it offers everything cessible to all employees. The die manufacturer
from complete development to series manufac- has also been benefiting from the advantages of Tebis provides comprehensive process
turing. Such an accomplishment requires perse- Tebis morphing technologies since 2011. When it
verance. The 2008 financial crisis was certainly came to bringing an objective partner on board to
consulting and has precise knowledge
the most severe test Heinz Schwarz GmbH has optimize the processes, the choice was Tebis. Die- of our industry.
had to undergo to date. The family business was drichsen remarks, "Tebis provides comprehensive [Diedrich Diedrichsen, Managing Director]
close to the end at that time. process consulting and has precise knowledge of
our industry. No one else can offer this combi-
Navigating the crisis nation." What followed was an unmatched joint These tasks could in turn be linked to specific
This can’t be done without a
motivated team … project management that ended with clearly mea- measures. The key words here are preparation of

Heinz Schwarz
First-class products, a stable customer base and surable results. the small parts in exact solids with Tebis, consis-
especially a team of experienced and well-trained tent use of Tebis simulation, automation of 2.5D
specialists, however, led a group of investors Standardizing the small parts process machining with variable features and program-
headed by Oliver Kesseböhmer to place their be- ming with standardized templates and process

GmbH & Co. KG

lief in the future of the company. In early 2013, "In the first project, 'Process standardization and libraries. To make the changes measurable, actual
the consortium acquired all business areas and productivity in the small parts process,' we want- conditions were recorded at the start of the project.
provided the new managing directors, Diedrich ed to reduce the time input by employees and en-

Clearly thrilled
Diedrichsen and Henrik Minnich. Much was able multiple machine operation," Theile-Wielage
done in the following years to return the company summarizes. The project, divided into three proj-
We all like to talk about the golden to success: Heinz Schwarz GmbH invested many ect phases – "Analysis and assessment," "Imple-
rules of business success. Some millions in a tryout center and acquired new ma- mentation" and "Conclusion and evaluation" – ran Tebis simulation methods are also used in planning. The indicated
chines for small parts manufacturing. Starting in from September 2015 until March 2016. Working calculation times in the small parts process are accurate down to the
rely on solid data and clear struc- minute, and kinematics and tool-specific cutting data are fully applica-

and measurably
2015, the focus was on improving processes in with Tebis, discussions were conducted across ble in practice – these are all essential prerequisites for manufacturing
tures, while others prefer to stick small parts manufacturing. departments to evaluate solutions for each pro- with less employee effort, including nights and weekends.
cess step, to locate weaknesses and to determine
with the “gut feeling” of an experi- Gut feeling meets data where potential existed. "It quickly became clear
enced workforce. Die manufacturer that we had to take action in active surface design

Initially, the key was to reconcile solid data with and NC programming if we wanted to make any
Heinz Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG the "gut feeling" of the participants. "We were all improvements," says the division manager. "Small
in Preußisch Oldendorf, Germany, in agreement that everything was taking too parts preparation was extremely cumbersome.
long," recalls Anne Theile-Wielage, division man- And there were umpteen different templates in
has managed to reconcile both ager for Mechanical Manufacturing. "Active sur- programming – the programmers and machine
factors – with the result that the face design took too long, NC programming took operators had to constantly discuss them."
too long, setup took too long, machining took too
company has been able to enor- long and the machines were standing idle too fre-
mously increase its productivity in quently. But in terms of 'why,' opinions diverged."
What was missing was a set of data that everyone
small parts machining since 2016. could understand. An objective outside perspec-
tive is extremely useful in this kind of situation.


With Tebis’ industry expertise, we were able to improve the

Gut feeling
meets data
overall die quality.
[Diedrich Diedrichsen, Managing Director]

Goals surpassed Front-loading active surface Interview with Diedrich Diedrichsen, managing director of Heinz
IN A NUTSHELL Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG since 2013, on successful process changes
The overall project was very carefully documented. Since productivity was so greatly improved in
The individual steps could therefore be reliably the small parts process, in the summer of 2016, in the company.
For more than 50 years, Heinz Schwarz
evaluated. Theile-Wielage is delighted: "We have the company also embarked on optimizing the
GmbH & Co. KG in Preussisch Oldenburg has
far exceeded our initial goals. This is the case for large parts process in active surface design. Ste-
been a well-known manufacturer of blanking,
small parts preparation and NC programming as fan Ardelt, division manager for Engineering and Mr. Diedrichsen, productivity at Heinz Schwarz But? Now, truthfully, Mr. Diedrichsen: Is it really that
progressive, multi-stage and transfer dies for
well as parallel setup; reduced-personnel manu- Design, says: "Up to that point, we had only used GmbH & Co. KG has increased enormously since Many gut decisions are good. But it wasn't possible simple? When a traditional company is in the red,
the automotive industry, commercial vehicle
facturing and multiple machine operation have Tebis for overbending in design; now we wanted 2016, especially in the small parts process. in this case to get a real handle on the problem. a group of investors takes the helm and compre-
manufacturing and agriculture. The product
also become a standard element of our small parts to use the software for the entire active surface de- Expenditures for active surface preparation has There were different department perspectives; every- hensive changes are imminent, which creates a
spectrum includes everything from classic die
production." sign." In this context, "Front-loading with active decreased significantly, as has costs for NC pro- one had a slightly different opinion about the lot of uncertainty among employees. But don’t
manufacturing and complete development to
The expenditures for preparing the exact solids surface preparation" means designing sheet-met- gramming. With the reduction in downtime, you matter. We were also missing an objective outside objective statistics and analyses as well as key
the series production of parts. With roughly
and for NC programming were also significant- al thinning, pressure and spot-facing surfaces as produce your parts much faster than two years perspective. Before any decisions could be made, words like standardization and automation make
300 employees, the company ranks among
ly reduced. "We now produce roughly 70 percent well as all radii directly in the active surface: NC ago. Overall, you’ve been able to significantly we had to discuss everything with Tebis and place employees even more suspicious? Nobody wants
the largest independent die manufacturers in
of the small parts from solid material using tem- programming now uses exact active surfaces that reduce the employee effort in producing your our observations on a sound basis. Trust your in- to be just a cog in the wheel.
plates," Theile-Wielage says. "The proportion of are matched and optimized for each individual products. You have also started some improve- tuition and use it, but check it with rational think- It was difficult, especially in the beginning. Every-
parallel setup has also been increased. We have part. Now only six employees design the active ments in large parts manufacturing. So tell us, ing and logic! one had their own individual work methods, and
noticeably reduced the employee effort required surfaces – using Tebis exclusively. how did you manage this? they managed very well using them in their own
for the product. This has an immediate effect When I took over management at Schwarz in early And what was the result? areas. Why would they want to change that? But
on throughput: We now manufacture at least 50 The entire process chain at a glance 2013, the situation was not very good for the com- After the analysis, we had solid numbers on how we were able to demonstrate very quickly that we
percent more parts compared to 2015, when we pany. This was certainly tied to the after-effects of much time was needed for active surface design, could be more productive with more standard-
started the small parts project. And this trend is The importance of collaboration across depart- the 2008 financial crisis. When evaluating our programming, setup and machining as well as for ization and automation. That's the big disadvan-
continuing." ments becomes especially clear again: "What hap- improvements, you also have to consider where method development, assembly and tryout. We tage of gut decisions: They're difficult at best for
pens in the active surface has a very big impact on we started. Small and large parts manufacturing knew exactly where the weak points were. others to understand. Employees, colleagues and
the downstream process steps," Ardelt explains. were definitely taking too long. It was important supervisors can only support decisions and help
"Even if active surface preparation initially takes to find out where the problems were in our inter- What measures did you derive from the analysis? to implement them if they can understand them.
somewhat longer – the time requirement for ■ In order to optimize the procedures,
nal procedures. And that requires a solid analysis. We set clear goals for each of these areas. For small That can be achieved with data and analysis. We
processes were analyzed, measures
programming and especially for fitting the die I like to quote the American statistician William parts, we wanted to achieve these goals by prepar- brought everyone affected in all departments on
derived and implemented.
in tryout is so greatly reduced that, in general, it Edwards Deming, who was a true pioneer in the ing the small parts as exact solids and by intro- board and dealt openly and honestly with the
has already yielded a positive result to the bottom field of quality management at the beginning of ducing Tebis template technology, with the help of challenges. But to be honest, we still continue to
line. With Tebis' industry expertise, we were able ■ The focus was on more efficient the last century: "In God we trust; all others must Tebis implementation. This would enable parallel have discussions if things don't go as planned.
preparation of the small parts, consistent
to improve overall die quality. The surfaces are so bring data." setup and the operation of multiple machines. For Organizational development is a marathon, not a
utilization of the Tebis simulation
precise that machining with efficient HFC tools large parts, we wanted to design the active surfac- sprint.
technologies and automation of 2.5D
is no problem. We will continue to work together So you’re not a big fan of gut feeling? es entirely with Tebis. Overall, standards and au-
and make adjustments in order to become more No, actually I am. It is not just pure technical tomation became particularly important.
efficient." knowledge that makes a good employee; knowing
■ Thanks to the optimization measures, intuitively exactly what has to be done in a partic-
reduced-personnel manufacturing and
ular situation is critical. This is only possible after
multiple machine operation have since
many years of experience.
Active surface and solid geometry can be combined in a single part become a standard element of our small
with the “Exact Solid Preparation” add-on. Similar parts are combined parts production.
in categories for which automated NC programs can be created.


Collaboration across departments is a big prob- So the outside perspective is important? Once a small workshop, the company has worked
lem in many companies. You need someone who provides unbiased assis-
its way to the top in the mold manufacturing sector
There can be no progress without mutual un- tance throughout the process and who brings you
derstanding. This has proven true in the active back down to earth with open and honest criti- in less than one generation. The necessary efficiency

Tool & Mold

surface process in particular. After small parts, cism, if necessary.
is achieved with Tebis as an end-to-end system in
we also implemented a new active surface pro-
cess. Active surface design is right at the begin- And Tebis does that for you? manufacturing.
ning of the process chain. Our goal is to include Software is now a large part of our investment
as many product details as possible in the design budget and operating costs. All partners in this

heads for the

of the active surface. This means more work for area are therefore important partners for ongoing Since its founding in 2001, Integrity Tool & Mold Inc. in Oldcastle, Canada,
design in the first step. If the designers only see development. However, Tebis certainly has the has built on design, the latest technology and continuous improvements –
their own area, of course you need to expect to additional advantage that these colleagues know and that has paid for itself. Additional locations in Pulaski, USA, and Quere-
meet with resistance. However, when they discov- the industry and know what's important in pro- taro, Mexico, have since been opened. Over 600 employees worldwide – 360

top with Tebis

er that this approach pays off many times over in cess optimization. This includes consulting, anal- of those in Canada – now produce roughly 400 injection molds per year with
NC programming, and especially in tryout and ysis and sound training of employees as well as over 100 spindles in a total production space of about 24,000 square meters.
die assembly, they understand the big picture and support in implementing specific software solu-
go along with the changes. Daily work is simply tions. We have met regularly and jointly reviewed "Integrity began using Tebis on a large scale in 2011," explains Vernon
more pleasant when people communicate better our development. Of course, not every function is Benson, account manager at Tebis America Inc. "They had the strategic
and more frequently. suitable for each application – but we're working vision of a central software that would be comprehensive enough to cov-
on it. er the entire process, thereby opening up many advantages. Their research
The major importance of the “soft” factors… revealed that Tebis is just that software. They were fascinated by the new
Again, it's all about the employees. Of course, We have often discussed the fact that both hard possibilities." Like simulation, for example. "It is crucial that we check our
there are always individual cases where we have to and soft factors affect each other mutually. So programs carefully and under realistic conditions before we use them in
depart from the standards and react quickly and what’s your conclusion? manufacturing," says Ryan Hotchkiss, head of manufacturing at Integrity.
flexibly. There is no substitute for an employee Both data and gut feeling lay the groundwork for Integrity Tool & Mold has an impressive footprint of over 24,000 square "Tebis makes this possible, enabling us to manufacture unattended with no
meters and more than 100 spindles at three locations: Oldcastle
and his or her experience in these cases. I often successful optimization projects. We view our re- concerns. A few years ago," he adds, "we were using an external simulation
(Canada), Pulaski (USA) and Queretaro (Mexico).
use the metaphor of a highway: There are multiple lationship with Tebis as a long-term partnership software that did not allow us to manufacture unattended on a larger scale."
lanes, and it makes sense to use all of them. And for viably increasing the efficiency of our large
if a situation demands something out of the ordi- and small parts process. You said it yourself at the
nary, we might also have to expand the median, beginning: We've been able to significantly reduce
stop traffic in the opposite lane and use an extra employee effort in producing the product and
lane – but we need rules and very clear communi- have again become competitive in this area.
cation to achieve this.
Mr. Diedrichsen, thank you for this
So what’s your recipe for success, in a nutshell? conversation.
First: Be deliberate in including both "young
blood" and "old hands" across all department
boundaries. Second: Objectively standardize gut
feeling with a joint analysis of the current situa-
tion. Third: Define goals from the bottom up and
agree on these internally as well as externally.
Fourth: Ensure uncompromising transparency.
Fifth: Implement stringent project management,
including evaluation of success. And last but not
least: Engage a strong partner with a neutral out-
side perspective.

Diedrich Diedrichsen at the Tebis

Open House in 2017.


What’s different now? Broad base and intensive collaboration Although the software has successfully proven it-
self, the Tebis team knows that you can't just im-
Tebis simulation technology represents entire ma- Integrity has over 80 Tebis workstations and uses plement a software system and hope that it works.
chining sequences in a virtual machine environ- a large selection of Tebis products in addition to Long-term success comes from working together
ment. With Tebis, users can optimize machine op- the Simulator, including Mold and Die industry to solve problems and achieve new results. Tebis
eration and detect and avoid potential collisions packages, Collision Avoidance, Viewer NC, Sur- also receives very good marks in this area. "The
between the part and tool geometry. This is espe- face Morphing, Reverse Engineering, Electrode service quality is outstanding," says Hotchkiss.
cially useful for 5-axis milling, which is becoming Preparation and 5-Axis Milling, just to name a "We have a meeting about continuous improve-
increasingly important for Integrity. "Before cal- few. In addition to the capabilities of the software, ments once a month with the team from Integ-
culating an NC program," says John Kowalczyk, Ryan Hotchkiss sees the great advantage of the rity," says Kowalczyk. "We discuss problems and
senior manager of Global Strategic Accounts at collaboration between Integrity and Tebis in the think about the next steps. We know that Integrity
Tebis America, "the tool tilt angle can be analyzed fact that it provides a comprehensive process from will continue to grow and will be looking for new
in detail, also accounting for head geometry and the CAD data to the final product, based on a sin- approaches for the process and for machining, be-
machine kinematics. The tool holder components gle software system. cause they are in a leading position in these areas
defined in the Tebis tool library are also included and we want to support them in that role."
in the collision avoidance calculations, and the 1) "We were able to improve efficiency by using a sin-
Tebis Simulator checks all machine components gle end-to-end system for the entire manufactur-
and limit switches." Ryan Hotchkiss, head of manufacturing (left), and Tyler Upham, ing process," says Hotchkiss. "This means that we
NC programmer, check Tebis and automatic machining on a
Promac Sharav GVT 5-axis machine.
can find everything in just one file. Working with
This reliable simulation provides many advantages. multiple files in different programs is time-con-
As already mentioned, Tebis enables unattended suming and error-prone. Many processes can be
manufacturing, which saves time and reduces automated using Tebis. These advantages come
costs. Tebis also helps prevent tool damage and to bear especially when there are design chang-
expensive repairs to machines due to collisions es." Also, he adds, new employees can be trained
and reduces setup and machine run time. The We were able to improve efficiency by using a single more easily.
simulation also supports order costing and pro-
end-to-end system for the entire manufacturing process.
vides important functions for planning and coor-
[Ryan Hotchkiss, Head of Manufacturing at Integrity Tool & Mold]

Kowalczyk mentions another advantage of ful-

ly integrated simulation in Tebis that is often flect the actual manufacturing environment and facturing thanks to multiple setups and tool
overlooked. Simulation using software from manufacturing knowledge. All tools, machines matching." The key words are simplification and 2)
■ Integrity Tool & Mold has grown by leaps
third-party providers forces the user to export the and clamping devices are stored there along with speed. These are advantages for every manufac- and bounds and now has more than 600
1) Jason Henderson, NC programmer and
data from the CAD/CAM system and then load it their geometric and technical properties. This turing operation, but especially for a company like user, on the Fidia GTF 35 5-axis machine. employees, more than 100 spindles and
and check it in the simulation software. If prob- makes the work easier for NC programmers, Integrity that has grown very quickly, because it is manufactures 400 injection molds per year.
2) Davide Savio, plant manager (left), and
lems occur, the steps have to be repeated until the because they can specify the right machine, the often difficult to find qualified programmers. Bobby Charron, NC programmer, check the
errors are corrected. "As a result," says Kowalczyk, optimal setup and the appropriate tools as well as programming in Tebis. ■ Integrity uses over 80 Tebis workstations
"programming slows down and the error sources feed rates and speeds in this virtual environment. Of course, a faster and simpler process that results and has all the functions required for mold
multiply. This is not the case with the integrated "The program is essentially written in advance," in a mediocre product would be no good. Fortu- manufacturing.
system from Tebis." says Benson. nately, this is not the case with Tebis. "Program- The service quality at Tebis
ming with Tebis is world-class," says Hotchkiss. ■ Stable and fully integrated simulation in
Fast and easy, thanks to automation Hotchkiss adds: "In Tebis, our programmers can "This is an extremely powerful manufacturing is outstanding. Tebis enables Integrity to use unattended
[Ryan Hotchkiss, Head of Manufacturing at Integrity Tool & Mold]
work based on features and can use templates to software that is based on surfaces and not on manufacturing on a large scale.
But the Tebis process at Integrity consists of more standardize the preparation of similar programs. simplified meshes. Our products are highly com-
than just simulation, even if that is very important. They are also supported by stable algorithms that plex, and we need a software that supports this. ■ Automation in the manufacturing
"Automation in Tebis, for example, programming enable faster preparation and programming, even The surface-based concept from Tebis is the right environment and manufacturing knowledge
with templates, is extremely valuable for us," says for large parts and complex geometries. We can solution – and it creates surfaces at outstanding in templates results in easier and faster NC
Hotchkiss. The automation he is talking about is also accelerate NC programming with parallel quality." Programming with Tebis is programming.
enabled by the Tebis process libraries. They re- calculations. And we save a lot of time in manu- world-class.
[Ryan Hotchkiss, Head of Manufacturing at Integrity Tool & Mold] ■ The process at Integrity is being continuously
improved through an ongoing collaboration
with Tebis.


invenio GmbH
Investment in the future Reuschel explains. "Tebis can't be beat here, the Automation is the key
surface quality is great." But they still sensed that
This is not to say that Reuschel was able to land they had not yet explored all potentials. There- Five years after the beginning of the collaboration,
in a feathered nest. The challenge in 2005 was fore, someone from Tebis Implementation was Reuschel wants to take it a step further: "Automa-

Engineering Services
to establish a strong and competitive site on es- brought to the company for the first time in 2012. tion is the key for achieving a sustainable posi-
sentially virgin territory during a period of in- tion in the market. What Tebis has to offer here
tense competition and rising cost pressure. The The right partner matters is amazing." Their processes were closely scruti-
machinery is now ready to take on all manufac- nized along with Tebis. The result: The company is
turing tasks. This includes 5-axis simultaneous "We wanted to be sure that we were using the well-positioned – but the automatic functions are

Flexible and solution-oriented

milling machines as well as a universal milling software optimally and configuring and imple- not being reflected one-to-one in manufacturing.
machine for 5-sided machining, three 3-axis menting it precisely in line with our needs," says This close collaboration entails helping the busi-
machines, five CNC lathes and three 3D measur- Reuschel. "The Tebis employees have a great deal ness to help itself. Process libraries and templates
ing machines in an air-conditioned measuring of experience and take a very process-oriented will be carefully analyzed by Tebis Implementa-
room. Practices including a three-shift operation approach. After only two days, we had a signifi- tion. The results will yield specific measures that
ensure that even rush orders are quickly com- cantly better understanding of how processes can invenio will implement on its own. The initial
German innovation prize, top career opportunities and other awards: pleted. Reuschel and his team are very pleased be automated using Tebis." As a result, the process expenditure pays for itself later many times over,"
Leading automotive manufacturers as well as companies in medical technology, house- with the CAD/CAM software: invenio has relied libraries were built independently, especially the says Reuschel. "We feel very well cared-for and
solely on Tebis for its NC programming since tool library, including cutting data. in good hands with Tebis, in terms of software as
hold appliances and equipment manufacturing rely on the expertise of invenio, a global the early 1990s. "Especially when manufacturing well as services,” summarizes the team manager
engineering solution provider. What is the recipe for success of this medium-size compa- complex parts, everything has to fit; accuracies from Nauheim.
and tolerances have to be in perfect alignment,"
ny, which scores just well with its own employees as it does with German industry? Team Manager Andre Reuschel
and Production Engineer Martin
Mayer discuss future steps.

A visit to the Nauheim manufacturing site offers

an impressive look at how invenio handles chal-
lenges. This division specializes in prototypes, series
and contract production as well as in the manu-
facturing of gauges, measuring fixtures, models
and castings. Many of the 40 members of the team
have interdisciplinary expertise and more than 20 ■ invenio, founded in 1986 as a traditional
years of experience in mechanical manufacturing engineering office by engineer Alfred
and in model, gauge and prototype manufactur- Keschtges in Rüsselsheim, Germany, has
ing. If desired, the engineering unit can take on grown over the years to become an
overall project management – from consulting on international group of companies. It has
costs, deadlines and quality factors all the way to successfully positioned itself in the market
technical implementation. with four divisions: development,
industrialization, software and consulting.
When asked about their recipe for success, it's no
surprise that Andre Reuschel, team manager in ■ invenio provides the highest level of
Nauheim since 2005, speaks first about his em- engineering and technology services and is
ployees: "Our collaboration is characterized by known for its reliability, short lead time and
flat hierarchies and short decision paths. With a Tebis can’t be beat here; the outstanding quality.
mixture of diligence, willingness to take risks and surface quality is great.
an entrepreneurial mindset, we establish ideal [Andre Reuschel, Team Manager, invenio GmbH ■ With 21 locations around the world – 12 in
conditions for covering a broad range of offerings Engineering Services] Germany and nine internationally – the
while responding in a flexible and solution-ori- company has more than 1,500 employees,
ented manner to new conditions and special cus- with 600 of them working in Germany.
tomer requirements," says Reuschel.
First steps with Tebis:
Trainer Raimund Dinyer shows
NC programmer Andreas
Scheuermann benefits from
■ Alfred Keschtges is now Chairman of the
trainee Armin Kajevic how NC automated feature technology
Supervisory Board of invenio AG, with Kai F.
programming works with Tebis. in 2.5D machining. Wißler serving as the Managing Director.


Modern high-performance tools Time savings on such a scale are impressive. So Adaptive roughing with HPC tools
it's no surprise that many are interested in HPC
are extremely powerful. Time
and circle-segment cutters. We had well over 100 Time savings of more than 60 percent
savings of more than 60 percent registrations just for our webinar on the subject

more efficiently
of high-performance tools last September. We In adaptive roughing, the path layout is auto-
can be quickly realized in adaptive
wanted to know the exact figures and asked the matically adapted to the geometry without full-
roughing with HPC (high- perfor- participants whether they are currently using cut machining. Thanks to the large depth of cut A comparison of HPC and 3-axis adaptive roughing.
reversible-tip tools.
high-performance tools in their companies. The and small lateral stepover, this roughing type is
mance cutting) tools alone. And
astonishing result: Despite their enormous poten- especially suitable for parts with many steep ar-
time savings of more than 80 per-

with modern
tial, high-performance tools have not yet secured eas – whether you are manufacturing hard or soft
a permanent position in most tool magazines. materials.
cent can be achieved in finishing
This is especially the case for circle-segment cut-
with circle-segment cutters – ters, which only seven percent of those surveyed Finishing with circle-segment cutters 1) 2)

high-performance tools
are using. However, 85 percent can easily imagine
compared with machining with
doing so. And there's room to grow for both of Time savings of more than 80 percent
conventional ball cutters. However, the better-known HPC tools: A good 49 percent
are considering using them in the future – which Compared with conventional ball cutters, circle-
many companies are hesitant to
is nearly all of those who are not yet doing so. segment cutters have very large radii in the cut-
implement these tools. We have summarized the advantages of adaptive ting area. This enables them to achieve a uniform 3) 3)
roughing with HPC cutters and of finishing with roughness with very large path distances in finish-
circle-segment cutters in an overview for you ing and prefinishing. Machining is significantly
here. And we will show you how Tebis supports faster and the results are outstanding. It is suitable
the use of these high-performance tools – because for both 3-axis tilted as well as for 5-axis simulta-
the CAD/CAM software also has to be a perfect fit neous machining operations.
to really get the maximum benefit.
1) A comparison of circle-segment and ball cutters.
Tebis and modern high-performance tools are 2) Larger path distances and better surfaces.
Survey of webinar participants therefore an excellent match 3) For 3-axis tilted and 5-axis simultaneous machining operations.

■ Tebis supports all tools: Any tool contours

Are you familiar with the Do you use HPC tools for can be quickly and easily developed with a
advantages of HPC tools? roughing?
curve and can be represented one-to-one in
the virtual world.
28% 49%
■ Optimal roughing: 2.5D, 3D and 5-axis
72% 42% machining operations can be very easily Circle-segment cutters Create any tool contours with
combined with integrated blank transfer. with tapered, oval, barrel curves and model in Tebis.
and lenticular geometry.
■ Efficient 5-axis milling: You benefit doubly
Are you familiar with the advan- Do you use circle-segment
in 5-axis milling when finishing with circle-
tages of circle-segment cutters? cutters for finishing? segment cutters. Connected milling areas can ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
7% now be machined in a single operation with
8% no extra design effort. Take a look at our webinar:
45% 85% The webinars and registration pages are only
available in German. More information about the
individual tool types is available on our website:

■ Yes ■ Yes

■ No ■

No, our part geometries
are not suitable for this.

No, but we can certainly
imagine doing so if the
advantages are convincing.


RELEASE 7 | 4.1. R1 | OPEN HOUSE 2019

What’s ahead in 2019

Tebis Version 4.1 2019 Tebis Open House

A new Tebis Version 4.1 is planned for 2019. The The 2019 Tebis Open House will be held on May 8
new version does not just provide intuitive and and 9. Over the course of these two days, we will

A look into the future

simple operation in the new associative/para- present the latest technology, along with exam-
Our magazine began with a recap metric design (see article "Designing with Tebis ples of end-to-end manufacturing processes and
of 2018. Now let's look at some – simpler than ever," pages 20-23). viable ways to boost your competitiveness. You
can look forward to a broad range of topics and
of the highlights we have planned Because the new design options have brought a stimulating program with industry-specific pre-
for 2019. greater focus to the structure tree, our developers sentations, inspiring discussions and top keynote
have closely examined this area and considered Tebis Version 4.1 with the structure tree opened twice with filters (left)
what improvements could be made to make the and layers (right).
Version 4.0 Release 7 User interface Manufacturing preparation user's work more effective and simpler.
■ Transferring user configuration ■ Active surface design
The next release of our current Version 4.0 will Transfer toolbars, work environments and Use the "ActSurf/Contour" function to create The result is a structure tree with many new op-
be launched in the first quarter of 2019. Here other user settings from a previous release the outline surfaces for cutting and restriking tions – among other things, the Job Manager can
are some of the most important new features at with the click of a button. dies with a step relief at any cutting angle. now be created and managed from the structure
a glance: tree. With a mouse click, the display can be limited
■ Directly printing screenshots ■ Detecting sharp part edges (Figure 1) to the parts the user wants to focus on for quick
1) Send screenshots directly to the printer, in All sharp edges in a part can be detected with orientation in the structure tree headings. The
black and white for increased contrast if the new "NCPrep/Edge" function. Bores that structure tree can also be opened a second time
necessary. are countersunk can be omitted, if desired. and displayed in a separate window.
You can store the generated edge surfaces with
Machine technology a structure for optimal preparation of deburr- We will continue to develop the automation and
■ Tool database with extended automatic ing with NC templates. standardization of manufacturing processes in
name assignment Tebis Version 4.1. This includes the connection
Simplify tool management with the ability to NC calculation between Tebis CAD/CAM and our ProLeiS MES
access even more automatic name assignment ■ Multi-axis deburring (Figure 2) software, working with templates, continuous
properties in in the tool library. These include Machine edges with ball or tapered cutters blank tracking and configurable  processes. The
thread type and number of edges and using the new "NC5ax/MBurring" function. editing functions will be revised and simplified
2) programming length and insert length of the Quickly and easily create practical toolpaths throughout the system for this purpose. This step
tool assembly. for deburring with automatic tilt direction also simplifies the use of the system, while the
calculation and automatic avoidance of shank scope of possible applications continues to grow.
■ Tool measurement and tool-holder collisions. These are only some of the new features coming in
Extend tool measurement to include tools Tebis Version 4.1.
with complex cutter geometries. The diameter ■ New sorting options Tebis Version 4.1 with the Job Manager integrated in the structure tree.
can now be output for each cutter reference Paths can be further sorted from outside to The structure tree is displayed here as a separate window.
point to call up a measurement cycle. inside or from inside to outside in the "Axis
parallel" strategy in the "NC3ax/MSurf "
Interfaces function. This provides perfect surfaces in
■ Importing STEP data every situation.
3) The new STEP interface can be used to specify
whether to include covered geometries and ■ Residual stock analysis in the Job Manager
covered axes as well as axes and references in (Figure 3)
the import. You can also more efficiently Have the residual stock displayed with color
import small structures. shading based on toolpaths and use the new
online measurement function. You can now 2018 Tebis Open House.
quickly obtain analysis results in the Job Man-
ager with the "NCBase/RSimu" function.
Register for our newsletter so you
don't miss any related information: Tebis Version 4.1 with the new overview dialog for the new structured Click here to register: editing functions in the Job Manager.



Keeping everything
“Meals will be served.” “A snack 1) Fresh every day
will be provided during the work-
Food is prepared fresh every day at Tebis. For
shop.” These and similar entice-

more than 15 years, skilled chefs Marko Palinski
and Alexander Rudolph have been cooking dai-
ments can always be found in
ly for employees and guests. They provide em-
invitations to events at Tebis. ployees with butter pretzels and croissants at the

Restaurant &
beginning of the day, after which they start pre-
“Affordable lunches in our own
paring lunch. They begin serving their dishes at
restaurant with a summer deck” 12:00 noon sharp. Employees can also enjoy fresh
smoothies prepared in-house several days a week.
are advertised on the career page

Service team
of the Tebis website. Visitors are The company restaurant has a wide variety of foods
Five employees at Tebis provide for the well-being available. In addition to dishes with meat and fish,
served in our facilities nearly every 2)
of their colleagues and visitors. The workday starts the menu also includes a vegetarian or vegan alter-
day. Beverages are available for very early for most of the team. For those work- native every day. The chefs ensure a varied and
ing in the restaurant, it starts at 6:00 a.m. And by attractive menu with continuously changing meals
employees at the coffee stations
the time all other employees have arrived, around and fresh, high-quality ingredients. When the
all day long. To provide these and 9:00 a.m., they have ensured that fresh coffee is weather is good in the summer, they fire up the
available at all the coffee stations in the depart- grill on the restaurant deck in the morning and
many other services, Tebis needs
ments and that all meeting rooms have been set up. are ready at lunchtime with grilled meat, fish
people who organize it all and are and vegetables. They are also responsible for the
Where it all comes together well-being of participants at larger events at Tebis
committed to the satisfaction of
3) AG, including the Tebis Open House and holi-
others on a daily basis. Let’s take Carmela Lepanto has been working at Tebis since day parties. They are both supported by Haydee
1991 and is responsible for service and organi- Despaigne-Sagarra. She assists in preparing the
a glimpse behind the scenes.
zation. It is thanks to her that everything runs meals and keeps the kitchen spotless.
smoothly. Just a few examples: She organizes the
beverage area in the Tebis restaurant, checks the
cleaning done by the cleaning company and is
the contact for technicians performing repairs or
maintenance work in the building. She plans the
work for the assistants in the service area. Orders
of coffee, beverages, fruit and baked goods are all
in her hands. She is also responsible for the culi-
nary equipment and cleanliness of the coffee sta-
tions and all meeting rooms and supports Tebis
AG during in-house events. No Open House or
other event takes place, and no guests are served
without her first having overseen it all. She keeps
a keen eye on everything, sees if anything is miss-
ing and passes on the information to any others AXEL T. SCHILLING
1) Carmela Lepanto in the Tebis
who are responsible. At lunch time, Lepanto also
works as a barista at the beverage area in the Tebis Axel T. Schilling is head of the Personnel/Services
2) Marko Palinski and Alexander restaurant, pampering guests with professionally Department and head of the Restaurant & Service
Rudolph at the grill on the
Tebis deck. brewed espresso, cappuccino and latte macchiato. team. He praises the reliability and independent
She is supported in this work by assistant Heidi organization of the team. He describes Carmela
3) Whether for employees or
visitors, the Tebis restaurant Zimmermann. Lepanto as the "kind-hearted soul of the company
offers fresh food and beverages who always has a sympathetic ear for everyone."
every day.
He appreciates the large repertoire of the chefs
who, as he puts it, "are always inventing and trying
Alexander Rudolph, Carmela Lepanto and Marko Palinski new things."



These pages list the little tricks and suggestions that can make working with Calculating milling paths for undercut areas
Tebis systems even easier and more efficient. The tips are followed by refer-

ences to corresponding sections in the context-sensitive help, where users This trim steel has undercut areas in the tilt direction. I use separation surfaces to limit the
milling area to prevent too much milling in the air when re-roughing with the “Nc3axJob/
can find detailed information and instructions placed in context. RPlan” function. Is there an easier way?

Yes. If you view the blank only from the tilt direction, milling areas are generated to the
Easily create 6-sided blanks
> deepest point in the blank in the tilt direction. This can also result in milling paths being
determined for areas that no longer have to be machined. It is therefore possible to view
blanks from different directions for calculating the milling areas. Viewing from two sides
is recommended in your example.

We work with large cast blanks that only deviate from the CAD geometry in a few areas.
I need a closed blank in Tebis so that all colliding contours can be detected in the collision Here’s how you do it:
check. Do I have to scan the entire blank to do this?
1 O
 pen the "Elements" dialog for the corresponding NCJob in the Job Manager.

> No. Tebis allows you to create a blank from six directions. Therefore, you only have to scan
the areas that do not correspond to the geometry.
2 S elect the "Two-sided" option for the "View" parameter.

3 S tart the calculation. The blank is viewed in both the tilt direction (red) and in the op-
posite direction (blue) for determining the milling areas. The corresponding milling ar-

Here’s how you do it: eas are combined with each other. This prevents machining operations with no contact.

1 C
 reate offset surfaces (orange) if necessary for planar surfaces. Note
In addition to the "One-sided" and “Both-sided” options, the “Exact” option can be used
2 S can the areas that deviate from the CAD geometry. to determine the exact contour of the blank. This option is recommended, for example,
for blanks where areas that have already been machined are completely covered (see the
3 S elect the "NCPrep/BLANK" function (create blank). The "Blank" dialog opens. tip regarding “Exactly determine blanks for milling paths”). Note that calculation with the
2 “Exact” option takes considerably longer.

4 S elect the "6-side offset" option. Select the mesh and the CAD data.
You can learn more about viewing blanks with undercuts by calling up the context-
5 C
 onfirm your entries. The system creates the blank for the entire component. sensitive help for the “View” parameter in the “Blank” area of the “Elements” dialog.

6 U
 se the "Design/Element" function if necessary to check if the blank is completely
closed. "0" is displayed for the "Boundaries" entry. The volume is also displayed. If no
volume is displayed, the blank is not closed! 2

For more information on creating blanks, open the context-sensitive help in the
“NCPrep/Blank” function.




Exactly determine blanks for milling paths Determining suitable tools during planning

The “Calculating milling paths for undercuts” tip explains that blanks can be viewed from In the machine check, I discovered that the tool I selected for an NCJob is too short. Now

both sides for calculating milling paths. The large pocket in this part has already been milled, I have to replace the tool in the NCJob and collision-check the machining operation again.
and only the area outlined in red is to be roughed up using the “Nc3axJob/RPlan” function. Can I determine in advance which tool is right for my NCJob?
However, the “Both-sided” option does not yield an optimal result. What is the best thing to

do in this situation?
Yes. The Tebis simulation methods allow you to determine suitable tilt directions and tools
in advance during the planning phase.
In the "Both-sided" option, the blank is viewed in the tilt direction and in the opposite di-

> rection for determining the milling paths. The determined areas are then combined. Areas
that no longer have to be machined and are "behind" the blank in both directions are not
recognized. The image shows the one-sided (above) and two-sided (below) views for your
example. However, it is also possible to determine the exact contour of the blank.
Here’s how you do it:

1 S elect the "Simu/TPlan" command (Planning tools and tilt directions).

The "Planning" dialog opens.
2 S elect one or more elements for which machining appears to be critical. You can
Here’s how you do it: now move the tool along these elements by holding down the left mouse button.

1 O
 pen the "Elements" dialog for the corresponding NCJob in the Job Manager. 3 Th
 e part collision is indicated with a red star. A yellow text flag appears next to it. 2

2 S elect the "Exact" option for the "View" parameter. 4 C
 lick the "Tool" button on the machine control panel to select a different tool.
The "Tool selection" dialog opens. 3

3 S tart the calculation. The blank is decomposed in individual milling planes to deter-
mine the milling areas. The milling paths are only calculated for areas that actually have 5 Select a longer tool and confirm your inputs.
to be machined.
6 Th
 e check shows that the new tool passes this point with no collisions.
The calculation with the “Exact” option takes considerably longer. 7 I n the "Planning" dialog, click "Save" to save the path of the tool as a text field. The
Therefore, if possible, this should only be used for corresponding geometries. appropriate tool can now be quickly selected in NC programming. The tilt axis 4
system is also saved.
You can learn more about viewing blanks with undercuts by calling up the context-
sensitive help for the “View” parameter in the “Blank” area of the “Elements” dialog. Note
In the “TPlan” function, open the context-sensitive help menu to obtain more information
about how you can plan with tools and tilt directions.

2 5


Trade show calendar: January - June 2019 

Interplastica 1/29/2019 to 2/1/2019 Moscow, Russian Federation

Intec 2/5/2019 to 2/8/2019 Leipzig, Germany
Industrie Lyon 3/5/2019 to 3/8/2019 Lyon, France
JECworld 3/12/2019 to 3/14/2019 Paris, France
MECSPE 3/28/2019 to 3/30/2019 Parma, Italy
Tebis Open House 5/8/2019 to 5/9/2019 Martinsried, Germany
Moulding Expo 5/21/2019 to 5/24/2019 Stuttgart, Germany
MSV – International Engineering Fair 5/21/2019 to 5/24/2019 Nitra, Slowakei
Metalloobrabotka 5/27/2019 to 5/31/2019 Moscow, Russian Federation
Subcontratación 6/4/2019 to 6/6/2019 Bilbao, Spain
International Paris Air Show 6/17/2019 to 6/23/2019 Le Bourget, France

Tebis Tebis America Inc. Tebis Iberia S.L. Tebis Scandinavia AB

Technische Informationssysteme 400 E. Big Beaver Rd. Avda. de Fuencarral 44 Backa Bergögatan 18
Aktiengesellschaft Troy, MI 48083 Campus Tribeca. Edificio 1 SE-42246 Hisings Backa
Einsteinstr. 39 USA Planta 3, Oficina C-3 Sweden
82152 Martinsried/Planegg Tel. +1/248/5240430 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) Tel. +46/31/700-1740
Germany Spain
Tel. +49/89/81803-0 Tel. +34/916624354 Tebis China Co. Ltd. Tebis (UK) Ltd. 88 Keyuan Road Coventry Univ. Technology Park
Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park Tebis Italia S.r.l. Puma Way
Tower 2, Unit 726, 7th floor Via Ferrero 29/31 Coventry CV1 2TT
Pudong 10098 Cascine Vica Rivoli TO United Kingdom
201203 Shanghai Italy Tel. +44/2476/236-413
© Tebis AG 2019 People’s Republic of China Tel. +39/011/5368100
All rights reserved. Tel. +86/21/2898-6980
All trademarks and registered
trademarks mentioned in this
document are the property of Tebis Portugal Unipessoal, Lda.
their respective owners. Tebis France SARL Estrada de Leiria - EN 242, N.º 233
96, Bd. M. Vivier-Merle Edifício Cristal Park - Loja D
69003 Lyon 2430-527 Marinha Grande
France Portugal
Tel. +33/4/7291-2151 Tel. +351/244/093-048

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