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DQ#1: Why do organizations miss the point when they focus on surface level behaviors?


A; In an organization (social system) caused by humans, heterogeneous characteristics of

extrinsic and intrinsic such as age, gender, tenure, material status, ethnicity, attitudes,
behaviors, believe, ability, intellectual skills and so on of employees’ property are widely
involved in it. Therefore, there are totally difference of perceptiveness and way of thinking
among members. Accordingly, organizational behavior is concerned with the study and
application of people’s knowledge and how that people’s behavior affects the act of an
organization in order to effectiveness and efficiency.

Indeed, by focusing only the surface level of everything, perception of real situation
can be myopia and essences of advantages are far off. For instance, during the interview in
short-minutes, difficulty of interviewers is that to check and assess the interviewee’s verbal
communication as superficial behaviors. Because, interviewees can use pretend and cover
their reality traits, attitudes, inabilities and other incompetency of their skills and thinking in a
short time. If something errors of interviewers’ assessment, can impact to recruitment &
selection process and can miss the potential efficiency employees for organization. And then,
from that of individual behaviors and performances can shape to the image of group or
organizational characteristics. Teams that look great on the surface often have underlying
issues that prevent them from high performance. (Garie Dooley). Therefore, for team leaders
concentrate only on the superficial performance of employees, can impact to right
understanding on employees’ hiding abilities and talent for utilizing effectively.

If organizational leaders emphasized performance appraisal of only employees’

superficial behaviors such as dressing uniform style, hair style, daily attendance, relationships
and etc, unable to visible their effort and attempting beyond them. Although some employees
may be weak in follow the some organizational disciplines, their attitudes and performances
are effectiveness and efficiency indeed for the organization. So, if focusing often on the
surface level behaviors of employees’ performance, can fail the effective assessment with
many disadvantages of such as increase turnover rate, decrease respect & trust each other,
lack of commitment, gone up complaints and conflicts in working place, etc.

And then, organizational structure is also mentioned the procedure of operation,

relationship and communication system of network interaction in it. Particularly, avoid to
superficial structure, and need to precise & accuracy of update organizational flow structure
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which followed and understood systematically by all members. Consequently, ensure
minimizing the misunderstanding of working procedures, network communication, report
system and deeply relationship among members.

Today, due to aggressively competitive of business organizations are gradually

stronger momentum, organizational leaders have to concentrate not only focus on the surface
level of organizational behaviors, but also emphasize deeply inside of each employee as
inner-world; psychology, feeling, thinking and needs, etc. Otherwise, delaying in competitive
advantages, missing customer care, conflicting with complaints, impact to sustainable of
organization and so on can be faced.

Briefly, surface level behaviors of individual or teams are weak in essence of

advantages. Therefore, as organizational leaders are need to properly view and understand the
distinct consequences benefits of superficial and deeply behaviors. In that way,
organizational leaders can apply correctly assessment and decision making for the
organizational advantages.


1. Hiriyappa. B (2009), Organizational Behavior. New Age International (P) Ltd.

2. Dr. Vandana Tiwari (2015). Harmony within Employees is very superficial
superficia. Sep 3, 2015.
3. Prof. Rajasshrie Pallai (2014). Chapter 1. Organizational Behaviour - SlideShare

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DQ#2: What are the motivations of the people that you work with? (this is
an exploratory learn activity – learn about others strategically) (483words)

A: Human motivation is a fundamental topic in the social sciences, and motivation to

work a basic topic in the field of organizational behavior. And it is the psychological process
of human that drives toward the particular objectives of their needs. Difference forms of
motivational factors are occurred in human’s feelings and either positive or negative
motivation can impact to activities of peoples’ life. Likewise, my colleges are also driving
with hopefully to approach their success and desire life by motivation. According to
Maslow’s Law, despite some of the people work for physiological (lower level) needs, some
work for psychological (upper level) needs and some work for both. Additionally, as per
Herzberg’s theory, hygiene factors can only prevent dissatisfaction, but motivators are
essential to increasing motivation. Accordingly studying, motivation was developed step
from satisfaction.

In supposed, employees’ behaviors and attitudes are interrelated with such factors as
organizational tasks, organizational structures and processes, leadership processes, and
organizational culture. With all of these factors impinging on people, motivating employees
and stimulating effective attitudes in them become crucial and sensitive challenges for
organizational leaders. So, if some employees who lack of motivational feelings,
organizational managers should support for motivate to those employees with ways: training,
coaching, task assignments, rewards contingent on good performance, and valued rewards
available, etc. Moreover, as per theory “Y” of Douglas McGregor, managers have to
encourage or stimulate the motivation of employees in efforts to higher achievement.
Noticeable, it is important for organizational leaders need to properly understand that what
factors are certainly motivated for individual employees.

Most people who my work with, are caused motivation through job design, authority
& power, remuneration & rewards, problem solving, recognition & praise, and other various
managerial issues and work challenges are also. Implementing creates job design such as
new task/project, job enrichment/ job enlargement, etc that stimulated to motivation of task
behavior employees. Because, they would like to utilize and apply their abilities until highest
point. And operational employees are need high remuneration and financial rewards rather
than others intangible incentive for their motive. Some of others who have leaders’ spirit and
traits are like to deal with managerial issues, work challenges and problem solution.

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Besides, most of top managerial staff is more emphasized the higher-order needs and
intrinsic incentives. Undeniable, at least, reality appreciation, praise and recognition are also
need for all of employees’ motivation. Sometimes, as a driving force, crises and competitions
are stimulate to motivation of people in order to attain their desire goals. (Eg; for a student,
final exam is gradually approaching and classmates’ attempting can also spark to his

According to Herzberg concluded, because motivators are the real sources of

stimulation and motivation for employees, managers must avoid the negative techniques of
controlling and directing employees and should instead design work to provide for the
growth, achievement, recognition, and other elements people need, which are represented by
the motivators.


1. Hiriyappa. B (2009), Organizational Behavior. New Age International (P) Ltd.
2. Rainey. Hal G - (2014). Understanding and Managing Public Organization, 5th
Edition. San Francisco; Jossey-Bass, A Willey Brand.

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DQ#3: Since learning is a conscious action, what are regular learning
activities you engage in and how do you incorporate that into your Being?

A; Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge or skill through study, experience or

teaching. It is a process that depends on experience and leads to long-term changes in
behavior potential. Behavior potential describes the possible behavior of an individual (not
actual behavior) in a given situation in order to achieve a goal. Contemporary era, learning
activity is non-stop and comparative action with growth in change process of technically
update. Anybody who has strong desire to growth personal development is continuous
studying and learning in courses or working places or any environment.

A lot of our learning occurs randomly throughout life, from new experiences, gaining
information and from our perceptions, for example: reading a newspaper or watching a news
broadcast, talking with a friend or colleague, chance meetings and unexpected experiences. 
Likewise, daily activities as way of learning , in working environment such as problems &
issues, social treatments, discussions & debates, integrations, job functions, other
management activities and so on are also providing to our experience, maturation, knowledge
and social skills for more develop, and other emotional feelings to control. Continuous
learning by self and creating to people in my environment in order to learn such as about
knowledge, own experience and noted theories by sharing with each other. Alternatively, we
have a private time in a day to read the books (avoid fictitious articles) and to make freely
thinking as out-off the box and to implement discussion time for sharing that our perceptions,
opinions and feelings in order to develop conception skills and critical thinking. Because,
reading is also involved way of learning and certainly provided for our idea and level of
human being development.

Since learning is a conscious action, regular learning activities I engage in change of

daily life that related to religious, society cultures, people behaviors & ethics, technological
update and other variety of social ethics of survival in human being. Furthermore, ready to
observe and learn about those changes of process issues for adaption and accompany in time.
Because of they can directly or indirectly closely attach with every activities of our beings.
Supposedly, teaching, training and other structured learning opportunities are activities that
one person does to another, while learning is something we can only do for ourselves.
Noticeable, often consider and review that whether it is negative or positive learning which

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depends on circumstances that determine the results. By then, ensure to minimize to
disadvantages and maximize to advantages of learning outcomes.

Effusively, not complete just even only reading or studying or learning and more
important thing in human being is that how to effectively apply gaining knowledge in our real
life activities from learning. Lack of knowledge is so bad as well as without applying of
abilities with knowledge is meaningless. Actually, because of learning systematically is
significantly positive impact to personal development of my past and present life.
Thenceforth, all of people including me will attempt continuous learning and applying our
abilities with knowledge skills in order to gain more benevolent for ourselves as well as for
our society environmental benefits.


1. Hiriyappa. B (2009), Organizational Behavior. New Age International (P) Ltd.
2. What is Learning? Skills You Need

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