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More Solved Problems:




Q2 : A man stands on the roof of a 15.0-m-tall building and throws a rock with a velocity of magnitude 30.0
m/s at an angle of 33.0° above the horizontal. You can ignore air resistance. Calculate
(a) the maximum height above the roof reached by the rock;
(b) the magnitude of the velocity of the rock just before it strikes the ground; and
(c) the horizontal range from the base of the building to the point where the rock strikes the ground.
Soln: vy = uy –gt vy2 - uy2 = -2gsy sy = uy t – 0.5 * gt2

At max height above 15 m building vy = 0  0 - uy2 = -2gsy  -sy = - uy2 /2g = -[ 30 sin(33o )]2/(2*9.8)

= -[ 30 (0.54464 )]2/(2*9.8)

sy = 13.6 m  total height above ground 15+13.6 = 28.6 m

time taken to rise 13.6 m above building at initial vertical velocity component, uy =30 sin(33o )

0 = uy –gt1  t1 = uy /g = 1.67 s

time taken to fall to ground (from topmost height above ground)

-28.6 m = 0* t – 0.5 * gt2  – 0.5 * gt2 =- 28.6 m

t2 = 2 * 28.6 (m)/ 9.8 (m/s2 ) = 5.6  t = 2.42

vertical velocity component at ground level

vy = uy –gt = 0 – 9.8 * 2.42 = -23.68 m/s

Total time in air : t = 2.42 +1.67 = 4.086 s

Horizontal distance travelled in this time sx = 30 cos (330) *4.09 = 103 m


Q3: Firemen are shooting a stream of water at a burning building using a high-pressure hose that shoots out the
water with a speed of 25.0 m/s as it leaves the end of the hose. Once it leaves the hose, the water moves in
projectile motion. The firemen adjust the angle of elevation θ of the hose until the water takes 3.00 s to reach
a building 45.0 m away. You can ignore air resistance; assume that the end of the hose is at ground level.
(a) Find the angle of elevation θ. (b) Find the speed, acceleration of the water at the highest point in its
trajectory and this height above ground. (c) How high above the ground does the water strike the building,
and how fast is it moving just before it hits the building?

Soln: vy = uy –gt vy2 - uy2 = -2gsy sy = uy t – 0.5 * gt2

(b) At max height above ground , vy = 0  0 = uy –gt  t = uy / g = 25 sin(53.1o )/(9.8)

= 25(0.8 )/(9.8) = 2.04 s

Max height reached: 0 - uy2 = -2gsy  sy = uy2 /2g = 20.4 m
(c) Time of descent from max height (uy = 0) = 3-2.04 = 0.96 s
(d) Height lost in descent for 1 s  sy = = – 0.5 * gt2 = - 4.516 m
(e) height above ground where water strikes the building is: max height – height lost
= 20.4 - 4.516 = 15.9 m
Alternatively sy = = uy t – 0.5 * gt2  sy = = 25(0.8 )*3 – 0.5 * 9.8*32
(f) vy = 0 –gt = 9.8 (0.96) = -9.41 m/s and vx = 25 cos(53.1o ) = 25 (0.6 ) = 15 m/s
v = i vx + j vy = i 15 - j 9.41 (bold font denote vectors)
magnitude = (v- v)1/2 = v= 17.7 m/s and angle = tan-1(-9.41/15) =32.1o
(g) time at which water is 1.1 m above the burning window. Explain your result!
17 = 25(0.8 )*t – 0.5 * 9.8*t2  17 = 20*t – 4.9*t2  4.9*t2 –20*t +17
 (20+8.17)/9.8 or  (20-8.17)/9.8 2.87 s or 1.2 s

Assignment Problems:
Q4 : You toss a ball from your window 8.0 m above the ground. When the ball leaves your hand, it is moving at
10.0 m/s at an angle of 20o below the horizontal. How far horizontally from your window will the ball hit
the ground? Ignore air resistance.

Q 5: A projectile’s launch speed is five times its speed at maximum height. Find launch angle .
Q6: An airplane is flying with a velocity of 90.0 m/s at an angle of 23.0° above the horizontal. When the plane
is 114 m directly above a dog that is standing on level ground, a suitcase drops out of the luggage
compartment. How far from the dog will the suitcase land? You can ignore air resistance.


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