Lesson Plan in Special Topics

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PREPARED BY: Bordago, Ariel E. & Catalyo,

I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. define family, environment and education.
2. enumerate the different types of environment and its function to the family.
3. apply their knowledge of environment and family to the real-life situations.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Environment Education and Family
B. References: Internet
C. Instructional Materials:
* Visual Aids
* Pictures
D. Strategies
*Student-centered teaching
* Discussion
E. Values Integration
* Cooperation (group activities)
III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Student Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
"Good evening class." All: "Good evening too Sir!"

"Let us pray first, may I request the last person who Jasmine: Yes Sir, I will.
came in, shall lead the prayer."
"Please all stand and Jasmine lead the Prayer."
Jasmine: "Please bow down Our head and put our
presence to God."
"Jesus divine master, I adore you as a world
incarnate sent by the Father to instruct us in life
given truths. You all own had a world of eternalize, I
ask you pardon for all the time that we had not listen
to your word in the Bible or teaching in the church.
Master show the treasure of your wisdom. Enlighten
my mind and expel from its all darkness of sense and
ignorance. Give me a diligent and obedient spirit, a
quick mind to grasp ideas and retentive memory.
Above all assist me with the light of your holy spirit
so that I may apply my studies for your honor, for
my salvation, and for the good of others. Amen!"
"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit Amen."

"Thank you for that Miss Jasmine. Please pick up the : "Thank you Sir."
pieces of paper under your chair."
"You may now take your seat, for we have to check
your attendance." : "Yes Sir."

"Say present if your name is called." (Students raise their hands and say present as their
name is called.)
(checking of attendance)
B. Motivational Activity
"Okay class, before we start our formal discussion,
we will have first some quick activity. I will group
you into three groups. I have here 3 pictures and all
you have to do is to explain your insights about what
you have seen or observe about the picture. I'll give
you five minutes to formulate your ideas and after
that, select a representative to explain you insights or (student go to their respective group according to
observation. Is that understood class? their number)

(after five minutes)

All: "Yes Sir."
Times up. May I ask the representatives of each
group to come here in front and present their

Group 1: This picture is about environment…

Group 2: This picture is about education…
Group 3: This picture is about family…

"Wow! Very good. Thank you for your cooperation.

C. Presentation

"And now, let's discuss first the environment. In your

own opinion, what is environment?

Yes Mr. Alagad. (Basilio raises his hand)

Thank you for your idea Mr. Alagad. Any other

(Basilio express his opinion)

When we say environment, it is the combination of

all physical and organic factors that act on a living
being, residents, or ecological society and power its
endurance and growth.

There are three types of environment. These are

physical, biotic, and social or cultural environment.

Physical environment is known as a-biotic

environment and natural environment.
A-biotic means, nonliving things like water, land, air
conditions, atmosphere which constitutes of soil.
Biotic environment is also known as biological
environment and organic environment. Biological
environment is responsible for the living beings.
Social or cultural environment involves the culture
and lifestyle of the human beings. This environment (Students are listening attentively)
which is created by the man through his different
social and cultural activities and thinking.

Now let's move on to the family environment. It

involves the circumstances and social climate
conditions within family. Families may consist of
intact two-parent families with or without children,
single parent families, reconstituted families, blended
family, step-family or any configuration that fits our
definition of family.

On your own opinion, what is single-parent family?

Yes miss Sharon?

Thank you miss Sharon. As what she said that a

single-parent family is composed of a mother or
father only.
Next is the reconstituted family. This type of family
is a family unit comprising a legally married husband
and wife, with one or both of whom have children
from previous marriage or relationship who live with
them. Blended families on the other hand, is defined
as any configuration of people, either related or (Sharon raises her hand)
unrelated, where members reside together and single-parent family is a family unit and household
assume traditional family roles. When we say comprising the children and a mother or father but
stepfamily, are primary groups in which members are not the other spouse.
joined as a result of second or subsequent marriages.

Are there any questions and clarifications?

D. Abstraction

Since you have no questions, I assume that all of you

already understand the topic. Now I want you to
answer this question; How is blended family differ to
reconstituted family? Anyone?
"Very good! I guess you really understand class."

E. Generalization

None sir.
The different families have different culture, beliefs,
and norms. Thus, they only depend to their
environment. If a particular family is surrounded by
religious people, that family also will become
religious, as we all know that the environment
surrounding us have greatest influence to our
behavior and to our beliefs.
Blended family differ to reconstituted family in such
F. Evaluation a way that, blended family the members can be
related and unrelated to each other while in
This time, I want you to get one half crosswise and reconstituted family, members are still related to
answer the following: either the wife or husband.
1. Why is environment important to the family?
2. How does family influenced by the environment?

G. Assignment
Read the next chapter and study it because I will give
a short exam before I start the discussion.

(Students do what their teacher told)

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