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What is Avogadro’s Law?

Avogadro’s law, also known as Avogadro’s principle or Avogadro’s hypothesis, is a gas law
which states that the total number of atoms/molecules of a gas (i.e. the amount of gaseous
substance) is directly proportional to the volume occupied by the gas at constant temperature
and pressure. Avogadro’s law is closely related to the ideal gas equation since it links
temperature, pressure, volume, and amount of susubstance for a given gas.
Avogadro’s law is named after the Italian scientist Amedeo Carlo Avogadro, who suggested
that two dissimilar ideal gases occupying the same volume at a given (constant) temperature
and pressure must contain an equal number of molec

Formula and Graphical Representation

At constant pressure and temperature, Avogadro’s law can be expressed via the following
V/n = k
Where V is the volume of the gas, n denotes the amount of gaseous substance (often
expressed in moles), and k is a constant. When the amount of gaseous substance is increased,
the corresponding increase in the volume occupied by the gas can be calculated with the help
of the following formula:
V1/n1 = V2/n2 ( = k, as per Avogadro’s law).
The graphicall representation of Avogadro’s law (with the amount of substance on the X-axis
and volume on the Y-axis)
axis) is illustrated below.

Graphical Representation of Avogadro’s Law

Here, the straight line (which indicates that the two quantities are directly proportional)
passes through the origin, implying that zero moles of gas will occupy zero volume.
Avogadro’s law can be derived from the ideal gas equation, which can be expressed as follows:
PV = nRT

 ‘P’ is the pressure exerted by the gas on the walls of its container
 ‘V’ is the volume occupied by the gas
 ‘n’ is the amount of gaseous substance (number of moles of gas)
 ‘R’ is the universal gas constant
 ‘T’ is the absolute temperature of the gas
Rearranging the ideal gas equation, the following equation can be obtained.
V/n = (RT)/P
Here, the value of (RT)/P is a constant (since the temperature and pressure kept constant and the
product/quotient of two or more constants is always a cons
constant). Therefore:
V/n = k
Thus, the proportionality between the volume occupied by a gas and the number of gaseous molecules
is verified.

Examples of Avogadros Law

The process of respiration is a great example of Avogadro’s law. When humans inhale, the
increase in the molar quantity of air in the lungs is accompanied by an increase in the volume
of the lungs (expansion of the lungs). An image detailing the change in volume brought on by
an increase in the number of gaseous molecules is provided below.

Example of Avogadro’s Law

Another common example of Avogadro’s law is the deflation of automobile tyres. When the
air trapped inside the tyre escapes, the number of moles of air present in the tyre decreases.
This results in a decrease in the volume occupied
occupied by the gas, causing the tyre to lose its shape
and deflate.
1) One mole of helium gas fills up an empty balloon to a volume of 1.5 litres. What would be the
volume of the balloon if an additional 2.5 moles of helium gas is added? (Assume that the
temperature and the pressure are kept constant)
The initial amount of helium (n1) = 1 mol
The initial volume of the balloon (V1) = 1.5 L
The final amount of helium (n2) = 1 mol + 2.5 mol = 3.5 mol
As per Avogadro’s law,
V1/n1 = V2/n2
Therefore, the final volume of the balloon (V2) = (V1n2)/n1 = (1.5L*3.5mol)/1mol = 5.25 L
The balloon would occupy a volume of 5.25 litres when it contains 3.5 moles of helium gas

2) A 6.0 L sample at 25°C and 2.00 atm of pressure contains 0.5 mole of a gas. If an
additional 0.25 mole of gas at the same pressure and temperature are added,
what is the final total volume of the gas?
3) A tyre containing 10 moles of air and occupying a volume of 40L loses half its
volume due to a puncture. Considering that the pressure and temperature
remain constant, what would be the amount of air in the deflated tyre?
4) A balloon is filled with 8.65 X 1022 molecules of hydrogen at given pressure and
temperature. The volume of balloon was 3.2 dm3. If 0.2 mole of more hydrogen
is added in the balloon .calculate the final volume if the pressure and
temperature remain constant?
5) If 1.0mol of helium gas (He) at standard temperature and pressure (STP) has a
volume of 22.4L, how many moles of carbon tetrachloride gas (CCl4) will be
present in a container with a volume of 22.4L?
6) A flexible container at an initial volume of 5.120 L contains 8.500 mol of gas.
More gas is then added to the container until it reaches a final volume of 18.10 L.
Assuming the pressure and temperature of the gas remain constant, calculate the
number of moles of gas added to the container.
7) If 0.00810 mol neon gas at a particular temperature and pressure occupies a
volume of 214 mL, what volume would 0.00684 mol neon gas occupy under the
same conditions?
8) A flexible container at an initial volume of 6.13 L contains 7.51 mol of gas. More
gas is then added to the container until it reaches a final volume of 13.5 L.
Assuming the pressure and temperature of the gas remain constant, calculate the
number of moles of gas added to the container.
9) A container with a volume of 25.47 L holds 1.050 mol of oxygen gas (O2) whose
molar mass is 31.9988 g/mol. What is the volume if 7.210 g of oxygen gas is
removed from the container, assuming the pressure and temperature remain

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