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USP 37 Physical Tests / á645ñ Water Conductivity 311

Reagent Water Control: Use a suitable quantity of Re- Water Sample: Obtain a sample that suitably reflects
agent Water obtained at the same time as that used in the the quality of water used. Before opening, vigorously agitate
preparation of the Standard Solution and the System Suitabili- the package to homogenize the water sample. Several pack-
ty Solution. ages may be required in order to collect sufficient water for
Water Sample: Obtain an on-line or off-line sample that analysis.
suitably reflects the quality of water used. System Suitability: Test the Reagent Water Control in
Other Control Solutions: Prepare appropriate reagent the apparatus, and record the response, rW. Repeat the test
blank solutions or other specified solutions needed for estab- using the Standard Solution, and record the response, rS. Cal-
lishing the apparatus baseline or for calibration adjustments culate the corrected Standard Solution response, which is al-
following the manufacturer’s instructions, and run the ap- so the limit response, by subtracting the Reagent Water Con-
propriate blanks to zero the instrument, if necessary. trol response from the response of the Standard Solution.
System Suitability: Test the Reagent Water Control in the The theoretical limit of 8.0 mg/L of carbon is equal to the
apparatus, and record the response, rW. Repeat the test us- corrected Standard Solution response, rS − rW. Test the System
ing the Standard Solution, and record the response, rS. Cal- Suitability Solution in the apparatus, and record the re-
culate the corrected Standard Solution response, which is al- sponse, rSS. Calculate the corrected System Suitability Solution
so the limit response, by subtracting the Reagent Water Con- response by subtracting the Reagent Water Control response
trol response from the response of the Standard Solution. from the response of the System Suitability Solution, rSS − rW.
The theoretical limit of 0.50 mg/L of carbon is equal to the Calculate the percent response efficiency for the System Suit-
corrected Standard Solution response, rS − rW. Test the System ability Solution:
Suitability Solution in the apparatus, and record the re-
% response efficiency = 100[(rSS − rW)/(rS − rW)]

General Chapters
sponse, rSS. Calculate the corrected System Suitability Solution
response by subtracting the Reagent Water Control response where rSS is the instrument response to the System Suitability
from the response of the System Suitability Solution, rSS − rW. Solution; rW is the instrument response to the Reagent Water
Calculate the percent response efficiency for the System Suit- Control; and rS is the instrument response to the Standard
ability Solution: Solution. The system is suitable if the percent response effi-
% response efficiency = 100[(rSS − rW)/(rS − rW)] ciency is not less than 85% and not more than 115%.
Procedure: Perform the test on the Water Sample, and
where rSS is the instrument response to the System Suitability record the response, rU. The Water Sample meets the re-
Solution; rW is the instrument response to the Reagent Water quirements if rU is not more than the limit response, rS − rW,
Control; and rS is the instrument response to the Standard determined in the System Suitability requirements in Sterile
Solution. The system is suitable if the percent response effi- Water.
ciency is not less than 85% and not more than 115%.
Procedure: Perform the test on the Water Sample, and re-
cord the response, rU. The Water Sample meets the require-
ments if rU is not more than the limit response, rS − rW. This á645ñ WATER CONDUCTIVITY
method can be performed using on-line or off-line instru-
mentation that meets the Apparatus Requirements.
Change to read:
The following sections apply to tests for Sterile Water for
Injection, Sterile Purified Water, Sterile Water for Irrigation, and
Electrical conductivity in water is a measure of the ion-fa-
Sterile Water for Inhalation.
cilitated electron flow through it. Water molecules dissociate
Follow the requirements in Bulk Water, with the following
into ions as a function of pH and temperature and result in a
very predictable conductivity. Some gases, most notably
Apparatus Requirements: In addition to the Apparatus
carbon dioxide, readily dissolve in water and interact to
Requirements in Bulk Water, the apparatus must have a man-
form ions, which predictably affect conductivity salso.sUSP37
ufacturer’s specified limit of detection of 0.10 mg/L (0.10
For the purpose of this discussion, these ions and their re-
ppm) or lower of carbon.
sulting conductivity can be considered intrinsic to the water.
Reagent Water: Use water having a TOC level of not sWater conductivity is also affected by the presence of ex-
more than 0.50 mg/L. [NOTE—A conductivity requirement
traneous ions. The extraneous ions used in modeling the
may be necessary in order to ensure method reliability.]
conductivity specifications described below are the chloride
Standard Solution: Unless otherwise directed in the in-
and ammonia ions. The conductivity of the ubiquitous
dividual monograph, dissolve in the Reagent Water an accu-
chloride ion (at the theoretical endpoint concentration of
rately weighed quantity of USP Sucrose RS to obtain a solu-
0.47 ppm when chloride was a required attribute test in USP
tion having a concentration of 19.0 mg/L of sucrose (8.0
22 and earlier revisions) and the ammonium ion (at the limit
mg/L of carbon).
of 0.3 ppm) represents a major portion of the allowed water
System Suitability Solution: Dissolve in Reagent Water
ionic impurity level. A balancing quantity of anions (such as
an accurately weighed quantity of USP 1,4-Benzoquinone
chloride, to counter the ammonium ion) and cations (such
RS to obtain a solution having a concentration of 12.0 mg/L
as sodium, to counter the chloride ion) is included in this al-
(8.0 mg/L of carbon).

Official from August 1, 2014

Copyright (c) 2014 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. All rights reserved.
Accessed from by quimica on Fri Aug 08 08:08:08 EDT 2014
312 á645ñ Water Conductivity / Physical Tests USP 37

lowed impurity level to maintain electroneutrality. Extrane- to the equation above. For example, the traceable resistor is
ous ions such as these may have a significant effect on the 50 kW, and the cell constant, Q, is 0.10 cm–1. The calculated
water’s chemical purity and suitability for use in pharma- value is 2.0 × 10–6 S/cm or 2.0 mS/cm. The measured value
ceutical applications. should be 2.0 ± 0.1 mS/cm. The instrument must have a
The procedure in the section Bulk Water is specified for minimum resolution of 0.1 mS/cm on the lowest range.
measuring the conductivity of waters such as Purified Water, The target conductivity value(s) should be based on the
Water for Injection, Water for Hemodialysis, and the conden- type of water to be analyzed, and it should be equal to or
sate of Pure Steam. The procedure in the section Sterile Wa- less than the water conductivity limit for that type of water.
ter is specified for measuring the conductivity of waters such Multiple measuring circuits may be embedded in the meter
as Sterile Purified Water, Sterile Water for Injection, Sterile Wa- or the sensor, and each circuit may require separate verifica-
ter for Inhalation, and Sterile Water for Irrigation. tion or calibration before use. The frequency of recalibration
The procedures below shall be performed using instru- is a function of instrument system design.
mentation that has been calibrated, has conductivity sensor System verification: The cell constant of the user’s sensor
cell constants that have been accurately determined, and can be determined with the user’s resistance measurement
has a temperature compensation function that has been dis- system, or the cell constant can be determined with an in-
abled for Bulk Water Stage 1 testing. For both online and dependent resistance measurement system. If the cell con-
offline measurements, the suitability of instrumentation for stant is determined with an independent resistance meas-
quality control testing is also dependent on the sampling lo- urement system, it is recommended that the user verify that
cation(s) in the water system. The selected sampling instru- the sensor has been properly connected to the resistance
ment location(s) must reflect the quality of the water measurement system to ensure proper performance. Verifi-
General Chapters

used.sUSP37 cation can be made by comparing the conductivity (or resis-

tivity) values displayed by the measuring equipment with
Change to read: those of an external calibrated conductivity-measuring de-
vice. The two non–temperature-compensated conductivity
INSTRUMENT SPECIFICATIONS AND (or resistivity) values should be equivalent to or within ±5%
OPERATING PARAMETERS of each other, or should have a difference that is acceptable
on the basis of product water criticality and/or the water
sWater conductivity must be measured accurately with
conductivity ranges in which the measurements are taken.
calibrated instrumentation. An electrical conductivity meas- The two conductivity sensors should be positioned close
urement consists of the determination of the conductance, enough together to measure the same water sample at the
G (or its inverse, resistance, R), of the fluid between and same temperature and water quality.
around the electrodes. The conductance (1/R) is directly af- Temperature compensation and temperature
fected by the geometrical properties of the electrodes; i.e., measurements: Because temperature has a substantial ef-
the conductance is inversely proportional to the distance (d) fect on conductivity readings of specimens at high and low
between the electrodes and proportional to the area (A) of temperatures, many instruments automatically correct the
the electrodes. This geometrical ratio (d/A) is known as the actual reading to display the value that theoretically would
cell constant, Q. Thus the measured conductance is normal- be observed at the nominal temperature of 25°. This is typi-
ized for the cell constant to determine the conductivity, k, cally done using a temperature sensor embedded in the
according to the following equation: conductivity sensor and a software algorithm embedded in
conductivity, k (S/cm) = Q (cm–1)/R (W) the instrument. This temperature compensation algorithm
may not be accurate for the various water types and impuri-
It is the cell constant and the resistance measurement that ties. For this reason, conductivity values used in the Stage 1
must be verified and adjusted, if necessary. test for Bulk Water are non–temperature-compensated
Cell constant: The cell constant must be known within measurements. Other conductivity tests that are specified
±2%. The cell constant can be verified directly by using a for measurement at 25° can use either temperature-com-
solution of known or traceable conductivity, or indirectly by pensated or non–temperature-compensated measurements.
comparing the instrument reading taken with the conduc- A temperature measurement is required for the Stage 1
tivity sensor in question to readings from a conductivity sen- test or for the other tests at 25°. It may be made using the
sor of known or traceable cell constant. If necessary, adjust temperature sensor embedded in the conductivity cell sen-
the cell constant following the manufacturer¢s instrument sor. An external temperature sensor positioned near the
protocol. The frequency of verification/calibration is a func- conductivity sensor is also acceptable. Accuracy of the tem-
tion of the sensor design. perature measurement must be ±2°.sUSP37
Resistance measurement: Calibration (or verification) of
the resistance measurement is accomplished by replacing Change to read:
the conductivity sensor electrodes with precision resistors
having standards traceable to NIST or equivalent national BULK WATER
authorities in other countries (accurate to ±0.1% of the sta-
ted value) to give a predicted instrument conductivity re- The procedure and test limits in this section are intended
sponse. The accuracy of the resistance measurement is ac- for Purified Water, Water for Injection, Water for Hemodialysis,
ceptable if the measured conductivity with the traceable re- the condensate of Pure Steam, and any other monographs
sistor is within ±0.1 mS/cm of the calculated value according that specify this section.

Official from August 1, 2014

Copyright (c) 2014 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. All rights reserved.
Accessed from by quimica on Fri Aug 08 08:08:08 EDT 2014
USP 37 Physical Tests / á645ñ Water Conductivity 313

sThis is a three-stage test method to accommodate online ature, if necessary, and, while maintaining it at 25 ± 1°, be-
or offline testing. Online conductivity testing provides real- gin vigorously agitating the test specimen while periodically
time measurements and opportunities for real-time process observing the conductivity. When the change in conductivi-
control, decision, and intervention. Precautions should be ty (due to uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide) is less
taken while collecting water samples for offline conductivity than a net of 0.1 mS/cm per 5 min, note the conductivi-
measurements. The sample may be affected by the sam- ty. s[NOTE—Conductivity measurements at this stage may
pling method, the sampling container, and environmental be temperature-compensated to 25° or non–temperature-
factors such as ambient carbon dioxide concentration and compensated.]sUSP37
organic vapors. This procedure can be started at Stage 2 if 5. If the conductivity is not greater than 2.1 mS/cm, the
offline testing is preferred.sUSP37 water meets the requirements of the test for conductivity. If
the conductivity is greater than 2.1 mS/cm, proceed with
Procedure Stage 3.


Stage 1 is intended for online measurement or may be 6. Perform this test within approximately 5 min of the
performed offline in a suitable container. conductivity determination in step 5, while maintaining the
1. Determine the temperature of the water and the con- sample temperature at 25 ± 1°. Add a saturated potassium
ductivity of the water with a non–temperature-compensated chloride solution to the same water sample (0.3 mL per 100
conductivity reading. mL of the test specimen), and determine the pH to the

General Chapters
2. Using Table 1, find the temperature value that is NMT nearest 0.1 pH unit, as directed in pH á791ñ.
the measured temperature, i.e., the next lower temperature. 7. Referring to Table 2, determine the conductivity limit at
The corresponding conductivity value on this table is the the measured pH value. If the measured conductivity in step
limit. [NOTE—Do not interpolate.] 4 is sNMT the table valuesUSP37 determined in step 6, the
3. If the measured conductivity is NMT the table val- water meets the requirements of the test for conductivity. If
ue sdetermined in step 2,sUSP37 the water meets the require- either the measured conductivity is greater than this value
ments of the test for conductivity. If the conductivity is or the pH is outside the range of 5.0–7.0, the water does
higher than the table value, proceed with Stage 2. not meet the requirements of the test for conductivity.
Table 1. Stage 1—Temperature and Conductivity Table 2. Stage 3—pH and Conductivity Requirements
Requirements (for atmosphere- and temperature-equilibrated samples only)
(for non–temperature-compensated conductivity measurements only) pH Conductivity Requirement (mS/cm)
Temperature Conductivity Requirement (mS/cm) 5.0 4.7
0 0.6 5.1 4.1
5 0.8 5.2 3.6
10 0.9 5.3 3.3
15 1.0 5.4 3.0
20 1.1 5.5 2.8
25 1.3 5.6 2.6
30 1.4 5.7 2.5
35 1.5 5.8 2.4
40 1.7 5.9 2.4
45 1.8 6.0 2.4
50 1.9 6.1 2.4
55 2.1 6.2 2.5
60 2.2 6.3 2.4
65 2.4 6.4 2.3
70 2.5 6.5 2.2
75 2.7 6.6 2.1
80 2.7 6.7 2.6
85 2.7 6.8 3.1
90 2.7 6.9 3.8
95 2.9 7.0 4.6
100 3.1
The procedure and test limits are intended for Sterile Puri-
4. Transfer a sufficient amount of water ssUSP37 to a suita- fied Water, Sterile Water for Injection, Sterile Water for Inhala-
ble container, and stir the test specimen. Adjust the temper-

Official from August 1, 2014

Copyright (c) 2014 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. All rights reserved.
Accessed from by quimica on Fri Aug 08 08:08:08 EDT 2014
314 á645ñ Water Conductivity / Physical Tests USP 37

tion, and Sterile Water for Irrigation, and any other mono- to +150°, is available as the ASTM E1 series 89C through
graphs that specify this section. The sterile waters are de- 96C. Other temperature-measuring devices may be used if
rived from Purified Water or Water for Injection, and therefore they are validated for this procedure (see Thermometers
have been determined to be compliant with the Bulk Water á21ñ). Dimensions should be within ±20% of those given in
requirements before being stored in the container. The the illustration.
specification provided represents the maximum allowable
conductivity value, taking into consideration the limitation
of the measurement method and reasonable container
leaching. Such specification and the sampling volume
choices should be defined and validated on the basis of the
intended purpose of the water.


Obtain a sample that suitably reflects the quality of water

used. Before opening, vigorously agitate the package to ho-
mogenize the water sample. Several packages may be re-
quired to collect sufficient water for analysis.
Transfer a sufficient amount of water to a suitable con-
tainer, and stir the test specimen. Adjust the temperature, if
General Chapters

necessary, and, while maintaining it at 25 ± 1°, begin vigo-

rously agitating the test specimen while periodically observ-
ing the conductivity. When the change in conductivity (due
to uptake of ambient carbon dioxide) is less than a net of
0.1 mS/cm per 5 min, note the conductivity.
For containers with a nominal volume of 10 mL or less, if
the conductivity is NMT 25 mS/cm, the water meets the re-
quirements. For containers with a nominal volume greater
than 10 mL, if the conductivity is NMT 5 mS/cm, the water
meets the requirements.


The temperature at which a substance passes from the liq-

uid to the solid state upon cooling is a useful index to purity Congealing Temperature Apparatus
if heat is liberated when the solidification takes place, provi-
ded that any impurities present dissolve in the liquid only, The specimen container is supported, by means of a cork,
and not in the solid. Pure substances have a well-defined in a suitable water-tight cylinder about 50 mm in internal
freezing point, but mixtures generally freeze over a range of diameter and 11 cm in length. The cylinder, in turn, is sup-
temperatures. For many mixtures, the congealing tempera- ported in a suitable bath sufficient to provide not less than a
ture, as determined by strict adherence to the following em- 37-mm layer surrounding the sides and bottom of the cylin-
pirical methods, is a useful index of purity. The method for der. The outside bath is provided with a suitable thermome-
determining congealing temperatures set forth here is appli- ter.
cable to substances that melt between −20° and 150°, the Procedure—Melt the substance, if a solid, at a tempera-
range of the thermometer used in the bath. The congealing ture not exceeding 20° above its expected congealing
temperature is the maximum point (or lacking a maximum, point, and pour it into the test tube to a height of 50 to 57
the point of inflection) in the temperature-time curve. mm. Assemble the apparatus with the bulb of the test tube
Apparatus—Assemble an apparatus similar to that illus- thermometer immersed halfway between the top and bot-
trated, in which the container for the substance is a 25- × tom of the specimen in the test tube. Fill the bath to about
100-mm test tube. This is provided with a suitable, short- 12 mm from the top of the tube with suitable fluid at a tem-
range thermometer suspended in the center, and a wire stir- perature 4° to 5° below the expected congealing point.
rer, about 30 cm long, bent at its lower end into a horizon- In case the substance is a liquid at room temperature, car-
tal loop around the thermometer. Use a thermometer hav- ry out the determination using a bath temperature about
ing a range not exceeding 30°, graduated in 0.1° divisions, 15° below the expected congealing point.
and calibrated for, but not used at, 76-mm immersion. A When the test specimen has cooled to about 5° above its
suitable series of thermometers, covering a range from −20° expected congealing point, adjust the bath to a tempera-

Official from August 1, 2014

Copyright (c) 2014 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. All rights reserved.

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