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A GUIDE TO: DISTRIBUTE FREELY Ys Book I ¢ IZ are copyrighted by Nikon Falcom '487, '488 and Hudson 1440, The TurboGratx console holds 5 Save Slots for €ach game title. When you Complete Book I you will lose all 5 Slots, 50 r€cord your passwords. Save’ your game at any time. CEcover your password rom the Continue option on the in-game start menu. Super Password *Q2eb/bbbCF}j/jjhghgh ghghg/hghghgh/ghghghg yOyOy/QyOyOyO/yOyOzPz PzA Extra Options ( Japanese version) T-Wia~Sa-Ki-Hi-Ro-Ma~Sa Ipere te more pastuord wes od Cost He “Continue” option. fn options menu will oppear at te Leottom of te second saved game screen. Burro () = beess Twe ‘m aurrow Ys Book I i Book 5 ot tots o vy at ce Dak fact. ‘Ys Book I - Items Blue Amuict ~ Used to break an ancient curse. Blue Negkuce = Protection against the statue traps. (eh bepaauamey serve Brooch (SV A wey For using mirrors fs paste Eagle Zp Gidsscs (P) - Alous you to reed tHe Ws volumes Golden Wpse - ? Can be sold to Pim Cor a protit Nammér (22) ~ Used to elear thé Ga ti Ie Bar Tower Heat Potion (12) = @ecover ntl. KeypDarm (P= Key #0 Dare Tuer. Ketpvony (P)— Key. keyimarele ®- ~ Key, eis (0) Gps fee's prize ct Kary Sirine (P) ~ Gogns the door to tHe etaper eres key. mokk of Eyes (E) ~ See hidden passages. Itrcor ~ eqns enemiey sil brea wed 4o0 often, Meisac~ (Gn ald fo Pim fr a prof ecices ctamage ty VE. SEIT a Se OS b's te Seana) Feetils HP eh standing ti. Sparsappuins (= he One Coed mans wet eae er Ce) = eeauces Sauce mt ‘om ie (P)= ? con be sold #o Pim for a Serd's crystal (9) = Atay Bor using 4 faba statues Wing (2) f @eturn to and] town, “a ns Return to Frendliér areas to regenerate health. Aggressive Spawning - Enemies will pop if you're still For too long. Magic Engine veads disk as... OSX reads cise a. [D2] PeeeD Asio €D WP reads dist as. 05% vende dise as. [De] Audio e> Aaio &D vs Book II . Return +H€ books to He statues of 4e priests. ‘vs Book IT - Items Cite Drop) - @evive From tye dead Onty one exists, teeter) - Detver to he Doctor frctene Sisto (Wand of fe Hoty World (P) = Imeue's Ado! with magi. Brak fe CB) = tor mining. mi sic of Fire (, Missle wear Me oe Ci he vote ‘Magic of tun (1) - Takes you back to a visited town. EE or ln (Ti ett fon ees) eats ee (a) Pe SOE a's stin EGG (BY Sang ol fos Sire saan (eh tar soccer Re Eeettah cae eine SUSE ae ts at Sats (A nha eet ee ori iB een eS ee ory meen) ea uahispe Earrings (6) Ustel4o eo fain voices Gea Tree Cea Ce) ~ Brotects against poisonous gas Be Oro (6h Helps He demon Gerth rezeue Tor Voca ste) ~ Used €0 communicate with Hadad. bass ( flows Bre ccees inside Soonon's Sing Be of ind ng (€) = Geis magi ge by Ve ‘Sacred Cay pe) elgg ster Dreaming Edot Stone (2 a RED uit PEN Re Book J: Est ia 7 Ceres To Flea S save ot arrival in Minea Town. Claus Hospital Talk to Sara. Use the money to buy a MINER TON | eee ire Cling From Pim. Bring the ving pontcet Wit Tene Orman foe ve Eee Many a¢ the Bars for 4 4 500 GP profit. Speak to Lair ins Trading Boer preli. Spe Pcs ing Sop Purchase eauipment, veturn to Sara and = et Sara's. cure fo eeoee views. GP GB SAVE Stace aescam ome Tower eal std ‘She pi alors a dol Aedienesnny | Sert-Sunr afehiee Shine ‘Bert 1 ENS . Swine MOUNTAIN ea Thieves’ Nest cligeton’s c1iee ont et Cains ets ODive For the Golden Vase. Visit the ‘Mayor and listen to his woes. Than, visit Grandma Jeva and show Ker Sara's’ Crys= tal. Ceceive the Swine Key. Confront Goban. Venture to the shrine and recover the Golden zs te Fo ODefeat the ea rand advance to Shrine Deptt - MINEA TOWN 7 © 007 aCe Va i a eka yay ei ea. ‘evita Bdge ny 3 ei 2. Re K I: Shrine Gia aw Shrine Betronce Feena Cecower te, Bison key. eetuen to. the \__ SHEINE DEPTH | ‘Jail c€lis and use the Prison Key. CESCi Fenda... Minor Event! sand get the Treasure Box Key. Feena suggests you return to pete ae wuaae, But Firsts recover the Ne Gigs, and’ the OEKit tHe sWwin€_and see Goban, at the Thieves' Nest. Than, continue +3 zeptic Village +o Speak to Jeva. Geturn’ the Silver Bell to the. Village Mayor, and accept the Power Ging. ae omar 2 G ie r TD eae i E2 Sieeegl ae ] SAVE omer fo jie Sirine, and go dloum to h 2. CeCover the the Shield, and the Heal Brae passage near tie statue with fe glowing eyes, remembering Goban's advice. Gecover ne ane use te ask near ge statue with the glowing e Open the First locked door with the Key, than open the chamber door with the Marble Key. Obeheae se centioctts Goss and recover +the 45 Volume.“ He OUse a Wing to return to Zeptic. Visit Jeva to translate Volume Hacial. Venture to minea and buy another wing. Go to Sara's shop for info. Tak to Lair for pest info SHE holds: items from Jeva PEN V-Noto’s Chror lo: Ye Book Is Il 7 DMT aCe Tr i al realy ei na eri ‘evita "Bekele hn en Bae aa oe Enter the Mine. Pecover the Heal Potion. Next, recover te, Timer lig. Tran, recover the Silver Armor & 9 & Cross the bridge and advance to Mine Depth 2. Recover the, Heal eh sil the Silver Harmonica, anc Goda Tree Enter the passage to mide Depth 3. G @ SE Recover tHe Darm Keys followed by Collecting the last Heal Potion on your way to the south-most door. 2 6 Detent te Vampire Foss ancl recover the Ys Volume ‘ Dabbie Wing back to Mina Town, and. don't purchase anotier one. See Lair anc return her Silver Harmonica. For you reward, She gives you Ys Volume. "Tota! > a QR Visit Grandma Jeva, to have her read your new Y's volumes. MINE DEPTH u + Re [save OGo to the Thieves Nest. 7 Minor Event! Goban Toba takes your Wing and you enter the Tower of Death. Hil *Note: A version 3 BIOS is required FEN to pass Goban, with magic Engi 7 Tarek yay epi ata "Bekele hn en Bae arm icy YY £Tover of the Stow of Death Enter Darm Tower and go to the barr igh passage to access the second F' a © Recover the Evil Ging, the Mirror, and a Heal Potion. ee Os eturn to the Entrance chamber and qo eet, to tHe next passage and advance’ to Floor 3. Moke your way to the Sth Floor, and take the lePt-most passage leacing to Floor &. When you enter the room with three statues You will be transported to the prison ‘on Floor BI. You discover you've lost your Silver Armor and Silver Shield. ‘Speak to Luta ema. Minor Event! Examine +e prison gate. Colin will come to your rescue, and he will give ou Costa's Ege Tb long the passage with 4 statues, Caulip tHe Mask of Exes to reveal a hidden doorway. Gasta gives you the Blue Necklace. “ Advance to the 7th Floor, but be suré to equip the Blue Necklace belore the prison trap. Darn Tower = 3° YN First Step To wars, A sy From Thieves Nest Darm Tower = Bi DMT aCe Ti i al realy ei a ere ‘watt "YeBikletpepfh ae 7, 1 el i 2, Re a 7 ég=ayy OSpeak to Colin and Gecover the Silver Sword. Advance to Floor & and defeat the Mantis Boss. Gecover Volume Messa. Advance to Floor 4 and r€cover tHe Silver Shield. @ Next, use the Hammer to break the ventilation system and release the poisonous qas that is trapped in the passageway on Floor Il. _ Speak to Luta Gema and learn of a Yume: — prisoner. Hare *Note: Breaking the ventalation system, before speaking to Casta on floor MI causes his scenario to 6 skipped. [save V-Noto's Chronicle: Ye Books 7/17 DMT aCe Tt Fareed yay epi ate ‘evita "YeBikletpepfh ae 7, 1 el i 2, seas O see hasta on Floor 13, he tls of a girl who was taken to @ado's annex, on the loth floor. Advance to Floor 4 and defeat the Boulder boss. Recover the Brooch. Recover Volume ‘Gemma’! = =< = SS Iss Gecover the Silver Armor on Floor 13. Advance to Floor 15 and recover the Battle Shield. *m @ Venture up the tower to Floor ley wan to the south-most door to access @ado's Annex. Minor Event! Equip the Evil Ling and free Lair. You ar€ awarded with the Glasses. You can now read an ancient as g =| Take a detour through Floor Wt and! See Luta Gemma, Minor Event! He gives you the Blue Amulet. we ii PEN V-Note’s Chronicle: Ye Book Is _ 8/17 Bisa ORT a Oe Tr rt il rhage scab ‘wet "YeBikletpepfh ae 7, 1 el i 2, Qge=ays "© ead volumes mesa and Gemma. _ Dark fact Equip the item that you were instructed to wear, when going to Floor 14, for the Battle Armor. Advance’ to floor 20 to vecover the Flame Sword. e Defeat the Demoniads Boss, than Save a password. Volume: Fact 4 SAVE. Equip another item, mentioned in an 5 volume, to open the next door. Mayor Event! 4 ust Battle 4 Untitled Track Sounds lite ~''m Not Your Foo! * OSit back and enjoy! atte iemor \ aA from too te V-Noto's Chro lo: Ye Books I_9/17 OR etchae ‘Valo Chil eet ffi wah or eres by any ce ephedrine hen. ‘nro "Bekele hn en Bae Di ior _ — he CO dicts Siige® Gyio's : t TSE ee’s : : =i f : 4 (and of é (| Woy ord ex ca Very uh, - ONES Portes oe 4 TEs of dora yl aera Ancient ‘Slate at Jade's Sword, Armor Shield sordid Congo tuo os Bye Spee al ee Divine Area “statue of fidbe District oF Tea! Wadtal” SAVE OBemice gives you a Letter for | statue of Dr. Flair, and 300GP Sword ¢ Fact chain Amor. Guido Needs Iron. ria Speak to Dr. Flair. He tells of his el brother Galle, who is lost. tue of abi Get the Ancient Slate, the Wand X of Holy World, and a Goda Tree Statue of Rat. emma Return to Senior's, where he will instruct you as to Exactly where Statue of you can stick the Books of Vs. mesa Head to the Divine Area and recovers Cleria Gingy Pick Axe. find @alie. He'll need a rare Flowery and a oda Tree Nut from the Quins. Return 5 Books and recovers magic. of Fire, Magic of Light, Kerséta Flower, Iron Ore, Evil Bell, V-Noto’s Chror DMT aCe Te al realy my ei na erie ‘wet "Yekl et pprfhin 17, 8 Be 8, ms eI an ye ea ieee heey An equipped magic wand will deplete — Omagic of Transform, Stone Shoes, Idol your MP... of ‘Hawk, Cape of Holy Spirit, Illusion Mirror. OCYou should now have gold to buy the Small Recover the Magic of Transform. Shield , Long Sword, and some Chain OKill the boss. armor. © €eturn to Dr. Flairy who is now with Balle, will make a potion. Bring to Lilia’s Stone mom. Fi A] (SES Tee Pare east Lilia's mom delivers the Wand ~ Magic of @eturn (Hadal's magic), From eqs. minor Event! *Exploit the basment monsters for gold! Visit the last Statue and get the Stroll of Guidance. Get: Misty Ice Drops. i oF PSA] Wikio Ee, Burnlond Midale [SAVE ~ . vor Fusion iB Divine Area Mirvor *K V-Noto's Chronicle: ae Book Ls I 11/17, ST Ee Gree Tt Fareed yay epi ei ‘wet iba eppt tee een he Ne QeeeE mye Ovisit Burn Village for an essential tip, and to test’ Kudo's loyalty with TransCorm magic. GEE the Whisper Earrings. Return to tHe Ceri place and summon the ns for tips. OF ind tie Blue Of. Burnland cig ree Burn Burnland West Blue Ore = = Burnland Middle {JL } bec : Floor 128 Park | CE xplore to the northeast, to listen For a sign. be Minor Event! expire 7 Return to Burn Village. Sa To, Zompicnecd | eiiind > SAVE V-Noto’s Chror lo: Ye Book Is | 12/17 So Bee i Pi hd ud ii elo ‘nro "Bekele hn en Bae NI a “ouiays go Hb} ey ge 0} "hy PAE BHP WO $1 iH004'S IOI ohn ai “puvzsapun ho} 2049. Bore =e abonbuo) 9 wy spaunb amp oF s3ds 7 ae uo 390 owns op uovosddy = } “iis “HAMS VION aM 9b puD tase Slit vorssim v Joy popu op WaNEaIOD “y m7 f DN oe ong cigpidy [sao 2 s -powoysuvay 34.n0A, J4aA3 Jour eiigaly 2osns, orm / soem 7g HR “towe) 0} hom vo saiieg 335 “agar op wads. “Puri” S =|F 32! Punoyssapun 03 enoy 3g “bujssiw 4p paoms hywys Hy = a tweacbinios sxtsd 9 wo FAs pw ves. vos seu ob ads oles “P4ony Sst Sguamdinbs — apysddn oo Ps i838 Mp wo.y ‘S5nq aM 20g D90IR0bIN — 5,140 OF »Iv>. “UIA vIMAI UTS : a> = Fade ox =F — rE men Go MP Co) Pe ~ agile Hi gh BO \ 359m \e ot pampucy orb 2OnSS ORS Sa 9 Pigs j Wear dn pores i i Re kT: a Qgpeaeiny, 2 v to Te Sok 'S ‘ine lid. West PBaies” "= Carayma Olnspect the First door. Speak to te Cesistence forees. til OSacred Cup of Daobie, anc take it to Evan in Camia Vg. Use a magic that can Help you see, to Pind the cup. eturn to Famia. Return to the Hideout. Must wear the Goddesses pendant to pass. Speak +o Lilia. Minor Event! SAE OShe gives you te Master Keys ReCovEr Magic. of Timestop and te... Olron Shield. Geplace your oda Nat i? necessary. Speak to the oon quarding the Silver Pendant. Head to the Canal -Guarded by Daties. Get te Fitem™, Head back to Solomon's Shrine. Win, and tak to the Statue on the leet, than use it 40 qo to... Solomon’ main |. Druegar, in Canal - aA WK ossnes £2 sobomon's Seine = cast A sotontn nic to Stone, V-Noto's Chror lo: Ye Book Is | 14/17 TG area feted ns, "Yekl et pprfhin 17, 8 Be 8, Ke ‘Canal Mic Shi Solomon Main | ‘\E Battle To Solomon Mic (Druegar) K.. mn ‘Canal €ast Canal ZN Canal mid. SAVE ‘4 Solomon Main 2 O Battle shield. Canal Mid. Equip the Voca Srell. Your instructed to return to ?'s house to tak to Tart Talk to Keith and get the.. Okey to the Water Canal. Minor Event! Transport to Gamia Village and ik 40 ie. person mentioned luring the Voc Sel conversation. © €eturn +0 Canal West and use the Canal Key to access the Canal Celease Panel. elease the Canals. Minor Event! © kecover the Battle Armor. O €ecover the Idol of Falcon. Head 40 Goddess' Castle. Talk 40 Keith ~ You must save Maria. Head to Canal Mid. for the... OBattle Sword. Enter the Goddess* Swine. Deteat the Beléry quardian. keith Confront Dalles. Gecover the... ODreaming Idol Stone + return to the Godesses. Transport +o @amia, Head to the secret meeting oom in Solomon's del Shrine and recover the... Falcon OBlue Orb. J Stand or the belfry and use the Idol to release the of , descendants of Ys from their y Eeeicless’ stone prisons. Transport to amia for quick ay | 7 access to the Stone statue in Canal East. Get the... OCleria Sword, and transport to Ramia. Speak to Sada's Rather for. Clevia-Armor. To the Cunduay hideout For... Golden Pendant. Chronicle: Ye Book Is It 1: Tr aa iin dire din eal ststpep i ne Mean eye aS Head to Dalles Room via the right-side statue in Solomon mid. Defeat Dalles ea vecover the Magic of Shield. the Peace of mind Ging. Gina through Score and speak to ol Lh Pein + Dekka, and Lilia Cute gives... |. Use it to remove the barrier. Advance. Minor Event! OGoban and Luta appear, get the. Talk to Luta and get... Sreield of Cleria. Pray the Harmonica. Talk to Feena and Lair. Minor Event! ip the Goddess's Ging and Magic. of O shield. Minor Event! Enter the Final chamber and discover he true source behind Darm's power. End Action: Forced soft restart (runeselect). Goddess’ Shrine Goddess’ Castle The vest is the stut? of legend... $ompanie of ne Holders of Power Belery keith ra can Chronicle: Ye Book Is | 16/17 DMT aCe Te a realy my ei nal ere ‘evita "YeBikletpepfh ae 7, 1 el i 2, V-Note's Chronicle: A Guide to Ys Book I # IE mo tena beak hae Contributors who's work made this quide possible Sean Towne “Tony Trams Davi micret erie Micke Guide Written and Liustrated by Vincent Gosati, 2007 musings Shouldn't it be ' Shadow of the Tower of Death’? @eterencing the Sapphire Ging Ts Mt possible iat tere arc ober NPCS Bt wont “te other valodte items instead of sling thom £0 Pi Typography So Hane eoqoe Surcnaul Brad Bey Zim ick james, witen!

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