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SPE 84092

Analyzing Reservoir Fluid Composition In-Situ in Real Time: Case Study in a

Carbonate Reservoir
Go Fujisawa, Schlumberger-Doll Research; Oliver C. Mullins, Schlumberger-Doll Research; Chengli Dong, SPE,
Schlumberger Sugar Land Product Center; Andrew Carnegie, SPE, Schlumberger; Soraya S. Betancourt, SPE,
Schlumberger-Doll Research; Toru Terabayashi, Schlumberger K. K.; Satoko Yoshida, Schlumberger K. K.; Antonio R.
Jaramillo, SPE, Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO); and Mostafa Haggag, Abu Dhabi Company for
Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO)

Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

(UAE). A gas injection pilot has been running for years, and a
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and comprehensive monitoring program is in place. The first field
Exhibition held in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 5–8 October 2003.
trial of the subject technology in an observation well
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
successfully identified the presence of injected gas, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to determined by fluid compositions. This result was later found
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at to be in good agreement with laboratory PVT analysis.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is Introduction
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous The accurate description of reservoir fluids is essential for
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
successful reservoir evaluation and development because fluid
properties influence almost every aspect of production,
including economic value, completion design, and production
Abstract protocol. There is no substitute for acquisition of valid
Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is used to provide in-situ representative reservoir fluids from the formation for proper
quantitative characterization of reservoir fluids during wireline analysis.
sampling using five representative composition groupings (C1, The most serious concern associated with wireline fluid
C2–C5, C6+, CO2, and water). This information is vital for the sampling is validity of sampled fluid. Wireline samples can
proper execution of wireline fluid sampling jobs. Time contain unacceptably high concentrations of water-base mud
variances of fluid compositions, along with absolute (WBM) filtrate or oil-base mud (OBM) filtrate. An equally
compositions, give us important clues about the phase and serious issue is phase transition of fluid caused by pressure
contamination level of the capturing samples in real time. In drawdown or temperature change, particularly for phase-
addition, quantitative compositional analysis during wireline sensitive fluid such as condensates. Both high filtrate
sampling provides immediate identification of the critical fluid contamination and phase transition invalidate the sampled
issues, thereby enabling optimization of the sample acquisition fluid for any succeeding laboratory analyses. In order to solve
program. Laboratory pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) these issues, the E&P industry has developed various in-situ
analysis requires samples that are captured in single phase and techniques to detect these problematic situations while
are relatively free from mud filtrate contamination. Such sampling is taking place. Optical fluid analysis is the most
information is essential for reservoir management and flow accepted technology for fluid discrimination. Water and oil
simulation modeling. are discriminated using differences in NIR absorption peaks.1
This paper consists of three parts. The first part covers Miscible OBM filtrate contamination in crude oil is analyzed
laboratory NIR spectroscopic study of petroleum fluids at utilizing the time evolution of the visible-NIR spectra during
elevated pressures and temperatures. This extensive database, wireline sample acquisition.2, 3
coupled with principal components regression (PCR) In addition to sample validation for wireline sampling, a
technique, establishes the feasibility of such an in-situ new development allows some fluid analyses in downhole.4
compositional analysis. Such in-situ analyses have the advantages of time, robustness,
The second part reports shop test results on a downhole and clear chain of custody for samples. The first one is
experimental prototype. The tool estimates density for each obvious. In-situ fluid analysis by definition gives answers in
composition group for more than 10 live fluids at conditions real time when it can take months before oil companies
simulating a petroleum reservoir. Typically, the measured receive a full laboratory analysis report. Considering the
mass fraction for each composition group agrees with the mass nature of the petroleum industry, access to real-time fluid
fraction acquired from PVT analysis within ±5% accuracy. analysis results has a tremendous impact on the decision-
The final part presents a field test case study conducted in making process. The second item is robustness of
an onshore carbonate reservoir in the United Arab Emirates

measurements. The fluid sample is most representative in the from the spectrometer to a custom high-pressure, high-
downhole conditions. By contrast, the fluid a surface temperature optical cell, which was set inside an oven to allow
laboratory receives must experience adverse situations such as temperature control. Single phase sample (SSB) bottles were
pressure change, temperature change, and fluid transfer before used to store and keep the fluid mixtures in single phase. The
it reaches the laboratory. As a result, fluid properties may no bottle is connected to the custom optics cell on the sample
longer be representative of true reservoir fluid because of mixture side and connected to a pressure-controlling hydraulic
irrevocable changes such as irreversible asphaltene onset pump on the other side. Fig. 1 shows a schematic drawing of
caused by temperature change or partial loss of fluid caused the experimental setup. Utmost care was taken to keep fluid
by sample transfer and/or mishandling. The third item is chain mixtures in single phase at every step of measurement.
of custody for fluid. In-situ fluid analyses tend to be coarse Typically, the SSB bottle containing a mixture was
because the analytical apparatuses available for wireline tool pressurized at around 8,000 psi, well over the fluid saturation
are usually limited in their accuracy and resolution compared pressure (less than 4,000 psi), and the fluid inside was agitated
to surface laboratory counterparts. Both in-situ analyses and using an internal agitation ring prior to opening the bottle.
laboratory analyses have their strengths and weaknesses. In- Both the optics cell and the high-pressure tubing connecting
situ analyses are robust but coarse—laboratory analyses are the cell to the SSB were filled with high-pressure pure
accurate but the results may not truly represents reservoir nitrogen so that the fluid inside the SSB would experience the
fluid. The best practice is using them both, thus making least possible pressure shock in an event of opening the bottle.
analyses robust and accurate. If both in-situ analyses and The system was thoroughly purged until there was no effect of
laboratory analyses agree well, there will be an increased nitrogen (N2 is transparent in the NIR range but affects the
confidence in analyses results. density/pressure relationship), and then actual measurement
In this paper, we outline the technology that enables in-situ took place.
analysis of reservoir fluid and quantitatively characterizes it We used a variety of prepared mixtures at various
by five compositional groups (C1, C2–C5, C6+, CO2, and pressures and temperatures. Pressure and temperature
water). Such information can be valuable for assuring valid strongly affect fluid spectra (Figs. 2 and 3), but we showed
fluid sampling and providing in-situ composition analysis as that the NIR spectra are essentially linear in fluid density5–8 as
discussed in the previous two paragraphs. The body of this shown in Fig. 4. Thus, we do not need to explicitly account
paper consists of three parts. The first part covers the theory for pressure and temperature in our NIR analysis. In total 75
of measurement explaining the NIR spectroscopic study spectra were used to create the model function that is based on
results and the interpretation method. The second part covers PCR. The standard principal component analysis (PCA) was
the shop test results performed on the experimental wireline performed on data to find out 1) the total number of
tool that was designed based on the theory. The third part extractable principal components and composition groups and
presents a field test case study conducted in an onshore 2) the best set of wavelength channels for wireline tools. Fig.
carbonate reservoir in the UAE. 5 shows the five largest principal components in decreasing
order of importance. For proper downhole analysis, we
Measurement Theory and Laboratory Study Results employ these five largest principal components while setting
The NIR absorption spectra of hydrocarbons have been targets for differentiating four composition groups: C1, C2–C5,
studied extensively and used in many applications in various C6+, and CO2.
industries. However, applications for the wireline oil and gas The actual prediction model for wireline tools was built in
exploration industry were limited until recently. This was the following manner. First, the spectral data was converted
partly due to the technical difficulty of bringing a reliable so that the data was meaningful to wireline tools. There are
spectrograph to the harsh and restrictive conditions wireline significant differences between the research-grade
tools have to endure, and also it was partly due to the spectrometer we used to acquire all the data and a
insufficient amount of studies on hydrocarbon fluid spectra at spectrometer that wireline tools can accommodate. The
such high pressure and temperature. The industry cleared the research-grade spectrometer used measured fluid spectra from
first difficulty by introducing downhole spectrometers about 800 nm to 2,500 nm with 1 nm step and 2 nm resolution. By
10 years ago.1 The second obstacle is also cleared as more contrast, a wireline tool spectrometer has a limited number of
studies have been conducted on the subject in recent years.5–7 discrete lower resolution channels. Following the criteria
We recently published a study result that indicates the described in the previously published paper,8 we chose t
feasibility of conducting in-situ compositional analysis for gas channels best suited for our purpose. Using the low-resolution
and condensates.8 Two new modifications for real wireline spectral data converted from the original high-resolution
tools have been made since then. These changes and resulting spectra, we constructed data matrix Dt×m, where t represents
new calculation results are the main focus of this section. We the number of channels and m represents the number of the
limit explanations on the experiment and analysis theory to the calibration spectra. We employed PCA and PCR for the data
minimum level because the major part of experiment and analysis and model building. These analytical techniques are
analysis is quite similar to that explained in the published well explained in many standard chemometrics textbooks and
paper. Interested readers are referred to the publication.8 related literature.9, 10 Throughout this section, we denote a
The NIR spectra of both pure and mixed hydrocarbon matrix with a bold capital letter followed by two suffix
fluids were measured at pressures ranging from 4,000 psi to numbers showing the size of the matrix. A vector is expressed
15,000 psi at temperatures ranging from 20°C to 150°C. with a bold lowercase letter, and a scalar is expressed with a
Custom interface optics were used to relay the optical beam normal lowercase letter. For the sake of consistency, we also

added suffix numbers to vectors and scalars. Following the of the high-pressure optics cell allowed us to monitor the fluid
standard PCA procedure, the Dt×m matrix was decomposed with a research-grade spectrometer at the same time without
into two orthogonal matrices, Rt×t (loadings) and Ct×m (scores). disrupting spectroscopic measurement by the tool. The most
important aspect of the test was to keep the fluid mixture in
Dt×m = Rt×t Ct×m (1) single phase throughout the test, and the same care and
We have more samples than channels. Among t principal procedures described in the previous section were used at
components, only f of them are useful for predicting every step of the experiment.
concentrations of composition groups. So we can reduce the We tested the tool against 14 live fluids. Roughly
dimensions of Rt×t and Ct×m without losing meaningful categorizing, six of them were gas, three of them were
information. Now the data matrix Dt×m is approximated by condensates, and five of them were live oil. The descriptions
Dt×m, so that of the 14 samples are given in Table 1. All measurements
took place at 8,000 psi and 180°F. Figs. 11 to 14 compare the
Dt×m ~ Dt×m = Rt×f Cf×m , (2) estimations given by the tool to the correct values given by
where Rt×f and Cf×m represent reduced loading matrix and score laboratory PVT analysis. Here, the plots are shown in a mass
matrix, respectively. In the PCR model, the concentration of fraction, i.e., each component group mass divided by a total
each chemical composition y is independently related to the sample density. All four figures show excellent agreement
score of spectra by a regression vector b. Using m calibration between the tool estimations and correct values regardless of
dataset, the relation is given as follows: the fluid types.

y1×m = b1×f Cf×m . (3) Field Test Case Study

Since both y1×m and Cf×m are known quantities, either by As the final step of the feasibility study, we decided to bring
definition or calculation for the calibration dataset, the the prototype tool to the oil field. For the tool to be of real use
regression vector b1×f can be determined using a least-squares in the oil field, it has to endure adverse conditions that were
approach. Once the regression vector b1×f is determined, the not included in the laboratory study and could not be realized
concentration of each composition group is predicted by the in the previous shop test. For a well drilled with WBM,
following model equation, presence of water in the tool flowline is a major issue. Water
is known to have a strong absorption effect in the wavelength
y1×1 = b1×f (Rt×fT Rt×f)-1 Rt×fT mt×1 , (4) range of our interest. The presence and quantification of water
where mt×1 is a spectrum of reservoir fluid measured with a t- can be determined relatively easily, and its effect can be partly
channel wireline spectrometer tool. The model equation eliminated by subtracting water spectrum from a measured
occasionally returns a negative value if the concentration of a spectrum. However, this spectrum subtraction is never perfect
composition group in question is very low. We built a process because water and hydrocarbon do not create a homogeneous
to treat negative values into the simulation so that it never flow (on which the justification of the spectrum subtraction is
returns physically meaningless negative concentrations. based). Another issue related to the presence of water is that
The model expressed in Eq. 4 was then tested for all 75 its own very strong absorption properties overlap the weaker
spectra data, and its results were compared to the true absorption spectrum of CO2 and makes accurate CO2
concentrations. The results are plotted in Figs. 6 to 9. The measurement difficult. Scattering is another issue. Small sand
vertical axis of each graph shows the predicted concentration, particles, water droplets in oil, and oil droplets in water all
and the horizontal axis shows the true concentration. The give light scattering. Most of the scattering is wavelength
estimations agree to the correct concentrations for all four independent, and it can be removed by baseline channel
compositional groups. subtraction. However, any scattering that is dependent on
wavelength will not be removed in this manner and will
Shop Test Results of an Experimental Prototype introduce additional measurement error.
Encouraged by the positive results discussed in the previous The first field trial of the prototype tool was conducted in
section, we engineered an experimental prototype wireline an onshore carbonate reservoir in the UAE. A gas injection
tool based on the study. The spectrometer part was equipped pilot has been running for years and a comprehensive
with the previously discussed t wavelength channels, each monitoring program was in place. A new monitoring well was
measuring fluid absorption at the wavelength specified by the drilled with WBM for the purpose of conducting wireline
study. In order to confirm the feasibility of the composition sampling to determine the progress of injected sweep gas. The
analysis, the prototype tool was tested with several prototype tool was attached to a wireline sampling tool string
hydrocarbon fluids in a shop test. equipped with a dual packer module, a pumpout module, an
Fig. 10 shows the schematic of the test setup. The optical fluid anaysis module, and 18 single-phase multisample
prototype tool was placed inside a large oven. A conventional chambers allowing multiple zones to be sampled. The
sample bottle (CSB) was used to store and keep testing fluid wireline sampling tool was able to acquire single-phase
mixture in single phase. The hydraulic fluid side of the CSB samples of sufficient quality for all laboratory analysis
was connected to a high-pressure pump, which controlled the purposes from six different stations. The prototype tool was
pressure of the whole experiment system. The sample side of used to analyze fluid at the first four stations (A, B, C, and D,
the CSB was first connected to a custom high-pressure optics in order of increasing depth). Fig. 15 shows fluid analysis
cell, then to the prototype tool inside the oven. The insertion results in mass ratio given by the tool. Streaks of dark blue
lines, indicating the presence of water slugs, were caused by

the characteristics of the pumpout module. Fluid segregation Examples from North Sea Operations”, SPE 71736, 76th SPE
within the pumpout unit prior to downhole sample analysis Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (2001).
enhances the likelihood of oil slugs without water enabling 4. O. C. Mullins, G. F. Beck, M. E. Cribbs, T. Terabayashi, and
more robust analysis. As seen in this figure, the fluid from K. Kegasawa, “Downhole Detemination of GOR on Single-
Phase Fluids by Optical Spectroscopy”, SPWLA 42nd Annual
depth A contains very little gas component (C1 and C2–C5 Logging Symposium, M (2001).
group); it is primarily C6+ group, indicating the injected gas 5. O. C. Mullins, N. B. Joshi, H. Groenzin, T. Daigle, C.
has not reached depth A. On the other hand, significant Crowell, M. T. Joseph, and A. Jamaluddin, “Linearity of
amounts of C1 and C2–C5 are present in depth B, clearly Near-Infrared Spectra of Alkanes”, Applied Spectroscopy,
showing that the injected gas has reached the section. 54, 624 (2000).
Obviously, depths A and B are not in communication. The 6. O. C. Mullins, T. Daigle, C. Crowell, H. Groenzin, and N.
situation for depths C and D is similar, as seen in Fig. 15. Joshi, “Gas-Oil Ratio of Live Crude Oils Determined by
Some amount of the injected gas has reached these two depths. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy”, Applied Spectroscopy, 55, 197
The tool analysis results were later compared to the standard (2001).
7. M. A. van Agthoven, G. Fujisawa, P. Rabbito, and O. C.
laboratory PVT analysis results (Table 2). These two results Mullins, “Near-Infrared Spectral Analysis of Gas Mixtures”,
are in good agreement. Applied Spectroscopy, 56, 593 (2002).
8. G. Fujisawa, M. A. van Agthoven, F. Jenet, P. A. Rabbito,
Conclusions and O. C. Mullins, “Near-Infrared Compositional Analysis of
The feasibility of in-situ reservoir fluid composition analysis Gas and Condensate Reservoir Fluids at Elevated Pressures
was discussed and tested in three stages: laboratory study, and Temperatures”, Applied Spectroscopy, 56, 1615 (2002).
prototype test, and field test. The result at each stage turned 9. E. R. Malinowski, Factor Analysis in Chemistry (Wiley-
out to be very promising, and it now seems very possible to Interscience, New York, 1991), 2nd ed.
bring this type of in-situ analysis to the E&P industry. 10. B. M. Wise and N. B. Gallagher, a tutorial material for
PLS_Toolbox 2.1 (Eigenvector Research, Inc., 2000).
Downhole compositional analysis is seen to provide
immediate accurate feedback on the disposition of reservoir
fluids. These real time results are important for determining
sample validity and sample collection objective.

Dt×m = spectral data matrix consists of t-number of
wavelength and m-number of sample
Rt×t = loading matrix
Ct×m = score matrix
Dt×m = reduced data matrix
Rt×f = reduced loading matrix
Cf×m = reduced score matrix
b1×f = regression vector
y = concentration
mt×1= spectrum measured with a t-channel wireline
spectrometer tool

The authors would like to express gratitude to Abu Dhabi
Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) and
Schlumberger for permission to publish this paper.

1. R. Smits, D. V. Fincher, K. Nishida, O. C. Mullins, R. J.
Schroeder, and T. Yamate, “In-Situ Optical Fluid Analysis as
an Aid to Wireline Formation Sampling”, SPE 26496, 68th
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (1993).
2. O. C. Mullins, J. Schroer, and G. C. Beck, “Real-Time
Quantification of OBM Filtrate Contamination during
Openhole Wireline Sampling by Optical Spectroscopy”,
SPWLA 41st Annual Logging Symposium, SS (2000).
3. F. H. Fadnes, J. Irvin-Fortescue, S. Williams, O. C. Mullins,
and A. V. Dusen, “Optimization of Wireline Sample Quality
by Real-Time Analysis of Oil-Based Mud Contamination –


Sample Fluid Type Descriptions
1 Gas
2 Gas Contains CO2
3 Gas Contains high CO2
4 Wet Gas
5 Wet Gas Contains CO2
6 Wet Gas Contains high CO2
7 Condensate Gas Gas/oil ratio (GOR) ~ 17,500 scf/bbl
8 Condensate Gas GOR ~ 25,500 scf/bbl
9 Condensate Gas GOR ~ 66,500 scf/bbl
10 Oil GOR = 135 scf/bbl, dead oil API =
11 Oil GOR = 503 scf/bbl, dead oil API = 46
12 Oil GOR = 937 scf/bbl, dead oil API =
13 Oil GOR = 1057 scf/bbl
14 Oil GOR = 1400 scf/bbl

Depth C1 (wt%) C2–C5 (wt%) C6+ (wt%) GOR
A 2%, 2% 5%, 9% 93%, 89% 250, 400
B 28%, 25% 23%, 31% 49%, 44% 4800, 6200
C 9%, 7% 10%, 14% 81%, 79% 950, 1030
D 7%, 6% 9%, 13% 84%, 81% 800, 875


Cell Jacket


5 15
Hydraulic 0 20
Air Line Pump

Fig. 1. A schematic drawing of the measurement system.


0.5 1.0 4,000 psi, 100 °C

15,000 psi, 100 °C 6,000 psi, 100 °C
12,000 psi, 100 °C 8,000 psi, 100 °C
0.4 0.8 10,000 psi, 100 °C
10,000 psi, 100 °C
8,000 psi, 100 °C 12,000 psi, 100 °C
6,000 psi, 100 °C 15,000 psi, 100 °C
0.3 0.6
4,000 psi, 100 °C 8,000 psi, 21 °C


8,000 psi, 60 °C
0.2 0.4 8,000 psi, 125 °C

0.1 0.2

0.0 0.0
1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 2. An example of a series of NIR spectra measured at 100°C Fig. 4. An example of a series of NIR spectra normalized for their
with different pressures for a same mixture. The magnitude of respective density. Their overlap suggests the spectra can be
spectra is dependent on pressure, but it is essentially linear in approximated as a function of density alone.
fluid density, as shown in Fig. 4.

0.5 2.5
8,000 psi, 21 °C PC1
8,000 psi, 60 °C 2.0 PC2
0.4 8,000 psi, 100 °C PC3
8,000 psi, 125 °C 1.5 PC4
0.3 PC5



0.0 -0.5
1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 3. An example of a series of NIR spectra measured at 8,000 Fig. 5. The five largest principal components are plotted in
psi with different temperatures for a same mixture. The decreasing order. The wavelength range from 1800 nm to 1950
magnitude of spectra is dependent on temperature, but it is nm was eliminated from our analysis because of contamination of
essentially linear in fluid density, as shown in Fig. 4. some sample mixtures.

0.35 0.8
C1 C6+ group
0.30 y=x y=x
Estimation (g/cm3)

Estimation (g/cm3)



0.00 0.0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Correct concentration (g/cm3) Correct concentration (g/cm3)

Fig. 6. Comparison of methane concentration from NIR analysis Fig. 8. Comparison of C6+ concentration (integrated) from NIR
against actual results. The estimations agree with the correct analysis against actual results. The estimations agree well with
concentrations very well. the correct concentrations.

0.14 C2-C5 group
1.0 y=x
Estimation (g/cm3)

Estimation (g/cm3)

0.10 0.8


0.00 0.0
0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Correct concentration (g/cm3) Correct concentration (g/cm3)

Fig. 7. Comparison of C2–C5 group concentration (integrated) from Fig. 9. Comparison of CO2 concentration from NIR analysis
NIR analysis against actual results. The estimations agree well against actual results. The estimations agree with the correct
with the correct concentrations. concentrations.

Sample Hydraulic Fluid

Valve 1

Valve 2 Pressure
Sample Bottle Gauge 1
Optics Cell and
Pressure Tool Oven Pressure
Gauge 2 Gauge 3

Prototype Tool
Valve 3

Fig. 10. The schematic drawing of the prototype tool test.

100 100
C1 C6+ group
y=x y=x
80 80
Tool estimation (wt %)

Tool estimation (wt %)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
True mass fraction (wt %) True mass fraction (wt %)

Fig. 11. The shop test results of the prototype tool for methane Fig. 13. The shop test results of the prototype tool for C6+ group
concentration. The estimations agree well with the correct concentration. The estimations agree well with the correct
concentrations. concentrations.

100 100
C2-C5 group CO2
y=x y=x
80 80
Tool estimation (wt %)

Tool estimation (wt %)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
True mass fraction (wt %) True mass fraction (wt %)

Fig. 12. The shop test results of the prototype tool for C2–C5 group Fig. 14. The shop test results of the prototype tool for CO2
concentration. The estimations agree well with the correct concentration. The estimations agree well with the correct
concentrations. concentrations.

Depth A: No injected gas

Depth B: High concentration of

injected gas

Depth C: Some injected gas

Depth D: Some injected gas

Color Keys

Fig. 15. The tool analyzed fluid at four different depths (A, B, C,
and D, in the order of increasing depth). The color key
corresponds to a concentration group in the following manner:
yellow (C1), brown (C2–C5 group), green (C6+ group), and blue
(water). As seen in the figure, the injected gas has swept the
depth B most efficiently, and depths C and D for some degree
where little gas has reached depth A. Obviously, depths A and B
are not in communication.

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