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Nord Stream 2

Specification for External Three Layer Polyethylene Coating

Document Owner Michael Frame

Review Manager Klaus Schmidt

Approver Trond Gjedrem


Rev. Date Description

01 2015-11-04
02 2016-02-24

Feb 26, 2016
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Table of Contents

1 SCOPE................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Definitions ...............................................................................................................................5
1.2 Abbreviations...........................................................................................................................5

2 SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS.....................................................................................5

2.1 General ...................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Codes, Standards and Regulations ...........................................................................................6

3 REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Operating environment and design temperature.........................................................................8
3.2 Composition of the coating system ............................................................................................9

4 Coating Materials ...............................................................................................................................9

4.1 Epoxy primer ...........................................................................................................................9
4.2 Adhesive .................................................................................................................................10
4.3 HDPE Layer.............................................................................................................................10

5 Storage of coating materials ..............................................................................................................11

5.1 Preservation of coating materials ..............................................................................................11

6 Cleaning and surface preparation before coating ..............................................................................11

6.1 Environmental conditions..........................................................................................................11
6.2 Preheating of pipes ..................................................................................................................12
6.3 Abrasive Cleaning....................................................................................................................12

7 3 Layer Coating...................................................................................................................................12
7.1 Coatings Materials ...................................................................................................................12
7.2 PE application methods............................................................................................................13
7.3 Line pipe, Buckle arrestors and transition pieces coating cut back...............................................14

8 Marking ..............................................................................................................................................15

9 Handling, Storage and Deliv ery of the coated pipes...........................................................................15

9.1 Pipe Storage ...........................................................................................................................15
9.2 Pipe Handling, Stacking ..........................................................................................................15

10 Local safety requirements and HSE requirements .............................................................................16

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11 Defectiv e coating, coating repairs .....................................................................................................16

12 Quality Control and Inspection activ ities...........................................................................................17

12.1 Manufacturing Procedure Qualification Test...............................................................................17
12.1.1 Documentation for MPQT ....................................................................................................18
12.2 Qualification testing of coating ..................................................................................................18
12.2.1 Visual examination ..............................................................................................................18
12.2.2 FBE layer porosity ...............................................................................................................18
12.2.3 Coating thickness ................................................................................................................18
12.2.4 Degree of cure.....................................................................................................................18
12.2.5 Holiday Test........................................................................................................................19
12.2.6 Hot water soak test...............................................................................................................19
12.2.7 Quality requirements and inspection for MPQT and production ..............................................19
12.3 Reception of bare pipes............................................................................................................21
12.4 Reception of the coating materials.............................................................................................21
12.5 Pipe identification.....................................................................................................................21
12.6 Control of surface cleanliness....................................................................................................22
12.6.1 Visual inspection .................................................................................................................22
12.6.2 Check of surface roughness and coating ..............................................................................22
Table 12.6.2. Requirements for inspection of surface preparation and coating ...............................22
12.7 Quality Inspection during production .........................................................................................24
12.7.1 Tests and Test Frequencies.................................................................................................24
12.7.2 Visual inspection .................................................................................................................24
12.7.3 Hot water soak test...............................................................................................................24
12.8 Repair Control .........................................................................................................................24
12.9 Residual magnetism.................................................................................................................24

13 Documentation ...................................................................................................................................24

14 Load Out.............................................................................................................................................25

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Document N°

OLD Document N°

N°. N-EN-PIE-SPE-000-00000003

Specification for External Three Layer Polyethylene Coating W-MA-ENG-GEN-SPE-800-ACC001EN-02 2016-02-24

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Specification for External Three-Layer Polyethylene Coating


This Specification defines the functional requirements for the external three-layer PE anti-corrosion
coating system to be applied on the Nord Stream 2 Offshore Pipeline through the Baltic Sea. The
pipes may also be coated with concrete coating prior to installation in order to provide sufficient
negative buoyancy. Requirements for Internal Flow Coat and Concrete Weight Coating are covered in
a separate specification.

1.1 Definitions
COMPANY Nord Stream 2

CONTRACTOR Coating Contractor, or their agents, who is responsible to COMPANY for the
performance of the WORK as addressed within this specification.

SUPPLIER Vendor or manufacturer for supply of material, equipment and services to the

1.2 Abbrev iations

APS Applica ti on Procedure DSC Differe nti al Scanning
Specif ication Calorimetry
e.g. Exempli gratia (f or the Etc. Etcetera (and more)
sake of example)
ESCR Enviro n m en t al Stress FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy
Cracking Resistance
HDPE High Density IR Inf ra-Red
Poly ethy lene
HSE Health, Saf ety & ITP Inspe cti o n and Testing
Env ironment Plan
MPQT Manufa ct u ri n g Procedure No. Number
Qualifi cati o n Test
NS2 Nord Stream 2 Of fshore Gas Pipeline
PE Poly ethy lene Para Paragraph
TBD To Be Decided PTS Pipe Tracking Sy stem
YS Y ield Strength TS Tensile Strength

3LPE Three Lay er Poly ethylene UV Ultra Violet


2.1 General
A certified quality system according to ISO 9001 shall be applied to assist compliance with the
requirements of this document. A material and pipe tracking system has to be established according
Company’s procedures and manual referenced in para 2.2. The Coating to be produced shall meet all
requirements of DNV RP-F106. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the quality of materials,
workmanship, and compliance with the requirements of all applicable legislative authorities, guidance
notes and specifications.

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2.2 Codes, Standards and Regulations

The latest issue of the following specifications, codes, standards and regulations shall form part of this
specification. In the event of conflict between this specification and other specifications, data sheets,
applicable codes or references, the specification W-MA-ENG-GEN-SPE-800-ACC001EN takes

The Nord Stream Offshore Pipeline shall be designed to meet DNV OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline
Systems (2013). The references listed below shall be considered by CONTRACTOR in their latest
version and shall be regarded as an integral part of this Specification together with the contract
Compliance with DNV OS-F101, means compliance with DNV-RP-F106 which provides additional
requirements, above industry standard document ISO 21809-1: 2011. This specification includes additional
requirements specified by COMPANY.

W-HS-HSE-GEN-PRO-800-LPCOATEN HSES Minimum Standards f or Line Pipe, Weight Coating and Logistics
W-QY -QAC-GEN-SPE-800-PQSRCSEN Project Quality Sy stem requirements for Contractors and Suppliers
W-MA-OFP-POF-SPE-800-INDBENEN Specifi cati o n f or Bends Manufactured by induction Heating
W-MA-OFP-POF-SPE-800-LINEPIEN Specifi cati o n f or Line Pipe, (Inc. Buckle Arrestors and Transition Pieces)
W-MA-ENG-GEN-SPE-800-FLC001EN Specifi cati o n f or Internal Coating - Flow Coat
W-LC-CWC-GEN-SPE-800-CWC001EN Specifi cati o n f or Concrete Weight Coating - CWC
W-LC-CON-GEN-SPE-800-PTSFSPEN Pipe Tracki n g Syste m Functi o n al Specifi cati o n
W-MA-OFP-POF-SPE-800-MEASUMEN Measu re m en t of Residual Magnetism in Steel Line Pipe

DNV OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems.

DNV-RP-F106 Factory applied external coatings for corrosion control

DIN EN ISO 306 Plastics-Determination of Vicat softening temperature of
DIN EN ISO 527 Plastics-Determination of tensile properties
DIN EN ISO 8130-1 Coating powders – Part 1: Determination of particle size distribution
by sieving
DIN EN ISO 8503-4 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products – Surface roughness characteristics of blast-
cleaned steel substrates – Part 4: Method for the calibration of ISO
surface profile comparators and for the determination of surface
profile; stylus instrument procedure
DIN 30670 Polyethylene coatings of steel pipes and fittings; requirements and
ISO 62 Plastics-Determination of water absorption
ISO 179 Plastics- Determination of Charpy impact properties
ISO 868 Plastics-Determination of indentation hardness by means of a
durometer (Shore Hardness)
ISO 1133 Plastics-Determination of melt flow rate of thermoplastics.
ISO 1183 Plastics-Methods for determining the density and relative density
(Specific Gravity) of plastics, excluding cellular plastics.

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ISO 1304 Rubber-Carbon black. Determination of iodine-absorption number.

Titrimetric method
ISO 1872 Plastics- Polyethylene (PE) moulding and extrusion materials – Part
2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
ISO 2808 Paint and varnishes – Determination of film thickness
ISO 8501-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products. – Visual assessment of surface cleanliness. Part 1:
Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates
and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings
ISO 8502-3 Preparation of steel substrate before application of paint and related
products tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 3:
Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting
(pressure-sensitive tape method)
ISO 8502-9 Preparation of steel substrate before application of paint and related
products tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness – Part 9:
Field method for the conductometric determination of water-soluble
ISO 8503-1 Preparation of steel substrate before application of paint and related
products surface roughness characteristics of blast cleaned steel
ISO 8503-4 Preparation of steel substrate before application of paint and related
products surface roughness characteristics of blast cleaned steel
substrate – Part 4: Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile
comparators and for the determination of surface profile
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements
ISO 11124 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products – specification for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives
ISO 11127-6 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products – test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning
abrasives – Part 6: Determine of water-soluble contaminants by
conductivity measurement
ISO 11357 Plastics – Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) – Part 2:
Determination of glass transition temperature
ISO 15512 Plastics – Determination of water content

ISO 21809-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries –External coating for buried or
submerged pipelines in pipeline transportation systems – Part 1:
Polyolefin coatings (3-layer PE and 3-layer PP)

ISO 21809-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries –External coating for buried or
submerged pipelines in pipeline transportation systems – Part 2:
Fusion-bonded epoxy coatings

ISO 11127-6 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products -- Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives -- Part 6:
Determination of water-soluble contaminants by conductivity measurement

ASTM D 570 Water absorption of plastics

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ASTM D638 Tensile properties of plastics

ASTM D1505 Flow rates of thermoplastics by extrusion plastometer
ASTM D1525 Vicat softening temperature of plastics
ASTM D 1693 Environmental stress-cracking of ethylene plastics.
ASTM D 2240 Rubber property – Durometer hardness
ASTM D 4060 Abrasion resistance of organic coatings by the Taber Abraser
ASTM D 4940 Standard Test Method for Conductimetric Analysis of Water Soluble
Ionic Contamination of Blast Cleaning Abrasives
ASTM G8 Test for cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings
ASTM G 14 Test for impact resistance of pipeline coatings (falling weight test)
ASTM G 42 Cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings subjected to elevated or
cyclic temperature
SSPC-AB-1 Mineral and Slag Abrasives
SSPC-AB-2 Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous Metallic Abrasives
SSPC-AB-3 Ferrous Metallic Abrasive

3.1 Operating env ironment and design temperature
The PE external anti-corrosion coating shall be able to withstand a maximum design temperature of
80°C, and a minimum design temperature of -40°C both in an offshore and onshore environment
involving attack by chemical agents and/or of microbiological type.
Storage conditions of coated pipes: coating shall be able to withstand a minimum temperature of
-40°C and a maximum temperature of +80°C.

Design life of the 48” O.D. pipelines is 50 years and shall include several (3 or 4) wall thicknesses.
Line pipes for offshore use have a minimum design temperature equal to -10°C, maximum design
temperature equal to +40°C.

Note: Some line pipe quantities intended for above ground use at landfalls may be ordered without coating
and with wider design temperature range (typically these pipes shall have minimum design temperature
equal to -38°C and maximum design temperature of +60°C).

The design pressures range from 177.5 barg to 220 barg.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that his application procedures shall have no detrimental effect on the
internal flow coating which may have been applied by others, including the introduction of
contamination/material deposits from the 3LPE process onto the painted surface.
Reference is made to COMPANY specification W-MA-ENG-GEN-800-FLC001EN. The surface
roughness, the mechanical properties and the integrity of the internal coating shall not be
negatively affected by the external coating process.

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3.2 Com position of the coating system

The pipe external coating shall consist of:

- One layer of fusion bonded epoxy; thickness shall be minimum 0.150 mm.

- One layer of adhesive; thickness shall be minimum 0.200 mm.

- One layer of HDPE base with additives.

- One layer of PE Powder (Rough Surface Finished, minimum particle size 0.5 mm).

- The overall coating thickness, excluding possible sinter powder used for increasing the
surface roughness, obtained by adding the thickness of the individual layers shall be
minimum 4.2 mm and maximum average of 7.2 mm.

The minimum thickness may be reduced by a maximum of 10% on top of the longitudinal
weld seam. (Minimum coating thickness is 3.8 mm on top of the weld).
Minimum and average thickness values shall be measured in accordance with the clause
12.2.3 of this document.

4 Coating Materials

The materials shall be fully compatible with each other for use in a Three-Layer Polyethylene coating system.
The adhesive copolymer and the polyethylene top coat shall preferably be produced by the same
Manufacturer. Contractor shall propose a Three Layer PE Coating System in compliance with the
requirements of this specification and shall have a proven track record on similar projects.

4.1 Epoxy primer

The epoxy resins to be used shall:

a) be completely compatible with the adhesive

b) shall be in compliance with Table 1

Table 1 — Requirements for the epoxy material

Properties Unit Test Method Requirements

Moisture content % by Annex K of

ISO 21809-1 d 0, 6
Minimum glass transition °C Annex D of t 95, and as per manuf acturer specification.
temperature (Tg2) (DSC Analy sis) ISO 21809-1
Gel time at 205°C +/-3°C. % Annex J of ± 20%. Within per manuf acturer’s specification
ISO 21809-1
Density g/l Annex N of As per manuf acturer’s specification r 0,05
ISO 21809-1
Note: DSC Analysis, Polymerization condition in accordance of Manufacturer Specification.

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4.2 Adhesiv e
The adhesive (polyethylene compatible grafted type) shall be in compliance with Table 2
Table 2 — Requirements for the adhesiv e material (grafted adhesive in pellet)

Properties Unit Test Method Requirements

Elongation at break at
% ISO 527-2 or ISO 527-3 t 600
23 °C +/- 2 °C (a)
Tensile y ield strength at
Mpa ISO 527-2 or ISO 527-3 t8
23°C +/-2 °C
Vicat sof tening
°C ISO 306 t 85
temperature A/50 (9.8N)
Water content % ISO 15512 d 0,1

(a) 2 mm thick compression moulded sheet, test specimen ty pe according to ISO 527-3, strained at 50 mm/min

4.3 HDPE Layer

The PE compound shall:
a) be able to withstand the maximum design temperature (80°C) and pipes storage conditions of
the pipeline and be dyed by the CONTRACTOR with 2-3% of carbon black with iodine
absorption number always over 110 (ISO 1304), stabilized with additives to withstand oxygen
action and the application and service temperatures.
Additives used shall not float to the surface of the coating while it is being applied.
b) be in compliance with Table 3.

Table 3 — Minimum requirements for PE top layer

Properties Unit Test Method Requirements

Melt f low index/rate g/10mn ISO 1133 Manuf acturer data sheet

Density of the base resin g/cm 3 ISO 1183 (all parties) t 0.930
Elongation at break
% ISO 527-2 or ISO 527-3 t 600
at 23°C +/-2°C **
Table 1 -Tensile Y ield
Mpa ISO 527-2 or ISO 527-3 t 15
strength at 23 °C +/-2°C **
Vicat sof tening temperature
°C ISO 306 t 110
A/50 (9.8N)
Water content % ISO 15512 d 0,05

Hardness Shore D Unit ISO 868 t 55

ESCR (50 °C, F50, Cond. A

or B, 10% Igepal CO 630) h ASTM D-1693 t 1000

Oxidation induction time t 30

(intercept in the tangent min ISO 11357
method) at 210 ° C

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Resistance to abrasion mg/1000

ASTM D 4060 ”10
UV Resistance and thermal Annex G
ageing % 'MFR d 35
ISO 21809-1
** 2 mm thick compression moulded sheet, specimen ISO 1872-2, strained at 50 mm/min

5 Storage of coating m aterials

5.1 Preserv ation of coating materials

Materials that shall be used for coating shall be stored as follows in the CONTRACTOR’s facilities:

All cleaning and coating materials shall be stored in such a manner that they are not detrimentally
affected by climatic or other injurious conditions and according to the supplier’s recommendations.

The containers holding liquid products shall be kept hermetically sealed, and be protected from sun
rays and stored at a proper distance from heat sources and from those areas where free flames are

The containers shall not be in direct contact with the ground.

Solid products shall be kept in sheltered areas with controlled temperature and humidity, in
accordance of the supplier’s recommendations.

Products supplied packaged shall be kept in their packing until they are used; any handling shall be
carried out taking care not to damage these packages.

Packaged materials shall not be placed nor stored on wet or damp surfaces or environments, nor in
places that can be flooded or are near to possible sources of fire.

All products that become altered for any reason shall be removed from the manufacturing areas.

Raw materials shall be used in a manner First In / First Out.

6 Cleaning and surface preparation before coating

Before pipes are cleaned, all pipes shall be carefully visually inspected to check metal surfaces for
corrosion and any presence of oil, grease or other foreign substances, in order to be able to choose the
most suitable cleaning process. Pre-treatments shall be performed, if needed, in accordance to the
provisions of ISO 8501-1.
All pipes shall be externally washed by high pressure fresh water at the plant entry point. The minimum water
pressure shall be hundred (100) bars.
The washing operation shall be carried whilst the pipe is rotating.
The total external pipe surface shall be cleaned.
The cleaning method shall be tested and documented as report as part of the MPQT.

6.1 Env ironmental conditions

CONTRACTOR shall check that the pipe surface is completely dry before blast cleaning. The pipe
temperature shall be at least 3°C above the dew point immediately prior to abrasive blast cleaning.

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6.2 Preheating of pipes

The equipment used for preheating the pipes shall be approved by COMPANY.

If CONTRACTOR uses open flames in direct contact with the pipe surface, the surface shall be
kept in motion in respect to the flame at a minimum rate of 10 mm/sec, along a helically winding
path. The flame shall also be adjusted in its combustion ratio so that no soot or moisture is
deposited on the metal.

The preheat temperature shall be kept between 35°C and 80°C; it shall be checked at least three
times for every work shift (at the start, middle, and end) and whenever stoppages occur in the
production line.

Preheat temperature shall be checked using contact thermometers or similar COMPANY approved
devices. All temperature measurements shall be recorded on the production record.

6.3 Abrasiv e Cleaning

The grit used in the coating plant shall be in accordance with the requirements of ISO 11124.
The abrasives shall be maintained clean, dry and free from contaminants in accordance to
SSPC-AB 1, SSPC-AB 2 and SSPC-AB 3 so as not to contaminate the substrate.
The use of shot (round) abrasives is not allowed.

Pipe surfaces shall be cleaned to a degree corresponding as a minimum to Sa 2 1/2 of ISO 8501-1,
i.e. white metal finish. After completion of the blasting operation the steel surface shall be thoroughly
checked. Any slivers, swabs, burns, laminations and gouges shall be removed by grinding. The
remaining wall thickness shall comply with minimum requirements of Document No.
W-MA-OFP-POF-SPE-800-LINEPIEN Specification for Line Pipe. The maximum allowable area of
grinding shall be 10 cm 2 per 1m pipe length.

The average surface roughness Rz (cut off 2.5) shall be between 50 and 90 microns, measured
according to ISO 8503-4.

Soluble salts on the steel surface shall be checked after water washing, before and after blast cleaning
and should preferably be performed on the cut back area. Salt contaminations on the surface shall be
measured by a Soluble Salt Detector, SCM 400 or equivalent, measuring conductivity.
Requirements: Maximum 1μg/cm².

Steel pre-treatment using chromate solution is required, and shall be part of the MPQT and shall follow
the recommendations of the SUPPLIER.
Time lapse between blasting to coating application shall be limited as follows:

Relative humidity (R.H) Max elapsed time

RH > 80% 1.5 hours
70% < RH < 80% 2 hours
RH < 70% 3 hours

7 3 Layer Coating

7.1 Coatings Materials

The coating material (batch certificate) shall be supplied in accordance with DNV-RP-F106.

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7.2 PE application methods

Coating materials shall be applied according to the Manufacturer’s recommendations and following
the CONTRACTOR’s application procedure approved by COMPANY.

Note: Use of recycled FBE material is not allowed.

It is not allowed to stop and restart the coating application sequence on any pipe.

If stoppage cannot be avoided, the coating already applied shall be stripped and the pipe shall be
sent back to the process starting point (blast cleaning).

The maximum temperature of the steel shall be limited to 225°C. Unless the CONTRACTOR can
prove that the Internal Flow Coating and steel properties define in specifications
W-MA-ENG-GEN-800-FLC001EN and W-MA-OFP-POF-SPE-800-LINEPIEN respectively are not
affected by the higher steel temperature. Constant measurement of pipe temperature shall be taken
by automatic pyrometers and recorded before and after FBE application. Line speed shall also be

PE application shall result in a homogeneous and solid coating, showing good adhesion, no
wrinkles, no cavities, no air bubbles and no air entrapment along the weld seam; this applies in
particular to where weld beads protrude from the rest of the pipe surface.

The surface of the PE coated pipes shall be specially treated in order to obtain a rough surface which
provides high level of shear resistance between PE and Concrete Coating. The rough coat shall be applied
in such as manner as to provide a uniform finished, securely adhered to 100% of the 3LPE coated surface.

CONTRACTOR and Weight Coating CONTRACTOR shall prove that this surface is sufficient by
testing pipes which have received a concrete coating layer on top of the PE layer, see MPQT
requirements, section 12.1

Forced cooling shall result in no damage or deterioration of the PE coating.

Note: As part of the MPQT, verification need to be done for steel properties, in case of more than
one stripping is necessary to be done on the same pipe.
In case one pipe is subject of stripping more than once, the supplier needs to prove the steel properties are
not adversely affected and the pipe properties for YS + TS are maintained however the YS/TS ratio maximum
shall not exceed 0.94, (in transverse and longitudinal direction).
For that, simulation of stripping operation on bare pipe needs to be done according to the following process:

1) Pipe heating at the temperature requested for coating application (max 225°C).
2) Pipe water cooling until ambient temperature.
3) Pipe heating at temperature necessary for stripping.
4) Pipe water cooling until ambient temperature.
5) Realization of samples for the verification of the Yield Strength (YS) and Tensile Strength (TS).

This operation cycle of coating and stripping simulation and Yield Strength, Tensile Strength testing needs to
be repeated two times on the same pipe (total three cycles).

After this verification is done and acceptable results are obtained, the following requirement shall apply:
In case, pipe(s) need to be stripped more than two times, the relevant pipe(s) after the second stripping need
to be subjected to natural rust surfaces before re-blasting and coating.

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7.3 Line pipe, Buckle arrestors and transition pieces coating cut back
External coating shall be removed (cut back) from the pipe ends with a tolerance of +/-10 mm over a
length to be specified by COMPANY at later stage. The exact length and tolerance depends on selected
pipe lay contractor and has to be confirmed by COMPANY no later than six (6) weeks before
Manufacturing Procedure Qualification Test.

Cut back includes full removal of both PE layer and of the adhesive layer, while the epoxy layer shall be
left to a distance of 50 ± 20 mm from PE bevel.

No damage of the protruding epoxy primer layer shall be accepted over a distance of minimum 30 mm to
the base of the PE bevel. In case of damage in that area the cut back length of the PE- and adhesive
layers shall be increased to reach a 30 mm wide undamaged primer layer. In case the total cut back
length exceeds the specified maximum value the pipe shall be reduced in length by re-beveling.
The re-finished pipe end shall comply with the requirements of W-MA-OFP-POF-SPE-800-LINEPIEN.


Damages of less than 4 cm² are acceptable on the protruding epoxy primer layer located outside the
above mentioned 30 mm wide undamaged primer zone.

The maximum number of damagesis two (2) per pipe end.

A series of four (4) sequential pipes (during production) with damages shall immediately requires corrective
action at the end finishing station.

Damages located after the 30 mm wide undamaged zone, as described above, shall be repaired according to
a procedure proposed and accepted at MPQT by the COMPANY.

The PE removal straight to the 50 mm of the epoxy protruding as well as the angle of the PE of ” 20 degrees
shall be carried out by a tool type knife, wire brushes are not authorized.

Local spots of residual adhesive layer, or larger areas with thin adhesive layer (Epoxy has to shine
through) in the 50 mm protruding epoxy layer are acceptable.

The cut back end shall be tapered to an angle of ”20 degrees to the epoxy primer layer.
The bare pipe ends (including root face and bevels) shall be properly cleaned to bright steel and shall be
free of any fabrication residuals.

Pipe ends shall not to be protected by any kind of painting (varnish or equivalent).

Hard Stamp shall be varnish (durable protection) and a white paint mark close to the hard stamp shall be
applied on the bevel to easily locate the hard stamp.

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Note: For Buckle Arrestors and Transition Pieces, cut back length and tolerance depends on selected
pipe lay contractor and has to be confirmed by COMPANY. Schematic shall be provided by the
Buckle arrestors and transition pieces shall be manufactured from standard pipe lengths with machining
taking place after 3LPE application.

8 Marking

CONTRACTOR shall assure that neither the hard stamped markings on pipe ends (bevels), the bar
codes nor the internal stencil marking are damaged during the coating and handling process.
Marking shall be performed at line pipe mill and internal coating facilities in accordance with W-MA-
OFP-POF-SPE-800-LINEPIEN and W-MA-ENG-GEN-SPE-800-FLC001EN respectively.

9 Handling, Storage and Delivery of the coated pipes

9.1 Pipe Storage

Pipe storage areas within the CONTRACTOR’s facilities shall meet the following requirements:

- Storage area shall be at least thirty (30) meters distance from any type of electrical power
line, the distance being measured from the vertical projection on the ground of the nearest

- Shall be free or be freed before use from all kinds of plant life; the same applies to a
surrounding area of a width sufficient to keep fires from propagating to the pipe stacks.

- Shall be free or freed before use from protruding stones and foreign matter.

- Shall be level on a horizontal plane, in order to allow uniform loading of the supports and
ensure stack stability.

- Flat wooden supports shall be positioned on the ground. The outside supports shall be at
least 0.5 meter distance from the pipe end.

- Shall have sufficient load bearing capacity, in order that no contact occurs between pipes
and ground soil shall be at least twenty (20) cm.
Should the distance between the ground and the bottom of the first layer be less than 20cm
mentioned above, restacking should be required by the Company.

- Supports shall be of a size and number sufficient for avoiding permanent deformations,
through proper load distribution.

- Shall never be directly exposed to salt water spray.

- Shall be stacked in an area that is self-draining and / or guarded against localized flooding.

9.2 Pipe Handling, Stacking

All stacking operations shall be performed using lifting equipment (such as cranes, overhead or
other, lift trucks) with adequate slings equipped of hooks protected or vacuum systems. Hooks for
lifting pipes from their ends shall be provided with a rubber or copper sheathing in order to avoid
damaging the pipe bevels and coating.

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Handling operations and equipment shall all strictly comply with the applicable safety regulations
and laws

Suspended pipes shall be kept from swiveling around, either by the type of lifting device selected or
by the addition side guide ropes attached to the lifting equipment.

All personnel involved in the handling operations shall be adequately trained.

When handled, pipes shall be kept from striking or scraping against other bodies or pipes;
positioning of the pipes on those already stacked shall be carried out using utmost care.
Slings equipped with hooks shall also neither strike nor scrape the pipes.

Handling procedure shall have to be submitted and approved by COMPANY.

Stack height Calculations shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval.

Pipe Surface temperatures of the coating can reach - 40°C in winter and + 80°C in summer

Careful visual inspection shall be performed during transportation, and all pipes showing damage
and/or surface defects shall be properly repaired (see § 11).

Bevels with depth damages over one (1) mm caused by handling operations shall be re-beveled.

Damages to pipes caused during coating process shall not be accepted and the cause for such damages
shall be rectified prior to production start.

10 Local safety requirements and HSE requirements

It is the duty of CONTRACTOR to observe the local regulations on safety and health applicable to
his premises. Special consideration shall be given to the following:

a) The abrasives selected for blast cleaning shall not be harmful to operators’ health.

b) The material storerooms shall be appropriately ventilated and complying with applicable law
provisions on safety and fire prevention.

11 Defective coating, coating repairs

Defects caused during coating process are not acceptable and pipes have to be rejected.
Pipes have to be recoated after stripping.

Repairs are only allowed on coating damages caused by handling, transport and destructive
coating tests. CONTRACTOR shall forward a coating repair procedure which considers the
following repair limitations:

A. Maximum damaged coating area shall not exceed 100 cm 2.

B. Regardless of the area, not more than three (3) repairs may be performed on each individual pipe;
no repair shall be allowed in the first 400 mm of each end of the pipes.

C. Complete removal of the coating shall be required when the above limits are exceeded.

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CONTRACTOR shall propose a repair procedure, including materials which shall be qualified and
approved by COMPANY before use.

The proposal shall specify the material characteristics, as well as application and test / inspection
The area to be repaired shall be adequately prepared by removing the damaged coating until sound
coating is reached, and the edges smoothed down to the steel or FBE surface to ensure an even
transition between the top of the repair and the bottom.

Maximum temperature during Stripping / Recoating & Repair shall not exceed 225°C.

12 Quality Control and Inspection activities

12.1 Manufacturing Procedure Qualification Test

CONTRACTOR shall prepare a test program and submit this for approval to the COMPANY. This
MPQT shall be performed under the surveillance of Company.

The CONTRACTOR shall require from SUPPLIER that all coatings materials are qualified in
accordance with the requirements of this specification (Para 4.1 to 4.3) and DNV-RP-F106.
Historical Data can be accepted if this data is not more than two (2) years old and the tests have
been executed by an independent and accredited test laboratory.

At least twelve (12) weeks before coating production start, fifteen (15) sample pipes shall be coated
continuously (in one sequence run) without break, by CONTRACTOR. These fifteen (15) pipes shall
be specially inspected and tested and shall act as the Manufacturing Procedure Qualification Test
(MPQT). Where possible, the MPQT should be performed on the same pipe (heats) as used for the
line pipe (steel) MPQT, including the four MPQT pipes which have been subject to mechanical testing
during line pipe MPQT. They shall all be prepared to a surface cleanliness and roughness complying
with this Specification.

The qualification shall be repeated should any of the following changes be made after MPQT:

- Raw material composition.

- Production process and parameters which influence the material processing behavior.
- Line speed defined during MPQT (tolerance ± 5%).
- Change of wall thickness (unless approved otherwise by COMPANY)
- New production line.
- Production facility.

Coating system applied during MPQT shall be specified in the MPS document.
Coating repair shall also be performed during the MPQT in accordance with DNV-RP-F106,
Sec.6.4.11. Testing on repairs shall be shown in CONTRACTOR APS approved by COMPANY.

One pipe shall be coated with 1/3 of the length with a full 3-Layer PE Coating, 1/3 of the length only
with adhesive and epoxy primer layer and 1/3 of the pipe length with only epoxy primer. This pipe
shall be subject to full visual inspection, and all non-destructive and destructive coating tests as per
acceptance criteria as specified in this Specification. The fourteen (14) remaining pipes shall meet
all MPQT criteria’s.

Twelve (12) fully coated pipes (three layers) shall thereafter be sent to a concrete coating yard for
concrete coating and testing as per concrete coating specification: W-LC-CWC-GEN-SPE-800-

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12.1.1 Documentation for MPQT

In line with COMPANY approved schedule, CONTRACTOR shall supply the following documents for
COMPANY approval:

- Coating application procedure specification (APS) in accordance with DNV-RP-F106.

- Inspection and test plan (ITP) in accordance with DNV-RP-F106.
Where possible, all information shall be included under one manufacturing and inspection

All manufacturing and inspection steps required for the process shall be included.

Testing and inspection shall be performed in a systematic manner to ensure repeatability of testing.

MPQT shall be documented in a separate report and approved by COMPANY prior to start of mass
production and shall meet the requirements of DNV-RP-F106, section 6.4.

CONTRACTOR shall prepare a Daily Log Format in accordance with DNV-RP-F106 for COMPANY
approval prior to the start of production. During production the daily log shall be updated on a daily
basis and be available for COMPANY review at any time throughout production.

12.2 Qualification testing of coating

12.2.1 Visual examination

All PE coated pipes shall be subjected to visual inspection.
The coating shall not present any type of defect, such as: air bubbles, air entrapment located at
weld seam, wrinkles, cuts, bulging or heaping of material, lack of fusion of the sides for laterally
extruded coating, etc.
The regularity of the PE layer roughness is inspected by comparison with a sample taken on MPQT

12.2.2 FBE layer porosity

The coating integrity of each test pipe shall be examined by viewing the cross section of the coating
thickness. The FBE-Layer shall be examined under x40 magnification. Porosity and voids in the
corrosion coating shall follow the reference of ISO standard 21809.2.

12.2.3 Coating thickness

Coating thickness shall be checked by means of an electronic depth measuring device in accordance
with ISO 2808 method No. 7 and ISO 21809-1, Annex A. Checking by means of a pit depth gauge shall
not be permitted. Coating thickness checks shall be made on each pipe. The thickness inspection shall
consist of an electronic measurement of the coating thickness at twelve (12) locations around the pipes
circumference over the full coated pipe length.
Six (6) measurements shall be made on the weld over the full pipe length in addition to those specified

12.2.4 Degree of cure

The thermal properties of the cured FBE layer shall be measured by the use of Differential Scanning
Calorimetric (DSC) in accordance with ISO Standard 21809.1 Annex D. ǻTg shall be within ± 3°C. The
results of all of these measurements are to be included in the MPQT report.

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12.2.5 Holiday Test

The holiday detector shall be operated according to ISO Standard 21809.1. Annex B. The voltage shall
be set at 25 KV.

12.2.6 Hot water soak test

During coating qualification, at the beginning of production, at each start up and at each FBE batch
changes CONTRACTOR shall provide minimum three (3) samples coated with FBE primer layer
only for hot water soak tests that certify long term bonding properties of the coating.

The test section shall be subjected to water immersion testing at 80ºC ± 3ºC (COMPANY shall
consider alternative methods that do not require pipe cutting). The coating shall show no loss of
adhesion after 48 hours, tested by cross cut test. A detailed test and evaluation-procedure for this
test shall be prepared by CONTRACTOR and shall be approved by COMPANY.

In addition, the full 3LPE system shall be tested in accordance with ISO 21809-1, Annex M.

Note: COMPANY reserves the right to have the results of the certified tests confirmed through
testing at other laboratories.

12.2.7 Quality requirements and inspection for MPQT and production

Table 12.2.7
Coating Qualification Testing (MPQT) and Production Control
Item / Property Test Method Acceptance criteria Frequency
MPQT Production
Epoxy Layer
ISO 2808 method 7. 150 μm minimum/ Every day at the
Thickness And maximum agreed at 1 pipe beginning of the shift and
Para 12.2.3 MPQT each start up
ISO 21809.1 Every day at the
Degree of cure Annex D. Tg 2 – Tg  ǻWJ 1 pipe beginning of the shift
And ǻWJ± 3ºC and each start up
Para 12.2.4
At the beginning of
Hot water soak test Para 12.2.6 No loss of adhesion 1 pipe production, each start
up and each changes of
FBE batch
ISO 21809-2 At the beginning of
FBE Layer porosity And No greater than level 1 pipe production, each start
Para 12.2.2 show in ISO 21809-2 up and each changes of
FBE batch
At the beginning of
FBE Layer dry ISO 21809-2 Rating 2 1 pipe production, each start
adhesion Annex A.4 up and each changes of
FBE batch
Adhesiv e Layer
200 μm minimum/ Every day at the
Thickness Para 12.2.3 maximum agreed at 1 pipe beginning of the shift
MPQT and each start up
Full Layer
ISO 2808 method 7. 4.2 mm minimum On the first 5 pipes at
Thickness And Average 7.2 mm maxi. all pipes the beginning of each
Para 12.2.3 (-10% maxi on the shift and after every 10 th
weld seam, 3.8 mm). pipes

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Visual Inspection / Sound and continuous each pipe each pipe

ISO 21809-1
Holiday test And 25 KV. No holiday each pipe each pipe
Para 12.2.5
First pipe and start
Adhesion (peel ISO 21809.1 Min 150 N/cm at 20°C all pipes up/lead pipe, then one
strength) Annex C Min 40 N/cm at 80°C per shift both pipe ends
(Figure C2) In each case tolerance at 20°C and 80°C
± 2°C

Impact resistance ISO 21809-1 10 impacts at once per PE batch at

Annex E 7 J/mm at 23°C ± 2°C 3 pipes 23°C ± 2°C
7 J/mm at -40°C ± 2°C 1 pipe
-40°C test on pipe
ISO 527-2
Tensile strength or > 15 MPa. 23°C ± 2°C once once per PE batch
(a) ISO 527-3

ISO 527-2 After extrusion

Elongation at break or • 400 % once once per PE batch
ISO 527-3 23 °C ± 2°C
ISO 21809-1 0.2 mm at 23 ± 2°C
Indentation 0.4 mm at 80 ± 2°C once once per PE batch
Annex F
ISO 1133 ǻ0)5”
In process And (comparison between once each start up
degradation and UV ISO 21809-1 virgin granulate and
resistance after extrusion of the
Annex G same batch)
24 hours@65°C, -3.5V 1 pipe per day at 65°C.
Cathodic disbonding ISO 21809-1 28 days@23°C, -1.5V 2 pipes
(Temperature Annex H 28 days@80°C, -1.5V At all
tolerances ± 2°C) Radius disbondment: temp
Initial hole 6 mm. < 7mm T° 23 and 65°C
< 15 mm for T° 80°C
At the beginning of
Hot water immersion ISO 21809-1 Average ” 2mm, 1 pipe production, each start
test Annex M 0D[LPXP” 3mm up and each changes of
disbonding FBE batch

Residual magnetism COMPANY 20 Gauss average. all pipes 1 pipe every 10 pipes at
Specification 25 Gauss maximum ends both ends. 4
W-MA-OFP-POF- measurement at each
SPE-800- pipe end.
100% coverage of PE
PE Powder. Para 12.2.1 powder. all pipes all pipes
Rough surface for Test pieces shall be
Final Layer. agreed at MPQT for
production quality
control comparison
Note: Due to prevailing ambient conditions, (greater than 23°C) Contractor may propose a higher test temperature when performing the
adhesion & impact strength tests, as long as the acceptance criteria in this specification is met

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Requirements for inspection of Surface preparation and coating as per table 12.6.2

A “START UP” is defined as a modification of production parameters recorded during the MPQT or a
stop of the coating line of more than 24 hours.

All MPQT production parameters used, based on manufacturer requirement and tolerances, shall be recorded
during qualification tests to ensure they are reproduced during the production phase.
During production, should a change request of agreed parameters exceed the recommendations of
manufacturer tolerancesand / or line speed above or below 5% of the actual speed qualified defined during
MPQT, a new MPQT shall be performed. COMPANY shall define what production parameters shall be
recorded with CONTRACTOR to confirm that MPQT quality is replicated in production.

12.3 Reception of bare pipes

Upon receiving the pipes to be coated, CONTRACTOR shall first verify at once that the pipes are not
damaged and that there are no apparent defects.

If damages such as dents, cuts or scratches are found on the bevel, these damages shall be
recorded without fail in the shipping documents, making reference to the serial number of the pipes

Damaged or defective non-conforming pipes shall be appropriately segregated (quarantined).

CONTRACTOR shall provide a written report for submission to COMPANY that is entitled to reject
damaged pipes.

12.4 Reception of the coating materials

All materials that shall be used for pipe coating shall be properly checked upon their delivery to the
coating facilities, in order to verify that their containers are well preserved and to segregate
immediately any material that does not comply with the requirements of this Specification.

COMPANY may have samples of the delivered materials taken and analyzed elsewhere.

The packaging / container markings shall also be checked, as well as the accompanying
documents and shall include material certificates showing results of tests performed by the
Manufacturer on the coating products.

12.5 Pipe identification

Before starting any work, CONTRACTOR shall be in possession of the Packing List of the pipes to
be coated. If the Packing List is not yet available, CONTRACTOR shall request and obtain it before
starting work.

CONTRACTOR shall compare pipes serial numbers and these shall be matched with the ones
listed, identifying all inconsistencies. When these cannot be solved (e.g. packing list without any
such serial no. and showing no pipe of such length) a written report shall be submitted to

CONTRACTOR shall take the pipes serial numbers and record them, and enter these data into the
Pipe Tracking System of COMPANY.

If pipes have not yet been internally coated and stencil marked inside, CONTRACTOR shall write
pipe numbers with indelible paint on the pipe inside surface before starting work on the pipes.

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Note: Internal coating (flow-coating) shall be completed before any external anti-corrosion coating
is applied, except for special pipes requested by COMPANY .

The serial number shall follow the pipe in all production stages and appear in the pipe final marking.
It shall be recorded on all production documents and on the quality control record.

All pipes shall be traceable to the coating material batch Number.

Note: There shall be no hard-stamping of pipe steel surfaces (only exception is the pipe number
hard-stamp on pipe (end) bevel, (see Specification for Line Pipe).

12.6 Control of surface cleanliness

After blast cleaning and before the primer is applied the pipe shall be subjected to the following

12.6.1 Visual inspection

All the blast cleaned pipes shall be subject to a visual inspection.
CONTRACTOR shall assign properly qualified personnel to perform this inspection.

In addition to verifying that the surface cleanliness grade is as required, CONTRACTOR shall check
that blast cleaning has not revealed surface defects such as slivers, scale, cuts, dents and pitting.
All surface defects of a limited size (slivers, light pitting) shall be removed by light grinding.

After grinding the remaining wall thickness shall (be measured and) comply with the minimum wall
thickness tolerance requirements in the Line Pipe Specification.

If the area to be ground exceeds 10 cm 2, CONTRACTOR shall re-blast the area.

Dust test as per ISO 8502-3 shall be carried out during production, dust quality rating of 2 or better.
Test frequency is every hour as long as results are acceptable, otherwise every pipe shall be dust

If defects such as scale, deep pitting and dents are found, CONTRACTOR shall segregate
(quarantine) the pipe, marking clearly the defect area(s).

These defective pipes shall be checked by COMPANY before any decision whether to use or scrap
is made.

12.6.2 Check of surface roughness and coating

At the start, and then every work hour the pipes surface roughness shall be checked in accordance
with the provisions of ISO 8503.
The roughness values measured shall be recorded on the relevant production certificate.

Table 12.6.2. Requirements for inspection of surface preparation and coating

Frequency during
Properties Unit Test Method Requirements
during MPQT

Surf ace condition / Visual f ree of contaminations each pipe each pipe
bef ore blasting Inspection and no steel def ect

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Env ironnemental /
as determined at time
conditions Calculation once ev ery 4 h
of measurement

Minimum 3°C abov e

Pipe temperature °C the dew point.
Thermocouple once ev ery 4 h
bef ore blasting (Minimum ambient
temperature 5°C)

Visual Certif icate conf ormity

Size, shape and And And
properties of / ISO 11124 once 1 / day
Compliance to
abrasiv e (all metallic manuf acturing /
part) working procedures

Water soluble
contamination of μS/cm ASTM D 4940 Conductiv ity max. 60 once 1 / shif t
abrasiv es

5 f irst pipes
ISO 8502-9 (beginning of
Soluble salt before Salt content (NaCl) the shif t)
and each pipe
blasting μg/cm2 max. 1μg / cm2
ISO 11127-6 1 pipe in the
shif t
5 f irst pipes
ISO 8502-9 (beginning of
Soluble salt after Salt content (NaCl) the shif t)
μg/cm2 and each pipe
blasting max. 1μg / cm2
ISO 11127-6 1 pipe in the
shif t
At beginning of
the shif t and
Surf ace roughness af ter ev ery
of blasted surf ace μm ISO 8503-4 50 to 90 μm 5 pipes hour.
At each pipe
Visual inspection of /
ISO 8501-1 Grade Sa 2 1/2 each pipe each pipe
blasted surf ace
Max. class 2
Presence of dust d 2 f or the size
ISO 8502-3 5 pipes ev ery 1 h
af ter dust remov al / and
d 2 f or the quantity
Visual Inspection of
pipe prior to / Visual No steel def ect, each pipe each pipe
introduction to the
coating line

Coating Line minutes CONTRACTOR Variation f rom MPQT Minimum ev ery

Minimum once
Speed APS +/- 5% 0.5 hour
control bef ore and Continuously
af ter epoxy monitored,
°C Py rometer Max: 225°C recorded
application and recorded f or
minimum ev ery
prior adhesiv e each pipe
0.5 hour

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Temperature of
Compliance to material
extruded adhesiv e °C Py rometer once Ev ery 1 h
and poly olef in

12.7 Quality Inspection during production

Production parameters shall be recorded (minimum every hour).

Inspection and Testing Plan and daily log according to DNV-RP-F106.

12.7.1 Tests and Test Frequencies

In general, testing and inspection during production shall refer to table 12.2.7 and 12.6.2.

12.7.2 Visual inspection

All PE coated pipes shall be subjected to an accurate visual inspection. The internal painted
surface shall be free of contamination / material deposits from the 3LPE coating process.

The coating shall not present any type of defect, such as; air bubbles, air entrapment along the
weld seam, wrinkles, cuts, bulging or heaping / sagging of material, lack of fusion of the sides for
laterally extruded coating, excessive waviness, etc.

12.7.3 Hot water soak test

Hot water soak test has to be carried out as defined in Para12.2.6. If test failures occur, COMPANY
shall be informed. COMPANY shall decide if the pipes are acceptable or if CONTRACTOR has to
develop another method to increase adhesion.

12.8 Repair Control

All repairs shall be properly checked by performing at least the following:
Visual inspection, Continuity (25 KV) and Thickness check in accordance to the provisions of
paragraph 12.7.2, 12.2.5 and for thickness based on 12.2.3.

12.9 Residual magnetism

CONTRACTOR shall take precautions to avoid too high levels of residual magnetism in the pipes.
CONTRACTOR shall measure residual magnetism in accordance with a COMPANY approved procedure
based on the requirements of the COMPANY Specification W-MA-OFP-POF-SPE-800-MEASMAEN.
Test frequency, in accordance with table 12.2.7.
The residual magnetism shall not exceed 25 Gauss with an average of 20 Gauss using a Hall-effect
Gauss meter.

13 Docum entation

Contractor shall provide to COMPANY: CERTIFICATE EN 10204 – 3.1

Documentation shall comply with DNV-RP-F106 section 6.13.

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CONTRACTOR shall provide to COMPANY their historical data proving the track record of
polyethylene coated pipes for offshore use, including material certificates and laboratory tests. This
documentation shall be submitted together with the bid.

The final Data Book shall include the following details as a minimum:
Ɣ Coating material qualification report.
Ɣ Coating material batch certificates.
Ɣ Application procedure Specification.
Ɣ Procedure Qualification Trial Report.
Ɣ Inspection & Testing Plan.
Ɣ Inspection of surface preparation and coating application.
Ɣ Inspection and testing of applied coating.
Ɣ Inspection of Repair.
Pipe numbers / pipe tracking data
x Details of surface defects and their removal.
x Names of responsible persons.
x Pipe surface finish and profile.
x Material test certificates and IR spectra from tested panels
x Pipe temperature.
x All relevant coating application variables.
x Inspection, holiday detection, thickness, adhesion etc, and details of any repairs.
Ɣ Batch certificates (3.1), including conformity declaration, stating that the data recorded on the
material Certificates comply with the requirements of this Specification.

14 Load Out

Contractor shall submit to COMPANY for approval a fully comprehensive load out procedure, for all pipe
movements from the supplier storage yard to vessel, railway wagon and/or truck.

Specification for External Three Layer Polyethylene Coating W-MA-ENG-GEN-SPE-800-ACC001EN-02 2016-02-24

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