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Evaluator’s Name: ____SAMSON, ROEL RHODAEL P._______________________ Group Name: _4

Instruction: Using your best, objective and fair professional analysis, complete the following evaluation form (2 nd page) concerning
your team member’s performance based on the following rubrics listed below:
Criteria Below Expectation Met Expectation Exceed Expectation
1 2 3
1. Contribution Contributed to the project, but work Contributed to the completion of the Contributed to the completion of the
was inferior or inadequate. project with adequate work. project and submitted high-quality work.
2. Quality Completes all assigned tasks by Completes all assigned Completed all assignments at the level of
deadline. work accomplished and quality exceed the expectation of the
Completed all work is thoroughly, group. Proactively helps other team
comprehensively, and members complete their assigned tasks to
advances the project a similar level of excellence.
3. Teamwork Rarely listens to, shares with, or Usually listens to, shares with, and Always listens to, shares with, and
supports the efforts of others. Often supports the efforts of others. It does supports the efforts of others. Tries to
is not a good team player. not cause “waves” in the group. keep people working well together

4. Attitude Often has a negative attitude about Often has a positive attitude about the Always has a positive attitude about the
the tasks. tasks. tasks. Treats team members with the
utmost respect, being polite and
constructive in communication.

5. Focus and Time Group has to adjust deadlines or Focuses on the task and what needs to Consistently stays focused on the task and
Management work responsibilities because of this be done most of the time and uses time what needs to be done. Very self-
person’s inadequate time well throughout the project. directed. Uses time well throughout the
management and lack of project to ensure things get done on time.
Member’s Name Focus/Time
Contribution Quality Teamwork Attitude Additional Comments
John Davis Baguio 3 3 3 3 3 He is such a good leader. He guided the
whole group as to what to do.
Shara Monique Roluna 3 3 3 3 3 She had done her part really well and she
is very knowledgeable.
Benmar Sabusay 3 3 3 3 3 He is a very good researcher and he really
contributed a big part on the research.
Roel Rhodael Samson 3 3 3 3 3 I think I was able to do my best and
contribution in making this project a
Candid Ren Joven Soringa 3 3 3 3 3 He is very resourceful as he was able to
contribute important informations for the

Do you have any other comments or suggestions about the project?

This project was really fun and very amazing experience because I was able to take part unto creating a concept for a social
enterprise that is benefitial to the society.

Date Evaluated: ______December 12, 2020___________

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