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Interresting logo

- Know your audience

when you are designing your logo you need to think about your audience. Whose
attention are you trying to catch? What appeals to one group of people may not to
appeal to another group. Research who your audience is and what they like. Make sure
your logo design corresponds with the group's preferences. For example, you may want
to avoid putting a sparkle effect on a logo for a tough audience.
- Look for inspiration.
The best logos are often the most unique but that does not mean that they are ideas
that sprang into someone's mind from nowhere. Everything comes from something, so
go out looking for inspiration.
- Keep it simple.
Okay, so now you know your audience and you have been inspired and you have an
idea. You start to sketch it out. Maybe it involves several ideas. Maybe it is a real work of
art. But maybe it is also too complicated. The best logos have a basic simplicity to them
that makes the message they are sending clear. Stay focused on the goal of the logo.
- Use only three colors or less.
With very rare exceptions, the best logos do not use more than three colors. This goes
back to simplicity, but has other reasons behind it too. Logos should be instantly
recognizable, clear, and look good no matter what they are printed on. They should also
work well in color and in grayscale, and using a big pallet will make that tough.
- Get feedback.
Now that you have designed a simple, thoughtful, well-designed logo with a clear
message, it is time to get some feedback from everyone you can. Ask your friends and
family for their input, and if you have customers in the store, feel free to ask for theirs as
well. Listen to the feedback but do not feel obligated to follow everyone's advice.

2. Manage business

- Effective communication

- Timely Brainstorming

- Dynamic Environment

- Authority and responsibility

- Effectual Planning

- Team work

- 4’m of Business

3. What to do before start a business

- do your research – because you want to make sure you understand the industry you'll be involved
in so you can dominate. No matter how unique you might think your business idea is, you should be
aware of competitors
- have a strong mission – need to have a strong mission because standing out or run the business is
not easy and no one things for guarantees the result.

- saving money – have a plan for business need have a money to start it

- understand the risk – there will always have a level of risk when launching a new business venture.
Calculating,understanding, and planning for risk is an important step to take before you start a

- time it right – timing is an important element of start a business. Sure, you want to start your
business at a time when the economy is healthy, but there’s also a flow to decision-making that’s
important to be aware of.

- look for a mentor or advisor – for a newbie like me or us, mentor or advisor is important to help us
understand the business, (include the risk, ideas, or others)

4. to be a great leader

- listen to your team, A real leader understands that their team needs to be listened to and not just
heard. When you listen to your team, you understand their issues, which helps you create a better
working environment for all your team members. When this is achieved the performance of your
team improves, instead of leading a team that has a lot of internal issues.

- be an example, A leader holds themselves accountable for their own actions. This helps their team
know what is expected of themselves. When you operate with high standards, your team knows
they have to follow your example or risk being seeing as incompetent, which would lead to their
dismissal from your team. If you operate without standards, you will find that you have a team who
has no discipline or values.

- know your limits, Just because you are in a leadership position, it does not mean you are
superman. Even a leader needs to know when s challenged is too much for them to tackle by
themselves. Know when to seek help so that you do not compromise your team by making a bad

- prioritize your team, Give your team the resources and environment they need to produce success.
You want to always think of how you can put your team in the position to succeed. Study the who
performs best in what area on your team, and place them within assignments where their talent can

5. how to negotiate

- Make the first offer.

- When discussing money, use concrete numbers instead of a range.

- Only talk as much as you need to.

- Ask open-ended questions and listen carefully

- Remember, the best-negotiated agreement lets both sides win

How to have a good communication

- Listening, listening is one of the most important aspects of communication. Careful
listening can also create an environment in which everyone feels safe to express ideas,
opinions and feelings, or plan and solve problems in a creative way.
- Straight talking, Conversation is the basis of communication, and one must not neglect
its importance. Even a simple, friendly conversation with colleagues can build mutual
trust and even detect problems before they become serious.
- Non verbal communication, The way you look, listen, create, react, gesture, speaks far
more about feelings than words will ever be able to.
- Stress management, When you are under stress you may misunderstand other people,
send confusing nonverbal signals, and use funny patterns of behavior.
- Emotion control, f you are not aware of your feelings you are guided, you will not be
able to express your needs and experiences. This can result in frustration,
misunderstanding and conflict.

6. good image

- Connect with your audience. – This will set you apart from the competition by allowing you
to interact with your audience on a personal level and understand their wants and needs.
The more people you connect with, the bigger your following will become.

- Post regular, high-quality content. Posting high-quality, relevant content will help gain
exposure for your business, build brand awareness, and attract new customers

- Monitor what people think of your brand. - This will help you identify any weaknesses and
make improvements to your marketing and brand strategies.

7. opportunities of business or ideas

Clothing business –

1. Printing and Embroidery Services-: Clothing designers need people to enhance the beauty
of their designs by adding some decorative embroidery and printing, Although you would
need to invest in some equipment and get some training to be able to handle this business,
it is one of the best businesses you can do in the fashion industry

2. Clothing rentals-: Clothing rentals? You probably thought you weren’t reading clearly
right? Yes, clothing rentals is business and good business at that. Now think of this, popular
celebrities are so well popular that they are followed around everywhere they go and they
have their pictures taken at every event.

3. Vintage clothing-: Fashion is something that revolves. Palazzo pants were in vogue when I
was 6 years old but now they seem to be back in trend. There are some people who just love
vintage pieces because they are unique and of good quality and apart from that, movie
producers also use them as costumes for their movies.

4. Clothing line-: You can also consider starting your own clothing brand but you do need a
lot of money and time to do this.

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