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Let’s Practice

A. Give the place value and value of the digit 8 in each numeral.

Place Value

Number Words Figure Value

1. 485 Tens 10 8×10=80

2. 825 Hundreds 100 8×100=800

3. 8 032 Thousands 1000 8×1000=8000

4. 7 908 Ones 1 8×1=8

5. 1 873 Hundreds 100 8×100=800

B. Write the following in words.

1. 461- Four hundred sixty one

2. 809- Eight hundred nine

3. 4, 045- four, thousand fourty five

4. 7, 420-seven, thousand four hundred twenty

5. 3, 004- three, thousand four

C. Write the following in symbols.

1. Five hundred eight - 508

2. Two hundred forty six - 246

3. Three thousand eight hundred seventy -3, 870

4. Eight thousand nine hundred thirty seven -8, 937

5. Six thousand two -6, 002

D. Answer the following

1. What is the digit with biggest value in 1, 459?

Ans: 1 because 1 is in thousand

2. What is the sum of the values of the digit in the tens and thousand place in numeral 9, 087?

Ans: 7 & 9

3. What is the sum values of the digit in one's and hundred place in the numeral 9, 837?

Ans:7 & 8

4. Which digit has smallest value in numeral 1, 089?

Ans: 9 because 9 is tens

5. I am a three digit number my tens digit 3 more than my ones digit my hundred digit is an odd number
than 3. What number am l? Ans:130

Let's create

1. The number has three digit

2. The one digit is twice the hundred digit

3. The tens digit is one more than the one digit





Lesson 2
Let’s Create
Read the problem below and answer the questions that follow.

Jonalyn has five discs, each with a different counting number printed on one face.
However, she lost three discs and all she can remember is that the sum of the five numbers is
50 and the numbers in the two remaining discs are 12 and 9.

1. What is the greatest possible value of one of the numbers?

Answer :26

2. What can be possible values of the three other number?

Answer 1, 3, 25

There are many different possibilities for creating sum of three numbers whose total
is 29

1, 3, 25 or 4, 5, 20 1, 4, 24 4, 619

Let’s Create
Continue the multiplication below. Look for the pattern and give the value of the n.


11 x 11 = 121

111 x 111 = 12321

1111 x 1111 = 1234321

11111 x 11111 = 123454321

111111 x 111111 = 12345654321

1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321

11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321

111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Let’s Create
Answer the following.

1. How can you divide a square cake into eight equal parts with three straight cut? Illustrate
your solution.

Cut #1. Down the center of the cake (vertically) leaving two equal halves
Cut#2. Across the center of the cake (horizontally) leaving four equal slice
Cut#3. Through the middle edge of the cake slicing all four of the pieces in equal halves, leaving eight equal
slice (four equal tops and equal four equal bottom).

2. Some dividends cannot be exactly divided by the divisor. The amount which remains after
division is completed is called remainder. For instance, when you divide 20 by 6, the answer is 3
(since 6 × 3 = 18), but there is a remainder of 2 (20 – 18 = 2).
To check, 6 × 3 + 2 = 18 + 2 = 20.
What is the sum of the possible remainders if the divisor is 20?
Ans: 2 is the sum remainders

30 items quiz

Give the place value and the value of the digit 5 each numeral. Write the answer in the table.

Number Place value value

1. 485

2. 450

3. 2 500

4. 3 450

5. 5 960

Write the following symbol.

6. One hundred fifty -

7. Seven hundred eighty nine -

8. Five thousand sixty one-

9. Eight thousand fourty eight -

10. Six thousand seventy -

Write the following words

11. 345

12. 850

13. 1 645

14. 2 540

15. 8 327

16. 9 568

Subtraction of Whole Numbers


17. kath has 69 pesos. She bought a half gallon of water at 20 pesos how much money that she have
Show your solution

18 Inan has 150 pesos on his pocket. He go to the groceries store to buy some food total 80 pesos how
much money that he have?

19. Junjun bought 20 pieces of egg he cook 7 how many eggs left?

Multiplication of whole number

Find the sum of the following :

20. 7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7=

21. 2+2+2+2+2=

22. 5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5=

23. 3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3=

24. 4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4=

Division of whole numbers

25. I travel 90km/h but my destination is 200 miles what (km/h) I will reach in 2hr

Division as Inverse Operation of Multiplication

26. Ashley has 500pesos. She has 3 brothers Ashley give 50 pesos in each of his brother

How many left on his money?

Answer the following

27. Which digit has the smallest value in the numeral 1078?
28. What is the digit with the biggest value in 1 458?

29. What is the sum of the values of the digits in the ones and hundreds place in the numeral 8

30. What is the sum of the digits in the tens and thousands place in the numeral 8 980?

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