DOH Hospitals PGS Stage PSG Module 1 Session Attendance Center For Health Development Site

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Center for Health

DOH Hospitals PGS Stage PSG Module 1 Session Attendance

Development Site

Mindanao Central Sanitarium Initiation Stage Attended

To undergo Accreditation for

Dr Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital Initiation Stage. Target: Attended
November 2020.

Margosatubig Regional Hospital None Attended

Zamboanga Peninsula To undergo Accreditation for

Zamboanga City Medical Center Center for Health Initiation Stage. Target: Attended
Development November 2020.

Basilan General Hospital None None

Labuan Public Hospital None Attended

Sulu Sanitarium None None

ISO Certification Status
Year certified/
PGS Module Date ISO 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2015

Jul 16-18, 2018 No Yes 2018

Mar 25-27, 2019 Yes Yes 2018

Mar 25-27, 2019 Yes Yes 2017/2018

Mar 25-27, 2019 Yes Yes 2017/2018

None No Yes In process

Jul 16-18, 2018 No No -

None No No No
Directive Meeting Meeting Updates
No. Date No. Agenda Item Directives
Region IX
BARMM Inter-Regional CHD ZP to facilitate the MOA Awaiting submission of MOA by BARMM to ZCMC
Referral System between ZCMC and BARMM for
59 7-Apr-20 4 medical assistance to BARMM

COVID-19 SNL FICT-Asec VisMin to coordinate

Concerns with PHST Asec on the upgrading
of the Cotabato Regional Medical
86 14-Apr-20 5 Center as an SNL

DDC Updates On issues of internet connectivity, DICT and DOH have institutional arrangement on
CHDs may coordinate with their utilizing the internet bed tracker of DICT
regional DICT counterpart for the
89 14-Apr-20 5 provision of Wifi routers

Arising Concerns CHD to refer to the FICT-Asec and Initially the issue on cases wherein LGUs do not
FICT-Usec concerned on cases accept recovered patients have raised in one of
wherein LGUs that do not accept the meetings of the Economic Cluster, Regional
recovered patients, and private COVID-19 Task Force. RD Monicimpo issued a
hospitals refusing admission of directive to RLED to monitor reports of hospitals
patients not accepting patients. A directive was also given
91 14-Apr-20 5 to the Provincial Health Offices and City Health
Offices during the conduct of regular PHO/CHO
Consultative Meeting via teleconference with DOH

EB Information System All CHDs (RESUs) to create RESU currently completing the creation of account
accounts for the EB Information for the EB Information System
116 21-Apr-20 7 System

EB Information System All CHDs (RESUs) to instruct their A Regional Memorandum was issued to the City
PESUs and LESUs and Provincial Disease Surveillance Officers on the
(CIty/Municipality) to create creation of accounts for the EB Information
accounts for the EB Information System
117 21-Apr-20 7 System (EB shall verify the
account with the RESU and grant

PPE Projections and FICT-Asecs (CHDs and DOH DOH ZPCHD to submit the list of PPe donations to
Allocation Hospitals) to submit to AFMT AFMT/ Office of Civil Defense Regional Office IX
reports on PPEs donated directly
123 21-Apr-20 7 to facilities under their areas of

PPE Projections and FICT-Asecs and CHDs to collect

Allocation the itemized daily consumption of
127 21-Apr-20 7 PPEs per day of Hospitals; and
submit to PHST/DPCB

Updates on the COVID- FICT-Asecs and CHDs to submit to

19 Referral Hospitals HFEP the list of COVID-19 Referral
130 21-Apr-20 7 (DOH, LGU and Private) Hospitals
Other Matters: (1) CHDs (GIDA Coordinators), with DM 2020-0192 was disseminated to Provincial
Reminders for COVID- the LGUs, to ensure access of Health Offices/ City Health Offices and Provincial/
19 Response in GIDAs GIDAs to COVID-19 services, to City DILG Offices
include access to Temporary
Treatment and Monitoring
132 21-Apr-20 7 Facilities/Community Isolation
Units, and COVID-19 Referral

LGU Epidemic CHDs to encourage facility DOH ZPCHD registered 100% Accomplishment
Response Framework cooperation in submission to DOH Rate
and COVID-19 LGU Data Collect to improve precision
136 24-Apr-20 8 Monitoring Platform of projections and risk

LGU Epidemic CHDs to register at DOH ZPCHD representative was able to access the
Response Framework system (already with username and password)
137 24-Apr-20 8 and COVID-19 LGU
Monitoring Platform

LGU Epidemic CHDs to send training requests at On-going preparation of training request
Response Framework
138 24-Apr-20 8 and COVID-19 LGU
Monitoring Platform

Arising Concerns CHDs to coordinate with DOST

139 24-Apr-20 8 Regional Offices

Status of Action Points FICT Asecs to issue memo to Memorandum already forwarded to the City and
from the Previous DOH remind PDOHO to mobilize the Provincial DOH Offices. DMOs are actually
TGRO Meeting DOH Representatives/DMO to involved in data collection and in the provision of
assist in facilitating report technical assistance to the City/ Provincial/
submissions and provide technical Municipal Local Government Units
149 29-Apr-20 9 assistance to PESU and MESU

RTF Reporting CHDs to submit reports to both DOH ZPCHD regularly submit daily reports to RTF
Templates their respective RTF and the DOH and DOH TGRO based on the new template
TGRO Secretariat through
153 29-Apr-20 9 (copy furnishing their respective
FICT Asecs and Usecs)

DDC App submissions CHDs (RLEDs) to review the list of Reports already forwarded to NHFR
hospitals in the DDC app and
submit the list of non-functional
hospitals to (cc:
155 29-Apr-20 9, HFSRB,
FICT Asecs and FICT Usecs)

Execom Lightning Hospitals to identify and train at Completed submission

Meeting least 6 designated swabbers per
156 29-Apr-20 9 hospital to conduct swabbing on
Findings of the WHO CHDs to facilitate the conduct of The following is the list of DOH employees,
Scoping Mission online trainings on IPC protocols Hospitals, City Health Offices, Rural Health Units
(hosted by USAID-DOH-WHO- which participated in the online trainings on IPC
157 1-May-20 10 UNICEF) for LGUs and Hospitals Protocols hosted by USAID-DOH-WHO-UNICEF
within their areas of responsibility

Reminder on Online CHDs to accomplish online sheets Request were submitted last April 29, 2020
Submission of for requests for emergency hiring
Requests for of HRH
159 1-May-20 10 Emergency Hiring of

Decision Process for FICT-Usecs, FICT-Asecs, and CHDs Three names of DOH ZP-CHD Personnel who will
ECQ/GCQ and the to submit the names, mobile access the website are already submitted.
Updated FASSSTER number and email addresses of
Dashboard designated point persons for the
FASSSTER website to
160 May 6 11
2020 HFIDT to share the copy of the

Technical Assistance Secretariat shall collect from CHDs Technical Assistance Plan and Platform for Health
Plan and Platforms for comments and clarifications and Facility Capacity Building for review and
May 6
11 Health Facility Capacity endorse to HFDB for appropriate comments by ZP-CHD
Building action

Updates on the Sub-allotment will start on Friday. Procurement Unit was informed of their
Bayanihan Act CHDs are advised to undertake development.
Equipment the necessary preparations for
162 May 6 11 the procurement process of the
2020 medical equipment

Updates from TGRML CHDs to submit daily inventory DOH ZP-CHD will submit our report today at 2PM
report on COVID-19 related and we will regularly submit inventory report on a
commodities in the DDC bed weekly basis.
tracker once the updated app is
available. FICT-Usecs to
coordinate with KMITS and HFDB
May 6 to develop a 4th version of the
163 11
2020 DDC Bed Tracker App, with a
different type specific for the daily
PPE inventory of CHDs and DOH
Updates on the Policies CHDs shall disseminate DM No. DM 2020-0124 was already disseminated to the
on (1) Blood Safety and 2020-0124 “Interim Guidelines on Provincial City, Municipal LGUs, hospitals, Red
Adequacy and (2) Ensuring Bloody Safety and Cross, other blood facilities, and concerned
Management of Adequacy for COVID-19 stakeholders.
COVID-19 enclosed Response” to blood centers in
spaces their areas of responsibility
PHST/DPCB to consider including
a provision for testing of PDLs in
the draft interim guidelines for
the management of COVID-19 in
May 6
11 Enclosed Spaces PHST/DPCB to
2020 consider incorporation of best
practices conducted by
international communities on
management of PDLs in the draft
interim guidelines

Other Matters: CHDs through RIATF may grant DOH ZP-CHD to propose for the inclusion of their
Exemptions for passage to patients who need life matter or one of the agenda for the next Regional
Persons Traveling for saving interventions while Inter-Agency Task Force.
Urgent Life-Saving awaiting policy from the PHST.
Medical Interventions Good practices and suggestions
and Other Medical on intra-regional and inter-
May 6 Considerations regional transfers may be coursed
165 11
2020 through FICT. PHST to come up
with the guidelines on the
classification of urgent medical

TTMF Tracker CHDs to determine who will List of TTMFs to be submitted to the Office of
register the TTMFs to USEC Dumama/Ferrer
176 8-May-20 12 (i.e. CHDs, LGUs)

TTMF Tracker CHDs to determine who will Mr. Genesis Samso/Mr. Sammy Jammang will be
encode TTMF data daily into the the identified point person.
177 8-May-20 12 tracker (i.e. TTMF Data Manager,
PHA, LGU, DMO, etc.)

TTMF Tracker CHDs to ensure daily reporting To ensure daily transmission of data to the TTMF
178 8-May-20 12 from TTMFs Tracker

Philippine COVID-19 Philippine COVID-19 Situational DOH ZP-CHD to issue Memorandum to PHOs,
13-May-20 13 Situational Report as of Report as of May 13, 2020 CHOs, MHOs, RHUs to determine the number of
May 13, 2020 LGUs conducting Rapid Antibody Testing
CHD Initiatives on CHD Initiatives on COVID-19 RD Monicimpo to report the CHD initiatives in
13-May-20 13 COVID-19 Response in Response in Closed Settings COVID-19 Response on Closed Settings during the
Closed Settings 14th TGRO Meeting this afternoon
VisMin Situational VisMin Situational Report Hospitals with PPE allcoation already submitted to
13-May-20 13 Report concerned offices
76th ExeCom 76th ExeCom Directives] On-going
Directives] Emergency Emergency Hiring of HRH through
13-May-20 13 Hiring of HRH through Bayanihan Act Funds
Bayanihan Act Funds
CHD Initiatives on CHDs to be proactive in seeking * ZP-CHD Memorandum No. 034 S. 2020 dated
COVID19 Response in initiatives that will benefit all May 14, 2020 to Provincial, City, Municipality
Closed Settings sectors related to health Health Officers and Development Management
Officers in the provision of date related to COVID-
19 Response from all facilities with enclosed
population (eg. Home for the Aged, Monastery,
Orphanage, Rehabilitation Center, BJMP Jails,
Provincial and City Jails)
* PDOHOs to identify initiatives and engagement
activities with the management of facilities with
enclosed population.
* PHOs and PDOHOs to ensure that prison
201 15-May-20 14 facilities and other facilities will adhere to strict
Infection Prevention Protocol and to draft
initiatives and plan on COVID-10 Response and
* Dissemination of Dept. Memo dated April 30,
2020 Subject: Interim guidelines in the Prevention
and Control of COVID-19 in Prison and Detention
Facilities to PHO and PDOHOs.

Remaining CHDs shall present ZP-CHD Submitted the report on CHD Initiatives on
their initiatives on COVID-19 COVID-19 Response (May 21, 2020).
202 Response on Wednesday, 20 May

Status of Action Points CHDs to coordinate with OCD * ZP-CHD consulted with DILG RO IX in the
Regional Counterparts for data harmonization of data with DILG.
reconciliation * PDOHO were also instructed by RD Monicimpo
15-May-20 14 to coordinate with DILG Provincial Director on the
same matter.

Contact Tracing Matrix CHDs to review contact tracing Inputs were already submitted at
matrix from OCD, DILG, and EB

15-May-20 14

Bicol CHD Emergency Western Visayas CHD to assist N/A

15-May-20 14 on Laboratory Bicol CHD on transferring and
processing samples

Other Matters: DOH DOH Facilities to promote New A report as models for the New Normal will be
Hospitals as the Model Normal and Infection Prevention submitted on June 3, 2020 as per Memorandum
27-May-20 15 for the New Normal and Control Protocols 2020-017

NCIP - DOH - DILG JMC Meeting with NCIP, DILG and DOH Participants on the NCIP, DILG, and DOH CHDs
2013-0001 CHDs on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, Meeting:
1300H. ARDs and IP Coordinators Dr. Joshua Brillantes (ARD), Dr. Augusto Manolo
215 27-May-20 15 to attend. Alpichi (LHSD Chief), and Ms. Janine Rodriguez
Other Matters: DOH DOH Facilities to promote New *Regional issuances on Infectious Prevention
Hospitals as the Model Normal and Infection Prevention Control Protocols were disseminated to all
for the New Normal and Control Protocols hospitals, PHOs, CHOs, RHUs, jail facilities, and
other stakeholders.
* DOH ZP-CHD facilitated the conduct of webinars
on IPC and health care waste managment
conducted by USAID, Several hospitals, RHUs, and
219 27-May-20 15 DOH ZP-CHD personnel attended the webinar.
* Dissemination of AO 2020-0015 Guidelines on
the Risk-Based Public Health Standards for COVID-
19 Mitigation.

Other Matters: CHDs to provide comments and Submitted last May 28, 2020 via email (4:12 PM)
Balik Probinsya input, especially on the roles and
221 27-May-20 15 Program responsibilities of DOH in the BP2.
Deadline: May 28

CHD Situational CHD Directors are reminded to * Dissemination of AO 2020-0015 on the

Reports ensure that minimum health Minimum Health Standards to all DOH ZP-CHD
standards are implemented in the Staff including PDOHOs and CDOHOs.
DOH offices in the region to * A technical working group was organized and
protect DOH health workers from tasked to draft an Internal Guidelines on the
224 29-May-20 16 infection Minimum Health Standards and New Normal for
DOH ZP-CHD Regional Office and Provincial/City

CHD Situational ZP CHD to coordinate with Sulu RD Monicimpo has already coordinated with the
Reports on the establishment of COVID-19 Provincial Health Officer of Sulu regarding this
testing laboratory matter. Follow up calls will be done to formalize
229 29-May-20 16 the technical assistance needed to be provided by
ZP-CHD to the Province of Sulu.

Continue to provide assistance to RD Monicimpo acceded with the verbal

BARMM due to the geographic instructions of USEC Dumama regarding the
limitations to access to the area continuous provision of logisti support and other
230 29-May-20 16 technical assistance to BaSulTa by DOH ZP-CHD.

CHD Situational Other CHDs are advised to take ZP-CHD has already instituted administrative and
Reports note of the engineering measures engineering control in the Regional Office and
infection control such as vehicle PDOHOs/CDOHOs based on the guidlines on the
231 29-May-20 16 wheel baths, acrylic sheet barriers Risk-Based Public Health Standards for COVID-19
and hand washing facilities Mititgation (AO 2020-0015).

CHDs to report the inventory of all Report on PPE Donations received by DOH-
PPE donations received with the Retained Hospitals and Public/private Hospitals
status of the commodities upon was already submitted to the email provided.
232 29-May-20 16 arrival and the accomplishments
on distribution to health facilities

CHDs to explore the practice of ZP-CHD has provided a separate biometrics

CHD 3 to institute administrative machine for RESU Staff. Some RESU Staff assigned
measures such as zoning of areas in the ZCMC COVID-19 Testing Laboratory utilize a
within the CHD, classification of logbook provided by the hospitals for their
employees based on the nature of attendance (daily time-in and time-out).
233 29-May-20 16 work and defer biometrics log
from employees with higher risk
to transmit infection
Central Visayas, Eastern Visayas, Presented last May 29, 2020 (16th TGRO).
and MOH BARMM to prepare a
234 29-May-20 16 presentation for next meeting

Balik Probinsya Bagong CHDs to strengthen the Point Persons for the BP2 Program
Pag-asa (BP 2) coordination with the LGU - Dr. Augusto Manolo Alpichi (LHSD Chief)
counterparts re: BP2 program and - Dr. Herbert W.S. Saavedra (MO IV, Cluster Head-
235 29-May-20 16 other repatriation efforts Local Health System)
- Dr. Maryrose B. Rendon (MO IV, Cluster Head-
Infectious Disease Cluster)

CHDs to be cautious of the

236 29-May-20 16 political boundaries in LGUs,
provinces, and ICCs
EV CHD to conduct RT-PCR testing N/A
237 29-May-20 16 on all BP2 participants who arrive
in their AOR
EV CHD to submit a formal report NA
and presentation for reference of
238 29-May-20 16 FICT for presentation to the

Other Matters CHDs ensure improvement in the ZP-CHD will convene a meeting with the other
coordination between CHDs national government agencies (DILG, BOQ, and
regarding LSI returning to their DOT) under the Health Cluster of the Regional
239 29-May-20 16 provinces Task Force for COVID-19 Response to discuss
agency updates for the LSIs and RFWs.
201 15-May-20 14 CHD Initiatives on CHDs to be proactive in
COVID19 Response in seeking initiatives that
Closed Settings will benefit all sectors
related to health

202 Remaining CHDs shall

present their initiatives
on COVID-19
Response on
Wednesday, 20 May

15-May-20 14 Status of Action Points CHDs to coordinate

with OCD Regional
Counterparts for data

15-May-20 14 Contact Tracing Matrix CHDs to review contact

tracing matrix from

15-May-20 14 Bicol CHD Emergency Western Visayas CHD

on Laboratory to assist Bicol CHD on
transferring and
processing samples
* ZP-CHD Memorandum
No. 034 S. 2020 dated
May 14, 2020 to
Provincial, City,
Municipality Health
Officers and Development
Management Officers in
the provision of date
related to COVID-19
Response from all
facilities with enclosed
population Submitted
(eg. Home thefor
report on CHD
the Aged, Monastery, Initiatives
on COVID-19Rehabilitation
Orphanage, Response
Center, 21,BJMP
Provincial and City Jails)
* PDOHOs to identify
initiatives and
engagement activities
with the management of
facilities with enclosed
PHOs and consulted
PDOHOswith to
ensure that prison the
facilities and otherof data
with DILG.
facilities will adhere to
PDOHO werePrevention
Infection also
instructed by RD
Protocol and to draft
initiatives and to plan
with DILG Provincial
COVID-10 Response and
mitigation.on the same
* Dissemination of Dept.
Memo datedalready
Inputs were April 30,
submitted at
2020 Subject: Interim
guidelines in the
Prevention and Control of
COVID-19 in Prison and
Detention Facilities to

27-May-20 15 Other Matters: DOH Facilities to promote New
DOH Hospitals Normal and Infection
as the Model Prevention and Control
for the New Protocols

215 27-May-20 15 NCIP - DOH - Meeting with NCIP, DILG and

DILG JMC DOH CHDs on Tuesday, June 2,
2013-0001 2020, 1300H. ARDs and IP
Coordinators to attend.

219 27-May-20 15 Other Matters: DOH Facilities to promote New

DOH Hospitals Normal and Infection
as the Model Prevention and Control
for the New Protocols

221 27-May-20 15 Other Matters: CHDs to provide comments and

Balik input, especially on the roles
Probinsya and responsibilities of DOH in
Program the BP2. Deadline: May 28
224 29-May-20 16 CHD CHD Directors are reminded to
Situational ensure that minimum health
Reports standards are implemented in
the DOH offices in the region to
protect DOH health workers
from infection

229 29-May-20 16 CHD ZP CHD to coordinate with Sulu

Situational on the establishment of COVID-
Reports 19 testing laboratory

230 29-May-20 16 Continue to provide assistance

to BARMM due to the
geographic limitations to access
to the area

231 29-May-20 16 CHD Other CHDs are advised to take

Situational note of the engineering
Reports measures infection control
such as vehicle wheel baths,
acrylic sheet barriers and hand
washing facilities
232 29-May-20 16 CHDs to report the inventory of
all PPE donations received with
the status of the commodities
upon arrival and the
accomplishments on
distribution to health facilities

233 29-May-20 16 CHDs to explore the practice of

CHD 3 to institute
administrative measures such
as zoning of areas within the
CHD, classification of
employees based on the nature
of work and defer biometrics
log from employees with higher
risk to transmit infection

234 29-May-20 16 Central Visayas, Eastern

BARMM to prepare a
presentation for next meeting

235 29-May-20 16 Balik CHDs to strengthen the

Probinsya coordination with the LGU
Bagong Pag- counterparts re: BP2 program
asa (BP 2) and other repatriation efforts
236 29-May-20 16 CHDs to be cautious of the
political boundaries in LGUs,
provinces, and ICCs

237 29-May-20 16 EV CHD to conduct RT-PCR

testing on all BP2 participants
who arrive in their AOR

238 29-May-20 16 EV CHD to submit a formal

report and presentation for
reference of FICT for
presentation to the Execom

239 29-May-20 16 Other Matters CHDs ensure improvement in

the coordination between
CHDs regarding LSI returning to
their provinces
A report as models for the New Normal will be submitted
on June 3, 2020 as per Memorandum 2020-017

Participants on the NCIP, DILG, and DOH CHDs Meeting:

Dr. Joshua Brillantes (ARD), Dr. Augusto Manolo Alpichi
(LHSD Chief), and Ms. Janine Rodriguez (DMO III)

*Regional issuances on Infectious Prevention Control

Protocols were disseminated to all hospitals, PHOs,
CHOs, RHUs, jail facilities, and other stakeholders.
* DOH ZP-CHD facilitated the conduct of webinars on IPC
and health care waste managment conducted by USAID,
Several hospitals, RHUs, and DOH ZP-CHD personnel
attended the webinar.
* Dissemination of AO 2020-0015 Guidelines on the Risk-
Based Public Health Standards for COVID-19 Mitigation.

Submitted last May 28, 2020 via email (4:12 PM)

* Dissemination of AO 2020-0015 on the Minimum
Health Standards to all DOH ZP-CHD Staff including
* A technical working group was organized and tasked to
draft an Internal Guidelines on the Minimum Health
Standards and New Normal for DOH ZP-CHD Regional
Office and Provincial/City Offices.

RD Monicimpo has already coordinated with the

Provincial Health Officer of Sulu regarding this matter.
Follow up calls will be done to formalize the technical
assistance needed to be provided by ZP-CHD to the
Province of Sulu.

RD Monicimpo acceded with the verbal instructions of

USEC Dumama regarding the continuous provision of
logisti support and other technical assistance to BaSulTa

ZP-CHD has already instituted administrative and

engineering control in the Regional Office and
PDOHOs/CDOHOs based on the guidlines on the Risk-
Based Public Health Standards for COVID-19 Mititgation
(AO 2020-0015).
Report on PPE Donations received by DOH-Retained
Hospitals and Public/private Hospitals was already
submitted to the email provided.

ZP-CHD has provided a separate biometrics machine for

RESU Staff. Some RESU Staff assigned in the ZCMC
COVID-19 Testing Laboratory utilize a logbook provided
by the hospitals for their attendance (daily time-in and

Presented last May 29, 2020 (16th TGRO).

Point Persons for the BP2 Program

- Dr. Augusto Manolo Alpichi (LHSD Chief)
- Dr. Herbert W.S. Saavedra (MO IV, Cluster Head-Local
Health System)
- Dr. Maryrose B. Rendon (MO IV, Cluster Head-
Infectious Disease Cluster)


ZP-CHD will convene a meeting with the other national

government agencies (DILG, BOQ, and DOT) under the
Health Cluster of the Regional Task Force for COVID-19
Response to discuss agency updates for the LSIs and
242 3-Jun-20 17 Rapid Assessment of CHDs to monitor and assist * Program Coordinators for Family Planning and
family Planning and concerns regarding stock- Adolescent Reproductive Health Services are in
Adolescent outs in their catchment constant coordination with the Provincial and
Reproductive Health areas. Hospital Coordinators on service provision and
Services in Hospitals logistics management.
and RHUs during the * Allocated commodities to the different
COVID-19 Pandemic provinces and cities in the first quarter of 2020.

243 3-Jun-20 17 Rapid Assessment of CHD Directors to cascade Disseminated Department Memorandum 2020-
family Planning and to all concerned parties, 0222 "Guidelines on the Provision of Family
Adolescent and implement the Planning Services During ECQ for COVID-19
Reproductive Health Department Memorandum Pandemic"
Services in Hospitals on the Return to Work
and RHUs during the Arrangements during the
COVID-19 Pandemic Implementation of GCQ.

245 3-Jun-20 17 Re-calibrating CHD Directors to ensure RD Monicimpo reminded the RESU Team to
Response:_x000B__x00 accuracy and completeness ensure accuracy and completeness of data from
0B_Updates on Contact of data from health health facilities submitted to EB.
Tracing facilities submitted to EB

246 3-Jun-20 17 Re-calibrating CHD Directors to facilitate *Line list for the contact tracing already
Response:_x000B__x00 submission of data from submitted to EB.
0B_Updates on Contact facilities to three (3) key *Updated google sheet (Contact Tracing
Tracing stakeholders: LGUs for Monitoring) every 4PM daily.
contact tracing, RESUs
, Individuals tested

247 3-Jun-20 17 Re-calibrating CHD Directors to reiterate *Informed Provincial Disease Surveillance Officers
Response:_x000B__x00 utilization of COVID-Kaya (PDSOs) about the COVID-Kaya System.
0B_Updates on Contact System within their *Disseminated DM to PDSOs.
Tracing catchment areas

250 3-Jun-20 17 Re-calibrating CHDs to organize network *DOH ZP-CHD disseminated DM 2020-0171 to
Response:_x000B__x00 of hospitals to support PHOs, CHOs, and all government and provincial
0B_Hospital surge within the network hospitals.
Preparedness for Surge * Hospitals submitted the health Facility
Capacity Preparedness.

251 3-Jun-20 17 Regional Reports CHD 7 to present their N/A

study on RDT to the TAG.
Provide a write up to FICT
by Friday, 5 June 2020.
258 8-Jun-20 18 Regional Reports ●CHD 6 and 8 to conduct NA
study on the Confirmed
Asymptomatic COVID-19

261 8-Jun-20 18 ●CHDs to urgently double OCD was coordinated on the need to
check on the data on TTMF harmonize data with DOH using the
and coordinate with Regional definition of terms for the variables being
OCD Counterparts for reported in the matrix. Discrepancies were
identified and corrected.
harmonization data; for
presentation on 10 June

262 8-Jun-20 18 PhilHealth CHDs to submit list of List of certified TTMFs was forwarded to
Accreditation of certified TTMFs to their Philhealth Regional Office last June 4, 2020.
TTMF Regional PhilHealth

263 8-Jun-20 18 Cash Assistance to CHDs to fast track provision Region IX, no mortality nor severe/critical
Health Care Workers of cash assistance to case of COVID-19 is reported.
severely affected/died healthcare workers
due to COVID-19 affected/died due to COVID-
19; and submit
accomplishment report to
262 10-Jun-20 19 Updates on Expanded Testing FICT to inform the hospitals not
to charge Genexpert tests

267 10-Jun-20 19 Other Matters: 1. Situational CHD VII to discuss with the
Report of CHD VII Epidemiologic Bureau, the use
of the term: ‘incidental deaths’

268 10-Jun-20 19 Other Matters: 1. Situational CHD VII to improve on the case
Report of CHD VII doubling time and critical care

269 10-Jun-20 19 Other Matters: 1. Situational CHD VII to look into the ~15%
Report of CHD VII positivity rate of laboratory
testing compared to the 7% of
the national

270 10-Jun-20 19 Other Matters: 1. Situational All CHDs to also check test
Report of CHD VII positivity rate of the laboratories
as one of the performance
271 10-Jun-20 19 Other Matters: 2. Facility Surge FICT-ASecs and CHDs to
Capacity Operationalization facilitate the submission of
facilities for their Surge Capacity
Operationalization Plans
272 17-Jun-20 20 Status of Action Points of 19th CHDs to continue providing As of 7PM of June 18, 2020, 102 of 295
DOH TGRO meeting Technical Assistance to the registered TTMFS (34%) are submitting
LGUs on the use of the TTMF their daily reports. The Regional HFDU
Tracker Application Team is in-charge of following up
submission of daily and weekly reports.
The DMOs are closely coordinating with
the TTMF Managers for the daily and
weekly submission of reports.

274 17-Jun-20 20 COVID KAYA Training CHDs to target completion of As of June 18, 2020, there are 9,934
contact tracer training by end of contact tracers and 1, 1012 contact
June 2020 tracing teams organized in the region. Out
of the 9,934 contact tracers, 9,934 were
already trained (100%). The
PDOHOs/CDOHOs were instructed to
ensure that 100% of contact tracers shall
be trained by June 30, 2020.

278 17-Jun-20 20 Surveillance Updates CHDs to provide suggestions * Creation of Regional COVID-19 Special
on the creation of COVID Team through RTF Health Cluster
surveillance teams through Memorandum No. 2 dated June 17, 2020
official communication (Copy of memo sent to FICT).
submitted to EB and FICT. * Creation of Provincial/City COVID-19
Special Team through RTF Health Cluster
Memorandum No. 3 dated June 17, 2020
(Copy of memo sent to FICT).

17-Jun-20 20 Region 8 Status Updates CHD 8 to consider the following N/A

1) Suggest to review
procedures in the triage area
and the implementation of the
IPC in the hospitals
2) review contingency plan and
identify a QF for own staff so as
not to be occupying beds in the

17-Jun-20 20 Region 8 Status Updates CHD 8 to inquire with OSM on N/A

the rescheduling of the ISO
AUDIT. Secretariat to follow up.
17-Jun-20 20 Arising Issues: CHDs to validate data reported The DOH ZP-CHD Data Manager (RESU) in
on contact tracers trained. Contact Tracing Report have already
Contact Tracing Teams coordinated with the DILG Regional Data
Manager. There was an agreement
reacehd between the 2 Data Managers
for the daily vetting and review of data
submitted to DILG to ensure similar data
sets for the two reporting units (DOH IX
and DILG IX).

17-Jun-20 20 Arising Issues CHDs to double check and

address issues on laboratories ZCMC-DA Satellite Laboratory for COVID-
that do not accept specimen 19 Testing and ZCMC-GeneXpert
during holidays and Sundays. Laboratory are operational even during
weekends and holidays.
284 19-Jun-20 21 Local Health CHD Directors are reminded ZCMC-DA Satellite Laboratory for COVID-19 Testing and
Systems to maximize the capacity of ZCMC-GeneXpert Laboratory are operating on full capacity
Monitoring Sub-National Laboratories to even on weekends. This is validated by the reported
conduct tests "absence of backlog" for specimen for testing.

285 19-Jun-20 21 Local Health Ensure that DOH Reps are The DOH representatives are being deployed to their
Systems reporting to their assigned assigned municipalities and cities to provide technical
Monitoring areas to monitor and validate assistance to their assigned LGUs. One of which is data
the outcome of active cases reconciliation with the data managers of the municipalities
to reconcile data of CHDs and and the MLGOOs (Municipal Local Government Operations
RTF Officer).

286 19-Jun-20 21 Local Health CHD 7 to report the NA

Systems Distribution of Confirmed
Monitoring COVID-19 Cases in Cebu

287 19-Jun-20 21 Local Health CHDs AR Directors are RD Monicimpo already issued CHD Regional Office Order
Systems reminded to employ strategies designating ARD Brillantes to supervise the operations of
Monitoring to monitor the discharge of RESU. ARD Brillantes already conducted a meeting with
cases and reporting of RESU Staff to look into mechanisms of hastening reporting of
recoveries recoveries and COVID-19 Suspects/Cases for discharge.

284 19-Jun-20 21 Local Health CHD Directors are reminded

Systems to maximize the capacity of
Monitoring Sub-National Laboratories to
conduct tests
285 19-Jun-20 21 Local Health Ensure that DOH Reps are
Systems reporting to their assigned
Monitoring areas to monitor and validate
the outcome of active cases
to reconcile data of CHDs and

286 19-Jun-20 21 Local Health CHD 7 to report the

Systems Distribution of Confirmed
Monitoring COVID-19 Cases in Cebu

287 19-Jun-20 21 Local Health CHDs AR Directors are

Systems reminded to employ strategies
Monitoring to monitor the discharge of
cases and reporting of

292 19-Jun-20 21 Local Health DOH TGRO Secretariat to NA

Systems prepare an Executive briefer
Monitoring and to notify Execom
Secretariat for inclusion to the
agenda on June 23, 2020
Execom Meeting

293 19-Jun-20 21 Local Health BLHSD to update the NA

Systems indicator for ESU Officer as
Monitoring trained in accordance to AO
294 19-Jun-20 21 Status Improve Case Investigation Per ZP-CHD ROO, ARD Brillantes already convened with the
Updates Process Slide to include the RESU group and already discussed
from CHDs maximum duration of each improvements/interventions on improving and hastening
ARDs/ step of the process of CHDs the turn-around time for case investigation.
function over

295 19-Jun-20 21 Status CHDs to reiterate the SOH ZP-CHD already designated ARD Brillantes to oversee the
Updates orders to designate the ARDs/ operations of RESU.
from CHDs Deputy Minister oversight
ARDs/ function over RESUs
function over

296 19-Jun-20 21 Status CHD Central Visayas to NA

Updates review the reported deaths in
from CHDs facilities due to comorbidities
function over

297 19-Jun-20 21 Status Minimize the possibility of Issuance of ZP-CHD memorandum to PHOs, DMOs, and
Updates infection and utilize the TTMF TTMF in the Reiteration of Utilization of the TTMF tacker and
from CHDs and CIUs the submission of daily and weekly reports. DOH ZP-CHD
ARDs/ commits to achieve 90% submission rate for all TTMFs by the
Deputy end of June.
function over

298 19-Jun-20 21 Status CHDs to submit the

Updates presentations to the
from CHDs Secretariat for consolidation
function over
300 19-Jun-20 21 Status CHDs to release a Regional Regional Office Order already issued.
Updates Order designating the ARDs
from CHDs: to manage the RESUs as
Data directed in the memo from
Harmonizatio SOH dated June 16, 2020
n at the with subject :Directing
Regional Assistant Regional Directors
Level and the Deputy Minister for
technical Operations of MOH
BARMM to Manage Regional
Epidemiology and
Surveillance Units
303 24-Jun-20 22 Status of Action CHDs with pending submissions
Points from the to send the following documents
21st DOH TGRO to the Secretariat within the day:
1.1 Presentation on the Case 1. 1 CHD 8
Investigation Process and data

1.2 Updates on the designation of 1.2 CHD 2

ARDs/Deputy Minister as
oversight function over RESUs

304 24-Jun-20 22 VPD 1. CHDs to develop strategic 1. ZP-CHD NIP Team presented/reviewed the
Surveillance and plans for catching up on the usual immunization coverage among Provincial and
Routine targets and concerns, particularly CHDs City NIP Coordinators during the meeting last
Immunization in on immunization. June 19, 2020
Mindanao 2. NIP Coverage will also be presented and
reviewed with the PDOHOs/CDOHOs during
the 2nd Quarter Meeting and Coaching
Session on July 2, 2020
3. Issuance of Regional Memorandum in the
coninuous monitoring of coverage and NIP

310 24-Jun-20 22 Status Updates CHDs with low COVID-KAYA There are ongoing trainings in COVID KAYA at
from CHDs Utilization are to increase usage the municipal level. As of June 25, 2020, 120
ARDs/ Deputy of the system in their respective CHDs participants already have their username and
Minister regions. passowrd. We will ensure that these trained
oversight personnel of the RHUs will utilize the COVID
function over KAYA App.

313 24-Jun-20 22 Status Updates CHDs to coordinate with LGUs *As of June 25, 2020 a total of 321
from CHDs for isolation arrangements of Community Isolation Units for TTMF App.
ARDs/ Deputy returning LSIs. There are 35 certified TTMFs in the region
Minister which asre also acredited by PhilHealth.
function over *All returtning LSIs are being quarantined at
RESUs the TTMFs. Thus, standard infection control
protocols are being strictly adhered to at all

315 24-Jun-20 22 Status Updates All CHDs to submit issues and CHDs *Form was answered by both RESU IX and
from CHDs concerns regarding COVID-Kaya ZCMC-DA Laboratory COVID-KAYA Users
ARDs/ Deputy operations yesterday, June 25, 2020.
oversight *Google sheet was also filled, June 25, 2020.
function over
316 24-Jun-20 22 Status Updates Remaining CHDs to report on CHDs Done reporting last June 24, 2020.
from CHDs Friday
ARDs/ Deputy
function over
317 26-Jun-20 23 Revised Parameters Coordinate with Regional DILG CHD RDs No LGU submitted an appeal to RIATF on
for Community on quarantine classification the quarantine classification for the
Quarantine Decisions and areas of appeals cities/municipalities.

321 26-Jun-20 23 Regional Actions for Designate point persons to Issuance of DOH ZP-CHD Regional Office
Surveillance and monitor COVID-19 data and for identified Data Managaers. There is
Data Validation flag areas for quick action CHDs one designated Data Manager for the
Cases and transmissions following: COVID Kaya, RESU Surveillance
(COVID Kaya and Surveillance Reports, DOH Data Collect App, and RTF
Reports) Reports.
Health system capacity
(DOH Data collect App and
RTF reports and others)

322 26-Jun-20 23 Regional Actions for Submit comments on the CHDs and 1. KMITS to address glitches being
Surveillance and presentations to secretariat for other encountered by data encoders utilizing
Data Validation reference of the presenters and participants COVIDKaya App
for further discussions on the of DOH
next DOH TGRO meeting TGRO 2. Designated COVIDKaya Data Managers
meeting to seek clarificationfor COVIDKaya
National Data Manager on the manner of
extraction of line list for the COVIDKaya

323 26-Jun-20 23 Status Updates from CHDs to remind PDOHOs to CHDs Issuance of DOH ZP-CHD Memorandum
CHDs: not allow work-from-home to CDOHO/PDOHOs through the
arrangements, as directed by City/Province DOH Officers shall report to
Data Harmonization the Secretary of Health. work, render 40 hours per week, and
at the Regional Level actively provide technical assistance to
their assigned LGUs.

324 26-Jun-20 23 Status Updates from Succeeding presenters to DOH ZP-CHD presented last 22nd TGRO
CHDs: include timelines for specific CHDs Meeting and clearly provided timelines
activities, issues and concerns, per critical action/response.
Data Harmonization and recommendations in their
at the Regional Level report
325 26-Jun-20 23 Updates from the CHDs to enforce the use of CHDs 1. Issuance of DOH ZP-CHD Memorandum
Secretariat specimen collection booths informing recipient facilities to amximize
utilization of Specimen Collection Booths
donated by the DOST.

2. DOH ZP-CHD acknowledged receipt of

the 11 Specimen Collection Booths
through a letter of appreciation to the
Regional Director of DOST. 10 SCBs were
distributed. As for Sulu Sanitarium, there
is still an ongoing repair since the trashbin
was not included when the unit was
327 44013 24 Status of Key BARMM to increase DOH-
Agreements compliance to the DOH BARMM
from the 23rd Data Collect

328 44013 24 All CHDs to discuss with CHDs For DOH ZP-CHD, there are 9 school-based TTMF
DEPED on the extension issued certification. These 8 TTMFs were already
of use of schools as identified secondary sites.

329 44013 24 All CHDs to identify CHDs Some LGU TTMF utilize evacuation buildings
alternative temporary constructed by DPWH. There are 2 certified TTMFs
isolation facilities. utilizing the evacuation center erected by DPWH.
Consider tapping other
agencies for facilities for

330 44013 24 CHDs to identify CHDs PDOHOs and CDOHOs through the DMOs, PHAs, and
facilities/areas with limited NDP Team Leaders assist the facility managers of
connectivity, and provide some TTMF whose areas encounter connectivity
them with technical issues. The TTMF managers provide the data for
reporting and the PDOHOs/CDOHOs facilitate the
support for compliance to encoding of updates/reports through the TTMF
DOH Data Collect Application.

331 44013 24 Updates on CHDs to scout for volunteer CHDs DHO ZP-CHD issued a letter advisory to PMA Regional
HRH doctors for deployment as and Provincial Offices, PHOs, PDOHOs, and RHUs
augmentation augmentation to Cebu attaching the letter of ASEC Ferrer, Re: Volunteer
for Cebu doctors for deployment and augmentation to Cebu.

335 44013 24 CHDs to prepare their CHDs Per TTMF App, ZP-CHD has a total of 341 TTMFs up to
TTMFs and CIUs in the barangay level. These TTMFs are compliant to
anticipation of the arriving DOH standards and now accepting LSIs under
LSIs quarantine.

336 44013 24 Other Matters:

338 44013 24 CHDs to follow up the CHDs DOH ZP-CHD registered 100% submission rate
submission of data on hospital suge capacity plans. All public (DOH Retained
hospital surge capacity and Provincial, Municipal, District) and private
plans of public and hospitals submitted the required reports within the
prescribed deadline.
private hospitals
342 8-Jul-20 25 CHDs to increase users CHDs As of July 7, 2020, for Region IX: Hiningi ko po tong infor doc sa RESU. May
of COVID Kaya in the 33 - Active COVID Kaya Users google sheet din po akong pinapa-update
facilities across their 75 - Trained COVID Kaya Users sa kanila para updated tayo sa
respective areas Active/Trained COVID KAYA Users. Not all
Trained COVID Kaya Users are unable trained COVID KAYA Users are encoders.
to use/access the application due to
unavailabity of computers, laptops,
and android phones. Internet
connection is also limited in rural

349 8-Jul-20 25 Critical All CHDs to reconcile CHDs Reconciled since the primary source Di po kami sure dito ni Doc Mai. But since
Care data on Critical Care of Critical Care Utilization Data is the anmg DOH Collect App po ang source,
Utilization Utilization with HFDB DOH Data Collect App Bed Tracker. reconciled naman daw po.
350 8-Jul-20 25 ARDs to validate data ARDs/ 1. Data Validation to audit DOH Data 1. Nacomplete na po ni Sir Genesis yung
on Critical Care CHDs Collect: Google Sheet updated and google sheet, sya rin po nakapagcontact
Utilization presented by submitted last July 7, 2020. Persons- sa mga hospitals.
Dir. Vera in-charge were contacted by our Data
Collect App Data Manager. 2. Sir Genesis and HFDU po nakapag
attend ng orientation.
2. Orientation Series to DOH Data
Collection v. 4: Orientation last July 7- 3. Si Sir Bryan po ang in-charge for this. As
8, 2020 were attended by our Data of today, kulang na lang daw po ang
Collect App Data Manager. ZAMPEN, WestMetro, and Sulu. Ifa-follow
up nya raw po.
3. Hospital Capacity for Expansion
Survey: Only 2 Level 2 and 1 DOH
Retained Hospital were not able to

352 8-Jul-20 25 CHDs to submit CHDs Submitted last July 7, 2020. Eto po doc yung number 1 sa taas.
validation reports to
HFDB/HFIDT until July
9 2020
355 8-Jul-20 25 Other
356 8-Jul-20 25 COVID-19 CHD Directors to CHDs For positive cases, all contacts were As per Doc D, nagtrain lang daw po ng
situationer emphasize the need for traced. Training is still on going and as more contact tracers. Wala naman daw
contact tracing to of July 8, 2020, a total of 13,424 po tayong nilabas na memo or guidelines
LGUs, since contact contact tracers were trained. for this emphasis.
tracing hiring and
efforts are devolved to
the LGUs

357 8-Jul-20 25 CHD Directors to CHD DOH ZP-CHD had an agreement with Binase ko na lang po doc sa meeting nina
strategize and Directors the DILG Head OPCEN and Data Doc Mai with DILG nung July 7.
implement training of Managers regarding data
contact tracers, and harmonization, strategies, and
immediate provision of data during a
immediately provide meeting held last July 7, 2020.
data on trained Contact
Tracers to DILG

358 8-Jul-20 25 CHDs to fast track CHD DOH ZP-CHD completed submission Submitted na po.
submission of HEICs Directors / last June 10, 2020
directly to HEMB; FICT FICT A (
ASECs to forward ALL rs/1gM8HBzXy8C7yjxh-
submissions to HEMB fbclid=IwAR2MiZvP5lG6Ia06_LNwRYa

361 8-Jul-20 25 SPKP Mindanao Polio EOC to Mindanao Done - attended by ARD Joshua Kanina lang po to doc, sina ARD and Doc
Sabayang hold a command CHDs Brillantes and Dr. Cheryl Sarmiento. Cheng pa ang nakapag attend. Si Doc
Patak meeting on July 9, Cheng po nagpresent kanina.
Kontra Polio 2020, 9:00am. All
Mindanao CHDs to
prepare a 5-minute
report on updates.
362 8-Jul-20 25 Mindanao CHDs to Mindanao Presentation on readiness assessment
present readiness CHDs for provincial and municipal level was
assessment for presented on July 9, 2020 by Dr.
provincial and Cheryl Sarmiento.
municipal level
363 10-Jul-20 26 Status of Key CHDs to follow up on CHDs
Agreements from the the submissions of

365 10-Jul-20 26 WHO WHO /

Representatives to DOH
contact with their CHDs
respective DOH
Counterparts to
initiate the TA.

367 10-Jul-20 26 Focus Group CHDs to review their CHDs

Discussion on the respective number of
ways forward for the Hired Health
New Normal Personnel

368 10-Jul-20 26 CHD 4A and 12 to CHD 4A

provide actions taken and 12
and updates on their
low total hired HRH

371 10-Jul-20 26 CHD Directors to CHD

direct PDOHOs to Directors
take inventory of the /
status of capacities PDOHOs
of the LESUs

372 10-Jul-20 26 CHD Directors to CHD

ensure that LESU in Directors
their respective areas
are capacitated in
pandemic response

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